Jan Arlazorov - Biography, Personal Life, Photo and Video Speeches, Cause Of Death and Latest News



Jan Arlazorov was born in Moscow on August 26, 1947. His father was a lawyer, a doctor and officer of the Red Army Maer Schulrufer, and Mother - a surgeon doctor Arlasorova Raisa Yakovlevna. It is the name of the mother that the future famous artist wore a majority of his life, since in Soviet times to live with Russian surname it was significantly easier than with frankly Jewish.

In the family of Maer and Raisa there was a second child - Leonid Arlazorov, who had to Jan Jr. Brother. The difference between the children of the family of Schulruphers amounted to 9 years, Leonid became a candidate of mathematical sciences.

As Arlazorov himself later told, he had an amazingly beautiful mother and extremely courageous, respectable father. Maer and Larisa managed to preserve their extraordinary love for many decades and raised their children in a loving and strong family. They had excellent relations, and, in the opinion of Yana, all the best in it - it is from parents.

Jan Arlazors in childhood

In the orphanage, the eldest son of the Arlazor-Shulrufer family was a versatile developed child. He was not excellent at school, but he studied quite well. In addition, he successfully engaged in athletics, football and some other sports. Before Yan, many paths were opened - but only the theater was really fascinated.

Not the last role in this hobby played the grandfather of the artist. Once he worked on stage, which often told his grandson of fun and interesting stories.

Inspired by his example Yang began to seriously think about entering the theater educational institution. Parents did not too much approved this choice: they believed that the actor's profession is synonymous with lack of money, and wanted their son to devote himself to science.

Jan Arlazorov

But the purposeful guy did not give up. He told his daily days and nights that he wants to build a creative career on stage. As a result, the family gave way to his son, but put him a harsh condition: he must successfully complete all entrance exams in the best Moscow Theater School over the first time. If it does not succeed, he will choose another profession. Yang agreed and without any problems entered the Schukinsky Theater School.

Theater and movies

Successfully completing the theater school, the artist got a job at the Central Children's Theater of Moscow. Its task was to implement various comedic characters in productions intended for watching children. Even in the most difficult situations and plot intricateings, Janu managed to make a kind of young spectators, which spoke about the talent of a gifted comedian.

In 1972, the artist decided to try himself on a wide screen, and this experience was not very successful. He starred in the film "The Chronicle of Nights", the production of which was engaged in a film studio "Belarusfilm". Yang played quite well, and the film ultimately turned out to be a good one - the problem was only that the picture assumed the genre "Action". It had a lot of explosions, shootouts and the likelihoods in which a good-natured humorist felt not too comfortable. Therefore, he decided to forget for a while.

Jan Arlazorov on stage

Whether the business is on the scene of the Mossovet Theater, which he switched in 1974 and worked there until 1989. At theatrical stage, Yang Arlazorov felt in his element, successfully reincarnated in various characters and deservedly receiving stormy applause. In the same period of his life, the comedian managed to take the first place at the All-Russian Competition Artist Artists.

Pop Career

In the late 80s - early 90s of the twentieth century, Arlazorov rushed his creative searches towards the stage, and it was then that the artist gave the absolute will his comedy talent. His monologues from the "Cassirsha" series, whose main character started by any phrase with the characteristic word "Gospey", forced the entire Soviet Union to laugh.

Another popular monologue of Yana was the performance of "Hey, a man", which made the best of the unique pop-style humorist. And the phrase "man, you yourself understood, what did you say?" It is widely used in everyday life and to this day. No less laughter caused a monologue "Suslik" or "ancient-eastern legend about sausage", as well as many other performances of the artist.

At the turn of the 20th - 21st centuries, Jan Arlazorov often worked in the well-known program "Anshang", broadcasting the numbers of such comedians, like Sergey Drobotenko, Yuri Galtsev, Elena Sparrow, Gennady of the winds and many others. The humorist knew how to work correctly with the hall, easily improvised and very colorfully portrayed each of his characters. His talent brought him not only the sincere love of the audience, but also the honorary title of the Honored Artist of Russia.

Personal life

Official wife of Yana Arlasorova was only one - actress Yol Sanko. I existed this family short enough, in marriage from the actor was born daughter Alena Sanko. Spouses parted quite painfully. After the divorce, they did not communicate 24 years and extremely unfairly treated each other.

Jan Arlazorov and Ela Sanko

They say that quarrels constantly happened in a young family. Yang at that time earned enough enough, while Yol was more financially secured and worked almost by day to feed the family. She was constantly dissatisfied with his spouse, and once he could not stand and decided on treason. The betrayal of Sanko did not forgive and left Arlasorov along with the child, after which it was hardly hated the former husband.

Present happiness in love with the actor brought his director and love Lyudmila Karchevskaya, with whom he met for some time later. Yang and Lyudmila were not officially married, but they lived a soul in the soul of more than twenty years. Karchevskaya was arlazorov and director, and costume, and a doctor, and a cook, and a press secretary, and a security guard, and a beloved woman. In addition, Yang communicated very well with Evgenia, Lyudmila's daughter.

Jan Arlazorov and Lyudmila Krachevskaya

With the native daughter, Arlasorov had a very difficult relationship. Having drove it, Yol Sanko left Moscow, and after a while - and from the country. However, after some time, Elah and Alena Sanko returned to the capital, but I didn't work anyway with my native daughter. He believed that the former spouse forbade her to see him.

Jan Arlazorov

When Alena decided to receive a legal education, his father paid her studies at the university. Then daughter occasionally communicated with the dad, but at the end of his studies again ceased to come into contact. Before his death, Jan really wanted to see his only child, but this meeting was not destined to take place: Alena came only on the funeral of the Father. And after the death of Arlasorov, his relatives began the struggle for the inheritance.

Disease and death

Jan Arlazorov went to the world of March 7, 2009, aged 61 years. The cause of death is a malignant tumor of the stomach, striking also the pancreas and a gallbladder.

Jan Arlazorov very lost due to illness

Having learned about your terrible diagnosis, the actor decided to be baptized (before that he was an atheist). Arlazors struggled with the disease for a long time and painfully, while he categorically did not want to go under the surgeon's knife. Instead, he was looking for healers and engaged in medicinal starvation.

Two years after the death of Yana in his honor, a documentary was filmed called "Jan Arlazors. People's Guy of Russia. "

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