Al Capone - Biography, Personal Life, Mafia, Photos and Latest News



Most often people are interested in the identities of historical people who could become an example of behavior, or who created something useful for the country, for art, for science, for the future life. But there are a number of personalities that have become famous for the creation, but crimes, but no less interesting to the public. Alfonso Gabriel Capone is considered one of the most famous criminals in the history of mankind, which is usually called the diminutive name - Al Capone. Let's see what this gangster became famous for.

Al Capone

It is considered one of the founding fathers of the United States of the US Epoch and the Great Depression, the author of the money laundering system and such a concept as Racket. But most of all the name Kapone entered the story due to the sensational series of murders, called the "slaughter on Valentine's Day". Al Capone's biography is directly related to its ancestors, more precisely with Italian. Italy was emigrated by Gabriel and Teresa Capone, who settled in the New York Omery Williamsburg. And it is from the Italian mafia that their son will be connected all his life.

Al Capone

Alfonso was born in the last year of the XIX century and became the first of nine children of his father and mother. From an early age, his sharply excited character was manifested. Today, the boy would still be a preschooler among Psychiatrist's patients and, probably, would not get into the criminal sphere, but during the years of childhood Al Capon, no one thought about such things. Therefore, Alfonso aggression has drawn behind him like a train. From the first classes, he loudly and violently swore with classmates and teachers, and in the sixth even tried to beat the teacher right in the lesson. Shortly thereafter, the teenager throws his studies and joins the local gang, which will later become part of the famous New York group "Five Points".

Al Capone

Young people were mainly extortioned and illegal gambling business. For the cover of this kind of classes, the guy worked as the "Harvard Inn" club whisk, and also acted as a professional billiard player. Along the Capone's height was not too big, only 170 centimeters, but he was always very large and made the effect of romance. By the way, it was in the billiard room there was a fight, "presented" Al Capon the scar on the face. He released an unequivocal remark to one of the girls, and she turned out to be something sister, or the wife of the criminal, also attended in the hall.

The stabbing began, and Alfonso had his famous scar on his cheek. It is curious that the future head of the mafia of such a banal story was always ashamed, so invented an alternative version: allegedly Scar is the result of participation in heroic battles during the First World War. In fact, the capoon not only did not fought, but did not serve in the army at all. By 18, Alfonso Kapone was suspected of the city of the city in many crimes, including two murders. Therefore, the young man decided to look for happiness in another metropolis and moved from New York to Chicago.

Career in Mafia

In a new place, "the great al", as his friends called him, took up the pimp in one of the viced brothels. Among the gangsters of the Chicago 30s, it was considered almost the most humiliating occupation, but the cappea managed to make an incredibly profitable business from the base establishment. He turned it from a regular public house to the four-storey bar "The Four Deuces", where there was a beer, tote, casino and brothel himself. Initially, a cheap cereal place was very quickly turned into an enterprise, giving $ 35 million a year. Translated to today's money it will be about 420 million per annum.

Al Capone

Therefore, nothing surprising that by the age of 26 Al Kapone becomes the owner of the entire criminal empire, after the previous head of Mafia John Torroio, also referred to as "Fox" or "Pope Johnny", has multiplied with himself these powers. First of all, the newly crime authority introduced such a previously unknown concept as Racket. That is, he offered honest entrepreneurs to pay him MZO, and very considerable, and for it provided them with protection from other gangs, and sometimes from the police.

Mafia Al Capone

If businessmen refused, their institution, and often they themselves threatened. Mafia also began to exploit prostitution, introduced a fraudulent scheme, after many years the name "Money laundering", for bribes "bought" police and even high-ranking politicians, which before was impossible to imagine and submit. By the way, the invention of the "money laundering" schemes also attribute Alfonso Capone.

Al Capone

The fact is that his personal business was directly related to smuggling of alcoholic beverages prohibited in those years in the United States. The profit was necessary to legitimize, and for this mafia discovered the laundry network. Prices for services were established so low that the number of clients was impossible to calculate. Accordingly, a giant profit was officially laundry, actually obtained from alcohol trading. Actually, due to the washing of the linen scheme, and got the name "money laundering", however, this term was first used only after decades after the death of Al Capone.

Saint Valentine's Day

The main distinguishing feature of Al Capone Mafia is non-stop criminal disassembly, usually ending any of the gangsters. In the first five years of the "Board", a cappone in the shootouts died over half-pensions far from ordinary gangsters. Alfonso completely destroyed the gangster groups of Irish, Russians and Mexicans in Chicago, getting rid of competition. It was his idea to replace the guns familiar to Italian gangsters on machine guns, and then on hand machine guns.


Also, on its approval, explosive devices entered, connected to the starter of the car, which destroyed the car with the driver and passengers after turning on the ignition. A series of killings of gangsters received the well-known name "Savory on Valentine's Day". It began on February 14, 1929 in the garage, in which one of the gang held a warehouse whiskey. Armed people cappone broke there in the form of policemen, and competitors who have decided that they were victims of justice, they were rapidly lined up at the wall for arrest, but were shot still on the spot.

Saint Valentine's Day

Similar shocking murders were repeated several times. There were no direct evidence to these episodes, therefore, he, like all his wards, escaped punishment. Actually, for those mass executions, the police did not punish anyone at all, which once again proves how high in law enforcement agen was climbing Al Capone. Nevertheless, it was the "slaughter on Valentine's Day" it was the cause, because of which the representatives of the Federal Bureau of Investigations began to carefully follow the Alphonso. Officers of the FBI, without seeing the opportunity to arrest him for banditism, still found another hook for the capture of one of the most legendary gangsters of the XX century - turned to the tax service.

Personal life

From adolescent age, turning in criminal circles, the private life of Al Kapone is not unremitted with the ladies of easy behavior. Already by the age of 16, the young man had several venereal diseases, including Syphilis, who tried to treat, but soon threw this thing. Later, such a naughty attitude to health will affect the son Al Capone. Alfonso married in 19 years. Al Capone's wife, Irish Saleswoman and Yaraya Catholic Katolich Mei Josephine Cafelin, one month before the wedding gave him the only son of Albert Francis, who called Sonny in the family.

Al Capone with his wife

It is curious that because of the minority, Capone could not go under the crown without the consent of his parents, so his father Gabriel wrote a written permission to official services. As for the Son, Albert Francis Capon, he significantly affected the carefree behavior of the father. The boy was born with congenital syphilis and a serious complication on the brain, in infancy suffered a number of operations, was able to survive, but was almost deaf.

Al Capone with Son

It is noteworthy that only once in the life of Albert tried to feel in the role of the criminal and stole some bauble in the store, but the police immediately arrested. Capone-younger awarded two years conditionally, and he did not crime the law to the end of his life. In the already mature age, Albert replaced the famous surname to Brown, married and presented his life with four daughters. So Alfonso Cappone still has biological descendants.

Prison and death

As mentioned above, the police could not be for criminal acts, whether she did not want to catch the head of the Italian mafia. And so how to prove the involvement of the cap to most crimes, even the FBI specialists were not possible, the authorities found another loophole: they accused Alfonso in non-payment of income tax. In the fall of 1931, the Mafia Boss was sentenced to an 11-year-old and a huge fine. So that Capone from Prison could not lead his subordinates, he was placed in a correctional establishment in Atlanta, and later at all in an isolated prison on Alcatras Island.

Al Capone

Of the 11 years, Gangster served only seven, but they were enough for Alfonso to finally undermine his health and was released, completely lost criminal influence. In prison, his threshing syphilis entered the final stage of the destruction of the body, although Al Kapone died for another reason. At the end of January, he had a stroke, after three days the doctors were additionally diagnosed with pneumonia, and on January 25, 1947, Alfonso Kapone died from stopping the heart in his country house in Florida.

Grave Al Capone

I buried the Mafia boss in Chicago, but because of the huge flow of tourists, which turned into a pilgrimage, his body was reburied in the Mount Karmel in Illinois cemetery. In history, the name Capone remained as an impersonation of organized crime, but had a certain halo of gangster romanticity, which is very often used in cinema. Several dozen famous actors played in films and television series Al Kapone, including the legendary Hollywood stars Robert de Niro and Al Pacino.

Interesting personality Al Capone and collectors. At auctions even sell his weapon belonging to him. For example, in January 2017, the recolve Capone of the "Smith & Wesson" brand of the 32nd caliber, with which Mafios did not part even during the game of golf, becomes the main highlight of American trading.

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