Sergey Mironov - biography, photo, personal life, news, "Fair Russia" 2021



The name of the Russian policy of Sergei Mikhailovich Mironov has long been occupied by the honorable place in a number of the most high-profile names of domestic "heavyweights". In his native St. Petersburg, he began a career ascent. At first, he held senior positions of various commercial enterprises of the Northern Capital. Then for 10 years he headed the Federation Council of Federation. Twice rankled for the presidential post.

Sergey Mikhailovich Mironov was born in Pushkin of the Leningrad region in February 1953. Parents Politics, Galina Fedorovna Varlamov and Mikhail Emelyanovich Mironov, were born in the Russian outback, in the Tver and Novgorod regions. Mom was an instructor of party metering, and father, Russian by nationality, - Frontovik, who passed the Great Patriotic War, remained in the ranks of the Armed Forces. The grandfather of the current leader of the Fair Russia faction Emelyan Eremeevich was shot in 1937.

Politician Sergey Mironov

Sergey Mironov studied at school number 410. He not only managed to study, but also demonstrated leadership qualities: in the 9th grade it was chosen by a commercial. He demonstrated the ability to convince, convincing classmates in the immorality of chief. Sergey, sociable and friendly, loved and respected in the classroom. Many considered him a big romantic.

Probably, this was dictated by the choice of profession: after grade 9, the guy went to the industrial technician by choosing a geological reconnaissance faculty. But after the first year, Sergey Mironov threw her studies and went to Siberia. There, it came to him that without education he would not be able to take place in the profession. Therefore, returned to Leningrad and arrived again on the 1st course of the same technical school.

Sergey Mironov in childhood

After graduating from the first semester, I went to the geological expedition on the Kola Peninsula. But on the 2nd course, the learning process was again interrupted: this time, Sergey Mironov went to serve in the aircraft troops, although he had a delay from the service. From 1971 to 1973 he served in Lithuania and Azerbaijan.

After demobilization, the young man decided not to return to the technical school, but to finish training in a decade of evening school. Having received a certificate, entered the Mountain Institute.

Sergey Mironov in the army

On the 2nd course, Mironov, an active and energetic Sergey, it seemed that student life was too measured. Therefore, he was moved to the evening form of study and settled to work by Geophysian. At the same time, he was engaged in Komsomolskaya work and was even elected deputy institute composer.

Having received a diploma of the university, the young geologist went on a long expedition to Mongolia, where, together with a group of colleagues, an uranium deposit was granted.

Sergey Mironov in youth

Returned to the city on the Neva in 1986, when he was 33. Before the collapse of the USSR received the second higher education in a technical university. Now he had another specialty - economist.

Apply the knowledge gained in practice Sergei Mironov was able to occupy senior positions in solid commercial structures.


Sergey Mironov's political biography began in 1994. He was elected a deputy of the Legislative Assembly of St. Petersburg.

After 3 years, the young politician introduced the number of diplomas for two more: graduated from the Russian Academy of Public Service at the head of the state and the Law Faculty of St. Petersburg State University. But after that, did not put the point in education: in 2000, he entered the Faculty of Philosophy of the State University, choosing an absentee form of training.

Sergey Mironov

At the same time, promising policies were elected by the Vice-Chairman of the Legislative Assembly and entrusted the work of the Deputy Head of the City Electoral Headquarters of the President Vladimir Putin.

In the summer of the next year, Mironov began duties in the Senate, and in the winter he became a speaker. Vladimir Putin recommended him to this position. The first proposal of Sergey Mikhailovich in the new post was the extension of the presidential period of government. But Vladimir Vladimirovich considered an increase of time to 7 years intense.

Since 2002, Sergei Mironov has headed the Council of the Inter-Parliamentary Assembly of the CIS countries, since 2003 began to lead the "Life Party".

Politician Sergey Mironov

Considering that he has appropriate experience and authority, politician registered the candidacy for the post of head of state in 2004. But scored less than 1% of the votes.

Since the end of 2006, the St. Petersburg politician has headed the new opposition party of the left sense, formed by merging three parties. She was called "Fair Russia". And again, Sergey Mironov put forward a proposal to extend the presidential period of the board. Moreover, it was spoken for an increase in the period of stay of the head of state as a post up to 3 times in a row, and not 2nd. This is his proposal, like the other, about the combination "Wed" and the Communist Party, "did not find support. Communists stated that "Fair Russia" does not meet the criteria of the "left" political force.

Sergey Mironov - biography, photo, personal life, news,

Nevertheless, Mironov's party, thanks to the charismatic leader, gains high ratings and in 2010 goes to the State Duma, receiving the status of parliamentary power. In the same year, "Fair Russia" signed an agreement with the United Russia party on supporting the policy of the current president and the premiere.

In 2011, Sergey Mikhailovich Mironov was registered as a deputy of the State Duma and again headed "Fair Russia".

And next year, the party leader took part in the presidential election and scored 3.86% of the votes.

Vladimir Putin and Sergey Mironov

In 2014, the statesman who supports Vladimir Putin's policies in Ukraine, entered the EU sanctions list. And the Ukrainian Ministry of the Interior was even a criminal case on him. The reason was suspicious in promoting Mironov to the militia of the southeast of the country.

In the middle of next year, the CP head put forward a proposal to solve a sharp housing issue in Russia. Sergey Mironov said that only 1 of the 10 compatriots can be allowed to afford an alternative to the mortgage that the practice of construction and savings banks may be allowed. It has already been tried and gave good results in many countries of the world.

Sergey Mironov in the State Duma

And another fraction of "Wed" introduced a draft of the new law, which is prohibited to charge money for capital repairs from Russians. Sergey Mironov became the initiator of the ban on the translation of the clock shooter for summer and winter time. Repeatedly tried to promote the law on the tightening of anti-corruption measures. Sergey Mironov is convinced that with corruption it is necessary to fight the introduction of criminal penalties with the confiscation of property from the accused and at his close relatives. Quote Sergey Mironova that it is necessary to plant corrupt officials for 25 years, gained popularity in the people.

In 2016, the All-Russian action "Do or Leave!" Started. Requirements that the party has put forward with the support of citizens is the abolition of transport tax, the return of property tax for individuals for the previous level.

Sergey Mironov at the presentation of his book

From under Sergey Mironov's pen, several books came out, among which the "horizon line", "Mironov Sergey Mikhailovich. 10 years in politics, "" overtaking on the left row: lessons of political struggle. " In 2009, a collection was issued "For us Russia: Selected articles, speeches, interview with the Political Party Chairman Fair Russia S. M. Mironova. Also, the leader of the Party leads microblogs in the social networks "Instagram" and "Twitter", where information and photos of the social promotions conducted and meetings appear. About performances in plenary sessions in the State Duma, Sergey Mironov reports from the pages of the official site. Often, Sergei Mikhailovich's speeches can be heard on the Echo of Moscow radio station.

Personal life

The first spouse policy was the cousin of his former classmate named Elena. They met in childhood and have met for a long time. But putting an official marriage decided only when Mironov returned from the army and became a student of the Mining Institute. At that time he was 24 years old.

Helena had a technical education, but she worked as a translator, as perfectly owned several foreign languages.

Sergey Mironov

In 1979, the pair had first-mentioned Yaroslav. Today, he works as a programmer in the IT sphere. Yaroslav has already made his father a grandfather, two children are brought up in his family.

The first marriage policy collapsed in 1984. During the trip to Mongolia, Sergey Mironov met with an attractive young woman - a geologist from Yekaterinburg. Between him and love broke out a novel that lasted 5 years. It was no longer to keep this relationship in the Secret Sergey Mikhailovich did not want.

Sergey Mironov with the third wife Irina

After the divorce with the first spouse, he married again. In the second marriage lived 20 years: 5 - in Asia and 15 - in his native St. Petersburg. The pair had a daughter Irina, subsequently became a lawyer.

However, Sergey Mironov's personal life again made a steep turn.

In the Legislative Assembly, he met the names of his daughter - Irina, who worked as a secretary. Common interests, erudition and brilliant women's manners captured politics. Therefore, in Moscow after election to the Federation Council, he went with Irina, and not with love.

Sergey Mironov with the fourth wife Olga

For a long time, the second wife refused to give him a divorce. But after 2 years, I agreed to let go of a husband. In 2003, Mironov married for the third time. But this marriage collapsed. The crack in relations with Irina happened after Sergey Mikhailovich lost the chair of the speaker.

Soon he met his fourth love - a 29-year-old TV presenter of the Petersburg TV channel "Here" Olga Radyevskaya. On her politician married in 2013. At that time he was 60 years old. Recognition in love, as well as the proposal of the hands and hearts, which made Mironov Olga, were very bright and romantic. It was written on a billboard, which a man posted under the windows of the beloved woman. In fourth marriage, Sergey Mironova was born the son of Ivan.

Sergey Mironov with his wife and son

Health policy allows him to conduct an energetic lifestyle, participate in the country's social life. Mironov prefers outdoor activities, especially fishing. Its growth is 173 cm, the weight does not exceed 80 kg. In his free time, Sergey loves to sit at home with a book or visit the theater.

Sergey Mironov had a rich collection of minerals, which he handed over the geological museum of the Russian Academy of Sciences.

Sergey Mironov Now

Now Sergey Mironov is one of the deputies of the State Duma VII convocation from the Fair Russia party. Politician participates in the discussion of topical issues. In 2017, the party leader stated about the aggressive plans of the Government of Ukraine, who are trying to legalize with the help of a new draft law on the reintegration of the Donbass. This law, according to Mironov, Ukrainian politicians want to legitimize the use of weapons in the eastern part of the country without declaring war.

Sergey Mironov responds negatively and about the political promotions of Alexei Navalny. The leader of "Fair Russia" believes that the use of people for political purposes will negatively affect the future at the career of a public figure. Sergey Mironov objectively assesses the impact of sanctions on the economy of Russia, finding in this the pros and cons.

Sergey Mironov

At the 2018 elections, Sergey Mironov initiated a group of support for the presidential candidate Vladimir Putin, who was a self-configuration.

After the announcement of the government's plans to hold a pension reform and increase the retirement threshold, Sergei Mironov made criticized this initiative. According to politics, this draft law is contrary to the Constitution of the Russian Federation and carries a threat to citizens of pre-pre-age to remain without livelihood.


  • 2003 - Medal "In memory of the 300th anniversary of St. Petersburg"
  • 2003 - Order of the Rev. Sergius of Radonezh II degree
  • 2005 - Medal "For Combat Commonwealth"
  • 2005 - Medal "In memory of the 1000th anniversary of Kazan"
  • 2005 - Chain of the Honor Order (Peru)
  • 2008 - Order "For merits to the Fatherland" III degree
  • 2008 - Order of Rev. Sergius of Radonezh I degree
  • 2009 - Order of Honor (South Ossetia)
  • 2014 - Medal "For the liberation of the Crimea and Sevastopol"

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