Kim Jong Il - biography, personal life, death, photo and latest news



Kim Cheng Il is a long-term chapter of North Korea, who was officially called the great leader of the Korean People's Democratic Republic. He was also considered the Supreme Commander of the Korean Army and the Secretary General of the Korea Labor Party. Biography Kim Jong Ira from the first days is very ambiguous. According to North Korea, he was born on February 16, 1942 at the foot of the highest mountain Packtusan, which is located in the province of Kanko Nando. And allegedly at the time of his birth, the sky lit up with a bright star and a double rainbow, which symbolized the emergence of the future leader of the Korean people.

Kim Jong Il with parents

But the Soviet sources argued that the biography of Kim Jong Ira begins exactly a year earlier, and in the Khabarovsk Territory. Moreover, according to the Soviet Encyclopedias, he not only conducted his childhood in the USSR, but initially in the documents was recorded as Yuri Irsenovich Kim. But what does all historians really agree, so it is with the legendary personality of the father of Kim Chen and. He was born in the family of the founder and the first head of the Korean People's Democratic Republic (which is often called North Korea) Kim Il Sen and his wife Kim Chen Suc.

Kim Jong Il in youth

Kim Chen Ira had his sister Kim Gone Hee, who later became the only woman in the country, as well as a consolidated brother Kim Plen Il. It is believed that in the Soviet Union Kim Chen Ir lived before the end of World War II, then long stayed in Pyongyang. But when the Korean War began, the boy was taken to China. Higher education The future ruler of the DPRK received in Pyongyang University named after his father and became a certified specialist in political economy.


Labor activity Kim Cheng Ira has been associated with government work from the very beginning. He began to work as an instructor in the Central Committee of the Korea Labor Party, then passed through all the steps of the party staircase. Career Growth Kim Jong Ira ends with the election of him not just a member of the Politburo, but by the informal receiver of the Chairman of the Party Kim Il Sen. Since then, active politics is not different as the "Center of the Party" and extolish its superhuman wisdom.

In the 1980s, in fact, all issues related to the internal policy of North Korea were decided by Kim Cheng Ir, and his father-ruler was engaged only by international relations. Later, Kim Il Sen took off the powers of the Supreme Commander of the Korean People's Army and transferred to their son. A year later, the 50-year-old warlord receives the title of Generalissimus, and after just a week he was already reached by Marshal DPRK.

Head of North Korea

In 1994, the Great Leader Kim Il Saint died from a heart attack. The plenary session was held, at which the Central Committee discussed the possible candidates of the new ruler, but in fact it was a fiction, since Long before the death of Kim Il Senya was clear who would become his successor. Kim Cheng Il received all the rights of the Supreme Ruler, except for the Title of Father. Instead of the "Great Leader", he began to call him a "great leader." True, officially he was able to enter only three mourning years, in 1997.

Kim Jong Il in youth

For 15 years of leadership, the country of Kim Chen Ire was repeatedly accused of international public in human rights violations. In the European, Japanese and American press mentioned such unacceptable measures of impact, as public executions, forcing for abortions, the creation of labor concentration camps, the abduction of foreign citizens. But since the DPRK was and remains a fully closed country, and the press and television of North Korea are under full supervision of the government, it is impossible to confirm or refute such accusations. Also in the country, as in the predecessor Kim Ire Seine, and the successor to Kim Chen Ira acted propaganda the personality of the ruler. Kim Cheng IR created a person's cult around himself, probably even exceeded a similar cult around Joseph Stalin.

Kim Jong Ir.

Portraits of the great leader decorated every public institution, any criticism was punished with imprisonment, in the newspapers his name was gained in bold, the birthday became one of two public holidays, and Biography Kim Jong Ira turned into a mandatory school subject. Moreover, the inhabitants of North Korea are considered that Kim Cheng Ir is a brilliant composer who has written six wonderful operas in two years, as well as a scientist who created works on philosophy, culture, literature, history and politics. The book "On the cinema" Kim Jong Ira in the DPRK is recognized as a classic textbook for actors.

Kim Jong Ir.

But that's not all. North Koreans are confident that the great leader is an unsurpassed architect who invented the concept of a skyscraper and created the plan "Buchery Tower" in Pyongyang; Amazing culinary coil who prepared the world's first hamburger; World golf game record holder; The most outstanding expert in the field of Internet and mobile communications. However, since the head of North Korea was very long to be the only person in the country who had the right to use the mobile phone and the worldwide network, the last statement was actually true.

Personal life

If his father Kim Il Siena had two wives, then Kim Cheng Ir married four times. According to data that is considered reliable, the great leader left three sons and daughter, but according to unofficial information, the North Korean leader became a father 17 times, and nine children were born out of marriage. As in the case of violation of human rights in the DPRK, this information is not possible. Therefore, it makes sense to speak only about the personal life of Kim Jong Ira, which the head of North Korea himself presented as official.

Son He Rome

The first wife Kim Jong Ira, Son Hhe Rome, was famous in the country actresant. In 1971, she gave birth to his wife Kim Chon Nama. Like most of his relatives, the boy studied in Switzerland. Although Kim Chong is the eldest son and the heir, but the successor of the Father as the head of the state was never considered. The fact is that the guy several times in his young years managed to get into international scandals associated with visa-free crossing of borders. Now the firstborn Kim Chen Ira lives in the Chinese district of Macao and leads its own business.

Kim Jong Il with family

The second wife of the ruler was Kim Yong Suk, the daughter of a high-ranking military, who was chosen for his son personally by Kim Il Saint. According to some sources, she was the only official wife of the ruler, and the rest of the only civil spouses. Perhaps this is explained by the fact that it is often called the first wife Kim Chen Ira, although it is impossible from a chronological point of view. The husband openly showed that he had no feelings for a woman. Nevertheless, Kim Yong Suk gave birth to his daughter Kim Sol Son, who later becomes the personal secretary of his father and lead the propaganda and party literature.

Ko Yong Hee.

Like the dream of He Rome, the third woman in the life of the great leader was an actress. Her name was Ko Yong, and she was not only shot in the cinema, but also sang and danced on stage. Since she became the mother of two sons Kim Chon Chown and Kim Jong Yana, the youngest of which will be subsequently the successor of the father, then Ko Yong Hee also became a cult figure in North Korea. But the cult of her personality could not have a lot of weight due to the origin of a woman - Grandfather Kohi collaborated with the Japanese army at one time. Therefore, in the press, her name was hidden by the title, calling the "Great Mother".

Kim Chen Ir and Kim Ok

The fourth wife Kim Chen Ira, who was younger than 20 years old, became a politician Kim Ok. There is a high probability that it also gave birth to a great leader of the Son in 2007, but this fact does not recognize the government. After the death of the father, Kim Chen Spets removed the stepmother and all her relatives from the posts occupied. Now the last wife Kim Jong Ira is on the treatment of joints, and in others - under house arrest.


As in the case of the biography of Kim Jong Ira, his death also has two possible versions. It is known that the great supervisor was very sick. He was diagnosed with diabetes, as well as a number of cardiovascular diseases. Also, by unconfirmed data, Kim Chen Ira and the tumor, which the North Korean press called "suddenly suprupsed illness of unknown origin" could be. In any case, the head of the DPRK about his health care for little. He climbed a lot to the last days, and only the strongest cigars and cigarettes, and also regularly used brandy.

Ultimately, the diseases took their own and Kim Jong Il died on the morning of December 17, 2011, and the people reported on his death only two days later. Diffuses in the versions of death concern the place of his death. According to official data, Kim Cheng IR, despite the difficult state, continued to work and performed an inspection trip around the country on a personal armored speaker, in which he met the last day of life. But other informants argue that he has not left his house lately in Pyongyang and died exactly there. The official cause of death Kim Jong Ira is considered to be a heart attack - the same diagnosis as his father.

Funeral Kim Chen Ira

The disastrous body of the multi-year ruler of North Korea was exhibited in an open coffin under a glass cap, and a few days later, "Kymusan" was placed in the Memorial Mausoleum. Mourning events were held throughout the country, in which everyone could take part. Those residents of the country that did not express such desire, according to information from official sources, appeared before the court and received up to six months of labor camps.

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