Miss Marple - Character Detectives Agatha Christie, her biography and actress.


Character History

Miss Marple - Character Books of the famous queen detective, writer Agatha Christie. The elderly lady from the small British village of Saint-Mary Mary, who was never married and lived alone. Miss Marple knits a lot, works in the garden and from amateur interest investigates crimes. All his life, the heroine lived in the village, from where he was selected at times to visit his parents and friends or relax. Old lady is extremely curious, no rumors, gossip and details of the life of the inhabitants of Sant-Mary Foreign Ministry do not elude her attention.

Writer Agata Christie

Free from knitting and gardening Time Miss Marple spends on public work, for example, to collect donations. Despite such a measured and respectable life in a quiet place, the old woman is constantly committed to finding some kinda murder, which can be investigated into his pleasure.

History of creation

In one of the interviews, the writer Agata Christie talked about how the image of Miss Marple was born:

"I found the old Ridicul in the house in the house of one of my grandmothers, crumbling out of him from sweet crackers, two penny and semi-satly silk lace - here's Miss Marple."

Grandma writing named Margaret West. This unlocked woman's funny woman "always expected troubles from everyone and everything." To add to this impressions left by Agatha from girlfriends grandmothers, whom the writer met in a private hotel in the south of Kensington - and will be Miss Marple as a collective image of an elderly English lady.

Miss Marple on illustrations to books

But the name Miss Marple is, most likely, the name of one railway station near Manchester, who was often passing by Agata, visiting the eldest sister Margaret.

Story story

A brief description of the plot, as it goes in the books in order.

"Murder in the House of Vicar"

In the novel, the reader first meets with a 74-year-old English old woman Miss Marple. The first thing found a heroine in the private village of Sant-Mary MiD. Someone shot a colonel Protero in the house of the local vicar, where he came to conversation, but did not find the owner on the spot. But faced with an unknown killer. Under suspicion at once, seven - the colonel in the village did not love. But there is no straight evidence. To deliver before the essence and collect evidence, the elderly lady detective suits provocation.

Miss Marple - Character Detectives Agatha Christie, her biography and actress. 1830_3

"Body in the library"

The next novel came out 12 years after the first. In the house of Mrs. Bentree, Miss Marple's girlfriend, find the corpse. No one who does not famous young blonde lies in the library, and no one knows where she came. Elderly lady will have to face the world of hotel dancers and aging financiers and intervene in family labels for inheritance.

"One finger"

A year later, another novel came out. Military pilot Gerald Burton arrives in the village of Lymbok, together with the sister, to restore health after the accident. Soon new get a dirty anonymous, where they see ridiculous accusations of love communications. It turns out that this kind of letters receive many people in this pastoral in the view of the village. When an unknown sound dryer brings to suicide one local Mrs., the police intervene in the case, and Vicari's wife attracts Miss Marple to the investigation, his old friend.

Miss Marple - Character Detectives Agatha Christie, her biography and actress. 1830_4

"Announced the murder"

In the Roman Miss Marple investigates the mysterious imperfect crime, which was announced in advance - through the newspaper. Attempt on Miss Blackclock, the owner of the estate, turns around the death of an unlucky raider, but the lady still suits the danger. Inheritance is again involved, and also a pearl necklace.

"Using mirrors"

Miss Marple finds crimes everywhere. In the novel, having guided the old girlfriend Ruth, the heroine learns that the house of her sisters Carri was going on. Girlfriend asks to find out what is happening, does not threaten the sister's danger. And Miss Marple goes to Carrie's house to first become a witness of the murder, and then reveal it.

Miss Marple - Character Detectives Agatha Christie, her biography and actress. 1830_5

"Pocket, full rye"

Roman begins with death from poison. The old businessman is dying, in the pockets of the deceased, the police find the grain of rye. Murders and poisoning multiply, and Miss Marple intervenes in business. An elderly lady to detect a mysterious connection between a series of murders and a children's song, and again make sure that there is nothing for the human greed.

"In 4.50 from Paddington"

In the novel, Miss Marple investigates the murder that happened in the train. At first glance, there is no evidence in this case, neither the corpse, but Miss Marple takes the villains on clean water with the help of the housekeeper of Lucy Isilsbarrow.

"Mirror cracked"

In the next heroine novel, investigates the case associated with the American movie stress Marina Gregg and her fan of Chither Badkock, poisoned by a cocktail.

Miss Marple - Character Detectives Agatha Christie, her biography and actress. 1830_6

"Caribbean Mystery"

A favorite nephew sends Miss Marple on Barbados, so that the aunt rested on the sea coast, but an active elderly lady and here finds a crime that you can investigate with interest. Major Palgarve, with whom Miss Marple gets acquainted in the resort, dies from the attack of hypertension. With this death, it is definitely not all right, because on the eve of the Major tried to show Miss Marple a photo associated with a long-time murder.

"Hotel" Berrtram "

The theme of the killings in the hotel continues. This time Miss Marple goes to relax in London. One hotel guests mysteriously disappears at night, the other is trying to shoot ... Miss Marple is taken for business.

Miss Marple - Character Detectives Agatha Christie, her biography and actress. 1830_7


In the last Roman Agatha Christie about Miss Marple an elderly lady offered inheritance at twenty thousand pounds, if that it will be possible to reveal the crime.

"Forgotten murder"

Another novel was written one of the first, but published it last, only in 1976. Gwendda Reed comes to the UK from India and settles in the old house, where the young woman seems suspiciously familiar. The heroine is tormented by memories of a killed woman who cannot be, because Gvedd never happened before in England. Having met Miss Marple, the heroine tells the same about everything that is happening, and it turns out that the crime in this house has indeed once been committed.

Interesting Facts

  • In the British television TV series "Miss Marple Agatha Christie" with Julia McCenzy, the plot from the novel "Infinite Night" is used, which does not apply to the series about the adventures of Miss Marple. The main character of this book, from whose person is conducted by the story - the young Michael Rogers, who married his beloved woman and is going to live happily. But the damned land plot, which has acquired a spouse, puts the future of both under the blow. In the series Miss Marple, the death of a young wife of the hero is investigating the death of a young spouse, but in the text of the book, an elderly lover of investigations is not even mentioned.
  • The same fate suffered the novel "The test of innocence", where there is no Miss Marple and in risen. We are talking about the Argail family, which occurs tragic events, and the investigation leads Dr. Arthur Calgary. Nevertheless, in the British film screening of 2007, Miss Marple will invade the plot again in the plot of Jerldin Macuen.
Geraldin Macuen as Miss Marple
  • In 2009, the British publishing house "Harper Collins" released a full meeting of the works of Agatha Christie about Miss Marple under one cover. The publication fell into the "Guinness Book of Records" as the biggest book in the world. This volume weighs more than 8 kilograms, the thickness is 322 mm, and inside - 4032 pages.
Edition The Complete Miss MARPLE in one volume
  • A character suspiciously reminiscent of Miss Marple appears in the story of Boris Akunin "Tea-Bristol" from the collection "Jade rosary". This is Miss Palmer, "dry, porcelain old woman", which East Fandorin takes off the room. The old woman has a sharp mind and together with the hero is investigating the crime. Even the name of the heroine of Akunin clearly similar to Miss Marple and collected from the same letters.
Margaret Rutherford as Miss Marple
  • Another author, "borrowed" Miss Marple for his own novels, is the British writer Patricia Vitoditiv, who also wrote classical detectives. Miss Marple appears in several of her books, where it appears a long-time friend of Miss Silver's main heroine, which is investigating crimes as a private professional.
  • The popularity of the books of Agatha Christie is still so high that I got to the mass culture of Japan. About Miss Marple and about another famous character Christie, Detective-Belgian Erkul Poirot, in 2004-2005 an anime series was published on Japanese television.
Angela Lansbury as Miss Marple
  • The first film entertainment about Miss Marple in Big Cinema began to appear in the early 1960s. The British actress Margaret Rutherford embodied on the screen the image of an old shelter-detective in the five first, still black and white, classic films. The next splash of interest in the adventures of Miss Marple fell in the 1980s. Then the films "Mirror cracked" with Angela Lansbury and the Soviet detective "Mystery of Black Drozdov" came out with the Estonian actress, Ita Ever.
Joan Hickson as Miss Marple
  • Other executors of the role of the old woman - Helen Hayse (USA) and Inga Langen (Germany). However, the big popularity among the fans of the genre received a series of "BBC" shields with Joan Hickson, who came out from 1984 to 1992. Just shielded 12 novels about Miss Marple, among them - "one finger", "murder in the house of Vicar", "Mirror cracked", "Hotel" Bertram "and others.


Many sayings Miss Marple from books and films fell soul to the audience and readers. The following quotes were especially good:

"... Most people are neither bad and nor good. They are simply not smart enough, only and everything. "" Men are rarely capable of prudence, whatever impressed. "" To confess when you find out a person better, you will certainly you carene some oddity. Normal people sometimes thrown out that they will not come up with, and abnormal often behave very reasonably. "" Intuition is like a habit of reading words without folding them in the booze. The child does not know how - he has too little experience. But an adult will recognize the word at first sight, because he saw him hundreds of times. "" People are always looking for the simplest decision, without thinking that the criminal, as a rule, turns out to be a person less than this role. "" If people Do not consider it necessary to say quietly, you want to think that they do not have anything against them to hear. "

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