Oleg Vladimirovich Polyakov - Biography, Personal Life, Photo, Business, Age and Latest News 2021



Polyakov Oleg Vladimirovich was born on July 6, 1977 in the city of Tuymazy in the family of workers. Father - Vladimir Vasilyevich, worked as a mechanic at the factory. Mother - Tamara Ilinichna, an accountant in kindergarten.

Childhood and youth spent in the hometown of Tuymazy, where in 1994 he graduated from high school number 7. In the same year, Polyakov O.V. Entered the Ufa State Technological Institute for the Economic Faculty of Service, which successfully completed in 5 years, having received a specialty manager in the social sphere.

Main work Polyakova O.V. Almost always has been associated with managerial activities. In different years, he headed the oil, construction and social sphere enterprises. Possessing outstanding organizational abilities, he always skillfully found reasonable and responsible decisions. The scale of its activities characterizes many projects implemented not only in the city of Ufa, but also in the Republic of Bashkortostan.

Business and Career

The construction company "Geomasive-Ural", which was actively involved in the creation of Polyakov O.V. As part of the development of the city of Ufa, participated in the construction of the railway station Art. "Ufa", the monument of friendship, the "Akbuzat" hippodrome and a number of other socially significant objects of Ufa.

In 2008, Oleg Polyakov on its own funds with the involvement of leading specialists create a unique network of Media Media Laboratory in the Republic of Bashkortostan. By purchasing the best European diagnostic equipment samples, he equipped the entire network of medical laboratories, which today is the best and largest in the region.

Thanks to this project, thousands of residents of Ufa and the entire republic were able to quickly and qualitatively to diagnose their health, revealing hidden foci in the early stages of their diseases. The laboratory continues its activities to this day, providing high-quality diagnostics of Bashkortostan residents.

The next challenge, which fell to the share of Oleg Polyakova, was the company "Ufimcabel". During the period of work from 2011 to 2013, at the Ufimcabel Plant Polyakov O.V. It was possible to organize the modernization of production, equipping it with modern, high-tech equipment, to update production and product range, and, most importantly, to increase the salary of the workers.

Thanks to the accepted managerial decisions of Polyakov O.V. I managed to increase the factory revenue by 2.5 times. As a result, the management of the plant decided on the further development and transfer of production to another platform in order to increase the volume of products.

Oleg Polyakov is a member of the Board of Directors of Technological Engineering Holding "NII NG Petr", which specializes in modernization, reconstruction and construction of oil and gas facilities in Russia and the CIS countries. Peton implements turnkey "turnkey" the largest projects in the oil and gas, oil and gas processing, petrochemical and chemical industries. The main priority of the company is to support Russian machine-building factories under the import substitution program.

Social activity

In addition to managerial activities in business, Oleg Polyakov leads great public and charitable activities. Oleg Polyakov is a member of the Board of Trustees of the Foundation for the Support and Development of Science of the Republic of Bashkortostan, who oversees a number of educational programs of the Ufa State Oil Technical University. O.V. Poles within the framework of this fund sponsors the contest "Sh.Y.str.I.K." For schoolchildren who know how to build engineering structures, in which hundreds of young engineers take part.

Socializing from early childhood, Polyakov O.V. Actively promotes the appearance of the eastern martial arts of Kyokusinkai in the Republic of Bashkortostan.

Oleg Vladimirovich Polyakov - Biography, Personal Life, Photo, Business, Age and Latest News 2021 18370_1

He is a member of the presidium of the sports federation of Kyokusinkai (IKO). Thanks to his personal support, two athletes from the republic for the first time in the history of the Republic of Belarus took part in the Absolute World Championships in Japan on Kyokusinkai (this championship is equal to the Olympic Games and takes place once every 4 years).

Polyakov O.V. It provides a significant sponsorship for the development of children's sports in Ufa.

Personal life

Polyakov O.V. married. With his wife Natalia Viktorovna together raising her daughter. The family leads a healthy lifestyle, engaged in skiing, swimming, visits theaters, is fond of tourism.

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