Magdalena Neuner - Biography, Photo, Personal Life, News, Instagram 2021



Magdalena Neuner is the famous German athlete, biathlete who has reached unprecedented heights at a young age and announced the end of the sports career in 25 years, in 2011.

Magdalena was born in the village near the Bavarian town of Garmisch-Partenkirchen, in the village of Valhau, February 9, 1987. In addition to Lena, other children were brought up in the pale family and Margita Nyunov: the older brother of the athlete Paul, as well as the younger - Christoph and sister Anna.

Magdalena Neuner in childhood

The younger sister went in the footsteps of the eldest and also in childhood it was engaged in biathlon, which, however, is not surprising, because Garmisch-Partenkirchen is the famous ski resort, so the Love for Winter Sports Local residents absorb with maternal milk. From four years, a little Magdalena consisted of SC Wallgau ski club, and in nine parents gave a girl to the biathlon section. The Magdalena coach was an experienced master of his business Bernhard Klell.

Professionally participate in the competition future champion started only after graduation, at a sixteen age.


From the very beginning, the career of biathletes has been successful. The girl showed brilliant results by won seven medals in the German Biathlon Championships among juniors. The first award in the Youth Championship Lena achieved in 2004, in 2005 at a similar championship athlete received a gold medal for victory in the sprint and silver - for the race of persecution and relay.

Magdalena Neuner with awards

Repeat this achievement in the Junior championships Magdalene was once twice: in 2006 and 2007. 2006 became a decisive for athletes, because in the 2005/2006 season she was entrusted to competitions for the European Cup. The girl took the fifth place in the overall ranking, won three races, which became a kind of passion to the world of great sports. By that time, the growth of the athlete was already 165 cm, and the weight is 56 kg.

In January 2006, the Bavarka debuted at the World Cup Championship. Being a backup team, she replaced the ears of the Diesel and ranked 41th, but in the next competition, held in Contiolachti on March 16, came to the finish line fourth. From this point on, a series of victories began in the brilliant sports biography of young biathletes, with the rare exception of misses.

Biathlete Magdalena Neuner

2007 became for the Neuner in the full sense of the word starry. In January, a talented athlete won the World Cup sprint, and three gold medals won three gold medals in the world championship. In 20 years, Magdalena became the most young three-year champion of the world, then at home she was chosen for the best athlete of the year.

Since the end of 2007, Magdalena Neuner periodically experienced health problems. After racing, the girl began a strong cough, which reporters were written off on asthma attacks. But the athlete and its coach did not make statements about a serious illness. Most likely, Magdalena every time simply got cold.

Magdalena Neuner on the highway

In the same year, she was waiting for three more rewards: the victory in the World Cup in the overall standings and two small crystal globes. Season 2008-2009 was not the most successful for Magdalena. In general, she ranked fourth, but in an individual race he won a small World Cup.

The next championship brought the Neuner victory in the general competition of the World Cup and in the mixed relay. In the same 2010, the biathlonist won the Fourth Small Crystal Globe and another Crystal Globe in her account, confirming the status of the country's best athlete.

Magdalena Neuner

A year later, in 2011, Magdalena won a sprint race and the overall offset of the World Cup, becoming the owner of three bronze medals at once. In December 2011, a 25-year-old girl announced the completion of a career, the brightest and dizzying in the history of biathlon. Commenting on sports from sports in an interview, Magdalena noted that he imposes hopes on his colleague Miriam Gessner. In a conversation with a reporter, the girl also denied the speculation about his further coaching career.

Magdalena Neuner and Miriam Gessner

Winter Olympic Games of 2010 Steel for Magdalena Debut and the only in her career. In the sprint race, the girl had every chance of success, but an annoying mistake prevented her to get this award. As a result, the German biathlete bypassed an athlete from Slovakia, and the Neuner got a silver medal.

Magdalena Neuner at the Olympics in Vancouver

Two other medals The young champion won, winning the pursuit and race with a general start, showing brilliant results. Gold medals made a girl by the two-time Biathlon Olympic Olympic champion, for which she was awarded a special honor: at the closure of the Magdalene Olympic Games, they trusted the banner of the national team of Germany.

Despite the permanent employment, exhausting training and regular participation in championships and other competitions, Magdalena finds time for personal hobbies. Lena is a versatile nature, it is fond of the game on the harp, motorcycles and knitting. These hobbies require time that is not easy to carve out in between professional sports. Magdalena did not stay away from fashion on the tattoo - on the right shoulder at the athlete there is an image in the form of a Chinese hieroglyph.

Biathlete Magdalena Neuner

Official position Noer - employee customs. Fans and sports colleagues with love call Magdalene Shooting Star, which in classic translation from English means "meteor", and literally "shooting star". Beautiful and precisely reflective character and professional qualities of a young biathlete nickname.

Friends and loved ones know Magdalene as a cheerful man, no wonder in many photos. Girl smiling. Bright appearance and natural charm played a role when Neuner became famous: In February 2007 she was offered to participate in a frank photo shoot for the famous magazine. The girl refused to publish his photos in the publishing house "Playboy", but after three years he was happy to starred in the advertising of the laundry laundry MEY.

Photo session Magdalena Neuner for laundry laundry MEY brand

Since 2012, Magdalena Neuner has implemented talent TV presenter. The athlete works as a commentator at the biathlon sports events. Noyner began as a reporter of the Summer Olympiad in London from Adidas brand. Two years later, it became known that the Noner would work in Russia at the Olympics in Sochi. Biathlete twice - in 2015 and 2017 - showed an expert by the German television company ARD. The athlete professionally appreciates the work of colleagues and creates interesting reports.

Personal life

One day, the German press told fans of a famous athlete that she was found with the Austrian counterpart Franz Peirwin. Roman lasted for about two years, and in 2008 the couple broke up. A year later, changes have changed in the personal life of biathletes. In 2009, Magdalena reported relations with a former classmate Josef Holzer, a simple carpenter from her native Walgau.

The wedding took place on March 29, 2014. The athlete at that time was already pregnant. May 30, Lena gave birth to a girl who called Verine Anna. After completing the career athlete enjoys a quiet life with her husband and daughter.

Magdalena Neuner and Joseph Holzer and daughter

In May 2016, Magdalena Neuner announced that he was waiting for a child again. In November, a son was born a son. Happy parents gave the boy's name Joseph.

Now Magdalena has a personal profile in "Instagram", there is a page and a "Facebook", as well as the official website. The girl does not use the Twitter. In Vkontakte, Russian fans organized a group dedicated to the Golden Milashka.

Magdalena Neuner now

On account Magdalena, the Golden Girls, as she was also called in the press, a huge number of sports awards and titles. The athlete is a twelve-time world champion and three-time - on the summer biathlon, two-time Olympic champion and the best athlete of the year in Germany.

Magdalena Neuner in a swimsuit

In 2018, when the facts of applying doping in the Russian national team emerged, the Neuner did not remain aside. The athlete in the comments expressed that all the athletes who came on doping should be strictly punished and toughening penalties for the national teams. Such teams, according to biathletes, must be immediately eliminated from the competition.

Before the 2018 Olympics, the German biathlon star spoke in favor of a clean sport and welcomed a compromise decision on the participation of the Russian national team in competitions under the neutral flag, which was able to "clean" biathlonists. Sheer Neuner refused to participate as a reporter at the Olympic Games in Korea, as it treated in the meantime, which can give to his children.


  • 2007, 2011, 2012 - athlete of the year in Germany
  • 2007 - Year biathlete of the year
  • 2007, 2008 - biathlon
  • 2007, 2008 - Golden Ski Laureate Association of Ski Ski Species of Germany
  • 2008 - Season Biathlete on Forum Nordicum

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