Dmitry Krasilov - Photo, Biography, Personal Life, News, Films, "Dancing on TNT" 2021



Hardly provincial Zarinsk once claimed to become a bright spot on the cultural map of Russia. However, Dmitry Krasilov does everything to glorify their hometown. Calling himself the emperor of the Zarinsky House of Culture and the Vogue, the guy began to conquer the public, going on the stage of "dances" on TNT. Since then, the artist managed to play in the top well of popular films and TV shows and become a star of the Clip Little Big, which the group presented the on the eve of the trip to Eurovision.

Childhood and youth

Dmitry was born on June 22, 1994 in the Altai Town Zarinsk, which is 100 km from Barnaul. Both childhood, and school number 12, where he studied, he calls ordinary. Talking about his arrival in the dance, Krasilov admitted that at 8 years old "sold my mother for ice cream." When the parent led the boy's unsure of his selection to the dance studio, there was a queue from the impressive number of applicants. The child gathered to leave, but could not resist the delicacy promised as a reward and eventually fell into the dance team, where he spent the next 10 years.

The guy was engaged in pop dances in the "Smile" ensemble, which over time was transformed into the Dance Theater "Casser Cool". Work in the team determined the fate of Dmitry. After graduating from school, he understood that the future would definitely connect with creativity. The young man entered the Altai State Institute of Culture in Barnaul, who graduated in 2016, receiving a diploma of the drama theater and cinema.

At the same time, Krasilov did not leave classes with dancing, arguing that success comes only as a result of persistent workouts. His credo is to constantly learn something new, so the guy makes himself read, although he does not like this occupation. Much more soul Dima "Active Movement" from choreography to KVN.

Personal life

After the speech in "Dance" on TNT Dmitry woke up famous. The guy admitted that every morning in his social networks began with new fans. However, while Dmitry's heart remains free, which informs the status of "actively searching" in VKontakte.

"Instagram" actor also does not speak of exciting changes in personal life. Here mostly appear photos from the shooting of clips, gear and other working moments. Krasilov is divided with subscribers news and facts of biography, receiving feedback in the form of numerous likes and comments. In February 2020, together in the Little Big group, Dima went to the show of Irina Chesnock "Bar in the Big City", which posts the post with the Hesteg # liqueness.


Krasilov first appeared on the screens in 2018 and since then without proposals does not sit. In his service list, cooperation with Valery Gai Germanica and Fedor Bondarchuk. The filmography includes such popular projects as "Tolation-Robot", Ivanov-Ivanov and Dlatti. Despite the fact that the appearance of Dmitry in the frame is still estimated by moments, it continues to work to achieve major roles.

"Dancing" on TNT

Moving to live in Barnaul, Dmitry took up dancing more professionally, deciding to master most modern styles. He became interested in hip-hop, Jazz Funk, but the priority was Vogue, with whom Krasilov came in 2017 on the casting of the 4th season of the show "Dances" on TNT. A redhead healthy weight in 112 kg with a height of 162 cm went on stage and conquered not only members of the jury, but also the audience that applauded the dancer throughout the speech.

Wager lit and raised the mood to mentors who did not pose compliments, calling him the "centner charisma" and telling him the cherished "you are in dancing!". He himself dreamed of getting into the team of Miguel, considering himself a suitable character for a strict mentor and believing that he could make a star from him. However, Tatyana Denisova showed no less interest to the guy, saying that he was not going to dance with a beautiful duet.

Further path in the "dance" was for the participant from Zarinsk unsuccessful: he could not convince the jury in his versatility and retired at the next stage. Now the dancer seeks to know all the genres of choreography and choose the particle of each - the extravagancy of the french, the audacity of Krampa, the lyricity of the contemporary. Everything that Dmitry is dancing, gives him something to understand and build himself - his body, character, charisma.

Dmitry Krasili now

On March 12, 2020, on the air "Evening Urgant", a clip was introduced on the Little Big team, which represents Russia at the Eurovision contest. The video is constructed in the traditionally kitche spirit of the group and stylized under retro. One of the main heroes of the roller became Krasilov, dancing Vog in a funny blue suit. Overnas, Dmitry became the favorite of the public who began to call musicians to take a dancer with themselves in the Netherlands to the official performance.

Meanwhile, the guy continued to replenish the filmography, starring in Fedor Bondarchuk "Invasion". Before that, the artist appeared mainly in the series, so the work in the cinema considers a special honor, thanks to the director for the "Crupinki" appearance in his film.

In addition, in 2020, the actor is involved in the production of paintings "Conclusion" and "Rybra". Dmitry is removed and in advertising - a roller for the bank "Revival" pulls on a short film, where Krasilov managed to show both dance and acting abilities.


  • 2018 - Ivanov-Ivanov
  • 2018 - "Clubar"
  • 2019 - "Invasion"
  • 2019 - "Dlatti"
  • 2019 - "love them all"
  • 2019 - "Paradise knows everything!"
  • 2019 - Tiona Robot
  • 2019 - "Teachers"
  • 2020 - "Conclusion"
  • 2020 - Rybra

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