Elena Baturin - biography, photo, personal life, news, instagram 2021



Baturina Elena Nikolaevna is one of the richest and most influential women of the planet, a billionaire and the former Mistress of the Empire of the Metropolitan Business Environment "Intec", which is its co-founder today, as well as the wife of the ex-mayor of the capital Yuri Luzhkov. Today she owns a network hotel business of an international scale.

Childhood and youth

A bright and strong personality, a woman with an iron character, a sharp mind and strong will, Elena Baturin - is far from the heiress of the rich parents. Her success story is based on leadership qualities, hard work and the talent of the entrepreneur. She is a leaving from the ordinary Moscow family, where Mom and Dad were employees of the mill "Mill". Father is a master of the workshop, and Mom worked all his life behind the plant of the plant.

Elena Baturin

The future business woman appeared during the celebration of the International Women's Day, the date of her birth is March 8, 1963. The nationality of Elena Baturin does not specify its own. Her biography is closely connected with his family, it attracts relatives to business, assuring that he trusts them with infinitely.

Elena was a painful child, classmates remembered that in childhood she had problems with the lungs, hence the hatred of smoking and the love of sports already at the time of conscious - it is engaged in tennis and horse riding, is managed with a rifle, fond of skiing.

Elena is a second child in the family, her elder brother became an entrepreneur Viktor Baturin. They both finished one school, and in terms of obtaining higher education Elena did not retreat from the path of his brother - was credited to the evening department of the Sergo Ordzhonikidze Institute. Simultaneously with study in 1980, Elena went to work at the factory, where parents worked.

Career and business

The start of the career of the businesswoman began in the youth, with the designer technique. By the time Elena decided to change the place of work, in 1982, she already worked out by the senior engineer designed by the head of the main technologist. When Elena became a researcher at the Institute of Economic Problems of Integrated Development of Moscow, she was able to transform scientific activities to the chairmanship of the union of United cooperatives, and then became a leading specialist there.

The turning point in the biography of Elena became 1989, when Baturin changed the vector and began to do business. Activities in the Commission of the Moscow State University did not allow her to return to monotonous scientific work, the girl decided to go into free swimming.

The first step towards success was the creation of a joint family cooperative with Brother Viktor. Relatives tried to introduce modern technologies, created and installed software, acquired computer equipment.

The year of birth "Intec" - 1991, initially it was an enterprise for the manufacture of polymer products. It so happened that in the same year Elena becomes his wife Yuri Luzhkov, who has become the mayor of the Russian capital in the year.

It is possible that, thanks to favorable marriages and useful acquaintances, the Baturina Cooperative began to receive orders of the municipal level, and later the cooperative expanded, having received the Moscow oil refining plant on the balance of Moscow Prefecture. In the territory belonging to this plant, the enterprise was built by the manufacture of polypropylene, and the property was in the hands of Elena Nikolaevna.

In 1994, the plant for the production of plastics was annexed to Inteko, and by the mid-1990s, a quarter of the entire market has accounted for the share of this company's products. In 1999, Inteko became a participant in the scandal, where he was accused of embezzlement of budget funds, at that time the company was listed by the general contractor during the construction of a new city in Kalmykia. Baturin tried to become a deputy of the State Duma from Kalmykia, but this attempt was fraught with Fiasco.

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In the early 2000s, Inteko acquires the appearance of an investment and construction corporation, the purchase of cement factories began, as a result, this company has become the leading supplier of cement in Russia. At the same time, the company invests in large state-owned enterprises, among them Gazprom, Sberbank, etc. And also financially involved in a number of largest social projects in the field of culture, medicine, sports and art.

Since 2005, the process of decay "Intec" began. First, the firm leaves the market of concrete-panel construction, in 2006 the company leaves Viktor Baturin and the following Elena itself. However, it becomes a co-founder of the company, being elected to the board of directors of the financial enterprise "Russian Land Bank".

In the period from 2006 to 2011, Inteko has made many projects: the construction of modern complexes for living Dominion, Arco Di Sole, "Champion Park" and Astra, and the construction of the University's Corps has been completed. M. V. Lomonosov, opened "New Peterhof".

After the resignation of the spouse Elena moved to live in London and began to develop a hotel business. Later with her husband and children moved to Austria. In Aurah, Luzhkov acquired a house for € 20 million. Their neighbors became representatives of the Swarovski family, trading network owners and people of art. In the new place of residence, Elena Baturin immediately joined the public life.

In late 2000, her company became a sponsor of the World Cup in Triathlon, Rotary Club Congresses. With the support of the spouse of the ex-mayor of Moscow in the Alpine city, the Festival "Jazznova" took place. The battleships of the battleship were visited by Carlos Santana and Stevie Wonder.

In the Austrian capital, Vienna, Elena Baturina, there is a real estate sales firm "Safo Gmbh", and a family couple acquired another mansion in the prestigious Döbling area. Elena Baturin's citizenship retained Russian, which gives her the right to retire.

In 2016, Baturin became the owner of a number of office structures in Brooklyn (New York). Together with her husband, they lead a concern for breeding thoroughbred horses, and also participate in charity. Under the guidance of Baturina since 2012 there is a BE Open Charitable Foundation. This is a youth project that allows young talents to implement ideas and talents in architecture, visual arts, literature, science and design. The Foundation is organized in the UK.

Personal life

Before marriage, the personal life of a billionaire woman is unknown. In 1991, Yuri Luzhkov became her husband. He left the sake of Helena a family, in which he grown up two sons.

In marriage, the spouses have been held for more than 25 years and in 2016 made the mystery of the wedding, as evidenced by numerous photos. It is noteworthy that Elena honors family values ​​above all and repeatedly said that the family and children - her most expensive wealth. In 2010, rumors were rumored in the media that Elena divorces Luzhkov, but this information was false.

On December 10, 2-19, Yuri Luzhkov died on 84 years of life in one of the Munich clinics. According to journalists, the ex-politician went to Germany to conduct an operation on the heart.

Elena and Yuri have two adult daughters, the first Elena was born in 1992, and in a couple of years, the younger daughter Olga appeared. Both girls studied at Moscow State University, but after the resignation of the father moved along with parents to Britain. Continued to receive education already in London, on the basis of a university college.

Junior Olga continued his studies at the University of New York, where he received a bachelor's degree, and later a master's master's business. The first project of the girl was the opening of the Herbarium bar near the Mother's hotel complex, the 5-star Grand Tirolia Hotel in the mountains of Austria, in Kitzbühel. The place is interesting because, in addition to the standard menu and beverages, herbal infusions and cocktails were served here.

Elena, the eldest daughter Luzhkov and Baturina, lives and works in Slovakia, there she organized its own company for the production of cosmetics and perfumery alener. In 2018, Elena Luzhkov became a Cyprus Cyprus, where her mother began construction of a residential complex.

Yuri Luzhkov and Elena Baturin

Baturin's favorite occupations call horseback, skis, as well as collecting rare cars. Helena Baturina has its own plane, which she considers her best purchase. Owning enterprises in different parts of the world, the business woman has time to control them personally. Owned by Elena Baturina - a collection of exclusive porcelain. In 2011, part of the exhibits entrepreneur submitted as a gift to the Tsaritsino Museum.

Unfortunately, after the conflict on the basis of Finance in 2007, Elena stopped communicating with Brother Viktor, the relationship of relatives was torn. The brother applied to his sister to the court for illegal dismissal from the post of vice-president and assigning himself a package of "Inteo" stakes belonging to Baturin. And in 2011, Elena sold the company. Mikail Shishkhanov, who bought 95% of securities, and Sberbank Investments were new owners.

Elena Baturina now

In April 2018, Elena Baturin made a transaction for the sale of the Grand Tirolia hotel complex, which became an unprofitable enterprise for her. The transaction price amounted to € 45 million. The new owner was the Austrian entrepreneur who will attract the rebranding of the hotel at the International Hotel Operator.

Now Profit Baturina brings an international hotel network, as well as the Developing Center in New York. Thus, the net profit of the Morrison Hotel (Dublin, Ireland) in 2017 amounted to € 1.5 million on the assessment of Forbes magazine, Baturina's condition for 2018 amounted to $ 1.2 billion. In the ranking of richest women in Russia, Elena is still on First place among the 200 richest businessmen of the country - on 79 lines.

Elena Baturin is ready for a dialogue with reporters, its interviews periodically appear in the press. To communicate Elena Baturin chooses a lively conversation.

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