Mikhail Romanov - Biography, Personal Life, Board, Politics, Kingdom, Photo and Latest News



Mikhail Fedorovich Romanov is one of Rus rulers, asking for the throne in 1613. Mikhail Romanov is the first king from the Romanov dynasty, which later gave the country a lot of sovereigns, including the window opener to Europe I, who stopped the seven-year war of her husband Ekaterina II, Peter III, who abolished the serfdom of Alexander II and many others. Although the sake of fairness should be said that not all of the reign genealogical trees of Romanov were descendants of Mikhail Fedorovich in the blood.

Mikhail Fedorovich Romanov

The future king Mikhail Romanov, whose biography takes up from 1596, was born in the family of Boyarina Fedor Nikitich and his wife Ksenia Ivanovna. It was the father that was a relatively close relative of the last king from the Rurikovsky dynasty, Fedor John. But since the senior novels along the circumstances stood up on the spiritual path and turned into the Patriarch of Filaret, then the throne of the branch of the Romanovs through him was no longer any speech.

Mikhail Romanov in youth

This was facilitated by the following circumstances. Under the reign of Boris Godunov, a denominant was written to the family of Romanov, who "obded" Nikita Romanova, the grandfather of the future king Mikhail Fedorovich Romanova, in witchcraft and desire to kill Godunov and his family. The immediate arrest of all male persecution followed, the magnitude forced kneading to the monks and the link to Siberia, where almost all family members were killed. When Lhadmitry I climbed the throne, he ordered to pardon the exiled boyars, including the Romanovs. By that time, only Patriarch Filaret with his wife and son, as well as his brother Ivan Nikitich, were able to return.

Mikhail Fedorovich

The further biography of Mikhail Romanov briefly was connected with the town of Wedge, which now belongs to the Vladimir region. When Semiboyarschina came to power in Russia, the family lived in Moscow for a couple of years, and later, during the Russian-Polish war of troubled time, shelled from the persecution of Polish-Lithuanian detachments in the Ipatiev Monastery in Kostroma.

The kingdom of Mikhail Romanov

The election of Mikhail Romanov to the kingdom was possible thanks to the unification of Moscow simple people with Velikorvsky Cossacks. The nobility was going to give the throne to the king of England and Scotland Yakov I, but the Cossacks did not suit. The fact is that they are not without reason fear that foreign rulers will take the territory from them, and in addition, it will reduce the size of the bread content. As a result, the Zemsky Cathedral chose the throne of the nearest relative of the last Russian king, which was the 16-year-old Mikhail Romanov.

Mikhail Romanov

It should be noted that neither he himself nor his mother was originally the idea of ​​the Moscow reign, realizing what a heavy burden. But ambassadors Mikhail Fedorovich Romanov briefly explained why his consent is so important, and the young man left the capital. On the way, he stayed in all major cities, for example, Nizhny Novgorod, Yaroslavl, Suzdal, Rostov. In Moscow, he directly headed through the Red Square to the Kremlin and the Spasskit Gate was solemnly greeted by the delightful people. After the coronation, or as then they said - weddings to the kingdom, the royal dynasty of Mikhail Romanov began, which ruled Russia over the next three hundred years and brought it among the great powers of the world.

Board Mikhail Romanov

Since Mikhail Fedorovich Romanova's Board began when he was only 16 years old, talking about some kind of experience the king is not necessary. Moreover, he was not brought up with an eye on the management of the state and, according to rumors, the young king was hardly able to read. Therefore, in the early years of Mikhail Romanova, the policy depended more from the decisions of the Zemsky Cathedral. When his father, Patriarch Filaret returned to Moscow, he became actual, although not a clear, co-guarantee, suggesting, aiming and affecting the policy of Mikhail Fedorovich Romanova. State letters of that time were written on behalf of the king and the patriarch.

Board Mikhail Romanov

Mikhail Romanov's foreign policy was aimed at stopping ruinous wars with Western countries. He stopped bloodshed with Swedish and Polish troops, although, at the expense of the loss of some part of the territory, including the exit to the Baltic Sea. Actually, because of these territories, after many years, Peter I will participate in the Northern War. The internal policy of Mikhail Romanova was also aimed at stabilizing the life and centralization of power. He managed to bring harmony to a secular and spiritual society, restore agriculture and trade destroyed in the troubled time, to establish the first plants in the country, to transform the tax system depending on the size of the land.

Mikhail Romanov

It is also worth noting such innovations of the first king of the Romanov dynasty, as the first time spent in the country of the population and their property, which made it possible to stabilize the tax system, as well as encouraging creative talents to the state. Tsar Mikhail Romanov ordered to accept the artist John Children on the service and instructed him to teach painting capable Russian disciples.

In general, the reign of Mikhail Fedorovich Romanova is characterized by improving the position of Russia. By the end of his rule, the consequences of the vague time were eliminated and the conditions for the future of the heyday of Russia were created. By the way, it was with Mikhail Fedorovich in Moscow a German Sloboda appeared in Moscow, which will play such an important role in the reforms of Peter I Great.

Personal life

When the king of Mikhail Romanov turned 20 years old, arranged bride loot, because if he did not give the heir to the state, the troubles and excitement could begin again. Interestingly, these loans were originally a fiction - the mother had already chosen a future spouse for the autocrat of a native family of Saltykov. But Mikhail Fedorovich confused her plans - chose himself a bride on his own. She was hawken by Maria Flazdow, but the queen of the girl was not destined to become. The angry Saltykov began to raise the girl's food secret, and because of the symptoms of the disease, she was recognized as not suitable candidates. However, the king of intrigue Boyar revealed and exiled a seven of Saltykov.

Maria Claskova and Mikhail Romanov

But Mikhail Fedorovich Romanov was too soft to insisted at a wedding with Maria Flap. He wilt to foreign brides. Although they were committed to marriage, but only subject to the preservation of the Catholic faith, that it turned out to be unacceptable for Russia. As a result, Mikhail Romanov's wife became Baby Dolgoruky, Mikhail Romanova. However, it literally a few days after the wedding fell ill and soon died. The people called this death kara for insulting Maria slap, and historians do not exclude new poisoning.

Mikhail Romanov in wedding

By the age of 30, the king Mikhail Romanov was not only idle, but most importantly - childless. Reggerer was organized by loot, again behind the scenes chose the future queen in advance, and again the novels showed their peculiarity. He chose the Daughter of the nobleman Evdokia Streshnev, who did not even be listed by the candidate and did not participate in the views, and came as a servant of one of the girls. The wedding played a very modest, bride erased from the attempt by all possible forces, and when she showed that he was not interested in Mikhail Romanov's politics, all the intrigues from the king's wife were lagging behind.

Evdokia Streshnev

Mikhail Fedorovich's family life and Evdokia Lukyanovna was relatively happy. The spouses became the attachments of the Romanov dynasty and produced on the light of ten children, although six of them died in infancy. The future king Alexey Mikhailovich was the third child and the first son of the ruling parents. In addition to him, three daughters Mikhail Romanova survived - Irina, Tatiana and Anna. Evdokia Streshneva, except for the main responsibility of the queen of the heirs, was engaged in charity, helping the churches and poor people, building temples and leading a pious life. She survived the royal spouse for just one month.


Tsar Mikhail Fedorovich Romanov from birth was a man painful. Moreover, he had physical ailments, and psychological, for example, he was often in a state of depression, as they said, "Melancholy suffered." In addition, he moved very little, because of what had problems with her legs. By the 30s, the king could only walk only barely and often from the chambers of his servants in their hands.

Monument to Mikhail Romanov

Nevertheless, he lived for quite a long time and died the day after his 49th anniversary. The official cause of death, doctors called water disease formed from constant seating and plentiful cold drink. Mikhail Romanov is buried in the Arkhangelsk Cathedral of the Moscow Kremlin.

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