Mary Poppins (Character) - Photo, Biography, Actress, Character, Image, Films


Character History

As soon as the eastern wind rushes, each child appears a chance to acquire the most famous nanny in the world - Mary Poppins. This has already happened once in London on Vishnevaya Street: the wind from the east brought to the house of the Banks family of an amazing educator, and life has changed beyond recognition.

The English writer of the Australian origin Pamela Travers gave the kids not just a fairy tale. Parable contains spiritual lessons that make a work interesting for reading and adults.

History of character creation

The idea of ​​a fairy tale about the nurse-wizard Pamela Travers visited in the house in Sussex, where she was restored after a long illness. Revolving writer in the winter of 1933 gave the will of fantasy, writing his thoughts in a notebook. At first, Pamela was not going to make an idea in the book - just having fun, lying in bed. To create an exciting story, it was pushed by a friend who came into delight, reading notes in the notebook.

So read the legend. In fact, the wonderful magician was born 13 years earlier. In 1926, the story "Mary Poppins and the seller of matches" saw on the pages of the New Zealand newspaper, now it was necessary to develop an image to a full-fledged book.

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Travers did not like to spread about his biography and publish photos, on too personal or inappropriate questions of journalists replied that the details of her life were concluded in fairy tales about Nyan and other literary work, they say, look and find. But readily admitted that the work wrote, being under a great impression of the book about the boy Peter Pan.

In the spring of 1934, the first story under the concise name "Mary Poppins" went on a trip to the readers of England, and then around the world. On the cover, the authorship was modestly facilitated - P.L. Travers.

The book about the nan of children of the Banks family instantly won recognition by entering the golden legacy of the classics of English literature for children. A year later, the fairy tale was pleased with the book and the continuation of the book. As a result, the light saw the trilogy, telling about the extraordinary weekdays of children in the company of a nanny-wizard, and later fantasy Pamela Travers had enough for another five applications who added the main series.

As usual, the masterpiece of literature reached Russia late. The path of Mary Poppins in the USSR took 26 years - only in 1960 for the translation of the fairy tales, Boris Sadoka. And the decades did not pass, as readers of the journal "Pioneer", finally met the British Nanny, however, in a trimmed form - the translator lowered the part of chapters. And in 1968, a book with two rates reached the publishing house "Children's literature".

Image and biography Mary Poppins

Working on the image of Mary Poppins, English fairy tale took the character to the features of familiar and relatives from his childhood. So, the characteristics of the character, the ability to push Fleur's mystery to events and things Pamela Travers borrowed the maid service in the parent home or Bella, or Berth - the name writer ordained. In Memoirs, Pamela recalled her charming umbrella, whose knob was decorated with a rooster head. After walking the umbrella necessarily hid in wrapping paper in a secluded place.

Fantastic stories that happened to her, Bella never ended, leaving a field for fantasies. Children burned from curiosity, hidden elements seemed somewhat significant and magical, and from this the whole life of the maid is exceptional and unusual.

Good heart and sharp tongue Poppins took from his aunt Kristina Saraset. But the origin of the name is still a mystery: for one version, Travers in his youth saw him scratched on the cover of the book, on the other - the character is named after the alley in London.

The trilogy of the British Fairy Tale tells about everyday life of the Children of the Banks family, which filled the bright colors and adventures of Nanny Mary Poppins. A young woman flew with the eastern wind into the suburb of the capital of the UK to the house on a cherry street. And since I asked for your work a penny, Jane's parents, Michael and Gemini, happily accepted a guest to the position. Since then, it has not been bored for children.

Elegant Lady with impeccable manners and a nondescript appearance - such a description of the English talenterus Dala Mary Poppins. A thin young woman with little blue eyes before inappropriate, her property is an umbrella and a spacious bag, sewing from tapestry. And Mary on the character of a stronger and impregnable, but a real wizard is hidden for such a kind of cover.

Among the magical abilities of the nanny - the ability to speak with animals and move itself and others in different places, including non-existent, for example, inside the drawing on the asphalt or a painted dish. After the end of the adventure, Mary not only prohibits discussing him, but also fiercely denies any hints for what happened, apparently, in order to preserve it in secret.

Mary Poppins in films

The wonderful nanny made his debut on television screens in 1949, the image of the CBS studio was taken to embody. The roles of the main characters of the books of Pamela Travers were performed by Mary Wicks (Mary Poppins), Everett Marshall (Mr. Banks), Tom Rettig (Michael).

The American Music "Mary Poppins" of 1964 was truly starry - awarded five Oscars. Picture gathered actors Julie Andrews (nanny-wizard), Dika Van Dike (Bert, Best friend Mary), David Tomlinson (Mr. Banks). The process of creating a picture was not easy: the writer noted one scenario after another, claiming that the most unsuccessful stories were chosen for the film, offered another music. The negotiation process took 4 years, and the final result of the travers did not like at all. She formally praised the work of the director, but later the ribbon criticized the ribbon, especially the scene, where the nanny dances on the roof, and stated that the book was "tied up."

In comparison with the original, many key characters are indeed changed: Mary finally lost the rigor and primacy, Mrs. Banks from a timid housewife, not able to "build a servant", turned into a defender of the rights of women, and Mr. Banks turned into a Tirana, not tolerant in their children Not the slightest manifestation of fantasy and timewise.

The Russian film industry drew attention to the literary masterpiece of the British 20 years after the American stage. In 1983, the country of Soviets sang songs with the philosophical meaning of the "Wind of Change" and "Leo and Breedback", and the phrase with a shade of self-confidence "Ah, what bliss to know that I was perfection" sounded from every corner. The film "Mary Poppins, goodbye" came to Soviet screens.

Director Leonid Queinihidze also took a musical film, but he expected to create a picture not for the younger generation, but more than an adult audience. For the director, it became a complete surprise that among the fans of the adaptation as a result were mostly children.

Anastasia Vertinskaya was first invited to the key role of the domestic musical, but Quinikhidze rejected the candidacy - the execution and the vision of the image of the artist was not arranged. Then I experienced Natalia Andreichenko and realized that he was in the top ten.

The film crew united Natalia with the actors of Albert Filozov (Mr. Banks) and Larisa Udovichenko (Mrs. Banks). On the role of siblings of the couple took Philip Muchlishennikov and Anna Plicetsky.

In 2018, a new musical film was released about the magic nurse, where the main role was played by Actress Emily Blunt. The director Rob Marshall was skillfully embodied on the screen the classic plot, and the film received 4 nominations for Oscar and 4 to "Golden Globe", including the costumes and work of the artist-director.

Interesting Facts

  • On the topic, which will be a book nanny in the pictures, disputes flared up between the author of the fairy tales and the artist. The point in the battles was put on one episode: Trevers, who had not enough eloquence to convey his vision of Poppins, pointed to a porcelain doll with the words: "This is such Mary!" Graceful toy with shiny black hair and blue young eyes - Now the exhibit of the library is Donnel in New York.
  • The name of Mary Poppins over time turned into a nominal one - this is the best praise for educators and nannies.
  • Children starred in the Russian tape "Mary Poppins, goodbye," have not tied lifestyle with acting paths: Philip mitavicnikov came into architecture, and Anna Plisetskaya became ballerina.


Where did you sleep this night? The lady do not respond to such questions, because the gentlemen do not ask them. Ah, what bliss to know that I am perfection, know that I am the ideal! In the kids on the ball? Outrageous!


  • 1934 - "Mary Poppins"
  • 1935 - "Mary Poppins returns"
  • 1943 - "Mary Poppins opens the door"
  • 1952 - "Mary Poppins in the Park"
  • 1962 - "Mary Poppins from A to Z"
  • 1975 - "Mary Poppins in the kitchen"
  • 1982 - "Mary Poppins in the Vishnevian Lane"
  • 1988 - "Mary Poppins and the neighboring house"


  • 1949 - Mary Poppins (Telepostalovka, United States)
  • 1964 - Mary Poppins (Musical, USA)
  • 1983 - "Mary Poppins, goodbye"
  • 2018 - "Mary Poppins returns"

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