Yuri Luzhkov - biography, photo, personal life, news, cause of death



Luzhkov Yuriy Mikhailovich is a bright politician of the Russian Federation, 18 years old worked by Moscow, Doctor of Chemical Sciences, Writer, in recent years - a farmer. Yuri Mikhailovich was born in Moscow (date of birth - September 21, 1936), but earlier childhood, as well as seven school years he spent in Konotop - in the house of her grandmother.

By the time of his appearance, the situation in the family was disastrous. Trying to survive, the parents were forced to work a lot: the father worked on the metropolitan tank farm, the mother got a handyman at the plant. Therefore, the child was decided to entrust her grandmother on the father's line.

In 1953, Yuri Luzhkov, a graduate of a seven-year school, returned to parents to Moscow, where he completed his studies in the 529th school (the current school number 1259) and entered the institute. Gubkin.

Studying was not easy, especially since it was necessary to make a living in parallel. During the institute, the future doctor of Chemical Sciences managed to work as a janitor and a loader at the railway station.

At the same time, his outstanding organizational abilities were manifested - on the student's account holding public events, continuous Komsomol work. At the initial stage of the working biography of the Komsomol List of Luzhkov, it comes to Kazakhstan - works as part of a student squad, mastering the virgin.


Immediately after receiving a diploma of Luzhkov, Yuri Mikhailovich becomes a younger researcher by the Research Institute of Plastics, where he is moving to the head of the group and the deputy head of the laboratory. Further career was developing on increasing.

Politician Yuri Luzhkov

In 1964, Luzhkov took over to the position of head of the department for improving the Office of the State Committee for Chemistry, after seven years, becomes the head of the ACU of the Ministry of Him. Industry of the USSR, and then director of the Chimavtomatics division of the OKBA. Soon there was an increase in the position of director of NGO "Himavtomatik".

From the mid-80s, Luzhkov again translates to the ministry's service, this time on a leadership position in the management of the minhimmusiness. In a year, Yuri Mikhailovich is arranged in the Moscow State University, where he first becomes the deputy head, and then receives the place of acting chairman. In 1991, Luzhkov becomes the premiere of the Moscow government, in fact, performing the function of the Grador.

Mayor of Moscow

The decree of Boris Yeltsin on the appointment of Luzhkov mayor of the capital was released on June 6, 1992. At that turbulent time, Yuri Mikhailovich supported the first Russian president, becoming his faithful companion. In such positions, it remained during the constitutional crisis in October 1993. And in 1996, after all the peripetia, won the election of the mayor of Moscow.

Yuri Luzhkov and Vladimir Putin

On this post, Luzhkov was delayed for the next 14 years. During this time, a lot was done for the capital. The city's trading area increased by 1.5 times with substantial support for small businesses. The construction market went into growth, and the number of hotel complexes increased by 1/4. For low-income citizens, the program "Social mortgage" began to operate, which helped acquire housing at reduced loan rates. The Department of Social Security was organized. Annually created new jobs at industrial enterprises.

At the expense of budget funds, Yuri Mikhailovich Luzhkov elevated new buildings of Moscow State University, equipped them with modern technical and scientific equipment. He made his contribution and in the revival of religious structures: the church of Christ the Savior, the Iversky gate and the Kazan Cathedral. Under Yuri, Luzhkov took place the first concert of the star of the world scene, the King of Pop Music Michael Jackson at the stadium in Luzhniki.

On the eve of the election of the President of Russia in 1999, with the support of Yuri Luzhkov, the Political Block "Fatherland - All Russia" was created, who advocated the resignation of Boris Yeltsin, the views of Moscow at the beginning of the 1990s partitioned Moscow. Evgeny Primakov became the co-chairman of Luzhkov in this organization. After the victory of Vladimir Putin, in 2001, Ovr entered the party "United Russia". In the new organization, Yuri Luzhkov retained the post of Chair.

Even 6 years before the crossing of the Crimea under the jurisdiction of the Russian Federation, Yuri Luzhkov raised the question of the return of the peninsula. Later, the words of the mayor of Moscow about the Crimea and Sevastopol were recognized as prophetic.


The first criticism of the activities of Luzhkov was the films "Case in Capka" and "Lawlessness", which came out in the ether "NTV" and "Russia-24" in early September 2010. The accusations concerned the increased level of corruption and exorbitant enrichment of family members of Luzhkov.

Yuri Luzhkov and Vladimir Putin

Yuri Mikhailovich tried to protest the negative stream, pouring from blue screens. Through Sergey Naryshkin, he handed the personal letter-appeal to President Dmitry Medvedev. However, the answer was the Decree "On the Termination of Powers due to the loss of presidential confidence." On October 1, Luzhkov, Yuri Mikhailovich, left the walls of the working office and passed the distinguishing mark of the city chart. Sergey Semenovich Sobyanin was elected in his place.

After the resignation of Luzhkov, the family in London was transported, where daughters continued to study at Moscow State University, and the wife is to develop a business. Later the place of residence, the family of Luzhkov chose Austria.

In 2012, it became known that the former metropolitan mayor is part of the Board of Directors of Ufaorgsintez, and in 2013 they were redeemed 87% of the shares of "Venerer" (production of buckwheat cereals, growing mushrooms). Yuri Luzhkov, who has long been interested in agriculture, in 2015 he created his own farm in the Kaliningrad region, where, in addition to livestock, he grown winter and corn.

"End of Opal" happened on September 21, 2016, when the decree of Vladimir Putin Luzhkov was endowed with the Order "For Merit to Fatherland". The award, according to the recognition of Yuri Mikhailovich himself, became a real gift for the 80th anniversary. After the solemn event, Luzhkov and Putin talked for a long time, the former mayor of Moscow thanked the president for the exit from "timeless, which was immersed" since 2010.

The authorstics Yuri Luzhkov owns a number of works on the history of Russia, chemistry, agriculture, political science. Among the latest books of Luzhkov - "Trans-Capitalism and Russia", "Art that cannot be lost", "Homo? Sapiens? "Capture the Universe", "Socrates always Socrates", "Leadership Algorithms".

In 2016, from under the pen, Yuri Luzhkov, the book "Russia at a crossroads: Dan Xiaopin and old maids" Monetarism "came out, and in a year Yuri Mikhailovich presented to readers to the autobiography" Moscow and Life ".

In 2018, Yuri Luzhkov was present at Putin's inauguration.

Personal life

With the first wife, Aleceptina Luzhkov met in student years. Joint children they did not come. Yes, and the marriage itself turned out to be short. The second wife became Marina Mikhailovna Bashilova, who gave him two sons - Alexander and Mikhail. Unfortunately, she died in 54 years from an aggressive malignant liver tumor.

Yuri Luzhkov and Elena Baturin

For the third time, fate smiled at Yuri Mikhailovich in 1991, when he married Elena Baturina. The marriage turned out to be strong, Yuri Luzhkov no longer thought about changes in personal life. Having gave him two daughters (Elena and Olga), Elena became a faithful wife and a reliable business partner for her husband.

The couple marked in 2016 - after exactly a quarter of a century after the wedding. Elena Baturina for several years in a row held the first line of the top 10 richest women in Russia according to the Forbes version. Its condition was estimated at $ 1 billion.


Unfortunately, a revered age and extra weight (with 174 cm height, Luzhkov reached 94 kg), they made itself felt, and at the end of December 2016, Luzhkov felt poorly at the time of visit to the reading room of the MSU library. The state was so bad that employees of the educational institution had to cause a resuscitation brigade.

Over the next day, Yuri Mikhailovich suffered a short-term clinical death, but was successfully consistent with Moscow doctors. At that time, he did not threaten his health.

On December 10, 2019, it became known that Yuri Luzhkov died at the age of 83. According to Ren TV, the former mayor of Moscow died in the Munich clinic, where he was surgery for the heart.


The activities of Luzhkov in many posts were marked by honorary awards:

  • Medal "Defender of Freedom of Russia" for protecting the White House;
  • the Order of Honor for the restoration of architectural monuments of the capital;
  • Order "For military merit" - for work for the benefit of the defense capacity of Russia;
  • Order them. A. Kadyrov - for invaluable merits to the Chechen Republic;

His archives store many departmental and public awards, as well as foreign signs of differences: from Armenia and Belarus, Ukraine and Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan and Mongolia, Germany and Lebanon.

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