Andrei Martynov - Photo, Biography, Personal Life, News, Films, Series 2021



To say that Andrei Martynov, the audience adored - it was not to say anything, he was worn in her arms. But the time of youth has long been behind. In the courtyard, a new century, other rules. The actor appears on the screen, only if they are very promoted - health is not that. Nevertheless, the student of the old Soviet film school believes that the current colleagues need to keep the bar, "not hacking" and do not try to "cut dividends from someone else's success."

Childhood and youth

Andrey - the youngest of the three children of the family of teachers who lived in Ivanovo, was born in the fall of 1945. The father had the 1st group of vision disability, but it did not prevent him from reading the brail, to work in the All-Union society of the blind and play in a dramatic circle. Those performances introduced Martynov with the artistic world.

In kindergarten, he made a puppet theater, at the school performed in the drainage. Teachers looking at the young actor, referred to him a big future on stage. As the actor in the studio of the program of Tatiana Ustinova "My hero" program, he learned to read in the 1st grade, but he knew "grief from the mind" by heart thanks to the radio.

At the age of 16, Andrew asked for a view of Alexey Mushroom, who came to the MCAT Trupper on tour in Ivanovo. Matter shared with a young man by professional secrets and introduced to Nikolai Alekseev, another star theater.

Upon returning to Moscow, Alekseev sent Andrei Telegram with an invitation to try forces on the exams. Alas, in Schukinsky guy who passed all three rounds, did not take, since he was not 17 years old.

During the year, Martynov worked at the construction site and prepared for new introductory competitions. This time, fate was favorable: he was enrolled in Gitis to Pavel Khomsky. From the 2nd year, the young man called in the army. He served Andrei Testaatist at the headquarters of the Air Defense division in Samarkand.

Personal life

In the personal life of Martynov alone. With the wife of Francis Tun, he divorced in 2017, and before that he lived for two countries. With his wife, the actor met in 1972 at the festival in Germany, where she represented the picture "... And the dawns here are quiet." The daughter of a German diplomat, who studied in Moscow State University, attached to the Soviet group as a translator. Francis is the first German, defending his thesis on the work of Vasily Shukshin.

After the wedding, the girl moved to Moscow. The family settled in a small cooperative apartment purchased by Andrey. Understanding that the beloved got used to another level of comfort, Martynov appealed for help to the metropolitan leadership. The winner of the state premium did not refuse and gave two apartments at once on the same landing.

Tyus's colleagues organized psychological trail - they did not forgive the actor either "Darmov", as it seemed to them, housing, nor foreigners' wife, or opportunities freely go abroad. Andrei, not accepting intrigue and gossip, did not understand anyone, but simply wrote a letter of dismissal.

In Berlin, the son of Alexander was born at the artist. When the time came to lead the boy to school, they decided that he would receive education in Germany. Mother, of course, went with a child. Andrei did not want to leave his homeland, in an interview for the transfer of "revealing the secrets of the stars", he stated that there was no life out of Russia. The head of the family came to visit close, but separation played a fateful role.

Now Alex is a theater artist, with Monica's wife, it raises three grandchildren Martynov - Max, Nicholas and Helen. BDS Wear the surname of the grandfather, they do not own Russian, however, it is well aware that ancestor is a celebrity.

Francis after the divorce married a German professor. Andrei also tried to build relationships, but did not work out.


Few who manages to start a creative biography from a masterpiece, but Martynov are among such luckyrs. In the fight for a major role in the film "... And the dawns here are quiet", the novice artist walked around George Yumatov and Vyacheslav Tikhonov. The first did not fit into the Hero's type, and Tatyana Lioznova took the second to be filmed in the "seventeen moments of spring." Martynov's candidacy initially did not approve of Vasilyev himself, but the last word remained behind the director Stanislav Rostotsky.

On the set, Andrei worked with a fellow travelers Olga Ostrumova and a colleague in the Moscow Tyu tube Catherine Markova, who was playing Gali Fourth. Later, the director proposed a role in Martynov in the painting "White Bim Black Ear".

Zori had a deafening success, they took a prize in the Venice Festival, and Oscar lost only the picture of the "modest charm of the bourgeoisie" Louis Bunuel.

A new wave of popularity by the actor brought the image of Kiryan Inyutin in one of the first Soviet TV series "Eternal Calls". This time, Horsroad approved Andrei without samples. The shooting took place in the deaf Bashkir taiga, and local hooligans took advantage of the lack of civilization - attacked Martynov in the dark and tried to rob. For several days, the grimers had to diligently hide traces of beatings on his face.

Purchased artist is not in vain. The audience was filled with studio letters with the requirement to remove the continuation. There was a considerable effort to play Andrey to play in the 2nd part of a non-good disabled person. Before the scene picking up alms on the train, he even drank a little alcohol to cope with emotions.

Subsequently, Martynov's filmography complemented the detective "The investigation is conducted by experts. Accident ", Social drama" Last chance ", Historical tape" Vasily Buslaev ", Melodrama" We lived next door. "

The KGB of the USSR handed him a departmental award for work in the Syndicate-2 adventure tape, the name of the Vasilive brothers, the actual actor received the lead in the drama "Facts of the last day."

Another sign work is to the epopea of ​​Yuri Lake "Battle for Moscow". Andrei reincarnated in Malyutu Skuratov in the film "Tsar Ivan Grozny", the Savior Kim Il Sena in the Military Paintings "Secund on the feat", a nuclear physicist in the Bayopic "Nikolai Vavilov".

With the age of a solid man (height 174 cm, the weight of 85 kg) was commissioned the roles of ministers, generals, as in the "Ice Page", "Black Tag", "on the corner of the Patriarch."

In the 90s, Martynov engaged in the sounding of foreign tapes. Ego voice is spoken by Liam Nisson, Brian Cox, Philippe Noure, Robbie Coltrine, Jeff Bridges and still dozens of Hollywood stars and European cinema.

According to colleagues-Rovovnikov, Andrei Leonidovich - the person is unusually erudite, perfectly knowing the story, especially military. He himself said that he did not like modern Russian cinema for "Butaforia, ignorance, stamped and the reluctance of directors to go beyond the usual framework."

Probably, therefore, the actor agrees to participate in projects with a serious literary or research framework. In 2004, Martynov starred in the adventure picture of "wealth", the film entertainment of Valentine Pikule, with Oleg Tobakov and Sergey Nikonenko in high roles.

After 6 years, Andrei Leonidovich took the invitation of Victor Merezhko to "play face" in the drama "Sonya. Continuation of the legend. " This is the 2nd part of the series about the famous thief Sonya Golden handle. True, the director noted that the name of the film justifies itself. Women's life on returning from the cortic, her relationship with adult daughters - fiction.

Andrei Martynov now

The actor is regularly seen with the son and grandchildren, and not satisfied with one photo. So 2020 he planned to meet in a young company - Alexander with his family, specially arrived for the new year.

"Instagram" due to objective reasons, a man does not use. As Andrei Leonidovich admitted Julia a little, the leading program "Alone with all", he even does not remember his own phone number, but in the course of news, sorrows and joys of loved ones. You don't have to miss Martynov - he likes to walk on the patriarching ponds, attend the exhibitions while heavier allowed, traveled.

From 4-room apartments, as a result of an intricate exchange, Andrei moved to the apartment owned by Lyudmila Zaitseva. Little, but overlooking the White House. A man does not hurry to associate itself with the Uzami marriage - fears of young inheritance hunters.

Looking at the peak of a career, the artist does not regret anything, believes that he deserved rest.

"It's hard for me to remove. I can not stand on my legs for a long time, my eyes hurt from the light, and the nerves are shaking. Want you do not want, but you have to do your health. Now there are many old people who work to the coffin board and go on stage, causing pity. I do not want to like them. "


1972 - "And dawns here are quiet"

1973 - "The investigation is leading experts. Accident"

1973 - "Eternal Call"

1977 - "White Bim Black Ear"

1981 - "Gori Gori clearly"

1982 - "Vasily Buslaev"

1982 - "Mad Years of Engineer Barcasova"

1984 - "No right to failure"

1985 - "Battle for Moscow"

1985 - "Attention! All posts ... "

1991 - "Tsar Ivan Grozny"

1997 - Alexey Tsarevich

1998 - Mu Mu

2003 - "At the corner, Patriarch - 3"

2003 - "Black Tag"

2010 - "Sonya. Continuation of the legend "

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