Valentina Lightwost - Biography, Personal Life, Photo, Cause of Death, Songs, Husband, Daughter, Son



Hit under the name "Yagoda-Malina" Valentina's advantageously available at one time sounded from all radiots and televisions. The singer and today they recall the wonderful hat about the mounted forest berry. Although there were many other compositions in the repertoire of the performer with which she successfully performed on many concerts and festivals.

Childhood and youth

Valentina Lekhostakova was born in Khabarovsk on December 30, 1965. According to the sign of the zodiac, she is Capricorn, by nationality Russian. Father is a professional composer, wrote songs for his daughter, and the mother - singer, executes Russian folk songs. Therefore, the creative beginning of the future star took from the parents.

When the shaft turned 3 years old, the family from the cold edge moved to the solar Feodosia, in the Crimea. Here the girl is adulted and more and more understood that further life would certainly connect with music. She was too early for vocal abilities, which were welcomed by relatives. Ashlags from relatives and courtyard children were often gathered on the "Concerts" Valina.

Having matured, she found the use of talents on the scene of the school music studio. Soon, easy access was turned into a celebrity educational institution. Pupil sang at all events and school evenings. The musical education of the singer received in the Feodosian music school, where he visited the violin class.

No one was surprised when, after graduating from High School, Valya went to Simferopol and entered the Music School named after P. I. Tchaikovsky. Having received a diploma, she decided to continue their education and went to conquer Moscow. Without difficulty, the violinist entered the famous Metal Music and Pedagogical Institute named after Gnesini. Chose the separation of the pop vocal of Professor Joseph Kobzon. In the 1990s, the Gnesinka leaned with a diploma of higher musical education.


Valentine's creative biography began in the youth, even before moving to the capital. The first conquered city was South Kherson. Here in 1985 a vocalist gave the first solo concert in his life. She accompanied the musical group at the time of the famous Jewish musician Seeds of Sona - Pianist-virtuoso, and today Professor Barcelona Music Academy.

During his studies in Gnesinka, there was easier accessible and learn and act. She is a frequent guest at musical festivals, including in Jurmala. Here in 1986 the girl sang two songs - "Store of Happiness" and "Let Misel". Both compositions like the guests of the festival and members of the jury. A young performer occupied the honorable 2nd place.

The main gift for the easy accessible after the Jurmala competition is cooperation with the most famous composer Raymond Pauls. Moreover, Mother took Valentina under his wing. He wrote for her a few songs, which instantly became his hives and turned the singer in the star of Soviet pop. The songs "In White Keys Berez" and "Two" were sounded at all concerts and pops of the capital.

Since 1986, Valentine rose to another career step: he became the leading soloist of Philharmonic in Tula. Here she worked for six years.

In 1987, vocalist went to the popular youth musical festival in Czechoslovakia. After him, he spoke at an equally popular Polish contest "Zelen Gur". This period in the biography was easily acquired by cooperation with another popular composer Vyacheslav Dobrynin. It was he who wrote for Valentines the main hit - "Malina Yatina". Light accessible called the performer of one hat, but it was not embarrassed. According to the artist, not every singer boasts at least one hit.

Other songs for Valentina came from under Dobrynin's feather. In particular, its discography was replenished with compositions "on the motor ship playing", "my dear", "and no one else."

Lightly accessible was the frequent guest of television gear and shows, where it was regularly invited. About New Year's and other festive concerts, festivals, "songs of the year" and "Blue lights" and there is nothing to say: here it is not even a guest, but a permanent "resident."

In 1988, the singer presented a special prize of the jury at the famous festival in Sopot. After success in Poland, she toured a lot around the country, collecting huge concert halls and stadiums in large cities.

In the late 1980s, the songs of the "Crimean Beach" and "Drop in the Sea" appeared in Valentines repertoire. They also became popular. In 1989, the star first went to foreign tour - with a delegation from the Ministry of Culture visited Germany.

A year later, foreign tour. This time, together with the group of the former mentor in Gnesinka, Joseph Kobzon, she performed in some regions of Africa.

In the 1980s, the peak career was easy accessible. In the 1990s, the interest in the work of the performer slowly faded. From 1993 to 1995, the star of the 80s spent at the Pop Song Theater. Later appeared on the Bulgarian festival of Russian-speaking songs.

The actress was not afraid at the peak of popularity to go to the maternity leave and give birth to a child, but the back did not come back to the stage. Later, Valentine shared that some star was removed from the show business, but the name did not call it. There were rumors that Alla Pugacheva broke the career, and the singer later confirmed this, arguing about Mafia Pugacheva. From the words of a woman, it became clear that Alla Borisovna played a rather big role in the fate of the performer. But, in spite of everything, she treated the Primateonna with respect and considered her a great artist:

"She is a very smart woman. With such brains really need to be a queen. "

In 1994, an album was released on the news-acquisitive entitled "Yagoda Malina". The star also introduced the video to the song of the same name. In 2001, the admirers of the talent of the artist heard the second collection of songs "I smile."

In 2007, the performer appeared on the rating TV project "You - Superstar". Together with other stars of the past, she competed on one scene. Unfortunately, she failed to get to the finale show. But the singer presented the audience of the middle generation an unforgettable sensations associated with nostalgic memories of the 80s. One of the most memorable performances was the execution of the "medal" song together with Irina Dubzova. Later in an interview, the celebrity shared that he took a show too close to the heart. It was necessary to relate to the project as a game, and Valentine could not so. As a result, a woman has small health problems.

In 2014, there was information that the star of the 80s changed the place of residence and moved to the Canary Islands, where he lived on the island of Tenerife owned by Spain. There she was engaged in real estate. But at the same time, with a concert and teaching activity, I did not part salary.

In the same year, the artist performed on the program "Saturday evening" with the composition "And I like it." In the summer of 2016, it became known that the production center of Valentines advised VL Music began working in Moscow. At the end of the same 2016, the artist was the guest of the program of Julia, Little "alone with everyone."

In early 2018, Valentine moved to Feodosia. There, a woman headed the Feodosia city culture department. However, in September, the star of the Patriotic Past was resigned with a new position by writing a statement on his own request. She did not explain such a act to the exact cause. However, in his statement, the media singer stressed that the head of the administration behaved in relation to it incorrectly. She is proud woman, so she does not intend to endure her legs wiped her.

Personal life

Valentina had a few booms available. In the first marriage in 1991, the singer was born daughter alets Brill. The artist does not like to talk about the former spouse Igor Kushnarev. Once a woman mentioned that he betrayed her. Annette has already created his family and presented the mother of two grandchildren. On June 19, 2020, a new edition of the "Fate of Man" was published on the TV channel "Russia-1". Light sauna said that I was forgiven to grasp the first husband and grateful for my daughter.

Alexey Grigoriev, the son of the famous director Yuri Grigorieva, who created the program "Ah, anecdote, a joke, became the second husband of the artist." In 2001, a couple had a son of Matvey. The woman called their children the main achievement in life. About the second husband, the artist said that she was very lucky with Alexei. In the photo, the spouse looked quite happy, so the news about the divorce was extremely unexpected.

However, Valentina, despite his elder age, alone remained for a short time. On July 4, 2020, it became known that she married again. The singer's third husband became Yakhtsman Yuri Firsov. They met on social networks, the novel quickly and rapidly developed. As the actress recognized, they had a lot of common - both "Energizers" and were fond of yachts.

The wedding took place in Sochi, not far from the maritime station. Due to coronavirus infection, the celebration was quite modest. Only the closest relatives on the part of the bride and groom were present on it.

Valentina supported the connection with his ex-husband. They remained in good friendly relations, although Alexey was the initiator. But the son of Matvey has ceased to communicate with his father.

Recently, the performer of the Hita "Yagoda-Malina" dedicated a lot of time to his family. Close to her have always been in the first place. Valentine was engaged in the upbringing of two granddaughters. Girls showed great interest in music.

In one interview, the easier acquired admitted that she adores the skull. Woman with delight treated accessories with such symbolism. In the artist combined femininity and rigor, fragility (height 166 cm, weight 56 ​​kg) and rigid straightness in statements.


On August 7, the 2020 appeared news about the hospitalization of the singer. Contradictive information seriously excited fans. According to the main version, the artist beat the husband Yuri Firsov, and she was delivered to the hospital with a head injury. In other sources, it was reported that the easier accessible fell, being in a state of intoxication: allegedly, the films of the artist and her spouse continued not one day. According to Valentina's son Valeryevna, Mom began to drink after the wedding with the company.

Later it became known that the pop diva did not come to contact with relatives more than a week. Concerned closest, who came to the apartment easily accessible, discovered her and Yuri drunk. In addition, there were many bruises on the head and body of Valentines. At first, the couple was taken to the drug clinic, and then the artist had to translate to another hospital: she fell into someone because of the injury

The state of her health was heavy. Firsov did not delay in the clinic, deciding to escape from the supervision of physicians. It is worth noting that the manager is easy accessible, as well as her spouse refuted information about the alcoholism of the folk favorite. Later, Yuri Firsov was detained by the police.


On August 14, 2020, Valentine easily accessible died. About the tragedy in social networks informed her daughter alets Brill. Doctors recorded the death of the singer at 15:30. The reason called the closed brain injury and the injury of a severe brain.

After the death of the singers, the situation continued to heat up. The press appeared reports that the children of the artist were blamed in the happening of Firsov, who did not apply for medical attention on time. Yuri himself admitted that he is very hard for the loss of his wife and considers the accident that happened. The son of Firsova Daniel was left and said in the program Andrei Malakhov "Direct Ether" that the daughter and son of Valentina was easier reaching the marriage of the mother.

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Yuri Firsov informed the press that the investigation "Questions to Him ended." There was no accusation of the ex-spouse of the artist. But it did not prevent close to the easier accessible to continue to declare the involvement of a man to her death.

In April 2021, the Widovel put a peculiar point in numerous theories regarding the death of the singer. According to Medical Examination, Valenin Valeryevna had many chronic diseases, including hepatitis C and diabetes. Such a set of shortness collaboration with alcohol addiction and led the actress to death, expressed the confidence of Yuri.

As for the hematoma, there were even more theories. Firsov accused of emergence of bruises of ambulance officers. Annette insisted on the instructions of the last husband of the mother. In the transfer of "Man and Law", experts based on medical conclusions reported: hematoma localization speaks more about falling from the height of its growth, and not about beatings.


  • 1994 - "Yagoda-Malina"
  • 2001 - "I smile"

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