Peter Stolypin - biography, personal life, reforms, activities, death, photo and latest news



Stolypin Peter Arkadyevich is an outstanding reformer, a statesman of the Russian Empire, who at different times was the governor of several cities, then became the minister of internal affairs, and at the end of his life he served the post of Prime Minister. Agrarian reform of Peter Stolypin and the law on military field courts were for their time if not a breakthrough, then, in any case, a saving rack. Many decisions in the biography of Peter Stolypin is considered the most important for the end of the revolution 1905-1907.

Stolypin Peter Arkadyevich

Peter Stolypin's personality is characterized by fearlessness, because the life of this man was more than a dozen attempts, but he did not retreat from his ideas. Many phrases of Stolypin became covered, for example, "we need the Great Russia" and "do not run!". When Peter Arkadyevich Stolypin was born, his nobles had existed for more than 300 years. A rather close relative to the state actor accounted for the great Russian poet Mikhail Lermontov.

Peter Stolypin in childhood

Stolypin Peter Arkadyevich himself, whose biography began counting in 1862, was born not in the territory of Russia, but in the German city of Dresden, then the capital of Saxony. There lived relatives of his mother, Natalia Gorchakova, they had a mom of the future reformer. Peter had Mikhail's native brothers and Alexander, as well as the sister with whom he was very friendly.

Peter Stolypin in youth

The boys grew in the Moscow province, and then in the estate in the Koven province. In the gymnasium of the teacher, the prudence of Peter and his volitional character. After receiving the maturity certificate, Peter Stolypin briefly rested in the estate of his parents, and then went to the capital, where he became a student of the natural branch of the St. Petersburg Imperial University. By the way, he had a famous scientist Dmitry Mendeleev, one of the teachers. After receiving a diploma of Agronom, Peter Stolypin Russia began.

Activity Peter Stolypin

As a brilliant graduate of the university, Peter Arkadyevich receives the place of the college secretary and makes an outstanding career. For three years, Stolypin retired to the rank of the title adviser, which was an unprecedented achievement for such a short period of time. Soon it is transferred to the Ministry of the Interior and are appointed by the Chairman of the Koven Court of World Intermediaries. Perhaps a modern person must be clarified: Stolypin Peter Arkadyevich was appointed in fact to the general position, while in the rank of captain, and even aged 26 years.

Peter Stolypin

At 13-year-old service in Kovno, as during the governorate in Grodno and Saratov, Stolypin paid a lot of attention to agriculture, studied advanced methods in agronomy and new grades of grain crops. In Grodno, he managed to eliminate rebel societies in two days, opened handicraft schools and special female gymnasiums. His successes noticed and translated into Saratov, more wealthy province. It was there that Peter Arkadyevich was found Russian-Japanese war, followed by which the Bunth of the 1905th year rose. The governor personally went out to calm the crowd of rebeling countrymen. Thanks to the vigorous actions of Stolypin, life in the Saratov province gradually calmed down.

Peter Arkadyevich Stolypin

Nicholas II twice expressed his gratitude to him, and for the third time I appointed the Minister of Internal Affairs. Today you might think that this is a great honor. In fact, the two predecessors in this post were cruelly killed, and Peter Arkadyevich was not eager to become the third, especially since four attempts were already committed for him, but there was no choice. The complexity of the work was that the main part of the composition of the State Duma was revolutionary and opened opposed. Such a confrontation between the executive and legislature created tremendous difficulties. As a result, the first State Duma was dissolved, and Stolypin began to combine his position with the post of Prime Minister.

Peter Stolypin

Here, Peter Arkadyevich Stolypin was again energetic. He showed himself not only a brilliant speaker, many phrases of which became covered, but also a reformer, and a fearless fighter with a revolution. Stolypin conducted a number of bills that entered the story as a Stolypin agrarian reform. For the posts of the Prime Minister, he remained up to his death, coming due to another attempt.

Petra Stolypin reform

As Prime Minister Stolypin Peter Arkadyevich reform began to introduce immediately. They concerned the bills, and foreign policy, and local government bodies, and the national issue. But the dominant value acquired the agricultural reform of Stolypin. The main idea of ​​the Prime Minister was to motivate the peasants to become private owners. If the former form of the community was shot by the initiative of many workers, now Peter Arkadyevich hoped to rely on the wealthy peasantry.

Peter Arkadyevich Stolypin

To carry out similar plans, it was possible to make very profitable bank loans for private peasants, as well as transferring large untreated state territories in Siberia, in the Far East, Central Asia and the North Caucasus in private hands. The second important reform was the zemstvo, that is, the introduction of local authorities, which reduced the impact on the policy of rich landowners. This reform of Peter Stolypin is very difficult to enter life, especially in Western regions, where the inhabitants accustomed to rely on the gentry. Opposed the idea and in the legislative council.

Peter Stolypin

As a result, the Prime Minister had to even go to the ultimatum to the emperor. Nicholas II was ready to do very hard with Stolypin, but the Empress Maria Fodorovna intervened, which bowed to the reorganizable son, the conditions of the reformer intervened. Thanks to the third, industrial reform, the rules of hiring workers have changed, the duration of the working day has changed, insurance against diseases and accidents and so on. Another equally important reform of Peter Arkadyevich Stolypin concerned the national question.

Peter Stolypin

He was a supporter of the association of the peoples of the country and offered to create a special ministry of nationalities, which could find a compromise to meet the interests of each nation, without humiliating their culture, tradition, history, languages, religion. Prime Minister believed that in this way you can eradicate interethnic and religious mosses and make Russia equally attractive for a person of any nationality.

Results of the reforms of Stolypin

Assessment of Stolypin's activities and during his life, and later professional historians were ambiguous. Peter Arkadyevich was and remain as an arcade supporters who believe that he could only prevent the subsequent October Revolution and save Russia from many years of war, and no less thank enemy, confident that the Prime Minister used extremely cruel and harsh methods and did not deserve praise . The results of the reforms of Stolypin were carefully studied for decades, and it was them who was based on the restructuring of Mikhail Gorbachev. Phrases Stolypin about the "Great Russia" are often used by modern political parties.

Peter Stolypin

Many are interested in the relationship Gregory Rasputin and Stolypin. It is worth noting that they treated each other sharply negatively. Peter Arkadyevich even prepared for Emperor a special report on the negative impact of Rasputin's activities to the Russian Empire, which was received by the famous answer: "Better is a dozen dissolve than one hysteria of the Empress." Nevertheless, it was at the request of Stolypin "Rasputin left not only St. Petersburg, but also Russia, going to pilgrimage to Jerusalem, and then returned only after the death of the famous reformer.

Personal life

Peter Stolypin married in 22 years, still in the student, which was nonsense for that time. Some contemporaries of Stolypin say that he chased at a very solid dowry, and others argue that the young man defended the honor of the family. The fact is that Peter Arkadyevich Stolypin's wife was the bride of his older brother Mikhail, who died from the Russian Academy of Sciences, received on duel with Prince Shakhovsky. And on the mortal apparent, allegedly, Brother asked Peter to take his named wife.

Peter Stolypin with his wife

Is this history of legend or not, but Stolypin really married Olga Naidgardt, who was Freillan Empress Mary Fodorovna, and also had to the great commander to the great commander Alexander Suvorov. This marriage turned out to be very happy: according to the testimony of contemporaries, Chut had a soul in the soul. The spouses were born five daughters and one son. The only son of Peter Stolypin, whose name was Arkady, subsequently immigrates and will become a well-known publicist writer in France.


As mentioned above, on Peter Stolypin, ten times they attempt to no avail. He wanted to kill him four times when Peter Arkadyevich Stolypin was the governor of Saratov, but they were rather not organized acts, but splashing aggression. But when he headed the government, revolutionaries began to plan his murder more thoroughly. During the stay of the Prime Minister, an explosion was made at the Pharmaceroy island, in which Stolypin himself was not injured, but dozens of innocent people died.

Murder Peter Stolypin

It was after this event that the government issued a decree on the "Surverting" courts who received the name "Stolypinsky Tie". This meant the rapid death penalty to terrorists. Several subsequent conspiractions were disclosed on time and also did not harm the reformer. However, from the 11th, committed in the fall of 1911, to protect Peter Arkadyevich Stolypin could no longer.

Death of Peter Stolypin

He, together with the imperial family, was in Kiev on the occasion of the opening of the monument to Alexander II. There, from the secret informant, Dmitry Bogrova came a message that terrorists arrived in the capital of Ukraine to kill Nicholas II. But in fact, the attempt was conceived by Bogrov himself, and not on the emperor, but on Stolypin. And since this person trusted, he was given a pass to theatrical lodge, where high-ranking specials were. Boglov twice shot in Peter Arkadyevich, who from the received wounds passed four days later and was buried in the Kiev-Pechersk Lavra.

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