Vladimir Medinsky - Photo, Biography, Personal Life, News, Minister of Culture of the Russian Federation 2021



The steering wheel of Russian culture Vladimir Medinsky stood 7 years. During this time, what only about him did not speak and did not write. Say, made the Minister of a person with paradoxical views, accusing scientists and journalists in incompetence and detachment from reality. At the same time, Medinsky is one of the few high-ranking officials, listening to the opinion of bloggers, writing books for which films are removed.

Childhood and youth

The biography of the policy began in the Ukrainian city of Smela Cherkasy region. Father Rostislav Ignatievich, in the youth personnel officer, participated in the introduction of Soviet troops in Czechoslovakia, Afghanistan, eliminated the consequences of the Chernobyl accident and earthquake in Armenia. Mom Alla Viktorovna - therapist. The family was also brought up Tatiana's daughter.

Vladimir graduated from school in Moscow and, following the example of his father, led to the military team school, and having received a refusal at the Medical Commission, he entered MGIMO, at the Faculty of International Journalism. In parallel, he listened to open lectures on the East of MSU. The university Medinsky was distinguished by an extraordinary memory for historical events and achievements of Russian rulers.

Then the winner of the diploma fell into graduate school in the direction of political science, defended his candidate and doctoral dissertations, became a professor at the Department of International Information and Journalism in Alma Mater.

Career and politics

Together with the group of classmates, Vladimir organized an advertising agency "Corporation" I ", in the early 90s who became a major player in the market. The company served tobacco corporations and financial pyramids, promoted the "Auto" and "Tverniversalbank". Due to the bankruptcy of the latter there were troubles.

The company renamed the "United Corporate Agency", and the Medinaist remained its shareholder until 2003, until he was in the State Duma, after which she "sold" the shares of Father.

In addition, the future Minister of Culture held the post of vice-president of the Russian Association for Public Relations and Advisor to the image of the Director of the Federal Tax Police Service of Russia. Later became the head of the Ministerial Department of Information Policy.

In the last year of the 20th century, Vladimir Medinsky took up work with the press on the face of the Block "Fatherland - All Russia". He then became an adviser to the Deputy Chairman of the State Duma, and in 2003 he was elected a deputy of Parliament on the Common-Defectural List of the Party and was registered in the United Russia faction. The official turned into one of the hottest supporters of President Vladimir Putin, whom he calls the "absolute genius of modern politics."

As a statesman, Medinsky proposed a number of bills that have approved. For example, he participated in the development of amendments to the law "On advertising", limiting the promotion of medical goods, alcoholic and tobacco products, gambling establishments through television and printed publications. During the 2008 economic crisis, Vladimir Rostislavovich oversaw work with office employees who were dismissed or were threatened. And from 2011, according to a personal decree of the President, the President of the Russian World Foundation was entered and engaged in the promotion of Russian culture, language, history.

At the initiative of Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev Vladimir Medinsky took the post of Minister of Culture of the Russian Federation. This appointment caused resonance and polar estimates. Among those who supported the candidacy, the LDPR leader Vladimir Zhirinovsky, Chairman of the Federation Council Valentina Matvienko, the director of Mosfilm, Karen Shahnazarov, theatrical director Roman Viktyuk, Actor and Head of the MHT Theater Oleg Tabakov.

At the same time, many cultural figures, including actress Leia Ahacedzhakov, director Yulia Gusman, director of the All-Russian State Library of Foreign Literature Catherine Geniyev, made criticism of a similar solution. The leader of the Communist Party Gennady Zyuganov also spoke sharply, and the Duma faction of the Communist Party of the Communist Party expressed the official protest against this appointment.

The post of Minister Vladimir Medinsky proposed to rename a number of Moscow streets, replacing the names of the revolutionaries by the names of the royal and imperial specimens. New rules for subsidizing Russian cinema, a list of 100 Soviet films recommended for viewing within the school program was created, the initiative of the adaptation of cinemas to the needs of viewers with disabilities, including the introduction of Surdosubtirov and Special Technologies with Audio Communications, was lobbied.

By the way, the program of supporting directorial projects was not corrected without without the influence of the Internet community, in particular, the video unit Evgeny Bazhenova, which appears on the network under the Nick Badcomedian. EMU did not like that the Ministry of Culture allocates millions under the talent remake of famous films, degrading the author of the originals, or on special effects that are created "on the knee" for much smaller money.

With Medinsky, the Soviet system of touring theaters tour was revived, the program was launched to co-financing technical equipment renewal, which was not neither in the Soviet Union, nor in modern Russia. Substantial amounts are allocated to the organization of museum safety systems.

Among the initiatives of Vladimir Rostislavovich - to betray the Earth to the body of Vladimir Lenin, as the burial in Mausoleum contradicts the norms of Orthodox morality. However, the government rejected this proposal by considering it outside the competence of the department.

The execution of ministerial powers did not interfere with Medino to act as a writer and publicist. They released a series of documentary prose "Myths of the USSR", in which his own opinion was expressed about the reasons for the beginning of World War II, it was shown what the help of the "allies" was worth and how the financial system worked in the post-war years.

In the book "Crisis", written in a couple with Alexander Hinstein, affected the topic of the causes of economic shocks. According to the novel of the "Wall" by Dmitry Mesochiev, the series was withdrawn with Alexey Serebryakov and Anatolia White.

Personal life

Like many political figures, Vladimir Medinsky personal life does not endure the public. He has long been happily married to Marina Olegovna Nikitina, who took the surname of her husband after the wedding. Spouses have four children, the youngest of which was born in 2017. By the way, in contrast to his colleagues, for example, Vice-Speaker Sergey Zheleznyak, the Minister of Culture issued children to study in Moscow schools.

And Vladimir's spouse gave birth not in Germany or America, but in the usual Moscow maternity hospital. Thus, Medina demonstrates that he is proud of Russian nationality and lives in Russia. That's just in Twitter accounts, "Instagram" and in "Vkontakte" photos of loved ones not found. There are reported reports from official events, meetings with cultural figures, congratulations, news of subordinate institutions.

Marina Olegovna has its own business that brings a very tangible income: LLC "NA Immobilar" is engaged in real estate management. Sister Tatiana Zuykov's policy works by the company's general director.

Vladimir Medinsky now

In January 2020, an acting prefix was added to the post of cultural minister of the Russian Federation. It happened after the government, led by Dmitry Medvedev, retired. The Cabinet went to such a step, so that the President of the country has a field for action to implement a program voiced in the Epistle to the Federal Assembly.

Before the new year, Vladimir Medinsky managed to present awards with outstanding artist workers, decided to reconstruct the first in the USSR of the Children's Music Theater named after Natalia Sats, discussed the restoration of the Novodevichi Monastery and the results of the Cross-Year Year of Culture and Tourism Russia - Turkey, closed the "Russian seasons" in Germany and Opened in France.

It is unclear as long as the circus reform, which in 2019 a new manual appeared in 2019. The minister was going to participate in the discussion of the draft new law "On Culture". Now this is the task and new government, and perhaps the new head of the department.


  • Order of Honor
  • Order of Friendship
  • Three gratitude to the president
  • Honorary diploma
  • Order "Dostyk" 2 degrees (Kazakhstan)
  • Commander of the Orden of Cultural Merit (Principality of Monaco)
  • Order of the Rev. Sergius of Radonezh II degree from the Russian Orthodox Church

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