Ulyana Vaskovich - Photo, Biography, Personal Life, News, Films 2021



Ulyana Vaskovich is a young Russian actress, which appeared on the screen almost by chance due to its social network page. The immediate and open, it became a symbol of the younger generation, which today lives in a lot in virtual reality, but everything also continues to love and look for happiness.

Childhood and youth

Actress Ulyana Vaskovich is a radical Muscovite, brought up in a cinematic family.

The date of birth of a girl - July 18, 1998, on the sign of the zodiac she is cancer. In the biography of the actress, by virtue of young age, in addition to entering the light of bright kinocartes, there are no big achievements. But its creative potential, natural talent and hardworking, collected together, promise brilliant prospects in cinematic career.

Already in early childhood, Ulyana began to show artistic abilities, so parents gave it to the theatrical school. The girl, despite the young age, worked a lot, knew the price of time and on his own experience experienced what work is from morning to evening.

So, in 2013, the teenager makes the first, but confident steps in the movies. She was lucky to play in the playing cinema from the director Andrei Zaitseva. The film was marked at several festivals, received awards and prizes.

After school, the girl was going to enter the theater Institute. She reported to journalists about his dream, but as her fate was found in the future, it is unknown. Ulyana one time did not come out with fans on the connection and did not comment on the events of their lives.

Personal life

Information about the personal life of the artist is not enough. However, relations with a young man were still. The couple spent their free time together, at home at Ulyana sometimes listened to music. At that time, Vaskovich studied in the 7th grade, and her chosen was a graduate. According to the girl, she expected more romance from these relations, but immediately realized that it was an unreal love. On the eve of filming, the performer broke up with a guy.

After the release of the film "14+" rumors about the novel of the artist with the partner on the film Gleb Kalyuzhnaya. But both of them assure that their relationship is friendly. There are time and together spend time, according to young people, because of love for art. Ulyana gladly visits Gleb's concerts. Later it turned out that Kalyuzhny meets with the ART Force Crew dancer Valentine Zotov.

In the photo on social networks it is clear that Ulyana is in excellent physical form (height 174 cm, weight within the norm), as is like to be a girl of her age and profession.

In an interview, she told that he loves to go out and listen to what they were talking. And also, if you explore her page in VKontakte, then immediately notice the published book covers.

Fans are confident that their favorite loves to read. And, by the way, he prefers serious literature - "Cat's cradle" Kurt Vonneguta, "Other shores" Vladimir Nabokova, "Blockade book" Adamovich and Grannov, "Lavr" Evgenia Dolazkina and others.


Ulyana Vaskovich is a beginner actress, the popularity of which came after the debut in the picture "14+", where she played a major role. It was done so talented that critics in one voice marked her gifts.

Film release date - October 2015. In her filmography is the only serious work. In the movie, the girl came on the recommendation of his father's friend, who advised her Andrei Zaitsev.

The first acquaintance with the young actress took place through the popular social network "VKontakte". Andrey looked at the photos of the girl and invited to samples. Before the camera, she was asked questions, including about love. There was no such experience of a young girl, so she told about mother love, and not about her.

Before the debut in the game movie, the actress was filmed only in one tutorial film, so "14+" was her first serious work. Before filming, she met the tape team. Much for her was new. At first shooting day, Ulyana was surprised that the film was not in order. For example, the first shot scene was from the middle of the picture.

The plot of the dramatic film, in which she starred, was built on stories about two in love with teenagers from a large modern city, echoing with Shakespeare "Romeo and Juliet." The first feeling that the main heroes of Lesha and Vika is experiencing to each other, darken problems - complexes of teenagers, scandals between parents, social networks and even district gangs.

Pictures began shooting in 2013 in the Parking Area of ​​Moscow. And Ulyana at that time really was 14 years old. She turned 15 on the set. Relations with the director, as well as with a partner in the film Gleb Kalyuzhny, in the process of filming were wonderful.

The picture in which the young actress and her talented partner played, became the winner of the "KinoTavra" laureate, the nominee on the "Crystal Bear" Berlinale and the winner in the nomination of game cinema at the Stalker festival. And at the Olympia International Film Festival in Greece, Gleb Kalyuzhny was awarded the prize for the best male role. Since May 2017, the film "14+" went on rental in France.

Not without a scandal. The network includes video with bed scenes, allegedly from the film "14+". The authors of the roller assured that the tape promotes intimate relationships between adolescents, drinking hot drinks and the use of mat in colloquial speech.

Andrei Zaitsev spoke against the false propaganda, who stated that there are no spicy scenes in the film, and the main character does not even appear naked in front of the camera. Everything that teenagers need is love and tenderness towards each other, that he tried to show in his picture. Later, the audience was convinced of the rightness of his words.

After the loud success of the film "14+", fans appeared not only in Russia, but also abroad. Teenagers from all over the world wrote to her in social networks, told their own love stories and asked when a continuation of the painting would be released. And someone was in a hurry to admit the girl in love.

In February 2018, Vaskovich seemed to disappear from social networks. In "Instagram", she did not post new photos, in Vkontakte did not publish the news, abandoned both Twitter.

However, the joy of fans, in June 2018, the girl violated silence and posted a photo from the 40th Moscow International Film Festival.

Also it became known that in 2017 Vaskovich participated in the filming of the short ribbon "Rina". In the plot of the picture, her husband and wife are waiting for her daughter to go to the family dinner, but she does not take the phone. They go to her searches.

A lot on her page of records about charitable care for sick children, Ulyana tries to help himself and calls for the help of others.

Ulyana Vaskovich now

In 2019, the actress took part in the filming of the drama "Blocade Diary", in which the episodic role was played. It is noteworthy that I put Andrei Zaitsev's picture. According to the director, working on military history was complex and morally, and physically.

Then the authors "14+" decided to continue filming the film. In addition, the fans of youth films for several years of communication did not cease to ask the same question - when the second part will begin.

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The announcement of the "18+" District was held in mid-2019, in the active phase of development, the film switched only in 2020. The main roles will play Ulyana Vaskovich and Gleb Kalyuzhny. Now in the project we are talking about the relationship of young people with parents, about entering institutes and service in the army.


  • 2015 - "14+"
  • 2017 - "Rina"

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