Maxim Kovtun - biography, personal life, photos and last news 2021



Maxim Kovtun is an outstanding Russian skater, a single male riding star.

Maxim Pavlovich Kovtun is a native of Yekaterinburg. He was born on June 18, 1995 in the family of athletes. Pope Pavel Alekseevich spent his whole life: In his youth, he went to the ice in a pair, and later became the coach of the children's sports school "Lokomotiv". Mom Elena Alekseevna completely devoted himself to children and their sports careers: Maxima has two senior brother-skaters.

Maxim Kovtun in childhood

The first time the foot of Maxim stepped on professional ice when the boy was barely fulfilled 4 years. Following the older brothers, Mom led him to the stadium of the School of School "Lokomotiv" and gave to the Marina Wojachovskaya section.

It is noteworthy that figure skating was not the sole purpose of the younger Kovtun. On the contrary, in childhood he dreamed of a hockey career. However, by 10 years, felt its potential of the figure, determined final.

Maxim Kovtun in childhood

From that time, it began to truly stressful training - all his free time, the boy spent on ice with a coach, which makes the missing father who had the missing father. And success did not make himself wait: At the age of 12, Maxim Kovtun won a unconditional victory in the competition "Crystal Konk".

Figure skating

The second significant award-winning young figure was the Cup of Russia - 2009 (first place among young men). Immediately after her - in 2010 the silver medal of the European Olympic Festival followed. And in the spring of 2011, the family decided to move to Moscow. There Maxim began training under the leadership of Nikolai Morozov.

Maxim Kovtun

The period of 2011/2012 was marked for the Ural athlete of the victory in the Junior Grand Prix in Romania. At the stage in Estonia, Maxim took "silver", and by the end of the competition ranked 4th. Already at this time, the tendency to "uneven" speeches began to emerge: occupying the first places on some competitions, the figure skater turned out to be among the latter on others.

So it turned out in 2012, when "Bronze", conquered at the Russian Championship, was replaced by a twelfth place at World Team Trophy in Japan. Without seeing a reliable stable athlete in the ward, Nikolai Morozov expelled Kovtun from his group. However, he immediately took the famous Elena Klowzova under his custody.

Maxim Kovtun and Elena Klowzova

With her, Maxim achieved great success:

  • mastered the most complex cascades;
  • ranked 5th in the Russian Championship in December 2012;
  • He entered the number of winners at the European Championships in Zagreb.

It is worth noting that it was at that time Tatyana Tarasova noted that, later, actively connected to the preparation of an athlete to the Sochi Olympiad.

Obvious progress in skating Maxim Specialists noticed in November 2013. In two programs Kovtun virtuoso performed four more complex quadruple jumps. This gave him the opportunity to take the 2nd place at the grap stage in China, win a short program at the stage in Moscow and go to the final. Since 9 years before that, our skaters showed such results, the achievement was recognized as great success.

Maxim Kovtun and Evgeny Plushenko

But the present sensation was the performance of Maxim Kovtun at the end of 2013 - on the Russian championship, he took 1 place by holding the champion since 2003 Evgenia Plushenko. However, to send Plushenko's decision to the Sochi Olympiad, this did not affect Sochi Olympiad, and Kovtun went spare.

During 2014, skating maxi again was unstable. He was even compared with the ambiguous performances of Yulia Lipnitskaya countrycam: one school is some problems.

Maxim Kovtun on ice

For obvious failures and failures, success and bright performances were followed:

  • At the Chinese stage, Kovtun ranked first;
  • At the stage, two gross mistakes allowed in Bordeaux and was on the sixth place;
  • ranked fourth in the final of the Grand Prix;
  • won the gold medal at the championship of his country and silver at the European Championships;
  • divided the third place at the Grand Prix in Barcelona with Sergey Voronov;
  • Save up to 7th place at the championship in Shanghai.

All this time, Kovtun trained under the leadership of Elena Waterzova and was considered to be the ward Tatyana Tarasova.

Change coach

The season 2015-2016 began for Maxim quite successfully. The first success was the victory in the tournament in Saransk, the second - silver Grand Prix in France. Kovtun rolled out brilliantly and in his small homeland - he won the National Championship in Yekaterinburg, fulfilling 5 quaduses.

Maxim Kovtun

The failure was postgraduated athlete in April 2016, when in the world championship in Boston he uncertainly took only the 18th place. And already on May 16, all the news was a naply news that Kovtun changed the coach. Having left the tavering once in him, Maxim was asked to the Inna Goncharenko group.

The popular figure skater did not even reveal the cause of the care of the care of his instagram, although it was with them most often shared his thoughts, plans. The only thing he noted is the need for further growth.


On May 19, 2014, Maxim Kovtun was called up to the army. To carry the service was to be in the near Moscow Balashikha, where sports company is deployed.

The first records of the popular athlete on Twitter on this occasion were full of optimism: he wrote that he was extremely interesting, as the service flows in sports rotators. However, later optimism disappeared. In his interview, Novolution often complained about high loads.

Maxim Kovtun in the army

In the Army Kovtun stayed a few weeks, passing the accelerated course of a young fighter. Later was released to continue training.

Maxim Kovtun now

With Inna Goncharenko, Maxim was prepared for Finlandia Trophy, where she took 3rd place and became the best for the summary program. The next competition was the American stage of the Grand Prix, where Kovtun made a fall in an arbitrary program and, according to the results, it turned out to be seventh. And at the very end of 2016 won the bronze medal at the next national championship.

Personal life

For the first time about the personal life of Maxim spoke in 2012. Then he was noticed in connection with the 19-year-old figure skater Ekaterina Pushkash. Young people met for quite a long time, and Mom Maxim even said that the son considers Katya Bride. But the pair was not destined to stay together. The reason was the distance - Pushkash decided to train in the United States.

Maxim Kovtun and Adelina Sotnikova

Most recently, snapshots appeared in the network, where Maxim was captured with the Olympic champion of Adeline Centnikova. It turned out that young people rest together, ride ski resorts, celebrate birthdays. Numerous rumors did not make themselves waiting. Fantasy fans quickly scattered to the emergency wedding.

However, this information categorically deny the skaters themselves, and their parents. According to them, Maxim and Adeline are familiar from the childhood, they often intersect at various competitions and now simply support warm friendships.

Maxim Kovtun and Chilita Baghji

Now his girl is a gymnast of Chilita Baghji. It is rumored that he not only pays her all his free time, but also sacrifices for the sake of the meeting with training. True, it is or not, it remains only to guess, but in the microblog of the figure you can find a lot of joint photos made at different times of the day.

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