Irina Efremova - biography, personal life, photo, cause of death, actress, films, filmography, husband, TV



Irina Efremova (Matveyevskaya) - Russian actress of theater and cinema. In the student years was filmed under the girl's last name. Fans compared Beautiful blonde with Hollywood Golden Centers. When there were reports of death of the celebrity, few people believed that charming, Twittering Efremov left the world for natural reasons. But doctors confirmed that the life of the star was cut off due to a weakened heart.

Childhood and youth

Irina Lvovna was born on July 28, 1963 in Moscow. There is almost nothing about the family and early biography of the artist. According to some reports, Matveyev worked with simple workers, did not have a relation to art. Parents taught Efremov not to expose themselves at the bottom that later did not think too favorably at his career.

Irina Efremova - biography, personal life, photo, cause of death, actress, films, filmography, husband, TV 18246_1

After graduation, Ira entered the theater Institute. B. Shchukina for the course to Albert Grigorievich Drill. The educational institution Irina graduated in 1984. In the cinema, the young actress had another student, but then he got married, changed the last name and for a while was aside from the profession.

Theater and films

In the service record of Ephraim, 26 filmmakers are listed. Irina could shoot and more, because the performer had the necessary data, but was good-natured and calmly inferior the good roles of colleagues for the sake of preserving friendly relations.

The debut of Irina in the movie took place in 1982. A 19-year-old student of the theater school received a small image of the participant of the ensemble in the Comedy of Efim Halperin "These are such wonders." In the titers of the painting of the 80s, the artist is indicated under the girlish surname, therefore, in a number of sources, the Efremova filmography begins only since 2002.

The first major role of Irina received during the time of the USSR. In 1984, Efremova played a member of the acting front fraternity in the Military Tape "Special Unit". In the center of the plot - young performers, completely children who in 1941 were in war. The plot is based on real events. The shooting partners were cinema such as Yuri Sarans and Radner Muratov.

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In the 90s, Irina worked on the "Ostankino" channel, during this period in the acting career Efremova there was a pause. The woman worked in the TV presenter in the program "Time -". The transfer appeared as a source of alternative news and quickly gained popularity. Employees "Time" told the audience about the life of ordinary Soviet citizens.

In 2002, the performer successfully debuted as a director. Filmed by the Efrem documentary "Batyushka" critics adopted favorably. Irina even received an award of the XII festival of documentary cinema "Message to Man" for the best debut.

To return to screens as an actress Irina Lvovna helped the series "Two Fates". The project turned out to be resonant, Efremov noticed, although the role was small. Because of the abundance of episodes, the melodrama was nicknamed in the people of "Russian Santa Barbara".

In 2004, Irina got a negative character - a cruel breeder Tax Marina Yurkova in the comedy "Four taxi driver and a dog." Eduard Krotov's trainer had to be disadvantaged, because this breed does not like to "walk along the string." After many searches for suitable candidates and classes, Kroot took 6 dachshunds for the role of Figaro. Before each dog was its task. So, the brave peas participated in Cascader scenes, Beauty Jasmine was shot close-up, and stern Rurik was growling in the frame.

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In 2006, Efremova appeared in the Biographical Melodrame "Andersen. Life without love. " Director Eldar Ryazanov admitted that, although the project was founded on the genuine memoirs of Hans Christian Andersen, there was a place in the plot. The tape is marked by a number of premiums, including musical accompaniment and the work of the artist in the costumes.

Many fans remember Irina by the main role in the mini-series "Short Breath". Most attracted sincere feelings of characters. But there were also critics who outraged the images of Heroes - the priestess of love by the name of Hope and a soldier with a crippled psyche (Ilya Soskov).

Efremovo employment in the cinema did not interfere with participating in the entrepreneurs on the stage of the Russian Psychological Theater in Moscow. The performer was a chance to embody the cherished for many actresses the image of Juliet in the tragedy of William Shakespeare.

In the press, it is often about the fact that the last work of Irina turned out to be a role in the episode of the series "Emergency Challenge", which was called "Doctor Death". Because of the sustainable death of the artist, the film was called the "prophetic", although the film was released in 2007, and Efremov completed the creative career in 2010, starring back in 5 projects.

Personal life

Irina did not like to spread about his personal life. It is known that in 1993, when she came to the TV channel "Ostankino", Efremova was in the process of separation from the first husband, from which the surname was called in the acting circles. The family did not work out, but the celebrity did not go into details even in the company of close friends.

The second spouse Efremova became a businessman Boris Frenkel. With the new beloved, the artist introduced a colleague Lev Novozhenov. Boris turned out to be older Irina, the couple has lived together for many years, but the children did not appear.


The actress of the theater and the movie died in the fall of 2016. Photo Efremovo instantly appeared in newspapers and online publications. The body of Irina Lvovna on September 9 found Frankel, with which in the last months of life the performer had complex relations. Businessman drove into a joint apartment, as the wife did not answer calls. After unsuccessful attempts to open the door, Boris Frankel caused police outfit.

Penetrating the apartment, law enforcement officers found a hopeless star. The criminal component of the police in the death of Ephraim did not find. After the funeral of Irina, the talent admirers organized the evening of memory, which was held on October 18, 2016 in the Central House of Cinema. The burial place of relatives at first hid, but today it is known that the grave is located in the Kalitinist cemetery in Moscow.

Among the friends and fans of Irina Lvovna there are a number of opinions about the cause of death of the artist. According to the official version of Efremova died due to heart failure. A bright and attractive woman was 53 years old. Early care prompts to look for a mystery of celebrity death.

In recent years, Irina Lvovna made plastic operations for rejuvenation. Such procedures, according to physicians, can seriously affect the work of the heart. In the family, the actress is also not everything smoothly. Because of the quarrel with her husband and mutual misunderstanding Efremov was constantly in a state of stress. Another scandal with his spouse could cause deterioration of well-being.


  • 1982 - these are miracles
  • 1984 - Special division
  • 2002 - Battyushka (documentary)
  • 2002 - Two Fate
  • 2003 - Striped Summer
  • 2003 - Detective without a license
  • 2004 - Steel Guys
  • 2004 - place under the sun
  • 2004 - Four taxi driver and dog
  • 2005 - short breath
  • 2006 - Andersen. Life without love
  • 2006 - Breakthrough
  • 2006 - Hymn
  • 2007 - the apartment question
  • 2008 - Dar of God
  • 2008 - Take me with you
  • 2009 - Take me with you 2
  • 2009 - the adheres of notary Neglintseva
  • 2010 - Russian chocolate
  • 2010 - Doctor Death

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