Yuri Dolgoruky - Biography, Photo, Personal Life, Board, Politics, Death



Probably, this is one of the most controversial and restless characters of Russian history. The son of Vladimir Monomakh, he was covered by the constant desire to increase power and possession, wiving all new and new cities and villages.

The famous Russian historian Vasily Tatishchev, describing the biography of the statesman, mentioned that the prince was a "great amateur of women, sweet food and drink." And cared more than all "about cheerful, rather than on management and military." He himself did little, placing routine responsibilities for "children and princes of the Allied".

With Tatishchev, another historian agrees and publicist - Mikhail Shcherbatov. He believed that the nicknamed "Dolgoruky" contemporaries took Yuri for personal qualities. Prince, "Like the Persian King of Artaxerks, showed" greed of acquisition ".

Prince Yuri Dolgoruky

The same Vasily Tatishchev came to the conclusion that the date of birth of the prince should be considered 1090 years. If so, then his mother became Wessec, the first spouse of Vladimir Monomakh. By origin, she was an English princess, the daughter of the last ruled king of the Anglo-Saxes Harold II.

However, Gürghev Mati (mother of Yuri), which is stated in the "teaching" of Vladimir Monomakh, died in May 1107, and Gita died in the spring of 1098. Therefore, according to some researchers, the mother of this siblos could be the second wife of Monomakh - Efimia.

This means that Yuri Dolgoruky appeared in the interval between 1095 and 1097. But there is no one opinion, so it is believed that the prince was born in the 1090s.

Governing body

Another boy Yuri, together with his native brother, Mstislav was sent to Rostov.

Since 1117, the independent Board of Dolgoruky began. But at the beginning of the 1130s, he was uncontrollable to south, closer to the prestigious Kiev principality. The main events in the foreign and domestic policy of Yuri Dolgoruky became numerous conquering campaigns that the prince took.

Yury Dolgoruky

In 1132, Yuri captured Pereyaslavl Russian. But he could not fix it there for a long time - only a week would come in. In the same result, the capture of Pereyaslavl was crowned in 1135.

Restless Yuri Dolgoruki regularly intervened in transfreight decay. He had a special interest in Great Kiev, where at that time his nephew Izyaslav Mstislavovich was ruled. Previously, the city was ruled by the father of Yuri, Vladimir Monomakh, so the ambitious prince so Istovo sought to take the senior princely throne. Of the several attempts to master Kiev three proved to be effective. Kievans did not like greedy and cruel noble.

The first time to take the desired city of Dolgorukomuchu was managed in 1149. Yuri smashed the troops of Iaslav the second Mstislavich and captured Kiev. In addition, under his control turned out to be Torovsky and Pereyaslav's thrones. Senior Brother Vyacheslav Voevoda gave Vergorod.

Yuri Dolgoruky three times won Kiev

The traditional prostrolling procedure, which was based on the principle of seniority, was violated, so the struggle for the Kiev throne continued. Izyaslav agreed with Polish and Hungarian allies and in 1150-51 he returned Kiev. Vyacheslav he made a co-coster.

Voivode undertook a new attempt to discourage the city. But the battle ended with an annoying defeat on the Ruta River.

The second successful raid on Kiev of the Voivode committed in 1153. Having enlisted the consent of the Grand Duke Kiev Rostislav, he expelled from the city of Iaslavlava. Rostislav even gave way to the winner the title of Grand Duke Kiev. And again it did not work on the throne for a long time.

Yury Dolgoruky

But the third attempt was crowned with success. Conquered Kiev Principality in 1155, the ruler received the title of the Great Kiev Prince and entrenched here until the demise itself. However, here a long-term reign did not work: Yuri Dolgoruky died 2 years after the conquest of Kiev, in 1157.

The years of the reign of Prince Yuri Dolgorukh were contradictory. Welject was envious, cunning and greedy, but at the same time he was called brave and skillful warrior. Some researchers consider him at all stupid, which has positively influenced the results of the reign of long-term. The merit of the prince includes the Union with the Byzantine Empire (including the trade), and the conclusion of a peaceful contract with Polovtsy, as well as a cherished, although there is a short stay at the Kiev throne.

Monument to Yuri Dolgorukha in Kostroma

But it so happened that nobles, all my life dreamed of Kiev, is associated with another city - Moscow. Descendants consider it the founder of the capital. According to legend, Yuri Dolgoruky returned from Kiev to Vladimir and on the swamps saw an unusual shaggy beast with three heads, which melted in the fog with the onset of the morning. Next to this place, a settlement of Boyarin Kuchka was discovered, which he couldned the squint of the prince and did not give relying honors to unexpected guests. In response to this, Yuri Dolgoruky took a military seizure of the settlement, while killing a bunch.

Yuri had mercy only by the children of Boyhari - daughters ultimate, which was married to the son of Andrei Bogolyubsky, and sons - Peter and Yakim. When the siblings of the bunch opened the mystery of the death of their father, they went to collusion and killed the son of Yuri Dolgoruky - Andrei. This fact is described in the Life of Prince Bogolyubsky, which was later glorified by the Russian Orthodox Church in the Lick of Saints.

Yuri Dolgoruky - Founder of Moscow

In 1147, by order, by order of Yuri, Dolgoruky on the outskirts of Northeast Russia, a settlement was laid, the role of which was the protection of borders. It elevated on a hill at the merger of three rivers. It was an ideal place for watchdogs. The settlement turned out to be favorable for life and began to quickly grow.

In the same 1147 of the governor, returning from the campaign to Novgorod, wrote an ally, Chernigovo-Seversky Prince Svyatoslav Olgovich, Message: "Pride to me, brother, in Moscow!". In this message, Moscow is mentioned for the first time. Later, the chronicle saying the prince turned into a quotation, which is familiar with all admirers of Russian history. The Ipatiev Chronicle states that the letter of the prince is the very first source of information about the future capital of Russia. Therefore, the 1147th is considered the year of the founding of the city.

Monument to Yury Dolgorukhu in Yuryev-Polsky

In the historical environment, there is a version, according to which this city has already existed for the moment of mentioning in the chronicen archway for five thousand years. In the title used two Old Slavic root: "Mosk", which in translation sounds like "Flint" and "Cove" - ​​"hide". In general, the word meant "Stone Shelter".

Not only Moscow is considered "born" with this noble. Yuri Dolgoruki founded Dmitrov, calling this city in honor of the Junior Sleep of Vsevolod a large nest, baptized by Dmitry. And at the beginning of the 1150s, the Voivo founded Pereyaslavl-Zalessky and Yuriev-Polsky. The reforms during the reign of the prince was not conducted. The main achievements of the internal political activities of the governors include the construction of cities, fortresses and temples. To strengthen the power of Dolgoruky, led to the mastery of northeastern lands and a calm condition on the eastern borders.

Son of Yuri Dolgoruky Andrey Bogolyubsky

In the 1154th, the thirst for the conquest began to prince prince again. He captured Ryazan, beating it with Prince Rostislav. To rule the city was the son of Dolkhogo - Andrei Bogolyubsky. But it was not possible to keep Ryazan: Rostislav won the support of the Polovtsy and knocked the invaders from their victob.

In 1156, the prince-founder of Moscow strengthened the city of deep moat and powerful wooden palico. Watched his son Andrei Bogolyubsky.

Monument to Yuri Dolgorukha in Moscow

Not everywhere the policy of Yuri Dolgoruky was hated in the same way as in Kiev. In the north of Russia, good memory was saved about him. Here they believe that he put a lot of strength to the arrangement of the land of Russian.

With his life, the commander of Vladimir-on-Klyazma rose. And still nobleman left after an architectural monument - Savior Transfiguration Cathedral in Pereyaslavl-Zalessky, Church of Boris and Gleb in Kidekshe, St. George Cathedral in Yuryev-Polsky, Church of George in Vladimir and Savior in Suzdal.

Personal life

Welject was married twice. The first wife of Dolgoruky - Daughter of Polovtsy Khan Aepea Aenevich. This marriage was conceived by Vladimir Monomakh, having the goal through the Union to strengthen the world with Polovtsy. The personal life of Yuri Dolgoruky with a half has developed happily. In this marriage, 8 children appeared on the world.

Prince Yuri Dolgoruky

After the death of the first spouse, the prince married the second time. His wife became Tsarevna Olga, daughter (according to other information - sister) of the Byzantine Emperor Manuel First Comnin. From two marriages Yuri Dolgoruky, 13 children were born.

Among the sons of Yuri Dolgoruky became famous Andrei Bogolyubsky, who strengthened the position of the Vladimir-Suzdal Principality, which became the core of modern Russia, as well as the Vsevolod "Big Nest", who after the murder of the older Andrei took over the reign of the reign of the principality. The grandson of Vsevolod III - Alexander Nevsky - became famous for the victory over the Livonian knights during the Ice Bullings.


In 1157, Yuri Dolgoruky, returned to Kiev, walked Petrily's daughter at the feast. On the night May 10, the prince felt ailments. Some researchers are inclined to believe that the unloved helm poisoned Kievskaya to know. 5 days later, May 15, the ruler died.

Place of burial of Yuri Dolgoruky in the Savior Church on Berestov

Kievians did not wait long for a long time: May 16, on the day of the funeral, they plundered the courtyard of the Velmazby hated by them and his son. Kiev again took the representative of the line Chernigov Davydovich, Izyaslav the third.

Even the body of the deceased prince Kiev residents did not allow to bury him next to his father Vladimir Monomakh. The grave of the prince arranged elsewhere. Yuri Dolgoruky was buried on the territory of Kiev-Pechersk Lavra - in the Berestovsky Resources Savior.


Historians, giving a characteristic of Yuri Dolgorukha, positively assess his contribution to the story, calling the prince "collector of Russian lands." The goals and objectives of his policies were the strengthening of centralized power over Russian principalities, which contributed to a decrease in civilian wars.

Monument to Yuri Dolgorukhu on the Tver Square of the capital - tribute to the prince of the founder. The sculpture created by the project S. M. Orlov was established in 1954, although the monument personally approved Joseph Stalin on the eve of the celebration of the 800th anniversary of Moscow. The image of the prince turned out to be collective, since the exact images of Yuriy Dolgorukha was not preserved. On the shield, which is in the hand of the Grador, is depicted George Victorious. On the ornament, which decides the monument, the Slavic folklore images and antique motives come to Russia through Byzantium were used.

Monument to Yuri Dolgorukhu in Dmitrov

And in April 2007, a nuclear submarine of strategic appointments was lowered into Russia. Boat "Yuri Dolgoruky" - another "mobile" monument to the Grand Duke.

In memory of Yuri, the Dolgoruk regularly produces anniversary coins. They appeared to the 800th anniversary, and then the 850th anniversary of the founding of the capital of Russia.

Interesting facts from the biography of Prince Dolgoruky were devoted to many documentary films, and in 1998 the artistic tape "Prince Yuri Dolgoruky" came out, where Boris Chemicals played the main character.


  • Monuments Yuri Dolgorukhu in Moscow, Dmitrov, Kostroma, Pereslavl-Zalessky, Yuryev-Polsky
  • The image of the prince on the medal "In memory of the 800th anniversary of Moscow"
  • The name of the asteroid (7223) Dolgorukij, open by astronomer Lyudmila Karachkina
  • Feature film "Prince Yuri Dolgoruky"
  • Creating a nuclear submarine "Yuri Dolgoruky"
  • Car of the Moscow Automobile Plant M-2141R5 "Yuri Dolgoruky" on the basis of the car "Moskvich-2141"

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