Donnie Jen - Photo, Biography, Personal Life, News, Films 2021



Zhen Zidan, famous for Americanized name Donnie Jen, is the famous film actor, the star of Chinese militants. In addition, there are directorial and composer work in his creative biography. Donnie also showed himself as a producer and stunt producer.

Childhood and youth

Donnie Jen was born in the Chinese city of Guangzhou, which in Europe also call Canton. After 2 years, the whole family moved to Hong Kong, where Maja Bocohan's mother was going to open his own school of oriental martial arts. But due to the intervention of the local mafia, this could not be done, and the family moved again, but this time to another country. They settled in the suburbs of the American city of Boston. There's a dream of Donnie Jena's parents fell: the mother created the club "Institute of Studying Chinese Wushu", and his father became the editor of the international Chinese newspaper Sing Tao, published in Boston.

The boy who at the time of the last move was already 11 years old became a diligent student of his mother. The students adored with Donnie watch movies about the eastern martial arts, where compatriots were played - the unsurpassed Master Bruce Lee and then another Jackie Chan. Such joint views were given not only to motivation to classes: Donnie found unusual elements in the cinema and worked out new tricks in training. Wushu's passion, which Europeans call Kung Fu, led yen to the famous "zone of battles", where illegal fights were held without rules.

The atmosphere of night clubs and gangster disassembly dragged the young guy, so the mother sent him to China. In Beijing, the young man spent time in improving the Wushu technique. He was taken to one of the best universities schools, in which another actor Jet Li had previously trained.

However, for Donnie it turned out to be little. He was going to return to the United States, but accidentally found himself on the casting of a new Chinese film. Actually, no special viewing of actors did not work. A couple of minutes after the future star demonstrated its abilities, he was approved, and the "Drunk Shaolinsky Master" became the first film with Jen in the lead role.

Personal life

In young years, there were many women in the personal life of Donnie Jena, but he preferred to meet with girls of Chinese origin, although he grew up in America. He had a novel with a Hong Kong actress and a fashion model Joey Meng. With her, a man supported a romantic relationship for a long time, but broke up at the turn of the century.

After 3 years, the wife of Donnie became another Chinese actress, the former winner of the beauty contest Sissi Wang. Wedding celebration passed in the Canadian city of Toronto. Now the couple lives in North America and raises two children, James and Jasmine Yen.

It is noteworthy that Donnie is the identity of odious and to some extent scandalous. From adolescent age, it was used to openly express an unflattering opinion about people, but before compliments it comes to extremely rarely. Another boy he spoke unlucky things about the actor Chuck Norris, who tried to stand in one row with his favorite masters of eastern martial arts. And when the best films with the participation of Jena became the public of the public, it turned out that on the set of most of them, the actor regularly quarreled with directors, calling them "fairies", "tyranans" and "repentables".

Sports and movies

"Drunk Shaolinsky Master", or "Drunk Tai Chi", has become a big hit in Hong Kong's video galleons. It is curious that a 19-year-old actor was not going to stay in the cinema, as he agreed to be removed simply to receive a new experience, and I didn't like the work in the film. Then he did not think for a minute, which could stay in cinema for a long time.

However, the success of the picture entailed a long-term cooperation with the director Yuan by No-Pin, which once opened the world Jackie Chan. They created several films, of which militants "Strange couples", "Tiger Cell" and "Performance" stand out. It is important to note that in these pictures of Donnie worked out his own style of staged battle, and did not repeat the childhood idols.

In the late 1980s, the actor goes to another director, and it becomes the starting point in the development of his career. The second part of the militant "Once in China" makes a real star on the scale of Hong Kong. At the same time, the Chinese version of the legend of Robin Gude "Iron Monkey" comes out, which is notable for the scene of the battle with Shaolin monks. This episode was recognized as critics and spectators the best over the past decades among similar scenes. Later, the artist became a star and on television, playing the main roles in the popular TV series "Master Kung Fu" and "Kulak Raigrost". In 2010, the second painting of the "fist of legends" came out with Donnie.

In 2005, the actor appeared in the lead in the action movie "S.P.L. Stars of fate. " Jackie Wu took part in the shooting. And in 2007, he was involved in the movie "Hot Point". The picture was successful. In particular, she received an award of Hong Kong filmmaking for the best choreography of the battle and was nominated in the category "Best Sound Effects".

The world fame presented the celebrity "IP Man" - a biographical action movie about the first teacher of martial arts. The partner in Donnie became Sammo Hung, with whom he entered the combat duel. A year later, the film "Middle Mares" came out on the screens. The plot unfolds around the simple artisan, in which a detective comes to the village. From this point on, his life ceases to be serene.

2014 was marked for the artist output of the painting "Last of the best." She talks about the fate of the former policeman who accidentally killed a man and went to jail.

Several times Donnie starred in Hollywood. For the first time this happened thanks to the fantastic ribbon "Highlanders: End of the game". Then in his filmography appeared such projects as the Mystical Action "Blade-2", the comedy "Shanghai Knights", Spin-off Saga "Ex-One. Star wars: stories "and thriller" Three Iksa: world domination. " It is also worth highlighting the joint American-Chinese painting "King of Monkeys". "Star Wars" with Donnie Jen became the most anticipated premiere of 2016.

In 2018, the premiere of the militant "Dragon City" took place. The director of the picture became the dread of the chat. Donnie performed a major role. The plot is based on a conflict situation between different areas of Hong Kong. An honest and fair policeman is not satisfied with the delicency and battles who are worked in the city, and he rebels against them.

Another work of the same year is the "big brother" directed by Kam Ka-Wai. This is a story about the Hong Kong teacher Mr. Chen. He gets to work in a new school. Pupils and colleagues are impressive of its unusual teaching methods.

Yen did not limit his creativity only acting skills. As a director, he released about a dozen films, of which the "legend of the Wolf" is particularly distinguished, as well as the "Big Boss - 2" and "Ballistic Kiss", for which the man himself has developed scenarios. And in the humorous militant Vin Chun, Donnie was also realized as a composer, writing a soundtrack.

Donnie Jen now

In 2019, the long-awaited 4th part of the film about the Martial Arts Master called "IP Man - 4" was published, where the actor played a major role. The action unfolds in the 1960s. IP man comes to America, San Francisco, where his student decided to open the Wine Chun. In the film also starred English actor Scott Eckins.

Another project, but already in 2020 - "the outlet of a plump dragon". In it, Donnie decided to change the role a little and appeared before the audience not touched by the warrior, but a chubby policeman who carries in the mass of bodiposive with the help of fists. The plot unfolds around the chief hero of Fallon Zhu. He scored overweight as a result of problems in the service and in his personal life, but he appears a chance to return work and the bride. To do this, you must complete one task in Japan. The operation does not pass smoothly, as I would like, and Fallon enters criminal disassembly.

In 2020, the whole world expected the Prime Minister with Yen - the film "Mulan" from The Walt Disney Company and director Nicky Caro. The actor received the role of the Tunga commander - the mentor of the main character, which Luo played. According to the plot, the emperor of China issues a decree about the call to the service in the imperial army of one man from each family to protect the country from the northern invaders. Young girl Mulan, the eldest daughter of the warrior, decides to take the place of the patient's father in the troops. She masked under a man, and the scam manages. In the service, the girl is subject to tests, but passes them.

Donnie leads a page in "Instagram", where publishes photos from a personal life. The actor constantly demonstrates that it is in an excellent sports form and is even divided by the secrets of training. Its growth is 176 cm, and the weight is 80 kg.


  • 1984 - "Drunk Shaolinsky Master"
  • 1992 - "Once Upon a Time in China 2"
  • 2003 - "Shanghai Knights"
  • 2005 - "Seven Swords"
  • 2009 - "Bodyguards and Killers"
  • 2012 - "All is well, what's well ends"
  • 2013 - "Special Person"
  • 2014 - "King of Monkeys"
  • 2016 - "Izgoy-one. Star Wars: Stories "
  • 2017 - "Three Iks: world domination"
  • 2017 - "Nobility"
  • 2020 - "Mulan"

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