Sergey Parfenov - biography, personal life, photos, movies, Lyudmila Artemieva and the latest news 2021



Sergey Parfenov - Honored Artist of the Russian Federation. This title he was awarded in 2003.

The future actor was born in 1958 in Tallinn. At first, the young man did not think at all about the scenic career. Having received education at the Polytechnic Institute of the city of Tallinn, Sergey worked as a designer at the local factory and was a member of the KVN team. His friend noted Sergey's acting abilities and offered him to study at the Theater Institute.

Sergey Parfenov

Parfenov departs at the storm of the capital and in 1982 it becomes a student of the Schukinsky Theater School. At its end with honors in 1986, he begins to serve in the Russian Academic Youth Theater, then at the Moscow Academic Satira Theater, the Cherry Garden Theater Center. In 2003, it becomes an actor of the Moscow Academic Theater on the Small Bronnaya.


Career in cinema began with a small role in the film Andrei Konchalovsky "History Asi Klyachina" in 1967. Two years later, he fulfilled the role in the film "Road Home". But the next parish in a big movie took place only in 1986 in the film "Golden Baba". It was in the role of serf Ivana Ryaby Parfenov revealed his artistic talent.

Sergey Parfenov in the film

Next year, successfully followed the "State Border" film-efficiency, where Sergey Truthfully and Captain Olhovik, the Soviet border guard, who penetrates the bang of Ontans, managed to neutralize the American spy, defeat the gangsters and discover the lists of the local Hitlerian agents who hid the fascist heads .

Sergey Parfenov in the film

And then a great break happened to the film engineer, and only in 2003 he fulfilled the role with the television series "Friendly Family". From this point on, Parfenov's career begins in the series. He successfully starred in "Daddy's daughters", "Alybi Agency", "The Secrets of the Institute of Noble Devitz-2". 2008 Announced an episodic role in the tape "Mission: Prophet", 2010 - Role in the film "Advisors".

Personal life

Sergey Parfenov married the first year, in 24 years. His choices became the classmate Lyudmila Artemieva. Their relationship began with the rehearsals of the Goncharovsky "Oblomov". After graduating from the Institute, the young family was evicted from the hostel, and by that time the actors had already born daughter Katya. Mom Sergey took his granddaughter in Tallinn and until graduation, the girl was brought up by her grandmother.

Lyudmila Artemieva with her daughter

After the collapse of the USSR, the family experienced difficult times. Parfenova did not have work, and he fell into depression, the way out of which found in alcohol. Such a state of affairs did not suit Lyudmila Artemyev, and she decided to divorce his spouse after 15 years of marriage. By that time, the daughter had already lived together with his parents, was the witness of the quarrel between them and rose to the side of the mother.

Now with a former husband, a successful actress almost no relationship, but she had a stormy career growth. Many spectators recognize Parfenov as a "former husband Artemieva." Katya did not go to the footsteps of the parents, becoming a linguist. Katya is infrequently found with his father and mother, lives his own life with a young man.

Sergey Parfenov Now

2016 was marked in the creative biography of Sergey Parfenov, the role in the psychological play "Glass Zodnets" on the play of Tennessee Williams on the stage of the metropolitan theater center "Cherry Garden" and in the production of "Trees dying standing" in the theater on a small armor.

Now the artist lives in the Moscow region of Dubna, often visits his native Tallinn, spending his vacation in the city by the sea.

Sergey Parfenov Now

In 2005, the actor brought to Estonia the playman's performance, delivered by Vladimir Rudym. The actor has a lot of creative plans, but they do not part the directing work. Parfenov satisfied with their current roles, but, as any guide, dreams of future.

Despite the well-established career in cinema, Sergey Parfenov considers himself a theatrical actor. After all, it was exactly the stage he dedicated his life and talent, managed to reincarnate into various types, demonstrate the non-standard characters of their heroes.


  • 1969 - Road home
  • 1986 - Golden Baba
  • 1987 - State Border
  • 1987 - Lieutenant S.
  • 1991 - Solder of the Petersburg Police
  • 2003 - Friendly Family
  • 2007 - Agency "Alibi"
  • 2008 - Daddy's daughters
  • 2008 - Mission: Prophet
  • 2010 - advocate

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