Edgard Spass - Photo, Biography, Personal Life, News, Trainer 2021



Edgard Spared - a representative of the famous old dynasty of the circus artists of the stall. Edgard and his brother Askold - Trainers in the fourth generation. Their names are today known far beyond Russia, and not only as professionals in the circus art, they also regularly appear on different programs and talk shows, participate in public life.

Childhood and youth

Edgard Spared was born in the summer of 1976 in Yalta, on the sign of the zodiac cancer. His Father Walter Spass was already then one of the most authoritative country trainers. Male wards are predatory animals. Walter Mikhailovich - Honored Artist of the RSFSR since 1988.

Circus artists were grandparents. Moreover, Lydia's grandmother's father was the famous eccentric and clown Carl Thompson, German by nationality, who spent in Russia under the scenic name Milton.

So the wagon of the greatness of the clown of Milton - Edgard, Askold and Maritsa, the stall - did not see for himself. The festive atmosphere of the circus they, as they say, absorbed with Mother's milk. Children already in early years knew that they would be successors of the famous stall dynasty.

All childhood, Edgard carefully watched the work of the Father. He left the Manege at the age of 70, but until the end of his life was never able to leave his favorite business and served as the artistic director of the troupes of the "Sad Brothers" created by him.

In early childhood, the boy was greatly different from his junior brother. He was calm and judicial. But Edgard has a difficult character, he was constantly delivered from his parents for wrinkling outs and boiled energy, which beat the key and did not always find the right output.

Mother sometimes looked at the tricks of his son through his fingers, but a strict father controlled not only behavior, but also to school school, checking school estimates until the graduation class. Even at the institute, he was vividly interested in the performance of Askold and Edgard.

Sparable received higher education in the youth. He has a diploma of the Moscow Institute of Entrepreneurship and Law. He owns English and Chinese.

Personal life

According to the artist, he managed to "teach" journalists to the fact that he does not apply to the media driver who give rich food for yellow publications. Therefore, Edgard's personal life was in the shadows for a long time, no one knew anything about her, except for a dozen closest friends. But no one doubted that the Static Handsome (height of 189 cm, the weight of 95 kg) is not deprived of female attention.

In 2008, the artist gave a frank interview with the magazine "7 days", where he told about his first woman. He turned 16 when he switched from theory to practice. But his chosen was 36. She worked in the Novosibirsk circus, where Edgard arrived for a month. He admits that between them was a breathtaking passion. But love did not work out, the difference in 20 years and the youth of the artist.

For 13 years, the trainer lived in a civil marriage with an artist of his circus Elena Petrikova. But the joint life of the pair did not be crowned with a legitimate marriage. According to Edgard, Lena realized that the "Youthman" of her halves would never end, which means that the strong family would not work with him.

His love seemed to be the stall, he met in Voronezh. Red-haired beauty with an excellent figure Olga liked him immediately when he saw her. It happened in one of the fitness centers. Olga Denisova - fitness instructor. Roman broke out. He continued when the girl moved to the capital. Moving to Moscow was associated with her career.

Olga in 2011 gave birth to Edgard's daughter Stefania. But the pair did not turn into an official family. It did not happen after 2 years later, when the second daughter of Gloria appeared on the world.

Nevertheless, Edgard smelled beautiful dad. He takes an active part in the life and education of girls, gave them his last name and took over financial spending. After every tour, he hurries to his beloved daughters and tries to give them a maximum of parent heat.

Next, the personal life of the stall has developed its own way. Soon a man admitted that he has a favorite girl. He hid it for a long time, but when the news was still leaked to the network that the trainer is preparing to become a father for the third time, said the name of his chosen. She became Yaroslavna Demshko. They met in 2013. The couple communicated a lot, and soon decided to go. To be closer to Edgard, Yaroslavna even got a job in the circus of the brothers by the administrator.

In August 2017, a couple had a son who was named Daniel. True, the boy was born a few weeks a few weeks, and he had to be placed in the resuscitation department in a special box. But fortunately, everything cost. Today in the "Instagram" artist regularly appear photos of his children.

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The fans of the trainer are waiting for news about the wedding, but while Yaroslavna remains in the status of Edgard's civilian wife.

In June 2018, a serious scandal broke out around the stall. The network appeared video from training his daughter Gloria, which comprehends the circus profession. On the video, the girl cried from pain after stretching. The man immediately accused of cruel handling of children, to which he did not be silent. Edgard published a big answer to his ill-wishers, but the main quote in this speech was the phrase:

"There is no pain - no result."


Edgard's circus biography began in 1988, when he was 12 years old. It happened in Riga, where the father went with the tour.

After graduating from children, the family went to China. These were the difficult years that is customary to be called a dashing 90s. The crisis experienced the whole country. Artists and circuschi did not exception. In 1991, the walter of the winding Chinese offered a profitable contract, which in the literal sense saved the life of the circus animals. After all, care for them demanded a lot of money.

So Edgard, together with their relatives, went to someone else's amazing country, who met the whole family with their wards quite warm. Especially for the gland, a spacious summer circus was built in the famous Safari Park near the city of Shenzhen. To differ from the Chinese, the brothers changed the color of the hair and became blondes.

After the end of the contract, the Family returned to his homeland. With the tour, they traveled the entire former Soviet Union, visited Japan, Mongolia, Hungary.

And in 1998, the fracture event was happening in the life of Edgard, the fracture and his brother: the father at the celebration of the anniversary handed over the sons of the reinforcement of the reign of the board's bright and complex attraction called "among predators".

Young trainers managed to adequately take this gift and successfully developed a family business. They created the circus of the brothers of the stall and multiple show programs. New attractions "Colosseum", "Camelot", "Sadko", "Camelot - 2: governor of the gods", "Legend", "K.U.K.L.A.", "terrible force" and others.

On the account of Edgard there is a unique circus room for its complexity, which is listed in the Guinness Book of Records. This is a trick, during which the spool stands with loose legs on the croups of two horses moving along the playload, and two girls balance on his back. This room was preparing a year and a half.

In November 2012, Edgard Spared by the Ministry of Culture of the Russian Federation was appointed general director of the famous large Moscow state circus, which is on Vernadsky Avenue.

In the work of the trainer, dark stripes often happened. Once, his brother came out of the cage of Tigritis with a bloody face, having received a strongest punch with a lapel. And he has repeatedly had to meet with tragedies who happened to his closest colleagues, because work in the circus is one of the most dangerous. An example of this was not only brother, but also a mother with his father, who repeatedly received heavy injuries in the arena. Unfortunately, severe injuries did not bypass and Edgard himself.

In 2006, during the horses trick, the smelled unsuccessfully landed on the playpen and broke the bundles on the leg. As circusch himself tells, at that moment did not even feel pain, only heard the sound, as if the string was bunting. It took long treatment in Germany, the man had to make several operations to restore health.

And this is not the only artist injury. In 2017, in the German clinic, he suffered an operation on the spine - he was replaced by an intervertebral disc in the cervical department for artificial. Surgical intervention was planned, but due to employment, a man was postponed all the time.

And in 2010, they fell into a terrible accident with his brother, and although the restoration machine was not subject to, relatives remained as unscredit.

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In February 2012, Edgard registered as a trustee of President Vladimir Putin's presidential candidate. In March 2014, he set a signature under the appeal of Russian cultural figures in support of the policy of the head of the country in Crimea and Ukraine.

In the fall of 2016, in the elections to the State Duma, he became a trustee party "United Russia". In the same year, as a presenter appeared at the Festival of Circus Art "Idol", his coppings was Christina Asmus that evening. The wife of Garik Harlamov repeated his experience and after 2 years later, but this time the woman was invited to members of the jury. With this, she shared with his subscribers in "Instagram", after which the zoodsmen were intensified, who in the comments under the post wrote appeals on the closure of such events.

Edgard also got into the list of commentators, he had a negative attitude towards all such words, and therefore decided to respond to ill-wishers. With some, he entered the overhang, although the fans of the Trees tried to enjoy him, calling for not paying attention to the worships.

On April 1, 2017, information that Edgard dismissed his brother from the circus appeared on the website of the Big Moscow Circus. Allegedly Askold Spared himself wished to leave the post of artistic director of the BMGC, and the position will take the Honored Artist of Georgia, Gia Eradze. In the masses, this news was adopted with indignation. But in the evening of the same day, a man announced that it was a primary joke.

Tele Show

Edgard Spared often appears on the screens in TV show and cinema. In the spring and summer of 2007, he became a member of the King Ring show, which was broadcast on the first channel. Here he managed to defeat six of the seven possible victories in intermediate battles, winning in the final battle of Evgenia Dyatlov.

And even behind a popular trainer, the audience was observed in the "Large Racing" programs, "Cube", "alone with all", "Comedy Club", "Invisible Man" and "Empire Illusions: Safron's Brothers". Edgard Spared leads the author's program on the TV channel "Star", which is called "Circus Legends".

In 2015, he, together with his brother and wards - Tigr Martin - came to the studio to Ivan Urgant. And then the program "While all at home" visited the famous family.

An artist starred and in several films, for example, in the TV series "Interns", where he played himself. Back in his filmography there are multiserpic tapes "Daddy's daughters" and "Real boys".

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In November 2018, the smept became the hero of the transfer of the "Fate of Man" with the leading Boris Korchevnikov. On the air, the trainer told many details from his personal life. But most of all the public surprised his fictitious love story with the singer by Elena Dameman. According to the story of Edgard, the "imitate" the novel was forced by the deputy director of one federal channel. The celebrities needed PR, and the channel management thus decided to use a man. At that time, he has already built relations with Olga, and therefore came for advice to her. As a result, for a couple of months, he and Temnikov pretended to a lovely couple.

And in January 2019, Edgard took part in improvisation in the show "Thank God, you came!". At the end of the same year, the smept was again in the hospital, this time he made an operation to remove hernia. The artist reported on his state of health by "Instagram", recording short videos from the hospital bed.

Edgard Sparable now

Edgard and now works by the trainer, and therefore, the quarantine arising from COVID-19 caused considerable harm to his work, since the Circus had to be closed. He explained that the institution has government financing, and therefore animals do not remain without support for this period. Another thing is with private circus, which because of the impossibility of earning risk risks to go bankrupt, and first of all, circus animals will suffer in this case.

Brother Artist also continues to work in its field and often participates in public events. So, in February 2020, Ascold attended the opening of the MEMORIAL board of the People's Artist of the USSR and the world's first woman - Lviv's trainer Irina Bugrimova. The memorial was installed on a house on a boiler embankment, where she lived from 1952 to 2001.

Awards and achievements

  • 1997 - Winner of the Circus Art Festival "Golden Troika" in Yaroslavl
  • 1999 - the title "Honored Artist of the Russian Federation"
  • 1999 - the title of "Artist of the Year" from the Union of Circus
  • 2008 - the title "People's Artist of Udmurtia"
  • 2012 - the title "People's Artist of the Russian Federation"
  • 2012 - Order "Key of Friendship"
  • 2014 - awarded a memorable medal and a letter of thanks to Dmitry Medvedev "For a great contribution to the preparation and holding of the XXII Olympic Winter Games and the XI Paralympic Winter Games of 2014 in Sochi"
  • 2017 - Princess Monaco, Stefania, presented a prize "For merits in the development of the Russian circus".
  • 2019 - Order of Friendship

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