Alessandra Ambrosio - biography, photo, personal life, news, instagram 2021



The famous supermodel Alessandra Corin Maria Ambrosio, which fans know in the first name and the surname, originally from Brazil, although nationality refers to the Italians and Poles. Already at the age of 15, this girl received recognition of the public, and over time, became the face of worldwide popular brands "Christian Dior", "Armani Exchange", "Next" and one of the leading "Angels" of the legendary firm of the female underwear "Victoria's Secret".

Alessandra Ambrosio was born in the small town of Ereshin, hidden on the expanses of Southern Brazil. The dream about the career of the photo model in the biography of Alessandra Ambrosio first originated when the girl was eight years old. On the cover of the glossy magazine, she saw the image of the legendary model of Karen Mülder and wanted to become the same famous. The first steps to fulfill their dreams of Alessandra made four years later with professional model courses.

Supermodel Alessandra Ambroso

Parents encouraged and financed the desire of their daughters. Lucilda and Louis Ambrosio had their own gas stations that brought a nice income to the family. And although the father has already been involved in 30 years old, he believed that the money should be investing in the future of children, and not to medicines who still did not help him. This courageous man helped the youngest daughter Aline to become a lawyer, and senior Alessandra - a world famous model.

The girl today admits that without the financial support of the Father would not achieve such success. The fact is that, although the growth and weight of Alessandra Ambrosio perfectly corresponded to the model parameters, she suffered from childhood with burrows. And in early adolescence, he decided on a plastic surgery to remove this defect. And although the surgeon coped perfectly with the work, since then the supermodel has repeatedly repeated, which will never go to such sacrifices. Alessandra assures women: the plastic surgery is painful, and the results do not cost such a test.


In 15 years, the career growth of Alessandra Ambroso as a model began. She participated in the National Competition "Elite Model Look", where the beauty noticed the American agency and offered a professional contract. Another minor girl was alone in a giant New York and only understood that it was not ready for adaptation in the metropolis, nor to superhuman loads. But she helped her girlfriend-model - Giselle Bindchen and Adrian Lima. With the help of Girls, Ambrosoevo mastered English and figured out the rules of American life.

Adrian Lima and Alessandra Ambrosio

The first large-scale work model was filming for the female magazine "Elle", and then photo Alessandra Ambrosio appeared in advertising world brands: "Rolex", "Calvin Klein", "Ralph Lauren", "Giorgio Armani" and others. The ideal parameters of Alessandra Ambrosio (the growth of the girl is 176 cm, the weight of 51 kg) allowed her to get to the show-show of the company "Victoria's Secret", after which the girl began a long-term cooperation with this lingerie brand. Moreover, today it is practically associated with the Angels "Victoria's Secret".

Speaking about the parameters of Brazilian supermodel, it is worth mentioning that the girl is considered the longest and in his country, and in South America in general. Interestingly, Ambroso loves to go to the podium in unusual outfits. One day the model was represented by the Lingerie "Victoria's Secret", fully made of sweets, and another time defiled in a bra from rubies, amethysts, gold, diamonds and sapphires. This female accessory is still considered the most expensive element of linen.

Russian fashion lists in 2010 received a special photo of Alessandra Ambrosio for the May and September issue of Vogue Russia magazine, and British fans were the first to buy the Love Magazine edition, for which Brazilian supermodel picked up nude at the later gestation. Another girl was on one of the pages of the annual calendar of the company Pirelli, and for several years in a row. Alone with Alessandra in the photo shoot, such famous beauties, like Natalia Vodyanova, Heidi Klum, Miranda Kerr and others participated in the photo session.

Already becoming recognizable in the world, Alessandra tried his strength as an actress. The debut in the movie was the episodic role of tennis players in the film about James Bond "Casino Piano". Then other kinoroli followed in projects.

Among the popular, you can call the drama "Secret Truths", family comedy "Hello, Dad, New Year!" and the second part of adolescent filmmixes "Ninja Turtles." Another ambrosio appeared in music video clips. The girl starred in the video on the song "M.i.l.f. $ »American singer Fergie, Actor Josh Duhamel wives.

As Ambrosio itself appeared in one episode of the popular American series "How I Met Your Mother."

Personal life

Among the romantic relations of Brazilian supermodel had many famous men. The first boyfriend became the Brazilian photographer Giovanni Buckletti. The guys were still teenagers and parted when Alessandru was invited to America. Later among the fans of Ambrosio, the Italian manpenter Marsello Boldrini and the Brazilian journalist Stephen Alleine turned out to be.

Cristiano Ronaldo and Alessandra Ambrosio

They had novels with a chic girl and the Portuguese football star Cristiano Ronaldo, and even the Latin American singer Ricky Martin. For the musician, Supermodel turned out to be the last girl with which he met before openly declare about non-traditional orientation.

Alessandra Ambrosio and Jamie Mazur

Since 2007, the personal life of Alessandra Ambrosio is connected exclusively with a businessman Jamie Mazur. A year after the beginning of the relationship, they were born daughter Ani Louise, and after another four years - the son of Noa Phoenix. Both children are dual-surname Ambroso Mazur. Parents of children are officially engaged for many years, but they are not in a hurry to register relationships, continuing to live in actual marriage.

Alessandra Ambroso with children

Favorite pastime Alessandra is a holiday on the beach. The girl loves to ride on the surfboard, dancing on the sand under Brazilian music or sunbathing. The star specifically bought a house on the Brazilian coast, any foreign tour or a romantic warning prefers privacy in this paradise. Ambrosio After many years of other people's deposits and herself created a line of female swimsuits, which gave her own name "Alessandra Ambrosio by Sais".

In winter, 2014, the girl appeared on set in Miami. Then it was clear that Alessandra split. But soon the model returned to the form. According to Ambrosio, Angel never resorted to the help of strict diets. The star adheres to the correct nutritional mode and is regularly engaged in sports. Once Supermodel admitted that he did not like training before pregnancy.

In 2013, Paparazzi climbed Alessandra Ambrosio at the airport without makeup. Fans noted that the model looks great without a drop of makeup. However, it is impossible not to notice that Ambroso is watching the style anywhere, and thousands of girls are worn up with her manner.

The girl is a goodwill ambassador National Multiple Sclerosis Society.

Alessandra Ambroso without makeup

For supermodel, millions of fans in the instagram social network are observed. There, Alessandra is divided with subscribers with personal and work pictures. Sometimes the model pleases fans with candid frames and photos in bikini. In addition, Ambrosio has developed an official website where network users can familiarize themselves with the Angel biography, see the gallery and video.

Another girl lay out to review the readers of the entry in Twitter. Celebrity tweets regularly become quotes Twitter users.

Alessandra Ambrosio now

In May 2017, the supermodel decorated the cover of Narcisse Magazine and starred in an erotic photo shoot. Shooting took place under the motto "Nyud".

In November, Alessandra Ambrosio declared the completion of a career in the company "Victoria Sikret". The model went to the podium in Shanghai, and a few hours before this event confirmed rumors that goes. But finally, Ambroso appeared before the public in one of the hottest dresses of the evening. Other models also demonstrated themselves in all its glory. Padliga Blanca tried out the golden wings - this image became one of the favorites of brand fans.

Alessandra Ambrosio Photo Session for Narcisse Magazine

Later, an interview with Ambrosio shared that she decided to make her own designer clothing line and film engineer. Allessandra wants to spend more time with children.

In the same year, the girl appeared in the second part of the comedy "Hello, Dad, New Year!". The artist returned to the role of Karen, the wife of the hero Mark Wahlberg.

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And in December, the celebrity took part in the shooting for the Christmas calendar of the publication Love. Supermodel appeared in a supper image of a sexy bikers, which in the motorcycle ride removes clothes and then performs acrobatic tricks.

In March 2018, the star appeared on the Red Track at the Oscar prestigation ceremony. Guests of the event struck Alessandra's clothing: a transparent dress of corporal color, through which the underwear of the model shouted.

In May, Ambrosio starred in a spicy photo shoot for Tatler magazine in honor of the upcoming World Cup. The model appeared in the form of a Russian national player. The girl decorated the cover of the June issue.

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