Julia Latynina - Photo, Biography, Personal Life, News, Journalist 2021



Russian journalist and writer Julia Latynina - Laureate of numerous premiums, including international. The title "Man of the Year", awarded in 1999, made it a famous person of the Russian literary and journalistic society.

Childhood and youth

Yulia Latynina was born on June 19, 1966 in the family of Moscow intellectuals Leonid Alexandrovich and Alla Nikolaevna. CHET is known for creative activities: the father was a prose and a poet, famous for his work in Europe and America, and the mother is a literary criticism in his homeland. Julia by the nationality of the Jewish.

Moscow literary institute. A. M. Gorky girl graduated with a red diploma, defending his dissertation after this on the topic of antiutopic discourse. In 1988, he was aimed at internship in the Luvan Catholic University in Belgium, and in 1993, after graduate school completed, was in danger in King's College London, where he studied the economy of the European Middle Ages. Subsequently, Latynin's knowledge gained in the youth used as a material for lectures and historical and religious arguments.

Personal life

Questions of journalists about the personal life of Yulia Latinina - Taboo. Even some books, she published under the pseudonym Evgeny Klimovich, although the reissue came under the real name of the writer. She does not like publicity and rarely gives interviews, which generates many speculations.

Latynina himself never confirmed and did not refute this or another statement in the media about her personal relationships. Family, husband and children are hidden from the public the topic that the journalist never discusses in public and in the media. At the same time, political views, reflections on economic topics are constantly present on the pages of its microblogging in social networks "Facebook", "Twitter", "Instagram", on the official website, as well as in the telegram channel.

Julia is fond of sports from youth. Daily journalist runs 10 km. In winter, it regularly goes on the ski rides, summer is transplanted on a bike. Therefore, with a height of 170 cm, its weight never exceeds the norm, which is visible on numerous personal photos in a swimsuit.


Latynina found in itself the ability, in addition to work on specialization, to the literary genre - its prose is known under the theme of the historical and economic detective. Among the first works are "Bomb for a banker", "Hello, I'm your" roof ", or a new Aladdin," the story about the Holy Grare. " The writer for two decades produced up to four books per year. The novels of "PromZona", "Saransch", "Land of War", "Steel King", which appeared on the shelves of bookstores in the early 2000s.

Thanks to the literary works, Julia became known to acute statements that fans use as a quotation. A special success was the novel of the writer "Russian Bullman. Essays Liberal-Pragmatics, "seeing the light in 2012.

Latin's prose passion was known as the author of numerous scientific and popular articles on the history of economics and culture. At the beginning of the last decade of the last century, Julia was published in metropolitan publications, including the "New World", "knowledge and strength" and others.

As for the books, the author itself marked: dreams of writing a work with Heppi-end, because all her creations end in the best way for heroes. Latynina noted that he sees some of his features in the characters, so it can not "let" the characters of books a lot of liberties.

Since 1995, a new stage has begun in the creative biography of Latin. She tightly began to engage in journalism as an economic observer in the newspapers Izvestia, "Today", "Top Secret" and in other publications. In the same year, she became a member of the Union of Writers, publishing more than 20 books in a fantastic genre, as well as in a detective genre with elements of economics and history.

After the release of books Latinina, this genre was popular with readers, although it was not first introduced in Russia. Julia Samo noted that the heroes of the works are withstanding in ancient romance, but are always ready to express themselves with aggressive people who protect their interests. In the genre of fiction, she managed to determine the plot as a confrontation of his and someone else's, state and citizen - these motives were the most bright in the books of the author. Latynina's bibliography is noted by the screening of its most popular work "Hunt for the Island".

In 2018, the journalist released the books "Jesus. Historical investigation "and" Christ with a thousand people "on the topic of Christianity. Works are an attempt to recreate the biography of historic Jesus and the history of his early followers.

Journalism and television

The history of the Single Film of the Book "Hunting of Debris" in the author filmography was associated with a conflict situation arising between the ORT and NTV television channels in the fight for the rights to decrees. Since Julia has made a choice in favor of ort, she had to leave NTV, where she since 2000 worked as a TV presenter of the Ruble Zone's rating program, which herself created.

Later Latynina gave a negative characteristic of the scenario, which was changed by the idea of ​​cinematographers. As later she thought, care from the canal was similar to the betrayal of colleagues. And unsuccessful film simulation (despite the fact that Alexander Baluyev, Alexey Guskov, Ekaterina Guseva, starred in the detective, became a kind of pile.

After that, the TV journalist participated in the shooting of the gear "Other Time" (on the ORT channel), "There is an opinion" (TVS) and "in your own words" (Ren-TV).

In addition to working on television, from 2001th, Julia began cooperation with the New Newspaper, after 4 years in electronic publications "Daily Journal" and "Gazeta.Ru" appeared its author's columns.

The career continued on the radio "Echo of Moscow", where the journalist spoke by the author of the "Access Code". On the radio station "Silver rain" along with Anton Nosik, she led the transmission "Yoga for the brain".

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In January 2006, Latynina became the guest of the writer and journalist Viktor Shenderovich at Radio Liberty. On the air she told about how she came to writing books and aspiration to politics, answered the calls of listeners who came during the conversation.

In 2012, the journalist wrote the article "the defeated do not judge", dedicated to the political victims of Pinochet regime. Her main thesis - "The Military returned order by killing only 3 thousand people - a negligible small number." With such conclusions, Mark Solonin was categorically agreed. He wrote a "open letter Yulia Latynina", in which she stated that her work was socially harmful.

The television journalist is characterized by a critical attitude towards the current power in Russia. Among those that affect Latin's blog, reflections on the distribution of federal subsidies mean. The topical article has fallen into print called "Dickari and Business".

Julia critically responds to Vladimir Putin, about the interaction of Russia and China. Do not elude a journalist and relations of the heads of states of the former Union republics. According to Latin, the policy of the Russian leadership constantly loses the actions of Alexander Lukashenko. At one time, the journalist supported Sergey Sobyanin, but after the emergence of the Renovation Act, the Moscow City Hall criticized.

It has repeatedly raised the issue of issuing Russian citizenship to people from Central Asia. She contributed to the discussion about the global warming on the planet.

2016 marked for Latin Unpleasant Accident - she was poured by feces. The person who performed this performance remains unknown. As the journalist noted, "attempts" on her account has already been translated over a year and a half, and specifically, this consequence of its criticism of the "trolls of the current regime", in particular the restaurant Evgeny Prigogin.

A sharp topic, over which the journalist worked in 2016, was the death of Motorola. Latynina frankly stated that he did not understand why the event caused such a strong excitement in society. After all, in a military Donetsk and before that, the field commanders. In addition, Julia expressed his attitude towards a situation that unfolded in the DPR. In the course of protection from the Ukrainian fascists, Donetsk has become a gas sector, where the likeness of normal life has disappeared. And "Lumpen" used weapons as a social elevator.

In the summer of 2017, another attack was committed in Latin. They spat the journalist car with caustic gas, and in September, the car was performed unknown. The woman first became scary for the life of loved ones, so she left Russia with her parents. At the same time, Julia hides the place of emigration from the public.

Despite the threats, the celebrity continued to work on the radio station "Echo of Moscow", speaking with analytical reviews. Latynina is a convinced individualist and believes that every person is responsible for his actions on his own. This rule is observing.

Prize them. Golde Meir, Alexander II Prize, award. Maria Grazi Kutuli, the title of "Freedom Defender", "Marble Favn" is not all the rewards that a journalist encouraged.

Julia Latynina now

In 2019, Julia Latynina became the guest of the Yutyub-show "ESCHENEPOZNER" with Nikolai Solodovnikov. In an interview, she shared his opinion to different political topics. I did not bypass such political figures as Ramzan Kadyrov, Vladimir Putin and Alexey Navalny.

In 2020, the journalist is devoted to professional activities. With enviable regularity on its Youtyub-channel, fresh videos are published on acute themes, as well as the esters of the "Access Code" program on the radio "Echo of Moscow".

One of the most resonant issues of "Echo of Moscow" was devoted to Leningrad blocade. The journalist claims that in fact there was no blockade. And the inhabitants of Leningrad are starval because the city did not specifically supplied products by the will of the Kremlin.

Julia is remembered by acute statements. On the Echo of Moscow, dedicated to the epidemiological situation, she said that Germany and Russia are a different human material. If the Germans will observe all quarantine measures, then the Russians are not, despite the prohibitions.

In April, Latynina held a conversation with Mike Mirrian - a duty officer from the United States. She asked him questions about the battle of doctors with coronavirus infection.

The celebrity also commented on the arrest of the Khabarovsky Governor Sergey Furgal. In her opinion, it turned out to be extremely an unsuccessful event for the Kremlin, since no arrest of the region's head of the region did not cause such excitements in society and mass rebellion.

Where Yulia lives now, is unknown. A journalist prefers to hide this information in order to avoid persecution and attacks by unfriendliers.


  • 1990 - "Tale of the Holy Grare"
  • 1991 - "The case of missing God"
  • 1995 - "Bomb for Banker"
  • 1996 - "Sorcerers and Ministers"
  • 1996 - "Tale of the Golden Soviet"
  • 1997 - "Hello, I'm your roof, or a new aladdin"
  • 1999 - "Hunt for the Island"
  • 1999 - "Insider"
  • 2000 - "Sarancha"
  • 2003 - "Promzone"
  • 2007 - "Land of War"
  • 2007 - "Notice"
  • 2012 - "Russian Bullman. Essays Liberal-Pragmatics »
  • 2018 - "Christ with a thousand people"
  • 2018 - "Jesus. Historical investigation "


  • 2000 - "Ruble zone"
  • "Access code"
  • "Yoga for brains"
  • 2019 - "Storepozner"

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