Captain Nemo - Character Biography, Interesting Facts and Quotes


Character History

An interesting any book makes not only the exciting plot. The recipe for good literary work is unthinkable without a bright character, such that readers believe in the reality of its existence. Jules, the artistic "dishes" "Two thousand Lees under water" and the "Mysterious Island" managed: the writer joined the noble origin, the sharp mind of the inventor, the resentment and thirst for revenge, proved all the mysteriousness fler and revealed the world of captain with the symbolic name of Nemo.

History of creation

Before proceeding to work on the first work, the main character of which was the captain Nemo, Jules Verne studied underwater devices - both existing and appearing in the literary heritage.

Of course, the biblical nove of the ark first chained closer attention. An interesting version of the underwater ship introduced in 1627 the philosopher Francis Bacon in the "New Atlantis". The author then moved to real inventions. Humanity has long been used by a submarine bell, immersing small depths. And at the end of the 18th century, the inventor Robert Fulton presented to citizens a project of Nautilus submarines, which managed to go under the water of Polkilometer.

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The writer borrowed engineering development. But the ship that allows you to open the secrets of the sea depths, should have gained no less outstanding owner.

The captain of Nemo in the original idea of ​​the author appeared the Polish revolutionary hiding in the endless expanses of the ocean, the idea inspired the recent Polish uprising. However, the publisher Jules Etzhell, Comrade Verne, considered the idea of ​​not quite successful, because France was trying to establish relations with Russia in the middle of 1860. Such Fabul will lead to the ban of the book, he considered.

Captain Nemo

As a result, the hero turned into a Hindu named Nana Sahib, Prince Dakkara, who became the leader of the uprising against the British enslavement. England won, the conquerors were captivated and killed the Sahib family, and the prince himself disappeared without a trace. Jules Verne allowed himself to dream on the topic where the rebel of Indian nationality hides. Sea depths - a better place on Earth for these purposes is difficult to find.

With the mysterious captain Nemo readers met in 1869 in the novel "Twenty thousand League under water", where the character remains incognito until the very end of the book. And only in the work of the "Mysterious Island", published in 1874, completely falls the veil of secrecy.


In the characteristic of the hero, the author has invested vivid qualities. The Indian Prince received a brilliant education in Europe, owns several languages. Plus, it has a scattering of congenital talents: an understanding of the art (the masterpieces of literature, original paintings and sculptures are kept on the ship, the works of great composers sound, and the hero itself is well musitis), the abilities in engineering and design. Captain Nemo independently created the first submarine, which is able to pursue the expanses of the sea depths for a long time.

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Frustrated in life on land, lost his homeland and even the name (Nemo in translation from Latin means "no one), a man becomes a hermit. He is confident that the ocean is able to give real freedom. At the same time, Nemo managed to keep interest in life. The cruelty in it is adjacent to the latitude of the soul and compassion - the former prince helps people and save those whom the sea almost destroyed. Jules Verne created an incredibly romantic image, mixing in the hero of mystery, conflict with society, spiritual loneliness and love for the mighty element.

Captain's age is a separate topic. The author of the novels arranged for this to be true confusion. In the "20000 Lei underwater", Nemo did not cross the half-century threshold. And in the next product telling about the events on the eve of 1869, the navigator is already saying goodbye to life with the "ancient elder", whereas in the same book readers can easily calculate the birth date of the character - 1819. However, there is a nonsense: Jules Verne describes the events of the Hero's life, which are not less than 100 years.

Captain Nemo in books and films

The plot of the first novel with the captain Nemo in the lead role is unfolding in 1866. The ship "Nautilus", built on the remote Island of the Pacific Ocean, from time to time appears on the surface of the seas, frightening navigators. Researchers are lost in guessing, which is for a new kind of life. Mysterious animal becomes an object for hunting. It is in order to catch an unknown creature in swimming a ship "Abraham Lincoln".

Pierre Aronaks and Captain Nemo

Scientist Pierre Aronaks with a servant and Kitoboy Ned Lend got on board. This Trinity after the crash "Abraham Lincoln" turns out to be captured by Captain Nemo. A round-the-world journey of a length of 20 thousand leaps is filled with breathtaking adventures. In the end, the prisoners hardly manage to run from the underwater ship. The writer does not reveal the full information about the identity of the Nemo, the picture is entirely present at the end of the second book.

In the "Mysterious Island" Jules Verne pushed out of the popular Robinson topics, during the civil war sending heroes-fugitives from the besieged American city to the uninhabited block of land in the southern hemisphere. They managed to make escape with the help of a balloon, but the aircraft was crashed.

Captain Nemo in old age

Americans settled well at a new residence, learned even grow wheat and sew warm clothes. But throughout the stay on the island, they do not leave the feeling that someone else lives here. This someone helps fugitives - then suddenly, from where the box does not appear with the tools, then a pirate ship is undermined.

By the end of the novel, the inhabitants of the island get acquainted with a weak dying old man who told the mystery of her life and presented a jewelry chest. The patron of the island was buried in Nautilus - the ship was stranded and forever remained in the waters of the Pacific Ocean.

Death Captain Nemo

The novels of Verne about the rebel in voluntary exile experienced a number of shields, both in the form of full-length paintings and serials:

  • "Twenty thousand Lingerie under water" (1916)
  • "Mysterious Island" (1941)
  • "Twenty thousand League under water" (1954)
  • "Mysterious Island" (1961)
  • "Captain Nemo and underwater city" (1969)
  • "Mysterious Island" (1973) (in the Russian rental film only in 1976, called "Mysterious Island Captain Nemo")
  • "Captain Nemo" (1975)
  • "Mysterious Island" (1995)
  • "20,000 Lingerie under water" (1997)
  • "Mysterious Island" (2005)
  • "Nautilus: Ocean Lord" (2007)

Some films only partly come into contact with the book original. For example, actions in the 2007 filmwork moved today.

Nikolay Commissioners in the role of Captain Nemo

The image of a legendary character has tried different actors. The first in Nemo reincarnated Allen Holubar. On the threshold of the Great Patriotic War, the Soviet director Eduard Penntslin appealed to the motifs of the French adventure novel, removing the "Mysterious Island", where the role of the captain "Nautilus" was played by Nikolai Commissioners. The next time the Russians returned to the form of Nemo in 1975 - in the three-sided film, the viewer saw the actor Vladislav Dvorazksky.

Omar Sharif in the role of Captain Nemo

Transfer the nature of the cruel, but the fair Hinda turned out to have James Mason, Herbert scrap and lobster Sharif. He saved the heroes in trouble, Nemo in the face of Robert Ryan, Michael Kane, Patrick Stewart and other stars of world screens.

Patrick Stewart as Captain Nemo

In addition, the name of the mysterious captain of the submarine is used in an allegorizing sense. So, at the end of 2017, the Russian fans of Hockey promise to present the documentary "Captain Nemo", timed to the birthday of Ivan Tkachenko, who died in a car accident in 2011. The painting opens unknown facts of the life of the champion, a member of the Lokomotiv team.

Interesting Facts

  • Jules Verne from childhood was distinguished by the adventure. At the age of 11, ran out of the house to get to India. The plan was close to the embodiment - the boy took on the schooner of Cologne as a jung. True, adults were spun in time and returned romance home. Later, I regretted that I became a writer, not a sailor.
  • In the novel "Mysterious Island" many recipes for young chemists. The victims of the aircraft colonists get sulfuric acid from the cchedan, soda from algae, nitric acid and nitroglycerin from Selitra. Using the last mined substance blast the rock. Naturally, the juvenile readers immediately tried to repeat the experiments, but they didn't get anything explosive. The fact is that Jules Verne, describing the recipes, consulted with chemists. In the end, they came up with the "safe technology" of creating the necessary islanders of substances.
Vladislav Nerchadskiy in the role of Captain Nemo
  • The 1975 Soviet film glorified Vasily Levin (still considered the best work of the director) and decorated the Russian piggy bank of adventure paintings. It is filled with fascinating personnel of the underwater world. The music and text of the songs wrote Alexander Zatsepin with Leonid Derbenhev. Star composition under the beauty of the tape: Mikhail Kononov, Vladimir Basov, Marianna Vertinskaya, Alexander Porokhovshchikov. Few whoever knows that Mikhail Kozakov was first assigned the role of Nemo, but Vladislav Navorysky seemed convincing.


"Loneliness, cut-off from people - the fate is sad, unbearable. I'm dying because I imagined that you can live alone. "Oh, how happy one who can live and die in the fatherland!" "I always did good where he could, but did not retreat before evil where my opponents This deserved. Forgive resentments to enemies - does not mean to be fair. "" You can go on the laws of human, but it is impossible to oppose the laws of nature. "" Take a look at the ocean, isn't it a living being? Sometimes angry, sometimes gentle! At night, he slept, like us, and so wakes up in the good of the spirit after the late sleep! "The genius has no age."

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