King Arthur - history, photos, films, actors, qualities


Character History

Epos of gloomy medieval England illuminated the beautiful era of the rule of King Arthur. The noble knight, the wise ruler and the valiant commander gave the country of the world and stability. The character became an embodiment of knightly ideals, uniting the round table under the auspices of honor, courage and loyalty to the Kingdom of the best soldiers. Tens of books, films, theatrical performances and even musicals are devoted to the legend of Celtic legends.


England's mythology is just as rich as a piggy bank of the famous heroes of Ancient Scandinavia, Germany, Russia and Finland. King Arthur, who first fed in 600, took a strong place in folk and literary creativity.

King Arthur - Art

To agree on who was the prototype of Arthur, the researchers still fail to be put forward three main versions. Some seize the origin of a character in Welsh legends, in which the warrior born in Wales was noticed in the fights with saksami, but never occupied the throne. Others argue that the protothes served as Lucius Artories Cast, Roman commander. Third refer to the identity of the winner of the Saxons in the fight at Badona Ambrose Avreleian, also Roman.

Sybakimny, but still proof is that by the 6th century, the peak of the popularity of Arthur was liked, that is, then, most likely, a legendary personality lived, which caused sympathy from contemporaries. Despite the hypotheses about the roots of the hero, it is believed that the British king is a collective image that united biographies of various military and rulers.

King Arthur and Merlin

The details of the life of the authors also differ from the authors, but generally the main milestones are common. Arthur is the fruit of adultery of the King of Britain Uter Padrandon with the Duchess of the playing (another variation of the name - EIGir). To divide the bed with a foreign wife, the king helped the wizard of Merlin, turning Uter in the wife of the ladies in exchange for the fact that the child will take to upbringing.

The wizard delivered the baby to the kind and wise knight to Ecutor, who raised the boy as a native son, tracing military skills.

The Uther was married to the beloved igrana, but the crowned couple did not work out another son. After poisoning, England, the question arose who would take his place. Merlin's cunning wizard invented the "test" - sharpened sword into a stone. Who will pull him out, the king. Arthur, who was served by a legged brother, with ease, took out a weapon and unexpectedly ascended to the throne. However, the truth about his royal origin, the young man immediately learned from Merlin.

King Arthur

King Arthur settled in the legendary Camelot Castle. The building is still looking for "Arturiana" fans, but this fiction of pure water - the castle invented the poet in the 13th century and writer Kreten de Troita. Camelot united about hundreds of famous knights from around the world. The list of friends of the ruler replenished the warriors Gaven, Percival, Galahad and, of course, Lancelot.

Glorious men entered the story as defenders of weak and disadvantaged, patrons of the ladies, the liberators of the state of the subject state from the barbarians and the invaders, the winners of the mythical creatures and evil magicians. They are also famous for those who were obsessed with ideas to find the cup of Grail, giving the owner of immortality. As a result, find the holy thing, from which Jesus drank, managed to the son of Lancelot.

King Arthur, Guineur and Lancelot

The knights were going on a round table. According to one version, the idea of ​​creating the object of furniture such a form belongs to the wife of King Arthur, on the other - the table that rises in the rights and estates of all who sat down for him, presented the ruler Merlin. The wizard often came to Camelot, not only for raising the knights of the knights, but also in educational purposes - set up for good deeds, called upon avoid lies and betrayal.

The board of the noble king Arthur, who managed to save the state from civil wars, was delayed for many years. But the life of the hero was cut off due to the betrayal of his own family.


In the literature, King Arthur appears the main positive hero, an ideal ruler and a fair knight. The character is endowed with noble qualities: in his character, harmoniously combined courage, valor, kindness. He is calm and judicial, even slow, will never allow to execute a person without trial and investigation. Arthur is aimed at combining the state to bring to a new level of development.

The appearance is interpreted in different ways, even medieval artists failed to come to a single look in this matter - then the autocrat is depicted by Lunolic, with curly gray hair, then a thin dark-haired old man. I want to believe the authors of novels and movies, where Arthur is a high growth and strong physique, with a wise look.

Sword Eccalibur

To demonstrate the Bogati Power of the Crown Knight helped the magic sword of Eccalibur, who came to the change of "Sword from Stone". Once in a duel with Perinor (an opponent, who later became an ally), Arthur broke the weapon, thanks to which he asked for the throne. Merlin's wizard promised a wonderful gift and the word executed - the young king got a sword from the hands of the lake fairies, stitched by the elves of Lake Vaten.

The magic weapon struck the enemy without a mischief, but the new owner pledged to use the sword only in the name of good deeds, and when the time comes to return to his lake, which was done after the death of Arthur.

Conquering Artur.

According to Traditions, Arthur participated in a variety of bloody battles. The author of the first chronicles about the king Welsh Monk Nennia describes the 12 brightest battles with conquerors. The main triumph of the autocrat was the battle of Mount Badon, where Britons were defeated by the king. In this battle Arthur with the help of ancalibur struck 960 knights of the opposing side.

King Arthur and Round Table Knights

The Lord of Britons managed to defeat the glimori army in Ireland, and England later received tribute. Three days Arthur was deposited by Saksov in the Caledonian forest and eventually shouted enemies back to Germany. The battle in Pridin also brought victory - Arthur's son-in-law was sat down at the Norwegian throne.


Nadev Koronu, Arthur decided to marry. The choice fell on the beauty, the immaculate and feminine "beautiful lady" Guinev, the daughter of the King of the Ladgerance, who was once saved by the hands of Britain's dealers. The heart of the young man melted from the girl's spell at first sight. The married life was overshadowed only the absence of children - Gwinera wore a curse of infertility, received from the evil sorcerer, about which the couple did not suspect.

King Arthur and Guinera

However, King Arthur had an extramarital son Mordered, and from a consolidated sister. Merlin's wizard for a couple with the Virgin lakes put the chairs to the young man and the girl so that they did not recognize each other and entered the love relationship. The bastards were brought up, invested in a cunning, anger and dreams of power in the boy.

Arthur experienced treason of his beloved wife with a friend Lancelot. The betrayal laid the beginning of the fair era of the Board of the Fair King. As long as the ruler of Britain solved personal questions, chasing the fugitives Lancelot and Gwainrara, Mordered captured power into his hands. In the battle of the Cammy field fell all the military of England. Arthur fought with Bastardom, but a draw was - the son-struck the Son struck the father's fatal wound.


The time of the reign of the glorious King Arthur gell in verses and novels. The noble autocratic first appeared in Welsh poems in 600 AD. As the main character of the People's Traditions of Wales. The Latin Chronicle "History of Britt" found a continuation in the collection of "History of the Kings of Britain" under the authorship of Gelfrid Montmutsky. So the light saw a full-fledged story about the life of Arthur.

First book about king arthur

Starting from the Middle Ages, the legends about the king of Arthur and the valiant knights of the round table began to enjoy the modern form, leaving from under the pen of the colande de Troita, tungsten von Eshenbach, and then Thomas Malory. The character inspired Mark Twain, Alfred Tennison, Mary Stewart and even Nicholas Tolstoy with Stephen King. It is believed that it was from British mythology that the creators of the genre of fantasy were repelled.

We note the most iconic books based on Arturovsky Epos:

  • 1590 - "Queen Fay", Edmund Spencer
  • 1856-1885 - "Royal Idylli", Alfred Tennison
  • 1889 - "The Adventures of Yankees at the court of King Arthur", Mark Twain
  • 1938-1958 - The cycle of the leader "King of the former and the Coming", Terence White
  • 1982 - "Tuman Avalon", Marion Zimmer Bradley
  • 1975 - Mirror Merlin, Andre Norton
  • 2000 - "For Far Waves", Robert Asprin

Films and actors

Following the writers, the image of Arthur picked up cinema. The first film with the Lord of Brittov removed the director Richard Torp in 1954. The work of the Knights of the Round Table, where Arthur's costume wears Mel Ferrer, gained critics praise and was nominated for Oscar and the Grand Prix of the Cannes Festival.

Mel Ferrer in the role of King Arthur

TV viewers of the end of the 70s were watched with interest to the life of the leader of the knights and the game of actor Andrew Berta in the adventure TV series "Legend of King Arthur".

The film industry before the beginning of the new millennium presented the "Arturian" fans for another seven ribbons where different actors starred:

  • 1981 - "Eccalibur" (Nigel Terry)
  • 1985 - King Arthur (Malcolm McDaull)
  • 1995 - "The Adventures of Yankees at the court of the King Arthur" (Nick Manzuzo)
  • 1995 - "First Knight" (Sean Connery)
  • 2004 - "King Arthur" (Arthur played Clive Owen, Grim and Dress Guinea, tried by Keira Knightley, and in the role of Lancelota did Joan Griffith appeared)

Then the directors decided to restore, and by 2017, with new forces, they took up the incarnation of the King of Britets in the cinema. Action "King Arthur: The Return of the Eccalibur" presented at the beginning of Spring Anthony Smith. The head of the shooting process was invited by Adam Bayard, Nikola Stewart Hill, Simon Armstrong.

King Arthur - history, photos, films, actors, qualities 1840_10

Following this premiere, a final trailer came out to a new film from the director Gaya Richie "King Arthur Sword, which presented the viewer in May 2017. In the guise of Arthur, this time was Charlie Hannem. The picture does not have anything to do with the original concept of legends about knights. The main character puts the mask of the leader of the gang of robbers, who seeks to overthrow the dealer of Vortigun. Soundtracks for the painting wrote Daniel Pemberton, winner of the Golden Globe 2016 for the best music for films.

Charlie Hannem in the role of King Arthur

The character also took a worthy place in the animation heritage. The cartoon "Sword in Stone" on the book of Terens White about the childhood Arthur was removed at the "Disney" studio. And 30 years later, the Hero depicted artists "Warner Bros" in the cartoon "Magic Sword: In Search of Camelot".

Interesting Facts

  • In the XII century, during the restoration of Glastonbury's abbey in County, Somerset (England) stumbled upon the grave, on the cross of which the name of King Arthur allegedly engraved. In the XVI century, the monastery was abolished, and the burial disappeared under the ruins. Today, tourists recalls the possible grave of the great ruler of the sign.
  • In the early 80s, in honor of King Arthur, the crater was called the Mimas - Satellite of the Planet Saturn.
  • The statistics of the last film about the valiant knight is impressive. In the "King Arthur" Sword 40 Eccaliburians are involved, and only 10 forged from metal, the rest are made of plastic. In the main battle, 130 horses participated, and in Camelot, a bridge was built with a length of 60 meters, so strong that he kept a dozen riders, jumping along it at the same time.

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