Tatyana Konyukhova - Photo, Biography, Personal Life, News, Films 2021



In Oscarone tape, Moscow does not believe in tears, "there is a recognizable moment when an exalted heroine of Irina Muravyeva is admired by the guests of the film festival. Tatyana Konyukhova, after almost 25 years, played himself in early youth. This interesting fact of biography still causes admiration for the professionals of cinema and a large army of her fans.

Childhood and youth

Parents of the movie star come from Ukraine, grandmother by nationality of the Pole. Tatiana Georgievna is a daughter of a man who worked in the Central Committee of the Communist Party of Uzbekistan, the Director of the Cotton Plant, 3 years later in Stalin's dungeons on a false denunciation. In a conversation with Tatyana Ustinova, the author of the "My hero" program on the TVC channel, she said that the smell of Mazi Vishnevsky and now reminds of the disease that Dad has earned in prison.

The family had two more children. Sister Roxana brought up Tanya, since Mom had been in a protracted depression after the death of Brother Igor.

In 1942, Konyukhov, who became Yarym Antistalist, went to the front. The actress is sure that the volunteer, "I saw too much in conclusion, could not take it out."

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At the end of the war, Tanya moved from Tashkent to the Baltic States, where his father received a new appointment. High school graduated from Liepaja in the city.

From five years, the girl went to the movies, and then the grandmother repeated what I saw on the screen. After watching the film "Circus", the Love Orlova became idol. In the courtyard Tatyana nicked the artist, only the mother who saw the daughter by the doctor doubted. I did not approve the choice and the head of the family, advised to learn at the accountant.

However, Konyukhov showed perseverance, in 1949 he came to Moscow and from the first attempt became a student Vgika, Vasily Vanin's workshop. Of the 800 applicants, except Tatiana, took another 12.

Personal life

The favor of Tatiana sought many famous men, because she was a recognized queen of beauty of the Soviet era. Among them are Nikita Khrushchev Alexei Avzhubey and Vladimir Vysotsky, Peter Todorovsky and Oleg Strizhenov. With Leonid Bykov, the actress broke up when his pregnant wife arrived at the set.

For the first time, the tender feelings of Konyukov experienced in relation to the son of Isaac Dunaevsky, Eugene. The romance romance destroyed the tragedy. In the country of the composer, a student died as a result of an accident - crashed by a car belonging to his wife. Tatiana decided not to create a family with a person who had things without demand, and he could not argue.

The first husband of the actress was a new student VGIK Valery Karen (in the future, the Mosfilm editor). The marriage existed for 10 days. Konyukhova kicked the jealous spouse that suddenly came to check his wife for the subject of treason, and even grabbed the hotel concierge witnesses.

With the sound engineer Boris, the Hungarian relations launched 3 years. The surroundings of Tatiana did not understand why she tied a personal life with a man who won't learn, not able to earn. She worked alone, began health problems. In the studio of the program "The Fate of Man" Konyukhov admitted that abortion did.

Lucky woman with a third husband Vladimir Kuznetsov. The chosen one did not belong to the creative environment, was an outstanding athlete, four-time champion of the Soviet Union for the throwing spear. Subsequently, Kuznetsov gave himself not only a sport career, but also created a new scientific direction, which was engaged in the study of human reserve capabilities.

With Vladimir Tatyana, he met on the set of "clubbed friend" in Sochi. The temperamental athlete, the dazzling handsome two-meter growth (at the actress itself - 165 cm) with the figure of Apollo rapidly began the siege of the underestic fortress. It turns out that he has long been a fan of her talent.

Disappointed in previous marriages with representatives of creative professions, Konyukhova drew attention to a confident young man. He struck the actress of the statement that the future union would be the last for her. These words were prophetic.

Soon after the wedding in 1961, the couple was born a long-awaited son Sergey. Maternity gave Tatiana not easy. Being on the 7th month of pregnancy, she did not stop shooting, holding his position in secret from the director.

With the advent of the child, the actress began to remove less, trying to spend more time. Yes, left at the peak of Glory, but as she stated in the studio of the show "Alone with everyone", popularity - the product is perishable. They take off to the top as quickly as they fall from there.

Years of married happiness broke off unexpectedly because of the supreme death of her husband in 54 years old. Konyukhova even thought of suicide, but rejected the thought, as soon as he presented, "that will lie in the coffin pale and ugly."

Girlfriends Marina Ladynina and Svetlana Svetlynaya tried to be sucking, but came to the conclusion that no one with Vladimir would compare.

Sergey Kuznetsov went on a diplomatic path. Olga's granddaughter - a master of sports of an international class on synchronous swimming, knows three foreign languages, also worked in the midst, then married a citizen of India and left for his homeland.

In one interview, Konyukhova said that she had a debt, when he treated his spouse from cancer, nevertheless managed to buy an apartment so that his son had her own living space. Neighbor actresses - Larisa Luzhina. Friend Tatiana with Roman Markova, but with Zinaida Kiriyenko in a quarrel. The star of "Quiet Don" accused Konyukh in flirting with young people.

The woman has no help helpers, she got used to do everything herself. Tatiana lives on retirement and salary of the teacher of the Moscow State University of Culture and Art. In the mid-2000s, when Konyumovov was given the roles, it was extremely 45 thousand rubles. For each shooting day.

Money goes to the most needed. That's just what the celebrity does not refuse himself, so it is in new outfits.

"I can keep any lounge any audience today. Always loved to read poems, prose. I do not like to Halturk, telling the bikes from life, gesturing from films. I want to stay in the memory of a human living person, not an old woman who sits on the pedestal of half-time roles and remembers something there. "


In one of the student performances, young talent was noticed by Alexander Row and invited her debut in the film "May night, or a drunken". The film was discontinued in a stereoscopic format, which was then a huge rarity.

The first role of Konya became a sign for her. The posters of the "May night" with the photo of the heroine, the beauties of Ganna, the central streets of Moscow were placed. Today, fans fill the celebrity "instagram" by enthusiastic reviews, and then they simply asked autograph on the street.

The shooting of the picture was not without unforeseen surprises. On the sounding of the role, the young Tatiana was confused, the sophomore simply did not have enough experience. The director had to invite another actress. This case helps to understand the further act of the girl. For acting biography, it is unique.

Dumb in his talent, Tanya left the institute in annual leave to figure out what to do next. Returning to the 3rd course, Konyukhov had already come to other masters Olga Pyzova and Professor Boris Bibikov. The famous teachers raised a whole pleiad of favorite Russian actors, including Nonna Mordyukova, Vyacheslav Tikhonov, Ekaterina Savinov and Rufin Nifontov.

Tatiana's classmates became Isolde Alposhky, Nadezhda Rumyantsev and Maya Bulgakov. Together with Nifionet, she received an invitation to be filmed in the film "Walking on the Flocks". Khudsovet approved Konyukhu after successful samples on the role of the main character of Dasha. Because of this agreement, the actress refused epochal roles that could make her legend movie.

Eldar Ryazanov saw blond blue-eyed beauty in the image of Lena Wing in the cult "carnival night". But Tanya sacrificed this opportunity, since the dramatic role appreciated much higher than the comedy genre. She advised to try Lyudmila Gurchenko instead of himself.

Invited Konyukhov and the role of Veronica in the ribbon "fly cranes." And again refusal. So Veliko was the desire to play the main character in the screening of the epoching work Alexei Tolstoy. And so unexpectedly, she was called at Mosfilm: the shooting of "walking in torments" began, but another actress was transferred to the long-awaited role.

"I did not forgive betrayal," Konyukhov recalls about this case. These words are even put in the name of the documentary tape created to its 85-year anniversary and re-released on the air once every 2020. Later it turned out that the director Grigory Roshal returned Tatyana was discovered his wife - playwright Vera Stroyev. Whether he fired, or he decided that "girls on the screen too much."

The director promised roles in the following paintings. The offended Konyukhov banned him to approach closer than the meter and stated that, if he remains without work at all, he will not be removed. From a terrible depression, she launched a role in Oleko Dundice, specially introduced into the finished scenario.

Despite the unfulfilled dream, professional fate was successful for Tatiana. The superpopular Soviet actress was made by the characteristic images in the famous films of the 50s of the 50s "Fate of Marina", "Wolnitsa", "Good morning", "First joy."

There are in the filmography of Stars Comedy "Marriage Balzaminova" with George Vicin, Romantic tape "Career Dima Gorina" with Alexander Demyanenko, Melodrama "Portrait of the artist's wife" with Sergey Shakurov, Parody "On the Children's Porch" sat with Mikhail Butcher.

The names of the 21st century say these names, but in the era of stagnant cinema, each film met with joy and revised several times. Projects involving Konya won the leading places at the box office and made it recognizable on the expanses of a huge country.

The only thing that was not satisfied with the young artist is a similar role of the proposed roles. As a rule, the directions saw in it only brave commitskoye with an inflexible character. The most deeply revealed dramatic giving girl when they managed to play a heroine close to the inner world. Such is the Sonya Orlova from the movie "Different Fates", in which George Yumatov and Vsevolod of Sanayev also involved and, who was looked at 33 million spectators per year.


A string of single-plane film holders predetermined the desire to realize himself on theatrical stage. She got sick scene, already learning in Vgika. Being a daughter of the officer who moved from one place to another, childhood and youth Tatiana spent in provincial towns that do not shy theatrical life.

The young actress was not indifferent to the talent and the goddess Melpomen. In 1960 she was accepted into the troupe of the Small Theater. After a successful debut in the role of Sasha in Chekhovsky "Ivanovo", masted theatrians read a nice future, but in a year she was forced to leave the temple of art. However, I no longer wanted to leave the scene.

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The theater-studio of the film actor, who was given 36 years of life, became his hometown. Here from 1956 to 1992, up to the closure, Tatyana Georgievna embodied the strongest in the inner recovery and content of images. The cherished dream came true to the Barbar Stavrogina in the "demons" on Fedor Dostoevsky.

The actress was fruitfully worked in radio and telepostasovka, she was engaged in a dubbing. It is her voice to be heard from the mouth of a charming Milen Demonie in the famous fantasy film epopheal.

In 1991, Tatiana Konyukhova was awarded the title of People's Artist of the RSFSR.

Tatyana Konyukhova now

The famous actress has long been planning to write a book based on unique memories. The name is already ready - "Careless Pessimist".

When Tatyana Georgievna will delight news from the shooting sites, it is unknown. Large roles are not enough health or time. The current filmmaking for it is similar to the way if they gave the task for the night to read "War and Peace" - unprofessional and meaningless.


  • 1952 - "May night, or drowning"
  • 1956 - "Different destinies
  • 1958 - "Oleko Dundic"
  • 1961 - "Career Dima Gorina"
  • 1964 - "Marriage Balzaminova"
  • 1979 - "Moscow does not believe in tears"
  • 1981 - "Portrait of the artist's wife"
  • 1986 - "At the golden porch sat"
  • 2005 - "Dasha Vasilyeva. Lover of private cheek - 4 "
  • 2008 - "Long-awaited love"
  • 2001 - "Stored Fate"

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