Elena Skrynnik - biography, photo, personal life, news, activity 2021



Elena Borisovna Skrynnik today - a prominent statesman and mother, but she began her career, like the other citizens of the USSR, with a small one. Over the years, Elena Borisovna's career worked as a laboratory assistant, a cardiologist, and after 2000 began to work in the field of agriculture, becoming the first woman-minister in this area.

Elena Borisovna Novitskaya (Maiden's name) comes from a wealthy family, judging by the time. She was born in the city of Korkino (Chelyabinsk region) on August 30, 1961. Father worked as a mining engineer, and his mother held a leading post of chief engineer at the local factory. Judging by the maiden name, Elena has Polish roots, but there is no information about the nationality of the ex-minister of agriculture.

State Worker Elena Skrynnik

Elena Skyanka has a younger brother Leonid Novitsky, a car drivers, a two-time winner of the FIA ​​World Cup on Rally-Raidam, winner of the best indicators among Russian car drivers in Dakar. The cousin Elena Igor Khristenko also went to politics, held the position of Minister of Industry and Trade of the Russian Federation. His spouse is the former head of the Accounts Chamber, the current Deputy Prime Minister Tatiana Golikova.

According to the sleeve, the parents were too busy with work, so her upbringing was entirely on his grandparents. When it was time, young Elena went to school number 2 in the city of Korkino to the Devichi class. The teachers remembered her as an enhanced and executive girl who was distinguished by silence and modesty.

Elena Skrynnik and Leonid Novitsky

Elena Borisovna graduated from school without triple, and almost no fours, who had several in her certificate. At that time, the girl was already fond of sports, preferring skiing and basketball. By the way, these hobbies did not pass in vain, in modern photos it is clear that Elena Borisovna has a state figure and high growth (175 cm).

After graduation, Elena decided not to enter the university immediately, probably wanting to choose the profession that would like to do. Within 2 years, yesterday's graduate worked diligently at a blacksmith-stamping plant in his hometown, occupying a laboratory stance.


In 1981, Elena entered the Chelyabinsk Medical University towards the enterprise where he worked. After 5 years of study on the doctor, Elena began to work, and after 2 years he has already become the head doctor of the hospital at the Chelyabinsk Plant.

Politician Elena Skynnik

Already in early 90s, Elena Borisovna received a diploma in the specialization of "personnel management" at the Academy of National Economy of the Russian Federation. After receiving a diploma, the sleeve passed an internship abroad - in France and Germany, improving the skills in lease issues.

At that time, this area was still unknown in Russia, so on arrival in Russia Elena began to develop this direction. At first, Medlizing was the company, then cooperation with the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation on the purchase of medical equipment for leasing for Russian hospital complexes.

Vladimir Putin and Elena Skrynnik

It is worth noting that the player first introduced the practice of leasing in Russia, discovering new modern scales for state medicine. After 3 years, Elena Borisovna approached the managerial corps even more, because it was elected head of the Russian Association of Leasing Companies (1997). A year later, she joined the position of Chairman of the Leasing Council.

Not for 2 years, as Elena took a new step on the career ladder, taking the post of general director of Rosagroleasing OJSC. Already in 2009, a career leap and the post of Minister of Agriculture of the Russian Federation. In some media, information was announced that the Svetlana Medvedev's close girlfriend was announced, which influenced the development of Career Elena Borisovna during the presidency of Dmitry Medvedev. During the work as a minister received a degree of candidate of economic sciences.

Dmitry Medved and Elena Skrynnik

In 2012, he lost positions, and then went to be treated abroad. There were rumors that the sleeve moved abroad to permanent residence, but Elena Borisovna itself dispelled them on the air of one of the programs of the NTV channel.

Personal life

Elena's first marriage concluded with Sergey Skyanknik back in his student years, taking his last name. The joint life of the couple lasted 6 years, after which young people peacefully divorced. In this marriage, Elena gave birth to the first child, but daughter died in 2003 in a car accident. The girl was only 21 years old. Later, Sergei Skrynnik was taken by the post of head of the department of state procurement of state resources of the Chelyabinsk region.

Elena Skrynnik with first husband

After the first divorce, Elena Borisovna did not connect himself for a long time, but in 2004 he entered into an alliance with Yuri Kukota. Marriage lasted 3 years, in 2005 Elena gave birth to Gemini and Mikhail twins, but the Union was terminated with the scandal.

Yuriy Kukota, already a former husband Skidnik, argued that Elena threatened him. Allegedly the cause of threats were children, and the entire action was aimed at the fact that the former spouse refuses all claims on the twins born in marriage. Elena Skrynnik did not confirm the words of the former husband, and due to the lack of evidence, the criminal case on this issue was not open.

Elena Skrynnik and Yuri Kukota

Third husband, the sleeve was a soloist of one of the numerous singing groups Dmitry Belonosov, who is under Elena for 10 years. The finale of relations with the third husband, Elena kept secret, but in 2010, Dmitry announced the dissolution of marriage, rumors appeared that he went to the young girl, the administrator of one central television channel. But be that as it may, in this marriage Elena again became a mother. According to one information, she gave birth to twins, on the other - adopted two children.

Dmitry Belonosov and Elena Skrynnik

Already for several years, Elena with children lives on a luxury villa, comfortably located in France. It is worth noting that after 2012, information on the activities of the ex-minister is scanty, which is directly related to the scandal, which turned around after the sleeve left the post.

Elena Skrynnik with children

Elena Borisovna remains one of the most attractive and elegant ladies-ministers. She devotes a lot of time to care (by rumors, is the owner of the beauty clinic, in other plastics clinics), and after the birth of children did not lose the form. Elena is fond of active sports, preferring boat riding, snowmobile and skiing. The ex-minister does not advertise the details of the current personal life, but Elena has changed much outwardly. She grown out, built and looks happily, which can be judged by numerous photos and video of the ex-minister in the media.

Scandals and critics

Criticism was hammered by Elena Borisovna after changes in the authorities in 2012. The accusations were based on the fact that the money allocated from the Ministry of Agriculture of the Russian Federation was not extended.

Former Minister of Agriculture of the Russian Federation Elena Skrynnik

Although the sleeve refuted the accusations of his address, the story received a loud publicity, there were assumptions that a chic mansion in the elite area of ​​Moscow was acquired on the highlighted funds. Even at the time when Elena occupied the post of general director of Rosagroleasing, she was already accused of laundering money, so the press gladly picked up the news.

This was not over, and after a few weeks, at the end of November 2013, the film "Power Immumb" was released on the screens. It was alleged that during the work of the Skidnik as a minister was kidnapped by 39 billion rubles. During the investigation, Deputy Ministers were detained, but the former head of the apparatus Skidnik Oleg Donskoy was disappeared by abroad.

Elena Skrynnik and Victor Zubkov

According to many experts, the action unfolded against the sleeve was nothing more than the struggle of elite, which was presented for the public under the guise of corruption. Also, the compromising information was written off the conflict of the sleeve with a zubkov. As a result of the scandal in 2014, Elena was deprived of his candidate degree.

In 2016, one of the TV programs was announced the idea that aggressive accusations against the sleeve were custom. Throughout the time, Elena Ryano defended her right and challenged all the accusations addressed to her journalists and colleagues.

Elena Skynnik

However, after the start of attacks, Elena began to live abroad, which is not hidden in the Party "United Russia". And even more: the Personality of the Ex-Minister was interested in Swiss services, which in 2015 were concerned about the receipts on the accounts of Elena more than $ 100 million. In this case, an arrest was imposed on this case, but the former Minister of Agriculture of the Russian Federation continued to deny it, claiming that does not have accounts in the banks of Switzerland. Later, the sleeve managed to confirm his rightness, and the prosecutor's office of the European country took off the charges.

Elena Skrynnik now

In 2017, Alexei Navalny Foundation presented a documentary-investigation into the activities of Elena Skrynnik, where its actions were evaluated as the Minister of Agriculture. But in the fall, Mrs. Skrynnik filed a lawsuit on the right to oblivion, which solved the problem with the removal of discontinuing information about the facts of its biography from the Internet. The sleeve managed to prove his right point, and the court satisfied the lawsuit.

Ex-Minister of Agriculture of the Russian Federation Elena Skrynnik

Now Elena Borisovna again returns to the political arena. Having organized the International Institute of Agrarian Policy, the sleeve was engaged in creating a program for the development of agriculture in Russia for up to 2050. Politician cooperates with the publication "Komsomolskaya Pravda", where he is an expert in the agricultural field. Elena has a personal site dedicated to professional activities, Elena Borisovna also leads personal accounts in Facebook and Twitter, but in "Instagram" there is no her profile.

In 2017, the efforts of Elena Skyanka organized a competition for beginner farmers "Summer Vacation in the Russian village". More than 300 applications from 53 regions of the Russian Federation were obtained for participation in the event. The competition was extended for 2018. The results of the event showed that agricultural tourism is a promising direction in the development of agriculture. According to the calculations of the hiddennik, the income from the industry can be up to 50 billion rubles. in year.


Elena Borisovna was awarded a number of state awards and orders of the ROC. Among them, the Order of Friendship, the Order of the Holy Martyr Trifon and the Order of the Holy Equal-Apostles Princess Olga II degree, as well as the gratitude of the President of the Russian Federation and the Honorary Mission of the Government of the Russian Federation.

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