Boris Titov - biography, photo, personal life, news 2021



Boris Yuryevich Titov - a well-known politician authorized under the Russian Rights Presidential Rights, a billionaire, a successful businessman, whose property has a company for the export of petroleum products and the Plant of Sparkling Wines "Abrau-Durso". Recently created "Growth Party" - Boris Titov's party, in which he is a leader. Some consider this political force to the Kremlin project.

Boris Titov - Native Moskvich, Russian by nationality, was born in December 1960 in a secured family of an employee of the Ministry of Foreign Trade. Titov has no shorn roots. Boris Yurevich's grandfather in the father's line was a physician, head physician, and the great-grandfather on the mother of Mom - the Orenburg Cossack.

Politician and businessman Boris Titov

Initial classes Future oligarch graduated in New Zealand, where his father was located on the debt. But when the son turned 10 years old, the family returned to the capital. Boris continued his studies in elite special special school with in-depth study of foreign languages. Titov perfectly owns English and Spanish.

After receiving the certificate, Moskvich entered the prestigious MGIMO. In the student years, he worked in Peru as a translator, and in 1983, Boris Titov, having received a diploma of an economist-international, settled to work in Soyuznefteexport.

Career and business

In 1989, Boris Yuryevich left the state company and headed the chemical direction of the Soviet-Dutch joint enterprise Urals. At this time, Titov met Gennady Timchenko, who is considered by a person from the close range of Vladimir Putin.

Boris Titov

Two years later, Titov, together with business partners, created Solvalub. A year later, I bought a British company with which I had previously collaborated, and led the group of companies that created a group, named the company SVL GROUP. Soon the SVL Group has expanded the scope of activity and more deeply introduced into the market of oil products, liquefied gases, agro- and petrochemistry, and also engaged in investments in manufacturing and transport projects.

In 1992, the company headed by Boris Titov, bought the Latvian terminal from the state of the ammonia transshipment and built his own chemical terminal in the Ventspille port. After 2 years, the SVL Group "has increased" by the port of "Caucasus". By the beginning of the 2000s, the company's sales rose to $ 1.5 billion.


In these years, Biography of Boris Titov began as a policy. The entrepreneur headed the Foundation for the Development Industry of Mineral Fertilizers. In the possession of Titov, a private aircraft appeared. In the same turning 2000th businessman entered the leadership of the Russian Union of Industrialists. And after 4 years, he headed the "Business Russia" and became a member of the Public Chamber.

Politician Boris Titov

In 2006, Titov began to invest in a new direction, wine production, and acquired the brand "Abrau-Durso". After 8 years, production expanded so much that the implementation of the wine products "Abrau-Durso" increased 5 times.

Business Boris Titova reached a new development peak. In 2006, the state of the entrepreneur was estimated at $ 1.03 billion. But the political career did not stand in place. A year later, a well-known businessman was elected to the Supreme Council of United Russia, and at the end of the first decade of the 2000s he fell into the governing staff of the party "Right case."

Boris Titov, Abrau-Durso

In 2010, Boris Titov was elected head of the Council of the Union of Vineyards and winemakers of Russia. At the same time, I purchased Moet & Chandon's champagne wines from the world manufacturer of the vintage winery Chateau d'Avize. The estimated cost of acquisition is $ 10 million.

In 2012, Boris Yuryevich was elected a business ombudsman. In this post, Titov was remembered by several bright initiatives aimed at protecting entrepreneurs' rights. The main one is considered the amnesty of the 2013 entrepreneurs, which 2466 people fell.

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Entry to the post demanded waste from business management. Therefore, the management of the plant "Abrau-Durso" passed to the son of Titov, Paul. It is known that the annual revenue of the wine house from the sale of sparkling drinks is $ 150 million. Additional income provides wine tourism. According to the latest information, the number of people who want to relax at the hotel with a beautiful view of the lake reached 130 thousand people per year. In addition, the main asset, the Titov family has a poultry farm in Rzhev and office center in Moscow.

In 2016, Boris Yuryevich Titov headed the party "Right case", which was renamed "Growth Party".

In the revenue declaration, which politician filed in 2016, he earned 209 million rubles. The property of Titova is a capital apartment, a house in the suburbs, manor in Spain and 5 cars.

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When the detractors are talking about compromising on Boris Titov, the word "Radiation" sounds most often. It is concerned that the business ombudsman, using the proximity to the Kremlin, helped the metropolitan entrepreneur and the resident of Rublevka Sergey Kuchko to receive a profitable enterprise "Yalta Corebank". But there is no confirmation of these rumors.

Boris Titov participates not only in supporting small businesses. In 2017, the procedure for removing a license from the Bank "Ugra" by the Central Bank of the Russian Federation began. In the dispute with the financial regulator, Titov took the position of the bank, despite the fact that the court fell on the side of the Central Bank. Titov commented on this initiative of the Russian regulator as actions that kill the banking system of the Russian Federation.

Personal life

Boris Yuryevich Successful businessman and politician, but also the personal life of Boris Titov also had a happy. In his student years married a student MGIMO Elena. It is known that in 2012, Elena Titov appointed director of the All-Russian Museum of Decorative and Applied Art.

Couple has two children. The son of Pavel was born in 1984, and the daughter of Mary appeared in 1992. Children received a brilliant European education. Paul graduated from the British Business School John Cassa and worked in a large investment bank Merrill Lynsh. Since 2007, the Jr. Titov was an employee of ABN AMRO and worked with debt securities. But in 2009 entered the family business and began to oversee the projects Abrau Durso and Chateau d'Avize. Lives the son of the Ombudsman in Britain. According to the information posted on the Government's Government website, Paul has double citizenship. Titov Jr. presented the parents of two grandchildren.

Boris Titov with wife, son and daughter-in-law

Masha's daughter graduated from Imperial College in London and engaged in marketing. In winter, 2011, Maria became a member of the annual ball in the column hall of the House of Unions, which every year organizes Tatler's publication. Photo of a girl in a dress from Elie Saab Haute Couture fell on the pages of the publication.

Presidential Ombudsman Boris Titov in an interview noted that he likes to travel. Hobbies Boris Titova - a game of tennis and squash, in addition, politician is engaged in snorkeling and knows a lot of yacht. The growth of Boris Titov - 172 cm, weight - 69 kg.

Boris Titov now

In November 2017, it became known that Boris Titov was put forward by the presidential candidate from the "Growth Party" in the 2018 elections. The politician voiced his intention on the speech on the transfer of "Time will show", and Titov covered the items of the economic program with which it comes to the election. According to Boris Titov, the burden of business should be reduced by 10%, and a number of individual entrepreneurs working on samonaim should receive the status of individuals, which will make it easier and reduce their taxation.

The main slogan of the pre-election campaign of Titov became the phrase - "a working person poor should not be." Boris Titov called himself right liberal. Unlike left liberals, such as presidential candidate Ksenia Sobchak, who insist on political freedoms, the right-hand liberals call for the gradual construction of a democratic society.

To dating the electorate with the program, Boris Titov opened a number of election headquarters in the country. The first headquarters appeared in Crimea, then in St. Petersburg, Kazan, Chelyabinsk, Yekaterinburg. In addition to speeches on television, personal meetings with voters, on behalf of Boris Titov began to operate the official website, where every item of the candidate's election program was covered in detail, and encountered meetings with voters. The Titov CEC has registered more than 150 people as trusted persons.

Presidential Candidate Boris Titov

Boris Titov was confident that his ratings would rise as the electorate dating with points of economic innovation plan, which were previously developed by the Stolypin Club. The candidate stressed that such a clear plan, with the help of which it is planned to reduce the load on the oil and gas sectors, the development of the industrial sphere, the creation of highly paid jobs, there is no competitor.

Boris Titov became a participant in regular debates, held on the air "First Channel" and "Russia-1". But by the end of the pre-election race, the presidential candidate came to the conclusion that only one contender for the presidency, Vladimir Putin, possesses the advantage of everyone. Titov voiced his point of view in television.

Vladimir Putin and Boris Titov

In addition to preparing for elections, Boris Titov conducted planned events that treated his immediate position - the Commissioner for Entrepreneurs. In early February 2018, the Ombudsman arrived in London for negotiations with Russian businessmen living in the UK.

The meeting was attended by the owner of Euroset Evgeny Chichvarkin, the ex-owner of the trust bank Ilya Yurov, the co-owner of the "March" holding Georgy Trefilov, the ex-vice-president of Rosneft Anatoly Locontov and co-owner of London restaurants Global Craftsmen Group Roman Zelman. Titov promised assistance to the Office of the Office to businessmen, in respect of which criminal cases remain open in Russia, no longer relevant. Upon arrival in Moscow, Titov handed over to Vladimir Putin a list of businessmen wishing to return to Russia.

Ombudsman Boris Titov

In 2018, Gregory Yavlinsky participated in the elections, Vladimir Putin, Pavel Grudlin, Ksenia Sobchak, Vladimir Zhirinovsky, Sergey Baburin, Maxim Surajkin. Boris Titova's rating amounted to 0.76%.

Now Boris Titov has established itself as a professional, competent economist, whose quotes are becoming popular in Twitter and Facebook. After the titles, the titles retained its post. Spring Boris Yuryevich visited the Moscow Economic Forum, Yalta and Stolypinsky Forums. Photos from all events appeared on the official account of the business ombudsman in "Instagram".

Boris Titov

On May 25, Titov became a member of the St. Petersburg International Economic Forum, which was attended by Andrei Kostin, Herman Gref, Tatiana Golikova, Alexey Kudrin, Anton Siluanov and others. In the plenary session, Russian President Vladimir Putin, French President Emmanuel Macron and the Prime Minister of Japan Shinzo Abe. The forum business program has numbered 90 events, on which issues of the development of the traditional and digital sectors of the economy were discussed.

Boris Titov negatively responded to the government's proposal to increase VAT up to 20%. According to politics, such an increase puts the cross on the development of non-synthest sectors of the economy and in the small business. According to the business ombudsman, more than half of small enterprises have not yet recovered from the crisis. Boris Titov urges to reduce the interest rate and give enterprises to freely develop. The pension system Boris Titov also calls unpromising, as in practice it was not possible to realize theoretical developments that were positive.

Awards and achievements

  • 2008 - Medal of the Order "For Merit to Fatherland" I degree
  • 2010 - Medal of Stolypin, the highest award of the Government of the Russian Federation
  • 2015 - Order Honor
  • 2015 - Cavaler of the Order of the Honorary Legion (France)

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