Viktor Chernomyrdin - biography, photo, personal life, quotes, death



Viktor Stepanovich Chernomyrdin is a statesman, the first in the history of the country, the chairman of the Government of the Russian Federation, who received the unlawful title "Patriarch of Russian Politics", who later became the Russian ambassador in Ukraine and as an adviser to the President who were engaged in economic cooperation with the CIS countries. A bright feature of Chernomyrdina has become its extravagant manner of thoughts. The authorship of Viktor Stepanovich belongs to many aphorisms that have become covered, including the subsequent statements "we wanted as best, and it turned out as always," "Russia is the continent" and "here you are not here."

State Worker Viktor Chernomyrdin

Victor was born in the village of Black Otrog, which was located in the Orenburg region, and became the fourth child in the large family of Stepan Markovich and Martin Petrovna. Father worked by a driver, mother was engaged in children. Victor had two older brothers and two sisters - Nikolai, Alexander, Natalia and Catherine. The ancestors of the future policy were Cossacks. The family lived together, without swearing, but poorly. Children from an early age hit the Goat Pooh, who was intended to create Orenburg handkerchiefs. From childhood, Victor has mastered the game on a three-string balalaica, then learned from the elders to play harmony.

After the obligatory school classes, the teenager began to study in local vocational schools, and then in the biography of Viktor Chernomyrdin, work activity for the first time. The young man worked for some time with a mechanic at the Orsk refinery, after which he went to serve in the army, where he fell into aviation-technical troops. Later, Viktor Stepanovich as a heavenly Cossack will receive the title of Colonel of the Orenburg Cossack troops, and since 2001 it will also become an honorary Zaporizhia Cossack.

Young Victor Chernomyrdin in the Army

After the demobilization, Viktor Stepanovich received a higher education in the Kuibyshev Polytechnic Institute and settled by the Deputy Head of the Urban Committee of the CPSU. Since this position has not been connected with its engineering specialty, Chernomyrdin has also received economic education. Since 1973, for several years, the head led the Orenburg gas processing plant, after which he went to an increase in Moscow and became Deputy Minister of Gas Industry. Later, Chernomyrdin was also in the ministerial chair of this industry.


In addition to the post of Minister of the Gas Industry, he managed to be chairman of Gazprom, so after the collapse of the Soviet Union, Viktor Chernomyrdin, were appointed in the new government issues of the fuel and energy complex. And when the candidacy of Egor Gaidar met the rejection of most deputies, Viktor Stepanovich was at the head of the Council of Ministers, and then the Government of the Russian Federation. The post of Prime Minister Chernomyrdin lasted until the end of the 90s.

Boris Yeltsin and Viktor Chernomyrdin

The takeoff of popularity and support from ordinary citizens Viktor Chernomyrdin had in 1996, when he took the hardest mission to negotiate Shamil Basayev after a terrorist act in the hospital in the Stavropol Territory. Thanks to the literacy, it was possible to free the majority of hostages. Although about 180 people were killed in the tragedy, specialists and ordinary citizens are confident that these numbers could be an order of magnitude higher. Because of this, regarding the successful move of negotiations, Viktor Stepanovich additionally laid the duties of the Deputy Chairman of the Defense Council.

In the same year, Viktor Stepanovich, during the day, was able to be in positions by I.O. president. By the decree of Boris Yeltsin, at the time of his shunt operation, the responsibilities of the head of state were transferred to Chernomyrdin. The president appreciated the work of the Prime Minister. Yeltsin and Chernomyrdin got close over the years of work and became friends. Viktor Stepanovich respectfully referred to the political activities of Boris Nikolayevich and after his resignation supported the connection with him.

Viktor Chernomyrdin and Evgeny Beloglazov

After leaving from the leading government post, Chernomyrdin was long engaged in resolving the situation in Yugoslavia. By the way, the politician wrote a documentary book "Challenge", in which he outlined his understanding of the crisis in the Balkans. Later about the life of Viktor Chernomyrdin, the book "Time chose us" was created, the authors of which Evgeny Beloglazov and Peter Katerichev became the authors. It was created in the form of an interview that the former prime minister gave.

Viktor Chernomyrdin in Ukraine

In the XXI century, Viktor Stepanovich Chernomyrdin for eight years was the Ambassador of Russia in Ukraine. With his name, conflict in the government of Yulia Tymoshenko is even connected. The Minister of Foreign Affairs, Vladimir Ogzanko, announced that he intended to recognize Chernomyrdin to a person of non-grants because of his non-diplomatic comments. As a result, his post lost exactly Ogryzko. At the end of his life, Viktor Chernomyrdin served as adviser to President Dmitry Medvedev on economic cooperation with the countries of the Commonwealth of Independent States.

Dmitry Medvedev and Victor Chernomyrdin

The main hobby in life the policy was hunting. And with this pastime linked a big scandal. In 1997, during the Christmas holidays, Chernomyrdin shot two very little beabling, which caused a sharp negative response of the public.

It is worth adding that, as a public person, Chernomyrdin has always attracted attention to their numerous unusual phrases, which the people were called "Chernomyrdings". While his life has become aphorisms more than a hundred expressions. In 2008, the journalist Alexander Gamov released the book "wanted it better ...", which included the majority of the quotation of the ex-prime minister.

Personal life

Still living in the Orenburg region, Viktor Chernomyrdin personal life tied with Valentina Shepelova, Ukrainian by nationality, which became the only wife. Valentina, who took the surname after the wedding, he fond of folklore, folk dances and even sang Russian and Ukrainian folk songs. Later, in the elderly, the wife of Viktor Stepanovich, together with the "Corner of Russia" ensemble, recorded two albums: "Soot Valentina Feodorovna Chernomyrdin" and "My songs for her husband, children and grandchildren ...".

Victor Chernomyrdin with his wife

Spouses lived together for 48 years and gave life to two sons, Vitaly and Andrei. Each of them, in turn, became a father twice, making Viktor Chernomyrdin grandfather of two grandchildren and two granddaughters - Mary, Andrey, Anastasia and Victor. Later, Dmitry appeared in the family. According to home, they rarely saw Viktor Chernomyrdin, almost all the lifetime he gave work.

Victor Chernomyrdin with his wife, sons, daughter-in-law and grandchildren

Both sons went to the footsteps of the Father, received education at the Institute of Oil and Gas, and then became employees of Gazprom. Later, the younger son headed the International Sholokhov Committee. In 2016, Victor Chernomyrdin's grandson was suspected of a deadly accident. But later it was established that the nephew of the former prime minister was the culprit of autoavaria. In 2018, the procedure for recognizing bankrupt Vitaly Viktorovich Chernomyrdin took place.


In March 2010, after prolonged disease, Viktor Chernomyrdin's wife died. Viktor Stepanovich could not move this loss. All his acquaintances confirm that he strongly passed after the funeral of his beloved spouse. And since the adviser to the president himself had health problems, then all this was planningly affected by the Chernomyrdinian. In the last photos, Victor Chernomyrdin looked very thinned, the cancer fell his strength. Against the background of acute renal failure and severe oncological disease, he had a myocardial infarction, which was the cause of the death of Viktor Chernomyrdin on November 3, 2010.

Funeral Victor Chernomyrdina

After death, the policy was created by the State Commission on the organization of the funeral, which was headed by the head of the Presidential Administration Sergey Naryshkin. The farewell ceremony took place in the house of receptions at the sparrow mountains. In the farewell room was set by the guard. The rank of funeral was also conducted. A mourning reception was held in the Government House, which was broadcast through the central channels. Vladimir Putin gave an assessment of the activities of Chernomyrdin in a farewell message, calling Viktor Stepanovich in a responsible, reliable and solid politician. At the reception I remembered cases from the working and political biography of the ex-premier, as well as interesting facts from his life.

Victor Chernomyrdin's grave and his spouse

Victor Chernomyrdin's burial site was chosen by Novodevichi cemetery, next to the grave of the wife.

In memory of Victor Chernomyrdine, a historical and memorial museum was opened at his lowland homeland. In 2013, the water ship of the A-145 project "Viktor Chernomyrdin" was launched on the water, and in 2016, Viktor Chernomyrdin icebreaker was created at the Baltic Plant.


  • We fulfilled all items: from A to B.
  • You can not bargain the cart in the middle of the horse.
  • Whatever public organization we create is always the CPSU.
  • The hell did not happen, and here again.
  • There is still time to save face. Then you have to save other parts of the body.
  • I will not talk a lot, and then I will say something again.


  • 2013 - a memorable coin of the Bank of Russia dedicated to the 75th anniversary of the birth of V. S. Chernomyrdin
  • 2010 - Municipal Educational Institution "Chernomotrole Secondary School" Awarded the name V. S. Chernomyrdin
  • 2010 - Installed a memorial plaque in memory of V. S. Chernomyrdine on the building of the Black-Studial Departmental Hospital
  • 2011 - In the village of Black Soviet of the Orenburg region, a historical and memorial museum of Viktor Stepanovich Chernomyrdin has been created
  • 2013 - Central Bank of the Russian Federation issued a commemorative silver coin into circulation, dedicated to the 75th anniversary of the birth of V. S. Chernomyrdin
  • 2013 - In the Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous District, the speed ship "Viktor Chernomyrdin" was commissioned
  • 2016 - On the Baltic Plant Linear diesel-electric icebreaker "Viktor Chernomyrdin"

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