Evgenia Nohrina - Photo, Biography, Personal Life, News, Films 2021



Heroine Evgenia Nochryna is worried on the screen the entire range of feelings from love to hatred. Each actress takes something for himself, especially the strong characters and optimists like it, despite anything that believes in good. The tragic scenes are emotionally given, since it has not yet come across the real drama. But here nohrina is lucky: Partners always help and support.

Childhood and youth

Evgeniya was born in July 1991 in Nizhny Novgorod, she was engaged in the theater studio in childhood and at the end of the school approved in the desire to associate life with the scene and cinema. She does not mention the family and parents anywhere.

In 2009, Nohrina passed creative tests and passed the entrance exams in VGIK, in the workshop of the People's Artist of Russia Vladimir Menshov. The career growth of the fiance began with student performances "Above the abyss of rye" and "talking dumb".

After graduating from the university for three years, she consisted in a troupe of the Moscow Gubernsky Theater, paired with Sergey Bezrukov played in the production of Pushkin. The artistic director of MGT depicted the great Russian poet, and Evgenia Nohrina - Natalia Goncharov. Actress appeared and in the director's project Sergey Puuskapalis "The First Second Coming" of a person who has a gift of healing.

Director Sergey Poslaski, Pupil Sergey Golomazova, put on the stage of the theater thesis "Cinderella" on the play of Evgeny Schwarz. Nochryna got in it the main role.

Personal life

Personal life Evgenia Nochryina until a certain point was a rebus. The fans knocked the fact that the actress changed the surname. As Evgenia Mironenko, the girl appeared, for example, in the Titors of the Hope Melodrama in 2014. But she herself did not give any comments about this.

In the summer of 2019, Zhenya registered marriage with a colleague Dmitry Panfilov, with whom he played together in the film "To marry Pushkin". A young man is familiar to the audience by the lead role in the fantasy thriller "Split". Dmitry removes advertising and clips, enjoys the creation and promotion of Youtube channels and profiles in social networks.

Evgenia has a personal account in "Instagram", the news about life actresses are also published on the page of the fan community in VKontakte. There are photos from theatrical and television prime ministers, work created by professional photographers. On some Noahrina shows a figure in a swimsuit, and those on which it is captured in a frank dress, there would be a place on the pages of Maxim magazine.

In the frame, a girl with an increase in 173 cm and weighing 52 kg looks flawlessly. In one interview, the artist told that he helps her maintain harmony. She does not adhere to diets and does not push himself with workouts. Eugene tries to be saturated, use only environmentally friendly products. The actress's free time gives dance in the style of Jazz Modern and Latina, does not refuse herself to go to the pool and for massage, regularly performs stretching exercises.

In the care of appearance, Nohrin has not yet resorted to "heavy cosmetic artillery", but monitors the condition of the skin and hair, which, due to the characteristics of the profession, are under constant tests. In her arsenal - special shampoos, masks, and most importantly weapons - good mood and inner harmony.

Burning the children of Eugene and Dmitry are not in a hurry, vacation is carried out on travels, in the "satellites" necessarily take a toy kota bass. Before the wedding, according to the spouse, Zhenya was afraid of extreme and everything that threatens health. And now rides on a snowboard and refuses except from the American slides.

Theater and films

The filmography of Nochrina began to replenish immediately after the release from the theater university. The actress played in the screening of the novel "Yama" Alexander Kurin, and then appeared in the youth adventure film "On the wings" with Yuri Stoyanov and Peter Harchenko, in the criminal drama "Cold dish" with Alexey Demidov and Pavel Yaskevich, in the family history "under the sign of the moon "With Cyril Dutsevich.

Together with Sergey, Evgeny, Evgeny, starred in the comedy TV series "temporarily unavailable". In the film, we were talking about a Moscow official, which turns out to be on the site of the provincial investigator and is forced to participate in the disclosure of the case. Zhenya appeared in the image of the model, girlfriend of the main character. Ekaterina Fedulova also appeared in the comedy, Valery Lanskaya, Dmitry Khrustalev.

Actress's big popularity brought the series "Hope", where she received the role of a young girl Nadi, whose groom went to the service under the contract and disappeared. The heroine is started in search of a beloved, embodied on the screen by Matvey Dubtang.

Another significant for the creative biography of Evgenia Nochryna work is the main role in the village story of the love of the "Flower Flower", where Sergey Mukhin came to her partner. In the plot, the meeting place of the future lovers was a dense forest on the night of Ivan Khapov. Only the hero of Sergey, a student Tim, was engaged in the study of an abnormal area of ​​the area, and the girl is sinking, the character of Nochryna, came with her friend behind the cherished flower of a fern, acting.

In the repertoire, the actress also included episodic roles in a detective "Loop Nesterov", in the drama Stanislav Govorukhin "End of an excellent era, where the recognized stars of the movie Sergey Garmash are involved, Fedor Dobronravov, Dmitry Astrakhan and Svetlana Khodchenkova.

Two works of Nochryna saw the light in December 2016. We are talking about the melodrama "Sandage Duck", in which Anatoly Lobytsky, Alexander Konstantinov, and the romantic comedy "marry Pushkin,", where, in addition to the young actress, Alexander Bortich, Dmitry Hudochkin, Roman Madyanov appeared, were cooperating with Evgenia.

In 2017, five projects were issued with the participation of Zhenya, in which she was allocated by the main roles. In the comedy TV series "First Guy in the Village", Eugene played a village beauty Nastya, which fell in love with the capital guard of the order of Mikhail (Valentin Kurasyak). And in the melodrama "Drugs of Fate" Heroine Nohrina faces a deception of a loved one. Another popular project with Evgenia Nochryna is "Color Ripe Cherry", which also starred Peter Baranchev, Dmitry Bee, Andrei Senkin.

In a touching picture of the love "Education and walking dogs and men", Eugene was transformed into a capricious bride of the Main Hero of Artem (Ilya Alekseev), with which he broke up, receiving a helpless puppy as a gift. And in the drama "Black Blood" girl played the heroine of Mary thoroughly at a young age.

In the role of her rival, Olga sisters, which is decided to "discard someone else's groom, also two actresses - Tatyana Kolgana and Maria Pirogov. Turning to the sorcerer, Olya lays a series of unpleasant events and deaths of loved ones.

Evgenia Nohrina and Valeria Lanskaya Like

In 2018, Zhenya appeared in the acting composition of Misel's melodrama, like Arina Postnikov, Olga Sizova, Veronika Plyashkevich. Another work of the year was the main role in the comedy melodrama "by whining belane", where Nohrina reincarnated in the athlete Katya, forced to complete his career after injury.

The idea of ​​the series "How long I was waiting for you," in which Nohrina starred in Tandem with Dmitry Blazhko, according to the artist, is that the loving hearts should be able to forgive each other, do not be afraid to go on frankness and not forget about the dream. Heroine Evgenia sacrificed personal happiness to save the life of a loved one. Despite the dramatic plot, the shooting was remembered by the participants as a cheerful and easy process.

Spectators who saw the picture "New Year's Angel" found similar plot lines with an American comedy "While you slept" and the Russian ribbon "Bride with refueling". Good and naive fairy tale - so they characterized the film. In addition to Evgenia Nohrina and Vlad Canopy, a special delight caused her grandmother, Alexandra Nazarova character. For the star "small life" and "Princess on Bobach" is the penultimate work in the cinema.

Evgenia Nohrina now

In the Moscow provincial theater, Nohrina is playing as a invited actress. In January 2020, the Drama "Pushkin" had a kind of anniversary - the performance was held in the 150th time. In addition to this formulation, Eugene is involved in the Belleshka and Seven Dwarfs fairy tale.

The shooting area of ​​the melodrama "Do not let go" again brought the artist with Matvey Dubthevich. The film of Ukrainian filmmakers saw the light at the beginning of the 2020. Heroine Evgeniya is forced to part with the fiance after evuruner leaders. But after 10 years he is determined to return his beloved.

Studio Grand-Film is preparing to release the full-length drama "Sticker". Here, the company Nochryna was Alexander Nostec, Ivan Stebunov and Catherine Olkina. The leading leadership Alexander Samoilenko believes that this picture is a new language telling about the relationship of men and women.


  • 2013 - "Kuprin. Pit"
  • 2013 - "On Wings"
  • 2013 - "Under the sign of the moon"
  • 2014 - "Hope"
  • 2015 - "temporarily unavailable"
  • 2015 - "Nesterova Loop"
  • 2015 - "Fernary Flower"
  • 2016 - "Get married Pushkin"
  • 2016 - "Sandage Duck"
  • 2017 - "Color Ripe Cherry"
  • 2017 - "Black Blood"
  • 2018 - "By whining kettling"
  • 2019 - "How long have I waited for you"
  • 2020 - "Do not let go"

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