Emir Kusturica - Biography, Personal Life, Photo, News, Films, Music, Director, Composer 2021



Emir Kusturica is a legend man, "Balkan Fellini". The history of life and career growth of a cult film director, and later the musician Emir Kusturica is a bright picture. This man managed to succeed and glory for his life in many industries.

Childhood and youth

In 1954, November 24, Emir Kusturica was born in Sarajevo (Yugoslavia). His parents at that time adhered to the Muslim Faith, although, according to their stories, Christianity had previously confessed. By nationality, Emir - Bosnik, but in the family were the Serbs. The Father of the World Director - Murat Kusturica - was a member of the Communist Party and throughout his life carried in the Ministry of Information. Mother, as it believes a Muslim woman, was a housewife and custodian of the hearth.

From early childhood, a small emir was involved in art. He liked to watch movies, it happened, even had to walk school, in order to enjoy watching the favorite film. Even then the boy knew that would connect his life with cinema.

Movies and music

In Socialist Yugoslavia, it was extremely difficult to realize the dream. Therefore, after graduation, the young man went to the Prague Academy of Performing Arts at the Faculty of Film and Television. Education in this university was appreciated in Europe, because I was completed by Milos Foreman, Izhi Menzel and Goran Paskalevich.

In parallel with the study, Kusturica has already prepared material for the first films. Premiere short tapes "Part Pravda" and "Autumn" were issued in 1971 and 1972. He ended up the Custodian Film Academy, the film about the Second World War "Gernika", who fell to the youth film festival in Karlovy Vary and received a prize. In kinocartine, the topics of fascism and anti-Semitism were addressed.

After graduating from the university in 1977, the emir returned to the native city of Sarajevo and there worked on television - filmed short films. But in his free time, the guy played the guitar in the local rock band - the music was his hobby.

In 1978, the film "Bride comes", which was not shown on the screen due to the censorship existing at that time. In the middle of 1979, a television film "Cafe Titanic" was released, also dedicated to the topic of war.

However, the full-length debut in the filmography of Kusturians can be considered the film "Do you remember Dolly Bell?", Which was shown in 1980. The film was first used a Bosnian dialect. The tape was marked by the Prize of the Venetian Festival.

1984 became significant due to the shooting of the film "Dad on a business trip", which shows the history of post-war times in Yugoslavia. This film made Emir owner of the prize of Fipress and the "Golden Palm Branch" at the Cannes Film Festival. Kinokarttina was nominated for Oscar and Golden Globe, and Emir Kusturica received the status of the director with a world name.

"Time of Tsygan" of 1989 released in the Gypsy language, the film honored his creator of the title of the best director.

Another hobby of the film director and the musician was teaching in a film school, from which Emir was fired, as soon as they found out about musical activity. And in the 90s, the director became a member of the Zabranjeno Pušenje punk-rock band, which existed not long.

Soon, Kusturitsa was invited to become a teacher in Columbia University, and he, without hesitation, agreed to this proposal. Here, one talented student David Atkins wrote a scenario, which was finalized by Emir and was shielded in 1992 called the "Arizonian Dream". The main roles in it were performed by Johnny Depp and Fei Danaway. The creation of the film was stretched for a long period, but the work did not receive the recognition of critics, although it was awarded the "Silver Bear" premium. This is the first and last film that was removed on the territory of America.

In his book, "Some will not fall into hell" Zakhar Prilepin wrote about the inequality of this film, which the writer looked in his youth, and after 12 years - again, and the tape again hooked him:

"And he, at this Serba, all the time the fish swam through the screen - and I am behind it, you can not do anything, obediently followed whether it was every time, - with a difference of twelve years! - nothing helped, there was no disappointment. "

In 1992, war began in Serbia, the parental house in Sarajevo was mutilated. On the soil of the events of the heart attack, the father of the director died.

In 1995, Kinokarttina "Underground" received "Golden Palm Branch". However, after the film screening, the director began to be considered a monster, his mother because of these events was forced to move to live in Montenegro.

Comedy "Black Cat, White Cat" was filmed in 1998. And after the screening of the documentary film "History for Super 8" in the film director, a pause came, because the emir with his head plunged into musical activities. And also tried himself as an actor.

In 2000, the activities of the Rock Group Zabranjeno Pušenje was restored. Only now the team was called The No Smoking Orchestra, where Kustitsa acts as a vocalist and a musician, fulfilling popular songs. And in 2011 he had to play his own person in the film "Pelican".

The picture "Life as a miracle" saw the world in 2004, the plot line of the film touched upon the topic of war in the Balkans. In 2005, the film director became a member of the jury of the Cannes Festival.

2007 is marked by the film "Covenant", which by good tradition took part in the Cannes Festival, but did not receive the prize. Next year, the documentary film player Maradona was launched on the football player of Diego Maradon. Being in Cannes, the star of football and the film director made a few passes to each other with a soccer ball right on the red festival path.

Then the film "War and Love, or Love Trilogy" came out. In September 2016, the tape "on the Milk Road" was presented. The main female role in the film was performed by Monica Bellucci, the director himself performed her partner. The pair turned out to be very colorful - a beautiful Italian model appearance and Serbian milkman in 191 See. November 20, 2016 Emir Kustitsa in the music Russian Talk show "Sol" announced the Moscow premiere of this film.

The biography of the film director is filled with bright colors and unsurpassed filmmakers, the style of which film critics have identified as "Balkan Baroque". A friend of the director, composer Goran Bregovich wrote several soundtracks to the films of Emir Kusturica.

In 2016, the concert in Paris The No Smoking Orchestra ("Orchestra") began with the anthem of Russia. This gesture was made to show respect for the Russian Federation. After all, the day before the attitude of the film director to Russia contributed to the fact that his film was not selected to the Cannes Festival. The act of Emir Kusturica was marked by the Russian leadership, in October 2016, Russian President Vladimir Putin signed a decree on the award of the director by the Order of Friendship.

On movies and music, the work of the famous director does not stop. In 2012, Kusturica released the first book - the autobiography, which is sometimes called one of the chapters "Death is an untested hearing." The next book, released by three years later, was the collection of stories "One hundred misfortunes". In Europe, the work produced a furor. With his characteristic Emor, the author twisted the comedy with the tragedy, the topics of patriotism, politicians and difficulties of growing up the interest of Balkan traditions and non-standard flight of their own fantasy.

In early June 2017, Emir Kusturica fell into an accident on the road. Accident occurred in Serbia. The driver "Mercedes", in which the director was located, did not cope with the control. The emir received minor damage, and after a month later he spoke with a concert in Crimea. The No Smoking Orchestra came out the album "Corps Diplomatique".

Kusturica often visits Russia. He visited Kostroma, Uglich, and in the summer of 2018 again appeared in the cities of the Crimean Peninsula.

Personal life

The personal life of the director has developed safely. For more than 30 years, Emir Kusturica is in legal marriage with the wife of Maya Kusturia. A married couple is founders and co-owners of film companies Rasta Films. It was this studio that was engaged in the production of film director.

During the family life, Emir managed to acquire two children: Son Strebor and Duny's daughter. The son went in the footsteps of the parent and became the drummer in the music team "The No Smoking Orchestra", and also starred in the films of the Father's Father as a Miracle and Testament.

In 2005, the director adopted Orthodoxy. His name in baptism is Nemanya. In the homeland, Kusturica laid and built the church of Savva Serbsky. The church is located near the village in Serbia, which the director has built to his funds. The discovery of the tourist rural center Dwwell took place along with the premiere of the "Life as a miracle" picture. The streets of the settlement Emir called in honor of the people who admire - Nicola Tesla, Federico Fellini, Ingmar Bergman, Bruce Lee, Andrei Tarkovsky and others. Nikita Mikhalkov admitted that I would like to build the same village in Russia. Kusturica also gave tribute to the Russian colleague, noting:

"I and Mikhalkov are the only two director from Eastern Europe, on the films of which the West Spectator buys tickets."

In 2010, the family of Emir Kusturica experienced pressure from the media when the Serbian director was attributed to close relations with Russian actress Ingeborgi Dapkin. But soon rumors dispelled the novel and marriage of artists with an entrepreneur.

Emir Kusturica loves to come to Russia, considering her fraternal country. The director even speaks Russian, but, as he says, his vocabulary is enough only for communication with hotel employees. Repeatedly director became a guest of the humorous transfer "Comedy Club". After the presentation of the picture "By the Milk Road" in Moscow, I visited Monica Bellucci in the Studio of the Evening Urgant show.

Emir Kustitsa now

One of the latest works of Kusturians as an actor was the film of the Russian production director Andrei Volgin "Balkan Rubber", based on the real events that occurred during the confrontation of Albania and Yugoslavia in 1999:"For me, participation in the project" Balkan Rubber "- the expression of my love for Russia, tribute to her meaningful role in the fate of my homeland. We are with you brothers, and this film - about it too. "

The continuation of cooperation with Russia was the clip "All at once", filmed by Emir for the Petersburg group "The Hatters", where the director repeated the atmosphere of paintings "Time Gypsy" and "Black Cat, White Cat."

In April 2020, Kusturica invited the Russian military to the village built by him, who helped Serbia in a complex epidemiological situation in the fight against coronavirus. He inflicted the return visit in June, attending the parade in honor of the 75th anniversary of the Victory in the Great Patriotic War.

Emir Kusturica, together with The No Smoking Orchestra, were to take part in the festive concert-masquerade in Moscow at the Music Media Dome on December 26. As a host party from Russian Music Beaumd, Garika Sukachev was invited. However, due to the spread of the pandemic, the performance of the Balkan musicians was transferred to Mart-2021.

Touch the work of Kusturians to the Russian viewer, due to the concert of the Orchestra of the Balkan and Gypsy Music "Exilados" in the Moscow House of Music. The artists performed the soundtracks from the films of the famous Serbian director filled with traditional motifs.


  • 1978 - "Gernik"
  • 1978 - "Brides come"
  • 1979 - "Cafe" Titanic "
  • 1981 - "Do you remember Dolly Bell?"
  • 1985 - "Dad on a business trip"
  • 1988 - "Time Gypsy"
  • 1993 - "Arizona Dream"
  • 1995 - "Underground"
  • 1998 - "Black Cat, White Cat"
  • 2002 - "Good thief"
  • 2004 - "Life as a miracle"
  • 2007 - "Covenant"
  • 2008 - "Maradona"
  • 2011 - Pelican
  • 2014 - "Ice Forest"
  • 2016 - "By the Milk Road"

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