Sorvigolov - Marvel Comic Hero, Creation History and Actors


Character History

Writers and artists "Marvel Comics" do not cease to amaze comic lovers with new characters. But, despite the abundance of superheroes, costume bravets, which appeared in the 1970s, are still popular. Cinematographic work and fan fiction (for example, "Sorvigolov with gold hair") about Matt Murdoch and to this day, and the fans of this fighter with crime memorize quotes from the series about the adventures of the owner of superconductors.

History and universe

Writer Stan Lee and artist Bill Everett in the 60s of the last century pleased the lovers of graphic novels with a new colorful character: on the "Marvel Comics" pages began to fight with evil superhero on nicknamed Sorvigolov. The owner of supernatural opportunities debuted in the first issue of Daredevil magazine, which was published on April 10, 1964.

Writer Stan Lie

The creators carefully worked the character of the character: according to the plot, due to the accident, Matt Murdoch was lost sight, but the other feelings of this hero aggravated, compensating for physical disadvantage. Sorvigolov, like a hydrolector, began to feel different objects around himself, and due to the action of radioactive waste of its supercoperation only intensified. According to the creator, the inner radar of the Sorvigolov is much surpassed by the Female Spider.

In the first releases of Comics, Sorvigolov appeared in the image of a positive young man. Famous illustrators worked on this character, but Matt Murdoch in a yellow-brown suit never gained popularity from the regulars of comic shops, who bought magazines with the image of Superman or Batman. Ultimately, Marvel, who did not want to lag from their colleagues on the workshop from the Disti studio, decided to make the same depressive and gloomy character like Bruce Wayne.


Jack Kirby, John Romita-Sr. and Gin Callan did not cope with his task, but in 1970 the artist Frank Miller, who later was remembered by readers on the cycle of graphic news "City of Sins" for the Sorvigolov.

Miller added to the comics about the Sorvigolov of dark and gray paints, creating an neonaya, washed, but a romantic atmosphere, which is characteristic of seeing in the works of the director Tim Berton. Since then, Matt Murdoch has acquired a unique style and began to stand out against the background of other superheroes.

According to the plot, invented illustrators and scenarios, Sorvigolov was born in a cereal town called a hellish cuisine, which acquired the bad fame of the Criminal District of New York. Therefore, a small boy had to float under the sounds of noisy disassembly, accompanied by numerous shootings in the style of the Wild West.

Comics about Sorvigolov

The future superhero grew up without Mother: Maggie, suffering from postpartum depression, eventually went to the monastery. Matt was brought up by the Father, who worked by a professional boxer in the ring. Jack on the nicknamed "Fighter" wished to see in the son of a smart and wealthy person, and not "uneducated incomparable", which he himself was.

Therefore, a man hoped that the offspring would not go to his footsteps and would not make a living with the help of fists and fights. Murdoch-Sr. wanted Matt to be a white collar and earned their bread with his own mind. Jack did not allow the young man to train with other children, therefore, on an unlike and "cowardly" outsider, peers were killed, calling him a hurt nickname "Sorvigolov". Offended Murdoch secretly splashed the accumulated anger in the boxing hall.

Matt Murdoz calls Sorvigolov in an ordinary life

One day, Matt saw the blind man who was going towards the truck. Murdoch pushed a man from the road, but a misfortune happened to him: thanks to radioactive waste, which resulted out of the truck, the young man lost sight. But the taste, touch and smell became superhuman.

After discharge from the Sorvigolov Hospital, it began to take the lessons from Ninja Stick: the Master taught Matt to hand-to-hand fighting, acrobatics and control over the acquired opportunities. Also, the young man graduated from the Faculty of Law and began to work as a lawyer.

Sorvigolov in cartoons

Matt did not have time to take his place under the sun, as in his life again the misfortune happened. Jack Murdoch fell into an unpleasant situation. At the insistence of the fixer promoter, the athlete was to deliberately lose a fight with weightlifter. However, the father of the Sorvigolov did not want to succumb to the enemy.

That night, the winning boxer was killed by a fir driver and his people, and this tragedy squeezed in Matt's heart thirst for revenge and hatred. The young man began to live a dual life: during the day he is a righteous lawyer, and in the evening - a fighter with villains and crime.


Initially, Sorvigolov was dealt with Jack's killers, and then began to solve urban problems.

When Matt decided to become a superhero, he handed himself his own costume from a worn robe father. But in order to become a real fighter for justice in a mask, Matt appeals for help to Mellin's mechanics Potter, who created a canonical red costume with horns resembling devil. The fans noticed that the upper part of the character's head decoration expresses only one emotion.

Sorvigolov in comic books

It is noteworthy that the creators of the comic drew scrupulous attention to the details. Illustrators wanted to create clothes for the Sorvigolov not only memorable, but also practical so that the character could move without any problems and participate in fights. Thus, the Hero of Graphic Novel "Marvel" appeared before readers in elegant, but at the same time armored costume.

Also, the superhero has a black outfit, and from the weapon he uses two combat rods connected by a cable. Although a red costume and remembered readers, in the original early comics, the robe was yellow-brown.

The abilities at the Sorvigolov are diverse: the hero of comic books with the help of a finger can easily feel the faint ink imprint on the page. Despite its physical disadvantage, Matt quickly reads, but laminated paper is beyond.

Rex Smith as Sorvigolov

In addition to physical strength, dexterity and sonar, Sorvigolov owns cold weapons and appliances of a hand-to-hand combat, and also knows how to cause volatile mice. The scripts used to say that a superhero can feel a person at a distance of five feet from him, paying attention to the fever emanating from the body or air fluctuations.

As for the nature of the Sorvigolov, then over time he has undergone changes. For example, the artist Frank Miller proved the temperament of the main character with brutal notes. But in any case, Matt is a purposeful and fearless person who has not fallen hands after an accident. This hero does not kill their enemies, because, according to the Sorvigolov, blood spraying is permissible only in extreme cases.

Friends and enemies

Friends at the Sorvigolov do not consider, and even more so - the sworn enemies. Therefore, we will list only some characters from the Universe "Marvel". Superhero consists in a friendly relationship with heroes from the fantastic four, Khalkom, Captain America, Romolosha, Dadpool, a ghostly rider and punisher.

Sorvigolov and Avengers

In Ultimate Marvel (Imprint "Marvel Comics", which produces rethinking character stories) The main goal of the Sorvigolov - the authority of the Kingpin. Matt came to the top of the criminal pyramid, but was defeated.

Superhero gathered the "Recent Knights" team, which included Spiderman, punisher, Dr. Strøndj, Iron Fist, Moon Knight and other fighters with crime. It is known that in the cartoon about a man-spider-spider, Sorvigolov performed as his lawyer.

Sorvigolov and Karen Page

Superhero is an avid bachelor, but he had love relationships with women, albeit not always successful. For example, at one time the seeker of costume adventures met with Karen Page, who knew about his dual life. Later, the girl began to act in films for adults and use drugs. And to get a round sum, I decided to pass the Sorvigolov with guts.

Sorvigolov and Electra Podios

At one time, the young man met with an electric podium and a black widow, but neither one of the relationship was crowned with success. Among other things, Sorvigolova was a romantic interest in the nurse Claire Temple. From this attachment, too, nothing is possible.

The list of Sorvigolov enemies is more impressive. The character in a red costume throughout the graphic novels is struggling with villains, including gladiator, Mr. Fair, Filin, Buschvoker, Typhoous Mary, Misterio, Vulture, Beetle, Death Stalker and others.

Sorvigolov and black widow

With a psychopath-killer labeled at the Sorvigolov, there was their own story, revealing in the plot about the "kingdom of shadows". The fact is that the villain blew up a residential building, and also dealt with the Ninja Group, which Sorvigolov coached. The superhero in the mask did not work for a long time during the fight against labeled, but killed him, before that, brutally beat and breaking his hands. True, the creators explained that at the time of his madness, Matt Murdoch was under the control of the demon.


Eminent directors could not pass by such a colorful character like Sorvorigolov. The avid kinomans will remember enough quotes from films about this superhero.
  • 1989 - "Incredible Hulk: Test"
  • 2003 - "Sorvigolov"
  • 2015-present. Time - "Sorvigolov"
  • 2017 - "Defenders"


  • 1994 - "Spiderman: Sorvigolov against Man-Spider"
  • 1994 - "Fantastic Four"

Interesting Facts

  • In the series "Sorvigolov", where the main roles were performed by Charlie Cox, John Bernal and other actors, there is a two-minute scene of the fight in prison, where the punisher alone crashes with people in an orange form. According to fans, the best scene from this multi-sieves took place without the main character (Sorvigolov).
Charlie Coke as Sorvigolov
  • In the film "Sorvigolov" (2003), the role of superhero got Baou Affleck. The actor approached the film. Responsible: changed his diet, three months visited the gym, and also studied martial arts.
  • Poisonous waste, which resulted out of the truck and fell into the sewer, turned four turtles in mutants trying to catch the villain of Schroeder.
Ben Affleck as a Sorvigolov
  • In the TV series "Defenders" (2017) combined several heroes of Marvel Comics: Sorvigolov (Charlie Cox), Jessica Jones (Kristen Ritter), Luke Cage (Mike Colter) and Iron Fist (Finn Jones). By the way, the latter is the heir to the company "Rand Corporation", which belongs to that ill-fated truck.

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