Scarlett O'Hara - the biography of the heroine from the blamed by the wind, her character and quotes


Character History

The daughter of the planter from the American south Scarlett O'Hara in the mid-30s of the last century produced a furyor in circles of the US reading public. And so far, the image of a pretty seductive with a solid character, many women consider an example for imitation.

History of creation

In the fall of 1926, the American journalist Margaret Mitchell stretched the ankle and found himself a few weeks chained to bed. At first, the woman reread all the interesting artistic literature of the Atlanta Library, and when the books ended, the husband joked:

"Looks like Meggi, you yourself will have to write a book if you want to read something."
Writer Margaret Mitchell

And Margaret sat for work, which lasted until 1933. During the writing, the author jealously kept the secret of the plot, the more nobody showed the manuscript. Details, and even in general, I knew only my husband. In 1935, a folder with a novel printed on a typewriter fell into the hands of a representative of the Macmillan major publishing house. After reading the writer's writings, he was satisfied, and a year later, the book was "worn by the wind" already thundered to the whole country.

Mitchell did not expect such a dizzying success of his brainchilding: a woman before the end of the days believed that the "simple story about ordinary people", deprived of style, philosophy and ingenious thoughts, does not deserve such attention. With the writer, at first agreed and critics, coldly accepting the book. The work was knocked out of a series of fashionable on that period of literary flows, and it was not clear to what genre to attract it, "the mix of historical, adventurous and manor novels turned out.

Scarlett O'Hara - the biography of the heroine from the blamed by the wind, her character and quotes 1825_2

But folk recognition was over. Margaret became a star of newspapers and television shows, and after the film release of bestseller, the name of the writer found out the whole world. In addition, the book brought the author to the Pulitzer Prize.


Scarlett O'Hara - the heirs of the planter from the American south, the spoiled girl, confident in his irresistible. The heroine is designed for the life of the "true lady", filled with balas, entertainment in the form of hunting and boys with the opposite sex. So events and develop until 1861. Scarlett is easily enchanting men, but sighs on Ashley Wilksu, the fiance of "faults and drankushki" Cousin Melanie.

Appearance Scarlett O'Hara

Once the girl decided to confess his beloved in the feelings, but received a refusal. Intimate conversation was overhearding a man with a very bad reputation of Rett Butler - this happened the first meeting of the two main characters of the novel.

The insult and the youthful maximalism defeated common sense, and Scarlett married the cousin Charles Hamilton. With a ripping of the Civil War, life cool changes - the husband dies from Corey in the camp, leaving a girl with a child in his arms. The 17-year-old widow with horror understands that now under the laws of the company will have to wear mourning until the end of days. In Tara, the estate of the family O'Hara, not at all fun at all, the balls stopped, the atmosphere of happiness and carelessness in the fly.

Scarlett O'Hara in the estate of Tara

To dispel, Scarlett goes to the birth of the late spouse in the Atlanta, where Melanie lives, which safely married Ashley and is waiting for a child. In the city, Rett Butler is again found in her way. Under his influence, Scarlett removes mourning and tries to be happy again. However, the courting of this charming man strongly rejects, because still calms the hope of Ashley's response.

But the heroine has to come up with the horrors of war and the difficulties of life. Ashley disappeared, Melanie is hard to carry pregnancy, and Yankees are already on the approaches to Atlanta. Residents are urgently evacuated, but Scarlett can not throw melanie, which will give birth from day to day. During the storming of the city, the girl takes birth to the cousin, and only after that, with the help of Rett, everyone leaves the precipitated settlement.

On the way to Tara, a regular kick is waiting - Butler throws women with a child to join the ranks of confederates. Scarlett has to get to his native estate. Return home does not bring joy: the darkened container was empty, the father went crazy, unable to take the death of his wife, the most faithful to the servant remained, and the Yankee's house was turned into headquarters.

Now Scarlett needs to be strong, because only she can take care of the remaining bunch of relatives and servants. Having matured for a moment the girl takes the manor in his hands. To get money for taxes for Tara, decides to seduce the rich Rett of Batler, but learns that a man is in prison. In the despair, the young lady married Frank Kennedy sister's groom. Demonstrating commercial talents, leads things in the husband's shop and acquires a sawmill. A young woman finally managed to say goodbye to poverty.

Scarlett O'Hara and Ashley Wilks

The heart Scarlett still belongs to Ashley. Despite the happy marriage of his beloved from Melanie, the girl is trying to be close, takes off him and arranges to work. Soon she again had to go to the outfit of the widow - her husband dies from the hands of free African Americans, and Rett, taking this opportunity, makes Scarlett offer.

Family life does not develop, love for her husband does not wake up even with the birth of Bonnie's daughter, in which the Rib soul does not. Suffering on Ashley is oppressed by a man, and the final gap comes after the tragic death of a common child - Butler leaves the house.

Scarlett O'Hara

The doors to the desired reunion with Ashley were opened with the death of melanie. But, dying at second birth, the woman says Scarlett that Rett loves her very much. At that moment, an insight is conducive to the heroine - she understands that he also loves only her husband, and only a stupid sense of property experienced to Ashley.

When meeting, on which the Skarllet admitted in his feelings, Butler hung her cold contempt, stating that love had long melted. But the heroine firmly decides to return the arrangement of the spouse and, finally, be happy. The story ends with the famous monologue Scarlett:

"I'll think about all this tomorrow, in Tara. Then I can. Tomorrow I will find a way to return Rett. After all, tomorrow will be another day. "


Mitchell presented a character part of his own biography. The pedigree writer is rooted in Ireland and France, Scarlett O'Hara is also half Ireland, half a Frenchwoman. The ancestors of Margaret participated in the Civil War described in the novel. Yes, and the outer characteristic of the heroine is written off with the photo of Beauty Mitchell: dark hair, green eyes, a slim figure. However, the author immediately says that Scarlett is not distinguished by beauty, rather, has a captivating charm.

Scarlett O'Hara in his youth

A woman like a magnet attracted representatives of a strong half of humanity, the writer shared with this quality with a fictional girl. In addition, it added its own traits into its character - a male grip in affairs, purposefulness.

Scarlett O'Hara was born in 1845, her age according to the novel was 16 years old, and at the end of the book, a 28-year-old woman appears in front of the reader. Margaret Mitchell in detail describes the appearance of the heroine, not forgetting about the outfits that fully correspond to the epoch.

Green dress Scarlett O'Hara from curtains

In one of the chapters, the idea of ​​her dress was presented colorfully, in which the girl went to seduce Rett. Outfit due to the financial needs of Scarlett sewed from the porters:

"Green, like a moss velvet (...) From the satin lining, we will make the bottom skirt and the pantalon lace as a lace (...) not to throw out velvet trimming - we will cover the frame of the converted hats."

In the Zenith of Glory, Mitchell was surprised that readers and viewers chose Scarlett with their reference, erecting a national hero to the rank. Considered this behavior is ridiculous:

"I tried to describe a far from a delicious woman, about which you can say a little good."

Fans saw in the Character short power in character. Girls fell out heavy tests, but, despite the need, war and personal tragedies, she distinguished itself to the talent to rise and move forward. The energy of the lady was enough to implement hidden resources and survive shocks. What is not a national hero?

Films and actors

The premiere of the screening of the novel Mitchell "worked by the wind" took place at the end of 1939. It is noteworthy that the viewers of Atlanta first saw the picture. In the film awards - eight Oscars.

Vivien Lee as Scarlett O'Hara

The main role was given by low tall, Provely and incredibly Mile Vivien Lee. The creators of the film did not immediately approved the actress, because she corresponded to the book image, besides, was the British. At first they missed almost a half thousand famous and not very people of Hollywood through the casting. Searches lasted two years. The authors of the tape were seriously thought of handing the Scenario of Alias ​​Rett and Marsell Martin, but in the end, Scarlett embodied. Rett Batler's seducer presented Clark Gable.

Joann Wallo in the role of Scarlett O'Hara

After 55 years of the fans of the drama introduced a girl from the estate of Tara with the future life of the girl. The mini-series "Scarlett" was removed based on the novel of the same name, which was written by Alexander Ripley. In Scarlett O'Hara reincarnated Joann Wall, and in Rett - Timothy Dalton.

Interesting Facts

  • The shooting of the "worn wind" started from the scene of the shoot of Rett and Scarlett from the Atlanta covered by fire. To bring the events to reality, the quarter set fire to it, where the film "King Kong" was shot.
  • Clark Gablez and Vivien Lee brilliantly portrayed the passion and gentle feelings on the screen, but the actors have disliked each other and they communicated cold on the set. Later, Vivienged was recognized that he hated kissing with Clark.
  • The night before the premiere of the painting was hot: the approach to the cinema was flooded with crowds of the people - the fans of the book Mitchell bought tickets like hot cakes. Those who are not lucky, easily gave 200 dollars to speculators - an incredible money for those times (at the ticket office cost 10 dollars).


The writer invested in the mouth of Scarlett wise thoughts about life and love.

"That's what it turns out when you look back - at the time when you were happy, - one pain, spiritual flour and annoyance." "When you postpone the recognition too long, it is harder and harder to do it, and finally there is a moment when it comes Just becomes impossible. "" Death, taxes, childbirth! None nor another, nor the third ever happens in time. "" From tears can be a sense when a man, from which you need to achieve something. "" Love cannot turn into indifference in one minute. "" Man cannot Move forward, if the soul is corrupted by the pain of memories. "" So much I have everything you need to think about. Why score yourself to yourself what no longer returns, - it is necessary to think about what else can be changed. "

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