Askold Sword - Photo, Biography, Personal Life, News, Edgard Spared 2021



Askold-smept is a representative of the famous Circus dynasty, producer, artistic director of the Greater Moscow State Circus. Together with his brother Edgard, he came up with and executed the incredible on the painfulness and complexity of the tricks, which are inscribed in the Guinness Book of Records and which no one risks repeat. A person who works with predators, of course, is terribly, not afraid of fools. But another fate ascold since childhood did not want.

Childhood and youth

The place of the appearance of Askold on the light - Kharkov. Who is by nationality, it is difficult to say, since the family members have different roots, but there is a drop of German blood. According to the sign of the zodiac, the trainer - scales, apparently, because it is considered the most calm and judicial out of the wind.

Brothers - the third generation of artists speaking in the arena. Grandfather Mikhail Sergeevich as a power acrobat in the circus led Ivan Poddubny. Grandmother Lidia Karlovna - a clown daughter, rider and gymnast. Their four sons, including Walter, performed with the number to which there are still no equal. The only daughter Anne is also well familiar to the smell of Kulis.

Maritsa's summary sister became the fourth in the country (after Irina Bugrimova, Margarita Nazarov and Mother Marita-senior) preserver predanits, created the world's only rides with Caucasian shepherders and black pants. Even the family of the Native Mom of Askold, who did not have attitudes towards art, was assimilated with the circus. Tatyana went to the arena for 15 years, her sister worked in the program. Father, alas, died of a wound caused by a predator.

The dangerous profession more than once put the life of parents on a thin face, for which she could end. On the tour in Bryansk Tatiana experienced the attack of four tigers. Yuri Nikulin then helped with treatment, and, recovering, the woman fearlessly again reached the playpen. In the injuries and scars received by the Father, and not to consider at all. But Askolda was not disgusting from his beloved business.

"I never wanted to escape from the circus, despite the wrong pain, which he hurt me, physical and moral. I never wanted to reflect on the topic of what I was, if not a circus. "

Future tamers studied in the same class, although they have a difference in age in one year. But this was the desire of Walter. The family was constantly moving, the boys changed 7 schools. However, it did not give the right to get bad estimates: the father strictly followed the performance. Later, Askold graduated with honors from rati (guitis).

The brand "Spared Brothers" created the older generation, Walter and Mstislav. The main direction they made Dresser Lviv and Tigers. Askold - "Multiple": engaged in voltizing and acrobatics on the rollers, walks along the rope and juggles on segments, it loves to work with horses.

The creative biography began early, not in vain, because they say that circus children grow in sawdust. In 10 years, he first entered the cage with tigers, a year later he made his debut at the Manege, together with Edgard in the "Time Machine".

Personal life

Until 27 years, Askold was not going to limit himself by the framework of a married man. Even the former girl Elena Baranhenko understood that the trainer would never take her to the registry office. About these relations, the smept did not apply, following the unwritten laws of show business. Attractive, famous, rich, prominent (height 177 cm) The man is simply obliged to remain enviable bachelor.

Having become acquainted with Helen Reichlin, Askold wanted to give personal life a different course. The father and mother of the spouse in the youth moved to Israel from Belarus, she herself escaped to Minsk, fleeing from the annoying fan, and at the same time decided to get an education there. A beautiful student and a few more friends led to the circus of a friend of the stall.

Askold girl immediately liked. It turned out to be not only a charming, but also a smart interlocutor, and an interesting person. And most importantly, that I intrigued the preserver spoiled for the female attention, "helen did not know anything about him.

Before the wedding, lovers met for 3 years and all this time convinced close to their choice. Reichlin from the doctors dynasty, parents wanted to see the son-in-law of the doctor. And Tatiana Pastoshnaya in one interview remembered that he first did not react very well to the daughter-in-law.

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Fans, having learned that the smell is not alone, threatened by Elene reprisal, writing scabes. Even the colleagues in the circus did not perceive this union. Completely by chance the assistant saw unknown by whom the trimmed belts that kept 70-kilogram stands that could fall on the heads of the brothers.

The proposal of the hand and hearts sounded in the most expensive place for Christians - in the Temple of the Holy Sepulcher in Jerusalem. Helen changed the surname and retained citizenship. In Israel, she served in the army, graduated from a conservatory in the class of piano, in Minsk - Medical Institute. Askold tried to introduce his wife with tigers, but she chose the upbringing of Eva and Elzy's daughters. I had to limit the colorful photos for "Instagram".

Baranenko Now if not the best, then a close friend of Helen, and with its splashing relationship at the level of brother and sisters. Reconciled Women Eve. The girl adores the trainer of parrots, now working as the chief administrator of the circus, according to his father, is ready to spend more time with her than at home.

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In 2016, Eva and Elsa first performed under the circus dome together with the famous dad and uncle. The first fascinates the equestrian sport, the second - walking on the ropes. The proud head of the family is divided by the results of training in social networks, and as part of the transfer "when all at home" said that daughters are still engaged in music, and foreign languages.

As I joked once Edgard, they with Askold are similar to the terminators, so much iron "spare parts". The younger brother - the injury of the spine, the consequence of complex tricks and acrobatic numbers. The operation was made in Germany - inserted titanium implants. Russian surgery family does not trust since the eldest, hung in the bathroom, almost lost his hands: doctors missed the tendons.

Another hospitalization was required when the smelled fell from water ski, hurt and heated dirty water.

In 2010, the brothers fell into an accident when they returned to Bryansk to start rehearsing the new program. The car hit the border, lost two bridges and stopped at 10 cm from the tree. Askold and Edgard did not suffer: rescued belts and airbags.

Accident in 2019 also cost no consequences for the health of the circus stars. The stall outrageous only that the man who crashed his car was disappeared from the scene.

On the set of the series "Margarita Nazarova" at Askold for the first time in a quarry attacked the tigress. Fortunately, he dug in not the teeth, but "left holes" from claws. A predator named Shakira has his own filmography - she was filmed in the "Wolfhound" and "Night Dosor".

Pet Lion Bono once had to save veterinarians: he fed to the bone. In "Instagram" Askold then wrote that in nature the beast in such a situation would just die. Message artist addressed to aggressive defenders of nature, which considers that the circus over the animals are mocked.

Green activists often write comments with the requirement to close the splash show. For the first time in the history of the circus, the brothers even organized an open rehearsal of presentation with lions and tigers, so that people themselves were convinced of the absence of cruelty in their work methods. On it, Askold and Edgard answered questions, told about how tricks are preparing. The trainer climbed the camcorder with the broadcast to the Internet so that everyone will be virtually visited in his place.

"We have repeatedly entered into a discussion on the topic of the dress. I have always spoke that the dressing of circus animals does not differ from the domestic dresser, in one simple exception. The circus is important discipline. "

The brothers agreed to speak by intermediaries between the Russian authorities and a businessman Oleg Zubkov, the owner of the Crimean safari Park, in which practically hand predators live. Trains workers worries the fate of animals if the park at the request of the control bodies will have to be closed. And they have complaints after changing the jurisdiction of the peninsula.


In the early 90s, Asskold Sworded together with his family went to the Middle Kingdom. The past years have put their wards on the edge of the hungry death, because proving for Lviv and Tigers is 12 kg of meat for one every day, and buying a provision has become everything more difficult.

Fortunately, the output was found. The Chinese offered Tatiana and Walter a decent salary. At that time, the sons graduated from school, and there were no obstacles to leaving abroad.

In a popular holiday location, Safari Park in the suburbs of Shenzhen, for Russians erected a summer circus. The duties of the Father included the training of Chinese colleagues. The brothers also participated in the process.

Askold learned the complex Chinese, which owns today. In these years, he learned to juggle, standing on horseback, and train monkeys. Later, in this type of dress, he and Edgard had achieved such heights that he received the Golden Troika Proper of the first All-Russian Circus Art Competition Festival, which was held in Yaroslavl in 1997.

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After the completion of the contract, the circus family returned to Moscow. The glands toured a lot, traveled and all the major cities of the post-Soviet space, and distant foreign countries. We also visited Japan.

And Askold and Edgard began working with lions and tigers. In 1998, the sick father handed over the sons of the famous attraction "among predators". This is immediately 38 "weak and claws" in a limited space.

Soon there appeared the circus brothers, the analogues in the world there are no. Over time, the men have improved the number in which a person sits riding on Lion, and the beast makes a jump. Askold performs a trick at the height, without safety lion. There was a thought to make the king beast jump into the burning hoop, but the idea did not pass: the tamer understood that the lion's mane could fiene.

In 2013, trainers presented the show "Emotions ..." in the circus on the fountain. The peculiarity of this program is that each speech can be considered the main one. In the same year, the artist in an interview shared that they began to build a 5D CIRC and hope that by 2021 he would open the doors for guests.

Askold Sword - Real Star, so a man is often invited to television shows. He, together with Maria Petrova, became a member of the 4th season of the "Ice period" and the hero of the "Circus Legend" project, where the leading Edgard worked, appeared in the Ratings of the Safronov Brothers and Street Rating, "One hundred to one" and "called dinner".

In the summer of 2017, Askold and Edgard, Zakoldov participated in the program "Where is the logic?" On the TNT channel. The leading transfer was Azamat Musagaliyev. The rivals of the brothers became Nastasya Sambursk and Maria Minogarov.

At the junction of 2017-2018, relatives submitted to the audience at once three premieres under the names of Princess-Nazmeyan, UFO and Angel.

In February 2018, the premiere of the "star under hypnosis" program took place on the first channel. Askold Walterovich participated in one of the issues. Isa Bagirov introduced an artist in hypnosis, and he forgot that he manages the circus. Instead, the smept was sure that he was an artist.

This year was remembered by stall thanks to the World Festival of Circus Art "Idol organized by them. More than 200 artists from 13 countries of the world arrived at the event.

In the spring in Moscow, the volunteer forum was held, on which the intermediate results of the year of the volunteer were supplied. Upon completion of the official part of Askold and Edgard Dali in the Oncology Center named after Blokhin, a circus presentation for sick children.

A little later on the new show of the famous duet dedicated to the World Cup, in the circus on the Vernadsky Avenue Avenue "Epicenter of the World" / Epicenter of the World! Hollywood has visited Stephen Seagal. After the speech, the actor passed behind the scenes, thanked the stalls for an amazing spectacle, photographed with the troupe and dare to stroke the tiger.

Askold Sword now

In 2011, Askold, as well as Edgard, officially retired at the length of the years. But they do not think on the laurels. On the shoulders of the brothers - a large farm. The stalls respond not only for their own programs, but for where and what nail it is necessary to drive. The first assistant in the management of the Circus is Mom, who holds the position of Deputy General Director. This post belongs Edgard.

Insulation caused by a Pandemic COVID-19 is not a base for idleness. Askold by education director, sitting at home, mounts rollers, writes scripts, prepares for the opening of the Circus Youtube channel. Rehearsals are carried out during a pandemic, since the animal requires a load. Like artists, they should always be in shape.

After five operations on the spine, the tamer is not ready to invent new elements of ultra-si. Although, if genres appear, not requiring sacrificing health, perhaps agree to master them.

"Man I am very stubborn and a world-class professional in its industry thanks to their upbringing and character. I'm not used to doing something bad. But at the same time I absolutely know exactly: you need to constantly learn and infinitely practicing to play at a decent level. "

In addition, the trainer has public duties as a member of the Public Council under the Ministry of Culture of Russia and the Functions of the teacher as a professor of the Circus Directors of the Russian Academy of Theater Art.

Politics also enters the sphere of interests of Askold. The artist's signature stands on the treatment of cultural and science to president of the country for the pressure on judges in the case of the NK "Yukos", on the statement in support of the position of Vladimir Putin in Crimea.

The tamer considers himself a patriot, prefers not to shout about it at all angles, but to prove the case. Perhaps, in the future, he will go to deputies, but only if I understand that the voters do not consider him clown, and firm confidence will appear that in the Duma you can "reach the minds and hearts".

Zoozhechniki, whom the brothers are called "zooradicals and zooshisiki", do not leave the wind apart. In the 2020s, they starred in an ice cream advertising with a tiger. The last fact and outraged the public, who considers that violence is committed over the beast. Commented on the situation more explosive and emotional Edgard, who has noticed that successful people will always have dissatisfied achievements.


  • 2007 - "Colosseum"
  • 2008 - "Camelot"
  • 2009 - "Sadko"
  • 2010 - "Camelot - 2: governor of the gods"
  • 2011 - "Legend"
  • 2012 - "K. W. K. L. A. "
  • 2013 - "Terrible Power"
  • 2013 - "Emotions ..."
  • 2014 - "SISTEMA"
  • 2015 - "Mistress of the Dead Lake"
  • 2016 - "SISTEMA - 2. Human Factor"
  • 2018 - "Epicenter of the World" / Epicenter of the World!

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