Luke Skywalker - Character Biography, Actor, His Father and Darth Vader


Character History

"Long ago, in a distant-distant galaxy ..."So begins every film of the legendary fantastic epic of George Lucas "Star Wars". The center of the Space Opera Events, where the light forces join the fight against dark, nominated Knight-Jedi Luke Skywalker. The young man was destined to one of the main roles in the victory of the uprising and revival of the Jedi Order.

History of creation

The Space Opera, which, as a result, in eight films, American director George Lucas has conceived in the mid-1970s. Inspiration for literary work served as a picture of Akira Kurosava "Hidden Fortress". The Japanese film became the basis for the creation of plot lines, as well as the concepts of the chief characters of the "Star Wars". According to Lucas, in his work, he was repelled from the "dune" Frank Herbert.

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The story of "New Hope", shown through the adventures of the whole place of the heroes, turned into a phenomenon of mass culture: fiction lovers, except for the main artistic performances, received animated TV series and cartoons, book publications, including comic journals. Gamers bought video games, and children - toys in the form of characters fucked by Lucas.

The original trilogy of "Star Wars" includes:

  • "Star Wars. Episode IV: New Hope "(1977)
  • "Star Wars. The Empire shall cause a response "(1980)
  • "Star Wars. Jedi's Return "(1983)
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At the end of the Millennium, the light saw the trilogy of the beds:

  • "Star Wars. Episode I: Hidden Threat "(1999)
  • "Star Wars. Episode II: Clone Attack "(2002)
  • "Star Wars. Episode III: Revenge of Sith "(2005)

And by 2015 the authors of the epopay launched the trilogy of the sequels:

  • "Star Wars: Awakening of Power" (2015)
  • "Star Wars. Episode VIII: the last Jedi "(the premiere is scheduled at the end of 2017)
  • "Star Wars: Episode IX" (expected in 2019)

The ribbons already released on the screens unites one feature - all nominated for the Oscar Award, but so far the cherished statuette has only the first two films.


At the heart of the plot of "Star Wars" there are events in a distant galaxy, inhabited by a variety of creatures, where everything is subordinate to the confrontation of light and dark forces. The inhabitants of the fictional universe serve droid robots that help in everyday affairs. Traveling in space between the planets for residents of the Galaxy is in the order of things.

The detail of spiritual and mystical character is the so-called force - the energy field, which is created by living beings and permeates everything around, communicating into a single whole.

Luke Skywalker

But a strong connection with force from birth is not all. The same who was lucky, possess unusual abilities, for example, own telecision, can control the mind, predict the future. Such lucky people are divided into two groups: Jedi (stand on the light side of the strength) and Sith (antagonists).

One of the main positive heroes of the Fantasy George Lucas Luke Skywalker jokes to the ranks of the Jedi, playing a key role in the Galactic Civil War, victory over the Galactic Empire and overthrow Sitchov.

Biography Luca Skywoker

Luke was born together with his twin lei sister in the medical center asteroid asset time during, when the old Republic disappeared and the empire was formed, and the Jedi was destroyed. Mother died immediately after childbirth. Luke Skywalker Anakin, known as Lord Sith Darth Vader, shortly before the events switched to Stront Evil. Friends of the Jedi Yoda family and Obi-Wang Kenobi decided to divide the children and hide from enemies.

Aidan Barton in the role of a newborn Luca Skywalker

Luke rose under the guardianship of the uncle and aunt on the desert planet Tatooin, since childhood dreaming to leave their native fenats to get behind the wheel of the spacecraft. The boy until time did not guessed his origin and destination.

Life cool changed when two R2-D2 and C-3PO droids were found in the hands of the uncle with the drawings of the Empire's secret weapon called "Stars of Death". Imperial attack aircraft in the search for documents fell to Tatuene and killed the relatives of the young man. Luke went to the dangerous path to the rebels to give them a super-arrangement drawings.

Luke Skywalker and Master iodine

In this dangerous journey, young Skywalker, under the leadership of Kenobi and Master, Yoda learned the azam use of force, met with members of the rebellion by Khan Solo and his native sister of the princess ledy organ. And Obi-Wang Kenobi contributed to the fact that the young man joined the ranks of the rebels.

Once a member of the insurgent alliance, the hero, together with Lei and Solo, fought against the despotic regime, participated in several battles with the forces of the Empire, who headed Darth Vader. Lord Sith has long hunted Skywalker. As a result, the son fell into the trap, arranged in a cloud city, where a duel was held between Luke and Vader. During the battle on the light swords, Darth left his son without a hand and opened him a mystery of birth.

Luke Skywalker and Darth Vader

The fatal battle happened when Vader brought the hatch to the emperor Palpatin. Together they tried to convince the young Jedi to go to the dark side of power. However, Skywalle managed to defeat his father and even awaken bright feelings. In the fight, the young man refused to fulfill the order of the emperor to kill Vader. The Dark Knight dropped the Lord of the Empire into the mine and he died from a deadly wound, but before accepted the redemption and again became Anakin Skywalker again.

After the victory of the uprising, Luke built a new temple and the Jedi Academy, was going to revive the harp of those who stand on the bright side of power. But after the betrayal of the nephew and the student Ben Solo, who preferred the camp of the dark side and destroyed the entire academy, the hero went to unauthorized expulsion.

Luke Skywalker and Darth Vader without mask

In the next episodes, Luke Skywalker will again be released on the forefront. According to preliminary comments of the creators of paintings, the character of the character will strengthen and become more hard.

Luke fell in love with a member of the opposing side of Mar Jade, who later became a companion, and then the wife of Skywalker and gave him the son of Ben. After the marriage marriage, Mara devoted the life to the new Order of the Jedi.

Image, strength and ability

The low young man (Luke Doros is just up to 172 cm) from early childhood was distinguished by irrepressible dreamence and twist in the clouds. Over the years, this has been supplied with recklessness, impatience and impulsivity. The young man did not know how to lie at all. Over time learned to patience and restraint, wisdom came. The environment noted that he is not a gentle by age. Skywalker responded to any request for help, even if it shifts his trouble on him.

Luke Skywalker and his light sword

The character easily learned the skill of fighting on light swords. Sword Luke Skywalker, who got from his father, had a blue color - the shade was associated with jedy guards. Together with hand, losing weapons, Luke collected a new sword, only with a green blade. Usually such swords belonged to scientists, diplomats and speakers.

Skywalker - owner of a strong connection with force. Kenobi learned the young team to manage it and obtain information about the world around. Luke began to feel the approach of his father, independently revealed the secrets of telekinez and began to use the opened opportunities, later I have learned the secrets of influence on the minds of enemies. With the help of power, even made an incredible - destroyed the "star of death".

Actors and roles

In the cinema, the image of Knight-Jedi brilliantly embodied Mark Hamill. The same actor will delight the audience with its presence in the expected tapes 2017 and 2019. Khan Solo played Harrison Ford, and lei organ - Carrie Fisher.

Mark Hamill as Luke Skywalker

The character of Luke Obi-Wang Kenobi handed over Alec Guinness. A doll, which made a master of iodine, presented the voice of Frank Oz, he also managed the design. The role of the main anthonist Darth Vader was departed by David Abusive.

Interesting Facts

  • The total part of the "Star Wars" managed to collect $ 7.5 billion. Such dizzying commercial success was ascended by the Sagu in the third place in the list of the most cash "multi-metering" films in the history of cinema.
  • "Star Wars" may have come to the screen under a different name. Film company "20th Century Fox" did not like the name of the future tape, and among the members of the film crew announced a competition. However, no one dared to go against the idea of ​​the screenwriter and director.
Actors Saga O.
  • The image of Luca Skywalker did not give rest to the author. At first, George Lucas was going to create a girl-Jedi. Then he thought that it would be nice to make the main character of the gnome, and later visited the idea to turn the character in the elderly General. The name of the Jedi received and at all in the midst of the filming - in the scenario, the hatch was treated as Starkiller.
  • A funny episode is associated with the shooting of the cosmic opera. Planet Tatinun, where the hatch grew, is called the city of the same name in Tunisia. In the same country, a large-scale film was filmed. One day, a conflict of an international scale once happened: the Government of Libya was concerned about the abundance of military equipment at the border and was even going to declare universal mobilization. The authorities of Tunisia appealed to the creators of the picture to move to the center of the state, so as not to embarrass their neighbors.


Cult Saga is rich in life advice. Especially distinguished iodine - his phrases are filled with wisdom. But the quotes of other heroes fans of star saga remember for life.

"There is always a fish anymore." "Fear will lead to the dark side. Fear gives rise to anger; Anger gives rise to hatred; Hate - the pledge of suffering. "" When you turn 900 years old, you will also not look like you. "" Good luck is a chance supported by knowledge. " "Your weakness is in self-confidence.

- And your weakness is faith in friends. "" Slices of my life scattered storm before I got a chance to collect them together. And every missing piece, which I find, completely changes the picture. "

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