Gisele Bundchen - Photo, Biography, Personal Life, News, Supermodel 2021



Giselle Bundchen is a world famous top model, ex-"Angel" Victoria's Secret. It is its magazine Vogue proclaimed the millennium model. She headed Forbes ratings for 15 years as the highest paid representative of this sphere in the world.

Childhood and youth

Giselle Bundchen was born on July 20, 1980 in Brazil (Horizonutina), on the sign of the zodiac cancer. She was not the only child in the family: parents brought up five more daughters, each of whom dreamed of becoming a model. Giselle loves his twin sister Patrics, which was born five minutes later and outwardly very similar to her. The ancestors by nationality Germans moved to Brazil from Germany. Therefore, the appearance of the stars is European: blue eye color, blond hair color and freckles.

In school years, the girl was fond of volleyball and planned to become a professional athlete. About the career on the podium, then she did not think, although he had a high height (180 cm) and was pretty slim (57 kg).

The model business did not immediately appear in the biography of Gisel, but one day she caught good luck. At the age of 14, the girl went to São Paulo with friends. The guys went to the local fast food, where a representative of Elite Modeling agency was sitting in a happy coincidence. He was interested in the unusual appearance of Giselle, and he suggested her to try himself as a model.

Initially, Bundhen had to refuse. The fact is that her native father was against the daughter of moving and tried to work in this area. But after some time the girl agreed and moved to Sao Paulo. The first agreement with this agency was signed in 1995.

Soon, Elite Modeling organized a beauty contest. Giselle participated in it and occupied the honorable 4th place. Just at this competition, they noticed other agents.

Personal life

Bundhen's personal life does not stand still and is regularly discussed on the network. Of the most high-profile novels you can call relationships with Josh Hartnett (actor), as well as a model of Scott Barnchill. In addition, Giselle met with Multimilliardder Huang-Paulo Dineta, who was older than her for 16 years.

At one of the shows, the girl noticed a popular film actor Leonardo di Caprio. He was amazed by her beauty and did everything possible that Bundhen clear attention. The couple began to meet in 2000.

Relationships lasted 5 years. During this time, they went to Africa together, they were called the most beautiful pair of 2004 according to PEOPLE gloss. The engagement took place, but in 2005, the lovers broke up for incomprehensible reasons. After that, the girl for 2 years did not have a serious relationship.

In 2007, Bundchen met the football player Tom Brady. After two years of relationship, the athlete made her an offer, and they played a wedding. In the same 2009, a couple had a son Benjamin Rain Bradie. After 3 years, Vivian Lake Braddy's daughter appeared at the Star Couple.

After second genera, the woman recovered, but quickly came into shape. The secret of beauty lies in a healthy lifestyle - Giselle is engaged in sports. She regularly lays out a photo of training in "Instagram". There are also pictures of the model in a swimsuit showing a slim figure of Bundchen.

In December 2016, rumors appeared on the network that Giselle is pregnant for the third time. Paparazzi took a photo on which it was supposedly noticeable by the rounded belly, but soon this information was denied the model itself.

In an interview, Bundchen shared that after the birth of children, she had to reconsider his tight schedule and now adjust it depending on the plans of other family members. However, it does not complain, the question was only in habit and organizing her own time.

Model Career

In 1997, the girl decided to move to America. New York opened the doors before it, which were previously closed. Bundhen missed her relatively, but worked hard and much worked. Then Giselle made himself a small tattoo on the wrist in the form of an asterisk. As a child, she looked at the sky and, as it seemed to her, found her, this star attached to her confidence. But, living in America on the 35th floor, because of the light from other skyscrapers, she did not see the glow in the sky, so I decided to make a tattoo.

Soon, the girl won in one of the contests of models. And 2 years after she moved to America, Vogue magazine called her millennium model. Bundchen 4 times was on the cover of this gloss in 1999.

In the same year, she became an Angel "Victoria Sikret". Cooperation lasted 6 years. In 2006, Brazilian appreciated the extension of the contract with the brand in the seven-wing figure, the company could not agree to such a salary.

In addition to permanent shows and filming, Giselle tried himself in cinema. In 2004, she was offered a role in the remake of the New York taxi painting. Writer Film was Luc Besson.

The second time Bundchen was filmed in the film "The Devil wears Prada". Rent a ribbon reached in 2006. This comedic drama with Anne Hathaway and Meryl Strip starring was removed on the popular book, and the wardrobe costs are recognized as the largest in the world. The model played the role of assistant Editor "Podium".

After Giselle offered other roles, but she refused. For example, she enlisted the execution of the main character in the picture "Charlie Angels", but the career actresses did not choose her. She simply did not think of life without a podium and demonstration of outfits from the best world designers.

In 2010, the model released its own environmentally friendly line of face cosmetic drugs called Sejaa Pure Skincare. Giselle worked as the creation of these creams. In 2011, the star became the face of the fashion house "Zhistashi". In the autumn-winter season 2016/2017, Bundhen again took part in the brand photo session, while quite frank. Together with another Brazilian celebrity, actor and mannequin Ramond Kaua, she appeared in the frame in jeans alone.

And in 2014, the premiere of Chanel number 5 commercial was held with Bundchen in the lead role. The Creator of Moulin Rouge films and Romeo + Juliet also worked on him and Romeo + Juliet. The video is removed in its recognizable style: there is a stylish picture, emotional "lav-stories" and good music.

The model was repeatedly criticized by the Green Party. In 2002, at the show, members of the organization of the Reta staged a protest action during the Defile Bundchen, as it went to the podium in clothes made from natural fur.

The girl also accused the fact that at the time when she studied the helicopter management, used "dirty" engines. But at the same time, the model publicly advocates the use of only environmentally friendly sources of fuel.

Many rumors and around celebrity appearance. It is known that at the beginning of his career, Giselle made rhinoplasty. After the operation, her nose became more accurate: the back looked a little already, and the tip is thinner. They rumored and that in 2015 the girl resorted to the plastic of the chest, increasing it from the 2nd to the 3rd size.

In 2015, within the framework of the Fashion Week, the Colcci Brazilian brand was displayed in São Paulo, during which Supermodel announced that she completed his career and it was her last access to the podium.

At the end of the summer of the same year, it became known that Giselle was the face of the brand of designer Stewart Wezman, and after this, the network published stirrellies with the participation of the model. As the fashion designer noted, he would not find the best pair of legs to relocate his sexy shoes. A separate place in the collection is reserved by boots above the knees and summer open sandals on a neat heel.

In 2016, the star appeared at the opening of the Olympics in Rio. Giselle demonstrated to the whole world what she succeeds best - the defile. By the way, then she put her own record - 150 meters long podium passed.

State assessment

For the year of earnings, Giselle exceeded $ 42 million. She even fell into the Guinness Book of Records, as its condition has reached more than $ 170 million.

In 2012, the star was officially recognized as the world's first billionaire model. Of course, not all the money she earned on the podium. Bundchen is able to dispose of finances, so it made the right investments in time. For example, Giselle produces underwear Gisele Bundchen Brazilian Intimatees, which is successfully sold in Latin America, Israel and Japan. Beach slippers and Ipanema sandals are not less popular in the world: 25 million pairs are produced annually, which, by the way, is produced from recycled and recycled raw materials.

Another sphere of its interests is real estate. Giselle belongs to the hotel in Brazil, she also has a house in the United States and a luxury villa in Costa Rica. By the way, the wedding with her husband Tom took place just on this villa.

15 years old Celebrity headed the rating of the highest paid models of the world according to Forbes magazine. And only in 2017, she fastened to the second line Kendall Jenner.

Despite the fact that now she is no longer coming to the podium, as in youth, Gisele Bundchen is popular and in demand. The woman appeared on the covers of fashion magazines above 7 thousand times.

In 2017, she starred in the Versace advertising campaign, along with her, Naomi Campbell, Natalia Vodyanova, Jiji Hadid and other models participated in the shooting.

In 2018, the celebrity appeared in the "Intimissimi" advertising. A fashionable brand launched a new advertising campaign called Empowered Women ("Inspirational Women"). In their opinion, it is like no other suitable for this definition, because Giselle proclaimed new beauty standards in the fashion world. With its appearance on the podium, more magnificent forms began to be valued, femininity, beauty, natural blush faces came to replace the androgyan style.

In the same year, Giselle released the book "Lessons: My way to a conscious life." These are not memoirs or autobiography, a woman calls the edition of the album of memories or a diary in which it describes in detail the path in the world of fashion with a length of two decades.

In this book, the model told many moments of his life, including shared and the impression of the first in his career to enter the podium for a major brand of Alexander McCain. She was 18 years old, Bundhen almost did not speak English, and she had to seem before the guests of Toples. She started crying bitterly from one such thought, but the makeup artists came up with a way out, depicting the paint's paint on her body.


In addition to his beloved, Giselle tries to help those who really need it. She is engaged in charity and considers it his duty.

For the first time to give the revenue for the decoration for charity Bundhen decided in 2003. She put up their platinum hearts on the auction, which created the very tagged house with the Platinum Guild International jewelry.

The money that was received after the sale of the decoration, the model listed into the Children's Clinic of St. Juda in the city of Memphis (USA). Also, Bundchen sold with an iPod auction with autographs and passed the means to people affected after Hurricane "Katrina".

In addition, the model put two perverse with diamonds to the auction (first - 6 carats, and the second is 3.5 carats) in 2008. The proceeds, the girl gave to the share of Diamond Empowerment Fund (the purpose was to create educational initiatives for African countries).

Giselle helps the inhabitants of this mainland who are sick by AIDS. In addition, she participated in the shares of I am Africa in 2006. The purpose of the event was that people pay attention to the problems of the inhabitants of these regions. Many celebrities were photographed for this album. Their faces were painted in an African manner.

Since the 2000s, the girl often went to the third world countries, including Africa. There she lived and could see the problems of local residents with his own eyes. The model admitted that now will always help people. Every year she lists the funds so that the poor children of this continent can get an education.

In 2010, she gave $ 1.5 million for the residents of Haiti (after a terrible earthquake). Every year the money receives a free children's clinic of St. Judah. Grateful employees of the institution pray for Giselle.

The model has become a goodwill ambassador UNEP in 2009. It leads its own blog, as well as the site where the attention will focus on the problems of ecology. In addition, the celebrity participated in SEAL THE DEAL!, Which was conducted by the United Nations.

Giselle Bundchen now

Although Giselle does not work anymore, it still periodically appears on the covers of fashion magazines, and its new and old pictures are published on the Internet. While the whole world was on self-insulation because of COVID-19, the Bundhen with his family did not miss. In May 2020, she registered in the popular Tiktok social network. There, together with her husband, she immediately participated in Challenger invented for couples.

With his spouse, the model answered questions, pointing to each other or closed eyes. Helped a 10-year-old son in this mother and father.

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