Shavkat Mirziyev - biography, photos, politics, personal life, news and quotes 2021



After the death of the leader of Islam Karimov, Shavkat Miromonovich Mirziyev, who previously held the post of Prime Minister became the new president of Uzbekistan. It is believed that with the arrival of President of Shavkat Mirziyev, Uzbekistan began to cooperate more with the Russian government and was in more friendly relations with other countries. Such a development of events noted the head of Turkey Recep Erdogan, who with Karimov had a frozen conflict.

Shavkat Mirziyev, whose biography originates in 1957, according to the official version, was born in Uzbekistan, in the Jizzakh region. But some sources believe that he was born in the Tajik village, so information about his nationality varies. According to one sources, Shavkat - purebred Uzbek, according to another - Tajik.

President of Uzbekistan Shavkat Mirziaev

Parents of Shavkat Miromonovich were medical workers. Father headed a tuberculous dispensary, and mom worked there as a nurse. When the future president was still in gentle age, the mother at work was infected with bone tuberculosis and soon died.

The boy had two native sisters from the general mother, and when the Father married again, another brother and sister appeared. Unfortunately, the stepmother did not become a good fairy in his life. For the slightest binding, Shavkat was punished cruelly, from the deprivation of food for the whole day before the beatings. But this did not prevent Shavkat until the last days of life, to have a stepmother of full financial assistance. In adolescence, Mirziyev preferred to move into the uncle family, and after graduation, he left for Tashkent for higher education. The choice of a young man fell on the Tashkent Institute of Irrigation and Melioration, where he received a specialty mechanical engineer.


However, the professional biography of Shavkat Mirziyev associated with scientific activities. The young man remained at the university with a junior researcher and has served before the post of the first visor. Before the collapse of the Soviet Union, he was also secretary of the Komsomol organization, and after the foundation of Uzbekistan independence ran into deputies of the Supreme Council and got into parliament.

Shavkat Mirziaev

Of course, President of Uzbekistan, Shavkat Mirzieev not immediately. For many years in the country, this post remained for Islam Karimov. But Shavkat Miromonovich gained experience as the head of the administration of one district of the capital, then heading the Jizzakh and Samarkand region. By the way, in Uzbekistan, this position is called "Hokim" and the candidate is selected by the president personally, so the personality of Mirzyaeva was approved by Karimov after a thorough check. The president was closely followed by all the famines, and in 2003, on Shavkat, Miromonovich Mirziyev fell his choice when the country had to be needed by a new prime minister.

For 13 years of service in this post, Mirziyev showed himself a serious and strict politician, whose opinion is to listen with full responsibility. The Prime Minister did not conceive the opinions about the work of subordinates, often swearing them at meetings.

Shavkat Mirziaev and Islam Karimov

Its main attention was aimed at combating corruption and the development of agriculture. It is known that the Prime Minister turned more than strictly with rapid and unfair employees. After the death of Islam Karimov, Shavkat Miromonovich in the presidential election won a unconditional victory by typing over 88% of the vote.

Despite such popularity in the people, some media spread rumors about raider seizures, in which Mirziyevs allegedly participated, about the abduction of people in order to blackmate relatives and even about the murder of a person. Such accusations were not supported by real facts, and the authors of the articles enjoyed a dubious reputation. Provocateurs failed to blame the name of Mirziyev.

President of Uzbekistan Shavkat Mirziaev

The first decrees published by the President of Uzbekistan Mirziyev, entered the decrees to change the previous leadership of the prosecutor's office. Mirziyev left only 20% of employees from the previous one. The President stressed that the prosecutor's office became the source of corruption, which undermines the foundations of the statehood of modern Uzbekistan. At the same time, the president dismissed the prosecutor who provided a sanction on a search in the house of the first President Gulnara Karimova's daughter.

Also Mirziyev, amended the Law on Citizenship, his restoration during the loss and signed a decree on the cancellation of field visas and replacing them to biometric passports. Mirziyev noted the importance of the development of the education sphere, which was also repeatedly noted its predecessor. The slogan was determined for the coming years: "Education and Enlightenment is the path to peace and creation." The phrase spoken by the President at the Muslim Forum of Ois Member States, held in Tashkent, became a quote of many Uzbek media. Mirziyev noted: "In modern conditions, when the main indicator of the country's competitiveness is increasingly becoming the level of education of the population, the role of education is increasing - the most important factor of progress."

State Worker Shavkat Mirziaev

The reforms that Mirziyev holds, the country supports the Russian billionaire Alisher Usmanov. According to him, the President of Uzbekistan managed to make changes to the heads of other states spent 3-5 years.

Personal life

Despite the fact that the President of Uzbekistan Shavkat Mirziyev has been a public person for many years, he extremely rarely appeared in public. Even the first photos of Mirziyev Shavkat appeared in print only in 2006. Also a little known about the personal life of Shavkat Mirziyev. With his wife Ziroatechon Hoistova, he met at the institute and soon married her. But they are not peers: a man was already a teacher of the university, and his future companion of life turned out to be a student.

The wife of Shavkat Mirziyev and children are two daughters and son - also try not to become objects of articles of journalists. Ziroatechon as in his youth, and now prefers to remain in the shade of her husband. By the way, a curious fact: despite the traditions, Shavkat Mirziyev his wife allowed to stay on the maiden name. The fact is that Hoshimov is a daughter influential person, and she decided to make his father's pleasant, retaining his surname after marriage. Actually, evil languages ​​argue that the rapid rise of Mirziyev is obliged to communicate and the possibilities of the test.

Shavkat Mirzyaev with family

Both daughters of the president are already married. The wife of the senior Said Shavkatovna name is Obek Tursunov, the name of the husband of the younger sister Shakatovna - Otabek Shahanov. Both son-in-law work in the presidential administration. The grandchildren of Mirziyev's grandchildren are already raised in daughters. Son of Shavkat Mirzyaeva name is Alisher.

The press service of the president's apparatus was opened by the Profile of Shavkat Mirziyev in "Instagram", as well as his personal site. According to some media, the president's growth is 168 cm, weight - 75 kg.

Shavkat Mirzieev now

Shavkat Mirziyev manifests itself as a strict businessman. At the meeting, which was held between the heads of the regions at the end of June 2017, he rigidly criticized the work of a number of managers. Management companies responsible for agriculture, Prime Minister Ulugbek Rosukulov and the Minister of Foreign Trade Eleur Ganiev received a strict reprimand. The warning was received by the heads of Tashkent, Jizzakh and Andijan regions.

Shavkat Mirziaev

In December of the same year, Shavkat Mirziyev signed an amnesty decree of 2700 people. At the same time, for the first time, the analysis of the behavior of the prisoner, the degree of its repentance was taken into account the severity of the crime and the opinion of the affected party. The President expressed confidence that these measures were carried out by pardon, would help prevent repeat crimes.

The first foreign visit, perfect by Mirziyev, was inflicted in neighboring Turkmenistan. Later, Shavkat flew to Moscow to meet with Vladimir Putin. Leaders of states spoke foreign policy plans and discussed trade agreements.

Vladimir Putin and Shavkat Mirziaev

In March 2018, Shavkat committed a diplomatic departure to Tajikistan, where he met Emomali Rakhmon. The meeting was fruitful, 25 documents were signed in various fields of activity. The trip of Uzbek President to Tajikistan, according to political scientists, became a breakthrough in the relations of the two countries, which the last decades were frozen. During the meeting, which was held in a friendly atmosphere, arrangements were established in the political, trade and economic, investment, transport and communication, tourist areas. The amount of contracts in the business sphere was $ 140 million.

In early 2018, with the Russian head of state, Vladimir Putin, Shavkat Mirziyev discussed international relations by phone. The President of Uzbekistan thanked the Russian leadership for the participation of LUKOIL in the opening of the Kandym gas processing complex.

Shavkat Mirziaev and Donald Trump

In May 2018, the Uzbek leader traveled to the United States, where he met with Donald Trump. On the way to America Mirziyev met at London Airport with Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs of Great Britain Alan Duncan, with whom he discussed questions in the trade, military and investment spheres.

The meeting with the head of the United States passed no less fruitful. Arrangements were reached on the five-year program of military cooperation, to create a joint venture based on General Electric (GE) and "Uzbekenergo", on the construction of a new compartment on the Tashkent TPP. Documents on gas, metal, in the field of jurisprudence and trade, culture and medicine were also signed. The World Bank has signed an agreement for issuing a loan of $ 940 million.


  • "Sustainable socio-economic progress is impossible to submit without innovative development, broad scientific and technical cooperation and introducing new technologies, achievements of science and technology."
  • "Today, when the world is rapidly changing, there are all new challenges and threats of stability and sustainable development of peoples, as never before, attention is important to enlightenment, to the spiritual, moral beginning, the attachment of young people aspirations for knowledge, cultivation needs."
  • "We honor our sacred religion as a focus of our original values ​​and moral imperatives. Islam is the comprehension of truth, education needs in well-mindedness, he calls us for good and peace, preserving a genuine human start. We strongly condemn and never reconcile with those who identify Islam with violence and bloodshed, we will always protect our great faith. "

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