Yaroslav Wise - Biography, Board, Personal Life, Photo and Death



One of the most revered Old Russian Princes is Prince Yaroslav Wise, the son of the great Vladimir Svyatoslavovich (Baptist). He received the nickname of the wise for the love of enlightenment and the creation of the first famous law of laws, later than the "Russian truth".

Prince Yaroslav Wise

And he is a father, uncle and grandfather of many European rulers. Under Baptism, Yaroslav received the name of George (or Yuri). The Russian Orthodox Church honors it as faithful and even introduced the day of his memory to the sacrats. The leap year is March 4, and in the usual - 5th.

Childhood and youth

About the date of birth of Yaroslav Vladimirovich and today argue. But most historians and scientists tend to the fact that the prince was born in 978, although there is no complete confidence in this. His birthday is all the more unknown.

His parents were Vladimir Svyatoslavovich, who belonged to the genus Rurikovich, and the Polotsk Princess Rognd Rogvodovna. Although there is no consent here. For example, the most famous historian Nikolai Kostomarov doubted that it was Rogneda who was Mother Yaroslav. And his French colleague Arrignon thought at all that the Prince gave birth to the Byzantine Tsarevna Anna. Allegedly this circumstance explains his intervention in the internalization cases in 1043.

Vladimir Svyatoslavovich and Rogneda Rogvodovna. Artist A. P. Losenko

But for the sake of justice it is worth noting that the rest of the historians are inclined to consider the rognd of a woman who gave life to the most famous of the Old Russian princes.

All four offspring born in marriage with Roggeda, Izyaslav, Mstislav, Yaroslav and Vsevolod, Grand Duke Vladimir sent to pronomize in different cities. Yaroslav got Rostov. But since the boy was barely 9 years old from the family, the breadwinner was pressed to him and the Voivode Budoy (in other sources of Buda). Later, when a rising prince Yaroslav Wise began to rule the Novgorod, the breadwinner and the mentor turned into the nearest associate.

Governing body

This period is the character of legends and legends. The time of Prince Yaroslav Wise, as well as the person itself, some historians tend to idealize, others - to demonize. True, as usual, somewhere in the middle.

Yaroslav Wise

The princess Novgorod had a higher status than the management of Rostov. Still, the Novgorod ruler had a subordinate status in relation to Kiev, that is, Vladimir. Therefore, Prince Yaroslav Wise in obligatory manner every year paid Father 2/3 of the given from the Novgorod lands of Dani. It was the amount of 2 thousand hryvnia. 1 thousand remained for the maintenance of the Velmazby himself and his squad. It must be said that its size only a little inferior to the squad of Vladimir.

Probably, this circumstance pushed the son to draw up and in 1014 to refuse to pay a huge tribute to the father. Novgorod residents supported their landlord, what is the information in the preserved chronicles. Vladimir was angry and began to prepare a hike for the ability of the riots. But at that time he was in old years old. Soon fell ill and supremely died and not punishing the son.

Svyatopolk Okayan

Father's place was taken by the eldest son - Svyatopolk Okayan. To protect yourself and keep power in your hands, he destroyed three brothers: Boris, who was particularly loved by Kievans, Gleb and Svyatoslav. The same fate was waiting for the Novgorod Postener. But he managed to defeat the Svyatopolka in a bloody battle under love and in 1016 he entered Kiev.

A fragile truce between brothers who shared Kiev in the Dnieper, from time to time passed to the "hot" stage. But in the 1019th, the Svyatopolka did not, and Yaroslav Wise began the undivided government to the Kiev throne.

The huge merit of Prince Yaroslav wise became the victory over the pechenegs. It happened in 1036. As the chronicles say, the city was placed by nomads at that time when the ruler was emitted to Novgorod, where he took part in the Temple tab. But having received the news of the danger, he quickly returned and defeated Pechenegs. From this point on, their devastating and bloody raids on Rus have long stopped.

Sofia Cathedral, Kiev

It began "golden" time Yaroslav Wise. After the wins wins, the Velosa was taken for grandiose construction. At the site of the brilliant victory over the nomads, the Sofia Cathedral was laid. He was largely a copy of the cathedral in Tsargrad. Decorated with magnificent frescoes and mosaic, the temple hit the beauty of contemporaries and pleases the eyes today.

Welject did not regret funds on church wellness and invited to finish the Cathedral of the best Greek masters. And the famous golden gates appeared in the city, repeatedly the same in the Tsargrad. The Church of Annunciation has grown over them.

Internal and foreign policy

The ruler has made considerable efforts to interrupt the dependence of the Russian Orthodox Church from the brought over it by Visantia. Therefore, in 1054, for the first time in the history of Russia, her church was headed by Russian, and not the Greek Metropolitan. His named Illarion.

Yaroslav Wise

The internal policy of Yaroslav Wise was aimed at improving the formation of the people and the elimination of the residues of the pagan faith. Christian faith was vaccinated with a new force. In this son continued the case of his great father, Vladimir Baptist.

Son ordered to translate Greek handwritten books to Slavic. He himself loved to read and tried to instill love for reading and enlightening his subordinate. The clergy began to teach children by literacy. In Novgorod, a school for boys appeared, which adopted 300 first students.

The number of books grew rapidly and book wisdom was built in a kind of time of that time. Be enlightened to be prestigious.

Library Yaroslav Wise

In the story of the time years, it is referred to a certain meeting of books and documents, which is customary to call the Library of Yaroslav Wise. Scientists talk about different quantities: from 500 to 950 volumes. According to some reports, the library was transferred to the prince (by other information - his great-grandchildren) of the Sofia Cathedral.

Since the ancient books that a thousand years have not been found, there are many hypotheses where they can be stored. Some argue that it can be the dungeon of the Sofia Cathedral, others talk about the catacombs of the Kiev-Pechersk Lavra, the third - about the vydubitsky monastery. But there are skeptics that believe that invaluable folites could not survive after devastating Polovtsy raids and fires.

Another version that has the right to exist is the Yaroslav Wise Library has become part of an at least the legendary library of Ivan the Terrible.

Kiev-Pechersk Lavra

Prince Yaroslav Wise stood at the origins of the appearance of the first Russian monasteries, including the chief - Kiev-Pechersky. The monastery not only made a huge contribution to the promotion and popularization of Christianity and Orthodoxy, but also played a huge role in the enlightenment. After all, the chronicles were made here and books were translated.

And at this wonderful time, the "Russian truth" of Yaroslav Wise appeared. This is the first set of laws of Russia, which followers added and increased.

Historians highly appreciate the external politics of Velmazby, in which he also achieved tremendous success. It seems that he was the first of the Russian princes focus on diplomacy, and not the power of weapons.

Yaroslav Wise - Biography, Board, Personal Life, Photo and Death 18387_9

At that time, dynastic marriages were considered the main way to establish relations with other states. And since Kievan Rus during the board of the wise turned into an enlightened and strong state, then "to breed" with her, many rulers of European countries expressed.

The wife of Yaroslav Wise became the daughter of the king of Sweden Olaf - Inhigerda, who received the name Irina after baptism. From the Father she got a rich dowry - the city of Aldeagaborg (later Ladoga). The land adjacent to it was called Ingermanland (which is translated as in Ingrids land).


The son of Prince - Vsevolod - married Greek Tsarevna. Two more offspring - on German princes. Son Izyaslav took his wife to the sister of Polish Prince Casimir, and Casimir himself married her sister wise - Dobogen.

The same dynastic marriages were among the daughters of Kiev Venelmazby. Elizabeth was married to the Norwegian King of Garald, Anastasia - for the Hungarian ruler Andrei. But the most famous and reverent was the daughter of Anna Yaroslavna, who became the wife of the French king Henry I. As a result of such an external policy, Prince Yaroslav Wise was connected by the reference of kinship with many strong neighbors, neighbors and distant.

Foundation of cities

Prince Yaroslav Wise founded Yuriev. It happened in 1030, when he went camping to chud. The new city, named after his angel, appeared on the shore of the lake. Now he is called Tartu and is the second largest Estonian city after Tallinn.

City of Yuriev (now - Tartu, Estonia)

Another city of Yaroslav Wise is Yaroslavl, although some historians consider the fact of its foundation by the prince not indisputable.

There is another Yuryev who was founded by the prince. This city turned out to be at the same time both the fortress, which was included in the Pojon Defense line. He was erected to protect Kiev from nomads. In 1240, Tatar-Mongols were destroyed, leaving only the ruins of the church. Around her and the city was revived, having received the name of the White Church. He is so called today.

Personal life

Many historians agree that Inhigerd's wife, after baptism, who became Irina, had a huge impact on her husband and left a marked mark in the history of Russia. On the lands received from her father in 1703, St. Petersburg was built by Peter the first.

In Kiev, thanks to Princess, Irina appeared the first female monastery. It was built at the Church of St. Irina. One of his columns "lived" to the middle of the twentieth century. Now only a quiet Irininskaya street resembles the existence of the temple.

Yaroslav Wise and his wife Inhigerda

How was the personal life of Yaroslav Wise and Ingigeria-Irina - today it is difficult to say. It is only known that in marriage with her 6 sons and 3 daughters were born. The spouse shared the views of her husband and moved into his faith, making a lot for her promotion.

Handsome, the great noble, it seems, was not. Strongly protruding nose and the same chin, sharply outlined mouth and large eyes did not add attractiveness. And he was chrome due to the different length of the legs. According to one version - due to the hip and knee-damaged in battle, and on the other, due to the hereditary disease of Perret.

Daughter Yaroslav Wise

There is a historic puzzle riddle to which different historians have their own opinion. Some of them claim that the prince Yaroslav Wise was married twice.

His first wife allegedly was Norwegian Anna. In this marriage, I was even born the son of Ilya. But in 1018, he, together with his mother, was captured by the Polish king Boleslav brave and was taken to Poland forever. This version is allegedly confirmed by the fact that the name Anna is found in some chronicles.

Icon Yaroslav Wise

But there are opponents of this controversial version. They argue that everything is much easier. Anna is the monothe name of Ingrid Irina. Allegedly, at the end of his life, she knead himself into a nun, taking this name. In 1439, Archbishop Evfimius counted Anna to the face of saints. It is considered heavenly patroness Novgorod.

It is noteworthy that the prince of Yaroslav Wise himself was ranked sainted only in the XXI century.


The last years of life, Prince Yaroslav Wise spent in Vyshgorod. He died on the holiday of the celebration of Orthodoxy on the hands of one of his sons - Vsevolod, survived for 4 years a wife and 2 senior sons, Vladimir.

Monument to Yaroslav Mudromu

The date of the death of the prince is considered February 20, 1054. He was buried in the Sofia Cathedral in Kiev, in a 6-ton marble sarcophage. Unfortunately, the remains of the Great Ruler disappeared. It is known that the sarcophagus in the twentieth century opened three times: in 1936, 1939 and 1964. And it was not always qualified and conscientious.

After opening in 1939, the remains of Yaroslav Wise sent to Leningrad, where the scientists of the Anthropology Institute for the first time confirmed that one of the 3 skeletons (male, female and children's) from the open burial really belongs to the prince. According to the found skull, Anthropologist Mikhail Gerasimov managed to restore the appearance of the ruler.

Restored appearance Yaroslav Wise

The remains returned to Kiev. But in 2009, the tomb was revealed again and found that the remains of the oldest of Rurikovich do not. There were two female skeletons on the spot - one time of Kievan Rus, the second even more long-time Scythian period. And in the tomb, the newspapers "Izvestia" and the truth of 1964 discovered.

Many historians and researchers tend to the version that the remains should be sought in the United States. Allegedly they were taken out in 1943, when German troops retreated.

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