Tour Berger - Biography, Personal Life, Biathlon, Photo, Cancer, Husband and Son, Latest News 2021



The future world-famous Norwegian biathlete appeared on the light of March 18, 1981 in the Commune of Ringeric, which is part of the province of Buskerud. An athlete rose in the city of Lesha. Since the natural conditions of Norway, in principle, have to winter sports, the tour opened them for themselves in early childhood. Already at the end of the age, the future Olympic champion began to participate in ski racing.

Tour Berger

However, she quickly quickly disappointed in this sport and decided to engage in more fascinating and exciting biathlon. This tour is different from his older brother Lars Berger, which still acts as in the ski racing and in biathlon.

All childhood and teenage age biathlete continued to train. As the Berger itself recalled during an interview, at 18 years old each new day was a copy of the previous one: the rise at 07:30, a modest breakfast, classes with a rifle, training in the gym or on the ski highway. Next, the house, the adoption of the soul, a small snack, rest for an hour and lunch. At 16:00 - another three-hour training. Then the adoption of the soul, dinner and waste to sleep at 21:30.


For its staicism and perseverance of Tour Berger was adequately rewarded. In the 1999-2000 season, she became the champion of the European Biathlon tournament among juniors, in 2006 he won his first medal of the World Cup.

Tour Berger

Next, several more good speeches were followed at the world championships of different years and the main breakthrough in the sports career athlete - the Gold Medal in the 15-kilometer Individual Race at the Olympic Games in Vancouver.

This medal meant extremely much. She not only became the first Olympic gold in the piggy bank of the now famous Norwegian, but also a hundredth Golden Medal of Norway on the Winter Olympics. Moreover, thanks to this victory, Norway became the first country around the world, which was able to collect 100 gold medals in winter games.

Tour Berger at the Olympics in Vancouver

In subsequent years, the hardworking tour of Berger continued to conquer the world biathlon. In 2012, she received the first personal gold at the World Championships held in Rupleding. And in the 2012-2013 season, Norwegian managed to perform perfectly in Estersund, and in the sprint, and in a psychologically complex race of persecution, and in an exhausting individual race.

Thanks to this, Berger became the first biathlete, which was able to take prizes on all competitions in the framework of the World Championships in one season. All Crystal World Cup globes of this season also got a round.

Tour Berger

In the 2013-2014 season, Norwegian passed a bit of position and became the second in the overall standings of the World Cup, after which he declared the completion of the sports career. Currently, it continues to work at the Norwegian Federation of Biathlon, engaged in a set of future biathletes and their preparation for competitions.


In 2009, a very unpleasant guest was knocked into the life of Tours Berger - oncology. Skin cancer was diagnosed in athletes in the spring, and doctors did not exclude the likelihood that biathlete simply will not live to the 2010 Olympiad in Vancouver.

Tour Berger

Fortunately, the disease was discovered at an early stage, and a timely executed operation allowed the tour not just to live to the games in Vancouver, but truly blow them up with their "golden" performance.

Personal life Tours Berger

In 2010, a wedding tours Berger and her long-time friend - Trond Tevdal took place. With a future husband, she met in the ski gymnasium of Merker: Tour and TRond passed training in the gymnasium at one time. Only Berger, then another young and not a well-known athlete chose a biathlon, and her future husband did not show the ambitions of the great skier and chose a general education profile.

Tour Berger with husband Trend Tevdal

In April 2015, the tour gave birth to a child: a charming boy named Alexander. In the photo where biathlete walks with a child, it is difficult to learn the incredible athlete with a volitional character, which we used to see from the TV screen.

Tour Berger with Son

However, now Tour Berger, like her husband and child, does not bored for great sports. It enjoys the time spent with the Trond and Son, creates a comfort in a family nest, and periodically breaks off and engaged in a set of biathletes to the Norwegian team.

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