Alfred Koh - Biography, Personal Life, Photo, Growth, Age and Latest News 2021



Alfred Ringoldadovich Koh is a businessman, a writer, and a few years ago, a statesman, as well as the General Director of Gazprom-Media. Most of all is known as co-author of privatization program, liberal and an active oppositionist of the current government. During the reign of Boris Yeltsin, Alfred Koh held the post of Deputy Chairman of the Government of the Russian Federation. The assessment of its activity is extremely unambiguous. One part of the Russians, including Anatoly Borisovich Chubais, consider Kocha patriot and a fighter for freedom, and others, on the contrary, accused a former official in Russian and perceive the accusations of Vladimir Vladimirovich Putin's policies as an insults of Russia.

Alfred Koh

Alfred Koch was born in February 1961 in the Republic of Kazakhstan, more precisely in the town of Zyryanovsk. In addition to the war he himself, his father Ringold Davydovich was exiled, German by nationality, who lived before this in the Krasnodar Territory. Mom Nina Georgievna was a purebred Russian, therefore the Nationality of Alfred Koch mixed - half a German, half a Russian. When the construction of a new automotive plant was declared in the country, then the Koh family moved to Tolyatti, where childhood and the youth of the future statesman passed.

Alfred Koh

Father got a head of the management of related production of the Volga Auto Plant and worked there almost to death. Alfred himself after the end of the Togliatti school went to the Northern Capital and entered the Leningrad Financial and Economic Institute, which graduated from 1983 with a specialty "Economic Cybernetics". On the distribution, the young man came to the Research Institute of Constructive Materials "Prometheus". Later, Koh defended his thesis on the topic "Methods of a comprehensive assessment of territorial conditions for placing industrial facilities" and began to teach in the Leningrad Polytechnic Institute at the Department of Economics and Management of Radio Electronic Production.

Alfred Ringoldovich Koh

After the collapse of the Soviet Union, the biography of Alfred Koch was closely related to politics until the beginning of the XXI century. Then he focused on journalism and writing books. In 2015, Alfred Ringoldoldovich left for a permanent residence in Germany, a historic homeland by his father. This happened after a criminal case was initiated against him under the article "Smuggling". The fact is that Koh tried to take the picture of the artist Isaac Brodsky from Russia, which was declared as a copy and fake. The customs officers were laughed, the re-examination proved the authenticity of the work of art, although the lawyer Alfred Rengoldovich preserved a report of another expertise, which considered a picture of a high-quality copy. As a result, after long trials, in February 2016, Kohu was charged in absentia under the article "Smuggling of Cultural Values".


In 1990, Alfred Ringoldoldovich was elected Chairman of the Executive Committee of the Sestroretsky District Council of People's Deputies of Leningrad. He showed himself in this post as a promising leader and was aimed at internship in the Chilean "Institute of Freedom and Development". When Koh returned from overseas studies, his career went up sharply. In St. Petersburg, the state activities of Alfred Koch was associated with the property management committee, and when it was summoned to Moscow, they trusted the position of Deputy Chairman of the State Committee for State Property Management.

Alfred Koh

During the first Russian presidential elections, Alfred Rengoldovich was not officially not part in Boris Yeltsin, but informally actively participated in the pre-election struggle. Therefore, few people surprised the appointment of Koch as Deputy Chairman of the Government of the Russian Federation, that is, the place of the Vice Speaker. However, there the official stayed only about six months, as a criminal case was brought against him in connection with the abuse of official powers. Later it was closed as a result of amnesty.

Alfred Koh

Overlooking a little from politics, Alfred Koch went to a big business. He had a relation to such major enterprises as a leading operator in the Securities Market "Montes Auri", the NTV television company and the Gazprom-Media Holding. At the end of February 2006, he was elected by a representative of the Legislative Assembly of the Leningrad Region in the Federation Council. But soon, on the initiative of the regional prosecutor, the court came to the court that the results of the voting were fabricated. Therefore, just two months after the appointment, Alfred Ringoldadovich voluntarily addresses the powers and leaves the state and political activities of Russia.


Koh was one of the main initiators and yarn supporters of the large-scale privatization of state property. According to modern estimates, his perseverance in carrying out cardinal reforms and the sale of state value in private hands struck the national economy. The problem was not in the fact of selling state property, but in incredibly low-profile price tags.

Norilsk Nickel Plant

For example, the profitable enterprise Norilsk Nickel, which, according to the most modest estimates, should have been rated a couple of billion dollars, sold in just 170 million. And such examples found many. And besides the financial loss, the damage for Russia also caused leakage to the West of advanced domestic scientific developments and, the main, control packets of strategically important enterprises, in particular, the defense complex.


In the late 90s, the first printed edition was published, including the name of Alfred Koch. It was the book "Privatization of Russian", in which the authors of the privatization idea were explained by the people, why it was generally necessary, because of what mistakes occurred and so on. That is, outlined the essence of the situation from their own point of view. A few years later, Koh in co-authorship with journalist Igor Speenno released a shocking four-member "Drawer of Vodka". Many readers perceived written as an insult to the country, the Russian nation and history, but, nevertheless, the work was nominated for the "Big Book" award, though not won.

Books Alfred Koch

Later, a collection of "denial of denial, or a battle near Auschwitz comes from under the pen of a colorful writer. Demographic debates and Holocaust geopolitics. " This book is again written in collaboration, this time with Demographer Paul Polyany. The collection provides a large number of actual and statistical materials about the destruction of the Jewish nation and is proved that the decrease in the importance of this tragedy is not easy to falsify the history, but also a specially implemented dangerous geopolitical project.

Books Alfred Koch

In 2013, Alfred Rengoldovich published a frank and informal collection of interviews with Russian politicians "Revolution of Gaidar: the history of the reforms of the 1990s first-hand," and his last book was the publication of the "History of one village" about the fate of the German colonists from the first settlements under Peter I And Catherine II to a terrible situation in the middle of the 20th century, when the Soviet Germans fell between two lights, between Joseph Stalin and Adolf Hitler.

Personal life

About the personal life of Alfred Koch a little known. He is married. The wife Marina older than her husband for three years, by education is an economist, but recent years is engaged in household. They raised two daughters together. Elena's eldest daughter, which was born in 1980, graduated from the financial university under the Government of the Russian Federation and works in the largest firm in Eastern Europe related to advertising and media business. The second daughter of Alfred Koha, Olga, younger sister for 12 years.

Alfred Koch with his wife

Despite the fact that Alfred Koch with his wife live quite together, periodically in the press there are reports of the romantic adventures of the ex-official with other women. The latter in the company Alfred Rengoldovich on vacation on the island of Cyprus was noticed actress Daria Ekamasov. And Alfred, and Daria, and Marina Koch, this information preferred to no way comment.


  • 1999 - Privatization in Russian
  • 2005 - Vodka Box
  • 2008 - denial denial, or battle under Auschwitz
  • 2009 - waste after drawer vodka
  • 2013 - the revolution of Gaidar: the history of reforms of the 1990s first-hand
  • 2014 - the story of one village

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