Mikhail Cossacks - biography, personal life, photo, news, actor who killed man, "father's daughters" 2021



Mikhail Sergeevich Kazakov - Russian actor and movie actor. Peak his film fairs fell in orphanage. According to the artist, he is not going to associate his further life with acting craft.

Childhood and youth

Mikhail was born and grew up in Tver in the family of a major entrepreneur Sergei Kazakov, who produced his own brand of carbonated water "Cossacks". The actor has an older brother Stas.

The boy's family was friendly. Parents with children traveled a lot to different countries of the world, and the summer holidays Misha most often spent in the village, where it was riding a bike and was fond of breeding exotic plants. Also in childhood, Cossacks first found himself on the set.

He became not just another actor of the humorous van of "Yeralash", and his record holder: Mikhail appeared in more than 20 plots, and he was filmed in a newspaper to 16 years, although usually the director limit the age of young artists in 14 years. Later he was a participant in similar comedic projects "Fitil" and "6 frames".

Mikhail Cossacks - biography, personal life, photo, news, actor who killed man,

The biography of the artist is quite tragic. He was still a teenager when the father was killed. And after 2 years, Mikhail himself turned out to be a killer. In January 2005, immediately after the New Year holidays, a 16-year-old schoolboy became a member of a household quarrel between the girl Victoria, with which Cossacks studied at the same school, and her former guy, 20-year-old Kirill Gurkin.

Protecting a familiar, while fighting Cossacks struck the enemy knife strikes in the heart and in the carotid artery. From the injured injuries, Gurkin died, and Mikhail, who killed a man, admitted to the deed and appeared before the court. He was accused of committing an unintentional murder and set off to serve his sentence.

In the Cossack prison, a year stayed, after which the relatives of the murdered withdrew the trial lawsuit, and the criminal case was revised. An article about "exceeding self-defense measures" suggested a smaller time that Michael was redeemed by that time. The conviction did not interfere with the further career of the young man both in the movie and in business.

Becoming a star, Cossacks graduated from the Moscow Financial and Law Academy, while studying worked as a marketer in a construction company, and later opened his own business.


After numerous stories in Uralash, Mikhail began to receive roles and movies. He appeared in the episodes of the psychological drama "Demon afternoon", the shooting film "Escape", comedy "Money Day" and Sitkom "My beautiful nanny - 2: Life after the wedding." But the All-Russian glory brought Cossack Sitka "Daddy's daughter".

In this comedy TV series, he began to be filmed in 2007 as a two-room Ilya Polekin, who has a friendship, and then romantic relationships with the heroine actress Lisa Arzamasova - Galina Sergeyevna. Family and even the teachers called the girl named and patronymic, because she had an extraordinary intelligence and knowledge. Glory of Wunderkind and big glasses in horny frames did not interfere with Gale to participate in beauty contests. Later, the sake of Poleyakina, the girl left the dream of studying in Oxford and entered along with him to one faculty of the Academy of the Ministry of Internal Affairs. As a result, the path of heroes diverged, but they remained friends.

The actor also appeared in the sequel "father's daughter. Super residents ", a total of taking part in the 20 seasons for 5 years. This film became the main work in the Kazakov filmography.

In addition, the actor starred in the Stroybataya lyric comedy. Mikhail appeared in the form of a good and unhappy Vladimir Bulkina, suffering from excess weight.

In the dramatic militant "Berega", Cossack received the role of a drug addict. In the series, we were talking about the metropolitan Major Lieutenant, who fell to the service in the border military town. In a new place, the main character revises life values ​​and becomes a truly high-class officer. In the film also starred Alexander Nostek, Jan Tsaznik, Elena Zakharov.

In 2018, the audience saw the artist in the comedy "President's Vacation". According to the plot of the film, the head of state decides to spend a vacation on a trip by country by changing the appearance with the help of makeup. His companion on the southern seaside becomes Zina girl. Oleg Vasilkov plays the main character, and the role of his girlfriend is playing Anna Tsukanova-Cott. Dmitry Grachev, the famous artist from "Comedy Club" appears in the role of this president. Cossacks embodied on the screen the image of the DPS officer.

It is worth noting: although Mikhail is inherent in the role of a nearby guy who always dreams of food, the actor himself is ridiculed in food, and during filming in "Daddy daughters" lost 20 kilograms.

In March 2018, the artist became a member of the festive release of the talk show "Hello, Andrei!", Dedicated to the anniversary of the humorous magazine "Yelash". The meeting was attended by actors, at different times the participating in the creation of a voward.

Cossacks struck the public with its appearance. From a chubby pinking guy, the artist turned into a high handsome man with pumped torso. The weight of a lost man was 68 kg with an increase of 180 cm. Boris Grachevsky noted in a joke that the actor "fell out of the image." According to Mikhail, he discovered a simple way of losing weight - walking, while the young man does not exacerbate himself with many hours of workouts and diets.

Personal life

During his studies in Moscow, Mikhail met Julia Kotova, a student of the Moscow State University of Economics, Statistics and Informatics. They met and even lived in a civil marriage, but they were not officially painted, although some media call Julia the first wife of the actor. They were really going to play a wedding, but in the end broke up, and very painful.

Artist's spouse Elena Kazakova graduated from the Faculty of Economics and works as an accountant. Lovers were familiar for a long time, but got married in 2011. Girl, like Mikhail himself, from Tver. Before the wedding, they knew each other about 8 years, and Elena managed to be married to another person and give birth to a child.

The daughter of the spouse from the first marriage Mikhail raises as a native. And in 2012, the artist first became a father: the wife gave him the son of Miroslav Kazakov. Family photos often appear in the actor's personal profile in "Instagram".

Cossacks repeatedly said that he was not going to contact the acting craft for all his life, but continued to appear in his native Tver on local corporate parties and concert events as a showman and lead. Businessman opened his own clothing store, however, Mikhail's main hopes were addressed towards the network of casting agencies Kino. He created the first of the branches in his city, and then opened new branches in Moscow, St. Petersburg, Kazan and Yoshkar-Ola. Having arranged a personal life, Mikhail expected to achieve heights and in business.

On July 2, 2020, actor, removing the cadres of the city of Tver, fell out of the fire stairs and fell from a 12-meter height. He stayed alive, but seriously damaged both legs. Passersby called an ambulance, and the victim was sent to intensive care.

Already in October, the Cossacks appeared in the Studio Star Studio "Stars" in a wheelchair and spoke about the incident in an interview with the leading Leray Kudryavtseva. Mikhail landed right on his feet, receiving 22 compression fractures. For a happy chance, the spine did not suffer. The artist survived the complex 6-hour operation, the bolts and plates put in his feet.

Mikhail Cossacks now

Now the artist successfully passes the rehabilitation and has already changed the wheelchair for crutches.

On March 25, 2021, the Cossacks stated in the program "In fact" that his fall was attempted - the staircase was subspeted. Thus, the jealous husband of his former beloved Yulia was dealt with him. The suspect Vitaly Elisov also became a guest of the program and stated that he considers the artist by the biological father of his wife's daughter. He set a surveillance for his wife and found out that she was found with a former fiance.

The polygraph showed that the suspicion of the wife of Julia in the infidelity of his wife turned out to be unreasonable, as well as accusations of Kazakov in the attempt on his life.


  • 2003 - "Demon Powder"
  • 2005 - "Escape"
  • 2006 - "Money Day"
  • 2007-2012 - "Daddy's Daughters"
  • 2008 - "My beautiful nanny 2: Life after the wedding"
  • 2010 - "Stroybatya"
  • 2012 - "Coast"
  • 2013 - "Daddy's daughter. Supernests »
  • 2018 - "President's Vacation"

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