Julia Rudina - Photo, Biography, Personal Life, News, Films 2021



Russian actress Yulia Ruddina is equally in demand in the theater and in the cinema. In her creative biography there are roles both in popular paintings and in little-known serials. She is elegant, light and rapid, ready to work in any genre. When the actress has to make a choice in favor of this or that project, it is never mistaken, they are talking about this enthusiastic directors who worked with her.

Childhood and youth

The star of the Russian Screen was born in St. Petersburg in the family of trade workers Anna Grigorievna and Sergey Vasilyevich.

She was still a preschool man with rhythmic gymnastics, and from the 1st grade sang in the choir and was a participant in the vocal-instrumental ensemble "Vacation", with which for four years spent on radio, television, concerts. Mother and father fully supported daughter and her creative undertakings.

When Rudina was 10 years old, the parents of the girls decided to part. Julia with Anna Grigorievna moved to Moldova, to the mother's motherland, where relatives lived. There she graduated from 9 classes, and then returned to his hometown and entered the pedagogical school.

Julia Rudina in youth

At that time, Rudine really thought that he would become a teacher of junior classes, although the girl was much more attracted creative professions. And fate decided to help fulfill her desire. In the school she was set to the student vocal-instrumental ensemble "Congress". She was discovered and found that classes lead the previous teacher on the children's ensemble. The head nominated Rudin into soloists, and then recommended her to listen to the course at the vocal department at the Studio School of the Music Hall Theater.

Higher education girl received an actress in the St. Petersburg State Academy of Theatrical Art. Performing on theatrical layout began in student. For the role of Eliza Dullitle in the musical "My beautiful lady" on the scene of the theater of a musical comedy received magnificent feedback from critics. It was even more praised by her Juliet from the classic productions of Romeo and Juliet. After the university, Julia was invited to Moscow, in the Toroupe of the Theater named after the Mossoveta. But after three months, because of the events in the personal life of Rudina, I had to return to St. Petersburg.

She became a significant figure in the legendary Alexandrinsky Theater and participated in the performances of the Leningrad Tyuza and the Theater Center "Shelter Comedan". For the execution of the lead role in the play "Pollyanna" Rudda in 2001 was awarded the special independent authentic Award named after Vladislav Stroller. Since 2004, the actress is not included in any troupe - being in free swimming, plays in entrepreneurial performances.

Personal life

With a future husband, Alexei Fedkin, Julia met during the preparation for the performance of the "reflections" on the stage of the Grand Drama Theater. G. A. Tovstonogov in 2004. He is a colleague, also an actor, and in the production played her husband heroine Rudina. As the spouses remember, they turned out to be fascinated with each other at first glance, but they were afraid to admit it.

It is curious that work on the performance in the end was never completed, but exactly a year later, Rudda and Fedkin played a wedding and since then together. A man and a woman lead a healthy lifestyle. It is also worth noting that the spouses of the comfort in the house create not only together, but also with their own hands. There are no children from the pair.

In the apartment, the main part of the interior is handmade, made with golden hands the actress and her husband. Despite the large-time employment in the theater and on the set, Rudin tries to actively participate in the life of the beloved St. Petersburg. A woman is often seen at urban events, including Saturdays.

Julia Rudina tries to protect the private side of life from journalists. Therefore, the artist is not found in the social networks "Instagram" or "Twitter". But she has a page in Facebook, however, there a woman is not divided with subscribers of a photo in a swimsuit or in other candid outfits. Most of its publications take pictures taken while working in the theater, with close friends and husband.

Yulia does not advertise its anthropometric data, but fans know that its growth is 164 cm, and although the weight is unknown, the figure of the actress with age has practically changed. As in his youth, she is slight and tightened.

Celebrity fans more than once stood that Julia outwardly reminds them another Russian actress Galina Belyaev. However, women are not relatives.

Theater and films

The first roles of the young actress in cinema were small, but in the famous TV projects. She appeared in the series "Streets of broken lanterns", "Secrets of the investigation", "Deadly power" and dozens of others. The first film of Yulia Rudina, where she fulfilled the main role, the Amber Baron fighter became. True, the picture did not come out into a wide rental, and it was distributed only on video tags and disks.

Popularity came to Julia in 2008. At first, the audience noticed the girl in the criminal series "Fighter. The birth of a legend, "and then were shocked by her game in a mystical detective" Solo for a pistol with an orchestra. " Later, the actress appeared in several seasons of the epic "State Protection" in the role of a lawyer Elvira Chemich and in all parts of the thriller "retirement", where Boris Galkin appeared on her partner, followed by the image of the father of the heroine Rudina.

A melodrama "Underground Transition" with Igor Sklyar, Sergey Torodova and Vladimir Koshev turned out to be very high quality. The director of the film Viktor Merezhko said that only Julia considered the main role, because he considers it the "most beautiful Petersburg actress." Well, the All-Russian Rudin's popularity brought a mystical youth-free tape "Closed School", where the actress was transformed into a doctor Tamar Slavin.

Julia Rudina and Sergey Pereadov

In Rudina filmography It is worth noting the historical series about the life of Gregory Rasputin "Grigory R." And the criminal detective "his own alien", in which Maria Shukshin also shone and Boris Kamorzine.

Julia is not only filming the cinema, but also works a lot of dubbing actress. Rudina's voice says oggoga from Smesharikov, Queen-mother Sressey Lannister from "Games of Thrones", Wendy from Peter Foen, Mila from Luntka, Susan Mayer from "Desperate Housewives" and other characters.

In November 2017, the celebrity appeared in the Multiserful tape "Run, do not look back!". The plot of the series begins with a meeting in the Voronezh Hospital. Tatyana Bobrov's doctor is nervous, because the woman urgently needs to go home, but the head physician does not let go. When the meeting ends, Tatiana runs to her husband, the captain of the police. A man meets the spouse of the charge of accusations, comes out of himself and beats his wife, skillfully bypassing the face and visible parts of the body. Bobrova married 3 months ago, but already survived one beating. Last time, Sergey asked for forgiveness and promised that this would no longer repeat. Tatiana was already thinking about shooting, but did not have time to prepare, and now the woman does not see another exit - just run without looking back.

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Rudina in the project got one of the main roles. The actress appeared on the screen in the image of Zoe Pavlovna. Together with her, Julia Zhigalina, Alexander Pashkov, Vladimir Fokov and others involved in the television series.

The role of Margarita Ignatieva played the actress in the film "Alien face." This is the story of the investigator E Egor Kotov, who is departed in Solovetsk to reveal a series of crimes and find a son who has become a police officer under cover. In the new city of the cats should live under an alien name Evgeny Lavrin. In addition to Rudina, Alexey Kravchenko played in the picture, Valery Soloviev, Natalia Tkachenko and others.

In 2017, the 2nd part of the "Guardians of the Galaxy" was released, filmed by Marvel Comics. In the continuation there was a new heroine of Mantis, owning a mental training. This character played an actress Pom Clementeff, and Julia voiced her.

In 2018, in the picture "Avengers: the infinity war" Pom returned to the role of Mantis, and Rudida - to the superheroid dub.

In February, the audience saw a fantastic ribbon "breaking time". In it, Actress Mindi Keling tells Julia's voice.

Julia Rudina and Galina Belyaeva

On the sound of the cartoon, she was invited in 2019. It was a funny family cartoon "Toy Story - 2" about the team of the busiest toys, ready for new adventure.

This year did not cost any acting work. At first, she played Balla in the 8-serial criminal drama "And this is all Robert," then Dedov's daughter in a detective "retirement - 6. Save the enemy," and then reincarnated to the main character - the teacher in the series "How many love lives". In the last reincarnation in the main characters, Vyacheslav Chepurenko and Olga Pavloviec were divided into the main characters.

Simple school teacher Vera Alekseevna is trying to pull his student to at least with the second attempt to get a diploma of secondary education. Before that, the young man has already failed the exams, and therefore the teacher suggests work with him individually at home. Suddenly, the guy confesses to her in love, which Vera Alekseevna does not expect - she is married, but marriage is difficult to call happy.

Julia Rudina now

Julia is now busy as an actress, it actively removes, pleaseing the fans with new projects. On March 16, 2020, the show "Step from Paradise" started on the Russia-1 channel, where Rudina got a secondary heroine. Maria Mironova was fulfilled the main female role, and the Male - Yaroslav Boyko, the director spoke by Evgeny Semenov.

Also in a wide range of March 12, a picture "Happiness in the Envelope," where three stories of life about love and friendship are told, faith in the dream and links of generations. Novels were filmed in different regions of Russia, and each time the name was called local actors to introduce the audience with unknown, but talented artists.

The focus of Mirzoev, Efim Kamenetsky, Era Ziganshin, Victor Kuklin, Yulia Rudina, Tatyana Samarina, Evgenia Glotova and others. Before launching a film for a whole month, the entire film crew with actors passed by bus from Vladivostok to Sevastopol, holding a presentation in 23 cities of Russia. Each has organized a press conference and premiere, which a total of 10 thousand people visited. The journey of St. Petersburg and Moscow ended.


  • 2000 - "Empire under the blow"
  • 2002 - "Agency" Golden bullet ""
  • 2006 - "Old Deeds"
  • 2008 - "Fighter. Birth of legend "
  • 2010 - "Special Purpose Agent"
  • 2011-2012 - "Closed School"
  • 2012 - "Underground Transition"
  • 2015 - "Own Alien"
  • 2017 - "Alien face"
  • 2017 - "Run, do not look back!"
  • 2019 - "Spoffist - 6. Save the Enemy"
  • 2019 - "How many love lives"
  • 2020 - "In step from paradise"
  • 2020 - "Happiness in Envelope"

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