Vladimir Monomakh - Biography, Photo, Personal Life, News, Board, Politics



The years of the board of Vladimir Vsevolodovich Monomakh are considered the most happy and blooming for Kievan Rus. The wise statesman who visited the governor of Smolensk, Chernigov, Pereyaslav Prince and became the Grand Duke of Kiev, a talented commander and thinker, he focused her name in the history of the Russian state. "The teachings of Vladimir Monomakh" is a secular and at the same time the philosophical instruction of sons and future generations, it also causes admiration for the wisdom of this great person.

Vladimir Monomakh was born in 1053. His father, Pereyaslav Prince Vsevolod, had to Son Yaroslav Mudrom, whose pedigree was first mentioned in the "Tale of Bygone Years". A year after the birth of the grandson, his great grandfather died. Mother Vladimir became close relative (maybe daughter) of the Byzantine emperor Konstantin IX Monomakh. Hence the nickname of the prince, which is translated as a "martial art", which accurately characterizes his personality.

Prince Vladimir Monomakh

The children's and youthful years of the life path of the future ruler of Kiev took place at the yard of the Father in Pereyaslav South. To participate in the hunt for wild animals, the father attracted a boy as a child. As he later wrote monomah in teaching sons, he visited the paws of the bear, and on the horns at the tour.

However, it was only a "warm-up". After all, at the age of 13, the boy fell on a fighting field, where he was taken by the Father to comprehend military affairs. At the same age, he began to pronounce independently in Rostov-Suzdal lands, acquiring the first experience of public administration.

Vladimir Monomakh on vacation after hunting

This experience was useful when Vladimir Monomakh was put on the reign of Smolensky. This period from 1073 to 1078 years. Smolensky Prince participated in the battles, helping the neighbors in the fight against external enemies - Polovtsy. War hikes were frequent. In 1076, Monomakh with Oleg Svyatoslavich supported Poles participation in the campaign against Chekhov. Later, together with the Father and Svyatopolkom Izaslavich, twice walked against Alslav Polotsk.

Governing body

In 1078, Vsevolod Yaroslavich undertook to pronomize Kiev. His 25-year-old son Vladimir Monomakh went to Chernigov. To protect the victorious, the young one was forced to repeatedly reflect the devastating raids of the Polovtsy and Mongol-Tatars. A half dozen years old son was the right hand of the Father. He helped him in solving political issues and more than once became at the head of great-road dyshleni, who made hiking to pace the reinforcement princes or the destruction of Polovtsky Halching.

Father Vladimir Monomakh Vsevolod Yaroslavich

In 1093, when the Father died, Vladimir Monomakh could become his successor - prince Kiev. But according to the existing rules of continuity, the Kiev throne was supposed to occupy a senior from Rurikovich. At that time, the cousin Svyatopolk Iaslavich turned out to be. Monomakh did not want civilians and a fratricide war and gave the throne to his brother. He himself went to rule Chernigov.

These 2 dozen years, from 1093 to 1113th, Vladimir Monomakh learned and joy from victories, and bitterness of defeats. In the battles, he lost his eldest son and younger brother. In 1094 he gave Chernigov lands Oleg Svyatoslavovich, leaving more "modest" Pereyaslav Principality.

Prince Vladimir Monomakh meeting with Prince Svyatopolk

Polovtsy continued to annoy Kiev Rus. Regular raids burned land. Vladimir Monomakh became the ideological inspirer of the association of princes in the face of the general enemy. Some researchers believe that the prince was the initiator of preventive strikes on the enemy, organizing bars in the Polovtsay steppe. A trip was successful in 1111, after which the main goal was achieved - Rus got rid of nomads for a long time. And after nine years, the troops of Pechenegs finally left the Russian lands. Protection of Russia from Polovtsy Researchers consider the main merit of Vladimir Monomakh.

Since the sons of Vladimir Monomakh, in addition to the fight against nomads, the military campaigns on the Livonia and Bulgaria regularly organized, in Europe they spoke about the power of the Kiev Prince. Large concerns called Vladimir at the Byzantine Emperor. According to legend, in a sign of a peaceful location, the ruler of the empire sent the rich gifts to Vladimir Monomakh: the power, the scepter, the cap and ancient bark. Subsequently, these items have become a symbol of holding power in Russia, and the headdress was called the name "Monomakh hat". These gifts are now in the Greaming Chamber of the Kremlin. They are also presented on all reproductions and photos with the image of Vladimir Monomakh.

Vladimir Monomakh

Vladimir Monomah made his contribution and in the cessation of fratricide wars in Russian land. To create a strong army, a consolidation of all princes was required, which was not observed in those years. One of the main events during the Board of Monomakh was the Lubech Congress of Princes. In 1097, the similarity of the rulers of the six Russian principalities was organized. At the meeting, questions were solved on the section of the territories and unity of the armies. Such an agreement has become a significant achievement in the internal political activities of the ruler and has a beneficial effect on strengthening the state. But the bias of the strength prevented the betrayal of Davyd Igorevich, which led to new distribution. In 1010, Vladimir Monomakh collected the second congress, on which the rulers managed to come to a peaceful decision.

Grand Prince

After the death of Svyatopolk in 1113, Vladimir Monomakh received the Brazda of the Board of Kiev Rusy and became the Grand Duke. It was a difficult period for Kiev, because at this time a popular uprising began against the Roshovists. The new ruler fell towards the people and took measures to limit interest challenge.

Prince Vladimir Monomakh

Monomah turned out to be an effective reformer in the field of legislation. He added a set of Russian True laws, written by Sant Yaroslav to Wise. Revenge for killing was forbidden and replaced with a fine. He also forbade turning the hull into slavery for outstanding debts. And the very position of the simple people facilitated. Such was the internal policy of Vladimir Monomakh.

The position of the Veliky Kiev Prince was prevalent so much that no one dared to challenge his seniority. Monomakh controlled three quarters of the state of the state. At Prince, the fortress was rebuilt in Suzdal and strengthening in Vladimir-on-Klyazma. There, the Spassky Church and the Assumption Cathedral appeared there, which were among the architectural monuments. Temples were also raised in Smolensk, Rostov and other cities, where the rules of the prince.

Vladimir Monomakh

Vladimir Monomakh's foreign policy also turned out to be successful. The raids of the Volga Bulgarians, Polovtsy and Mongol-Tatars no longer bothered the state. And the tribes of Berendev and Torkov were forever ousted beyond Russia. In the "Word about the killed Russian land" this time is called the happiest and serene. The contemporaries of Vladimir Monomakh in Europe became Philip I and Louis VI - Kings of France, Heinrich I Boklerk English and Emperor Byzantium John II Comnin.

The concentration of power in one hands and the cessation of civil wars strengthened the state. The period of cultural development began. Wise prince managed to leave his mark in the literature. Unfortunately, only 4 of his works came to this day: the letter to Oleg Svyatoslavich, the chronicle of the autobiographical nature about military campaigns, "Charter of Vladimir Vsevolodovich" (or "Charter of Vladimir Monomakh"), as well as the famous book "The teachings of Vladimir Monomakh", which is still Known under the names of the "Teaching of Vladimir Vsevolodovich", "Testament Vladimir Monomakh Children" or "Weaching Children."

Vladimir Monomakh

These literary works are the most valuable storehouse of everyday experience, transferred to the princely offspring and all subsequent generations, and also - Solving state management advice. Many statements by Vladimir Monomakh became aphorisms and quotes.

Personal life

The life of Monomakh testifies that Velmembrazh had three spouses and many children. Today it is impossible to reliably establish, which of the wives of some of the children gave birth.

It is reliably known that Vladimir Monomakh's personal life was rich in events. The first spouse Prince researchers call the Wessec Gite. This is the English Princess and the daughter of the Anglo-Saxon King Harold II. She gave birth to her husband of six (according to a different version of seven) sons: Mstislav, Yaropolk, Vyacheslav, Izyaslav, Roman and Svyatoslav.

Vladimir Monomakh and Gita Wessec

Two more sons of Monomakh - Yuri and Andrey. But the researchers disagree in her opinion, whether Gita was Mother Yuri, who became famous as Yuri Dolgoruky. And Vladimir had several daughters. Troy's names reached us: Maria (Maritsa), Eutemy and Agafia.

Cap Vladimir Monomakh

To the personal qualities of Vladimir Monomakh, all researchers rank wisdom, the desire for self-education, as well as political intuition. After receiving the Rostov and Suzdal lands from the Father in 13 years, the prince did not leave care about them and by the end of his life turned them into a blooming edge with a developed culture.


The famous ruler died on May 19, 1125. His honors were buried in Kiev. The grave of the ruler is located in the Cathedral of Saint Sophia. The outcome of the board of Vladimir Monomakh was a strong state with a developed economy and culture. On the role of Vladimir Monomakh in the history of Russia, his popularity speaks over the next centuries.

Sarcophag Vladimir Monomakh in the Cathedral of St. Sophia

In the 21st century, documentaries from the "Russian Commandments" and "The History of the Russian State" were created in memory of the Prince. The historical portrait of the personality was given in them and the important facts of the governor's biography are presented.


  • Commemorative coin of Ukraine dedicated to Vladimir Monomakh
  • Postage stamp of Ukraine dedicated to Vladimir Monomakh
  • Image of Vladimir Monomakh on the monument "1000th anniversary of Russia" in Veliky Novgorod
  • Monument to Vladimir Monomakh in the city of Priluki Chernihiv region
  • Nuclear submarine Project "Borea" of the Navy of Russia

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