Anna Dyukova - Biography, Photo, Personal Life, News, Filmography 2021



Today, many spectators of Russia and neighboring countries know this talented actress. She became famous for the works in popular films "Russian Ark" and "Russian Bun". Often, the artist appears in the rating series, among which such "hits", as a "thunderstorm gate", "Crime and Punishment" and "Grigory R.".

Anna Dyukova was born in Arkhangelsk in the winter of 1975 in the acting family. Anna's parents are artists of the Arkhangelsk Drama Theater, sister works at the Lensovet's theater. The girl, what is called, "breathing the theater" and grew behind the scenes. For the first time she was taken to the scene when she was only 2 years old. She appeared in the play "Forgive me" Viktor Astafieva. But her first conscious work was the role of a boy in the play "Two winters and three summer" Fyodor Abramov. According to the script, she needed to eagerly eat bread. Times then were indeed such, it is difficult to call them satisfying, so the role of a hungry boy of 4-year-old ane was brilliantly. Konstantin Stanislavsky himself, if he saw it, would certainly say "believe!".

Actress Anna Dyukova

Anya also participated in all school productions. Together with classmates, various fairy tales were put on holidays - "Cinderella", "Snow White", "12 months." She did not consist in specialized circles on acting skills, but he visited a music school.

It is not surprising that the biography of Anna Dyukuk from the moment of the first exit to the scene was predetermined. It was finally decided to become an artist when the girl was fulfilled 12. Actures of the Lensovet Theater arrived in Arkhangelsk. Anya, with a fading heart, first looked at their performance, and then he listened about the secrets of the crafts, which the Leningrad scene was generously shared.

Anna Dyukova

Despite the fact that the parents of Anna themselves were actors, they saw their daughter with a translator and from childhood they gave it to foreign languages.

After graduating from school, Sibiryachka went not to act in St. Petersburg, but to the capital. She was very upset when he learned that he was late for the interview. But the hands did not lower and entered the Yaroslavl Theater Institute. After 2 years, Anna Dukova moved to St. Petersburg, where he became a student of the legendary forge of the actor personnel - SPbgati. She was accepted on the course of the talented mentor Alexander Kunitsyn.

Soon the actress came to the scene of the Lensovet theater. But then switched to the Label of the Tyus, where it acts today.


In the Tsyuz, she played tens of bright roles that were remembered by St. Petersburg theatras of different ages. In her repertoire - the classic of world literature and drama: "Mermaid", "Star Taler", "Little Prince", "Mount from Wit", "Fathers and Children", "Tartuf", "Mad Money" and other works.

Anna Dukhuk cinematic biography began in 1999 in the popular French-Russian project "Russian Bun". This is a historic drama that fell into the nomination of the prestigious award of the Berlin Film Festival "Golden Bear". In the picture, Anna got a bright episode. But just he turned out to be a kind of "business card" for the actress of their Arkhangelsk.

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Talented Siberian is invited to popular series, most often criminal, detective and historical. She plays volitional and purposeful women. Spectators learn it in the rating tapes "Secrets of the Consequence", "Russian Ark", "Special Forces 2", "Opera: Chronicles of the Device Department", "Favorsky", "Foundry" and others. Anna Dyukova's films are loved by the audience.

In 2012, the Russian-Ukrainian military drama "Death to Spies is coming to the screens. The deadly fight "director Edward Palmov, where the actress performed one of the key roles. This tape is notable for being playing her husband Ilya Shakunov with Anna here.

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In 2013, three filmmakes were released with her participation: the Melodrama "Medicine from Fear", a criminal detective "Rosant" and the adventure television series "Sea Devils. Group "Tornado".

The star role of Siberian becomes a role in the historical TV series "Grigory R.", where the actress brilliantly reincarnated into the Great Princess Militsa Chernogorsk. Series "Grigory R." Released on screens in 2014 and was among the most popular multi-metering projects of recent years. The acting staff had a truly starry, along with Dyukuk, Vladimir Mashkov, Andrei Smolyakov, Ekaterina Klimova, Ingeborg Dappen. By the way, appeared in the film and the spouse of Anna, however, he got a small role - Ieromonach or Odora.

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The series was nominated for the Prize of the Association of Cinema Produces and Television at once in four categories, of which three won. Mashkov was recognized as the best actor, the work of the artist-director and artist on makeup was noted.

In the same year, the series "Leningrad 46" came out with her participation. The role of Anna in the picture is small, she played Zin's neighbor, but the work turned out to be bright. Together with her, Sergey Garmash, Evgeny Miller and others participated in the filming. In 2015, the tape was awarded the Association Prize of Cinema and Television Producer in the nomination "Best TV series."

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Also in 2014 Duchova starred in the film "The Best Enemies", where Alexei Nilin, Sergey Selin, Andrei Zibrov and many other popular actors of the Russian cinema and many other popular actors of Russian cinema became its colleagues along the set.

In 2015, she played one of the roles in the mini-series "Savor, Brother!".

Personal life

With a future husband, Artist met her native Tyuze. Ilya Shakunov is a Russian actor, who is beloved by the audience for the role in the "Count Monte Cristo" and other popular series.

Anna Dyukova and Ilya Shakunov

Anna Dyukova's personal life was happily. My husband has complete mutual understanding. They do not feel any professional or other jealousy to each other. This agreed on the dawn of living together.

The couple raises two children - daughter Vasilis, who was born in 2005, and the son of Makara, the youngest for 5 years. Children Anna Dyukuk grow versatile developed.

Anna Dyukova and her husband and daughter

Free time the family spends at the cottage near Petersburg. Unfortunately, the demand of the pair in the cinema and the theater is such that it becomes infrequent in nature. But the more valuable time spent together.

Since neither Anna, nor her spouse "Instagram", where fans could follow their lives, rumors about divorce always hurts around the pair. But, fortunately, these rumors there are neither grounds nor confirmations, so this is pure water fiction.

Anna Dyukova now

Today Duukova plays more on the stage of the theater than in the movies. And in 2017, on the stage of the Tyus, the debut of the daughter of Anna - Vasilisa Shakunova took place. She received a major role in the musical "Centrawille Ghost", the girl plays Virginia. Anna Dyukova is also involved in this performance - she got the role of Mom Virginia.

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In May 2018, the premiere of the performance of Ulanbek Bayaliyev "Winter Tale" took place in the Tyuze. Anna Dyukova played Hermione, Queen of Sicily. The setting was warmly met by the audience and received a lot of positive reviews.


  • 2000 - "Russian Bun"
  • 2003 - "Secrets of the investigation-3"
  • 2006 - "Thunderstorm Gate"
  • 2007 - "Opera-3. Chronicles of a slaughter department "
  • 2012 - "Death to spies. Hidden enemy "
  • 2013 - "Sea Devils. Tornado"
  • 2014 - "Grigory R."
  • 2014 - "Leningrad 46"
  • 2014 - "The Best Enemies"
  • 2015 - "Sawn, brother!"

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