Ekaterina Gordeyev - Photo, Biography, News, Personal Life, Figure 2021



Ekaterina Gordeyeva - Soviet and Russian star of pair figure skating. Together with Sergey Grinkov became the two-time Olympic champion, four-time world champion and three-time European champion. She had many other ranks and achievements that she had achieved with ice partner, which became supported and supporting in life.

Childhood and youth

Catherine was born in Moscow on May 28, 1971. Father Alexander Alekseevich Gordeev at that time was listed as part of the troupe of Igor Moiseeva. Elena Lvovna's mother worked in the famous "Telegraph Agency" (future ITAR-TASS).

After 4 years after the birth, Katya became an older sister - another girl appeared in the family. It is worth noting that the children never needed anything. Parents were considered at that time secured and invested in daughters.

Early years, the future figure skater spent on ice, already in 3 years parents identified it in Children's sports school CSKA, in the group of Vladimir Zakharov. From that moment on, Catherine's life was subordinate to a strict schedule: riding, stretching and choreographic etudes were replaced by school lessons and homework.

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It is not surprising that and with the partner Gordeva, I had a chance to get acquainted on the rink. Young Sergey Grinkov trained in the same place, in Sports CSKA. The first meeting took place in 1981, and in 1982 they became the official sports couple who were under the leadership of Vladimir Zakharov. It is believed that just he determined the success of the skaters, in time by connecting them into one.

Despite the young age and a small experience of pair skating, Catherine and Sergey quickly learned to interact with each other. Katya was tiny (her growth was 152 cm, and the weight is 40 kg), against the background, Sergey looked like a real Russian warmer.

In the Junior World Cup of 1983, they ranked 6th, and in 1984 returned from there with gold. Supervised trainers at that time coach Nadezhda Shevalovskaya - Silver medalist of the USSR Championship 1974 and 1976. Choreographer Marina Zueva answered the content of the programs and the dance shape of the skaters.

Personal life

The fact that Katya and Sergey bind not only skates, it was known for a long time. But the decision to conclude an official marriage of the couple came only in 1991. On April 20, they got married, and 28 married. On September 11 of the next year, Dasha's daughter was born. Close and native families argue that these were perfect relationships, clean and strong love.

Unfortunately, the happy personal life of Catherine lasted for a long time. Being in November 1995 in Lake-Westish, Sergey felt ailments. The stadiums were caused by doctors who identify sharp heart failure. The figure skater was quickly transported to the hospital, but did not have time to help. Grinkkov died suddenly. Later, Catherine found out that the cause of the death of her husband is an extensive heart attack.

Doctors managed to establish that it was the second attack of a day, the first figure chapter moved at night, during sleep, so nothing felt. A couple of hours of Gordeyev and the entire coaching composition was on duty at the door of resuscitation, but the hopes of close grinkov did not justify. Catherine allowed to say goodbye to his wife alone.

Later in an interview, the celebrity said that when your favorite dies in your hands, realize how little all these victories, cups and medals mean. In the sports world, this case was cried with a "drama on ice", in the youth of the Gordeyev could not and threaten the future life without Sergey. The first year to at least somehow reduce the pain, the coach painted every day Kati literally minutes. There was a visit to museums, exhibitions and other events. The figure skater went there, but her thoughts were far from what is happening. Every evening she went to bed with the hope that the morning would not wake up.

After the funeral of her husband, the figure skater did not have a question about figure skating. How to live further - it became the main question of her life. The loss of the spouse she was worried about sharply, she had to convince himself in what you need to go further.

Catherine managed to gather, and after a few months the figure skater reached the ice again, the truth is already alone. When she appeared on the ice arena, the hall got up. And after renting the program, it burst out. And a 3-year-old daughter Dasha came to calm down.

After the death of the spouse, Gordeyev wrote a book-memories "My Sergey". The publication has become a bestseller. Later Katya admitted: regrets that he opened so many personal secrets. Although it does not hide that at that time writing the book became an intense for her. In 1998, the celebrity starred in the documentary film about Grinkov. It is said that so far she is wearing a gold ring presented to them - its main mascot.

For the first time with Ilya Katyk Katya came to the ice in 2000, and in 2001 it became known that the couple got married.

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The magnificent celebration was not satisfied, they simply signed between the tours in the Russian embassy in San Francisco. In the summer of 2002, in a private clinic Los Angeles, they were born daughter Lisa. Ilya younger Kati for 6 years.

Rumors about the novel of the famous figure skater with the actor Yegor Beroev appeared on the eve of the final release of the Localial television show. Journalists in need quoted witnesses, arguing that the pair is regularly found in one of the largest hotels in the capital. And the paparazzi even provided a few pictures of Kati and Egor in the cozy atmosphere of romantic dinner.

However, both categorically denied a love relationship. Catherine was then married to the Kulik, and the wife of Beroeva Ksenia Alferov and was filmed at all with them in the same show (Vanagas was reproached by her partner).

The finals of passion around the scandalous pair broke out serious. Some publications managed to notify readers that Ksenia divorced her husband because of his treason, but the divorce did not take place.

The legendary figure skater today is a loving wife and a caring mother. And Ksenia and Egor together are growing daughter Evdokia.

Figure skating

In the fall of 1985, the pair of Gordeyev - Grinkkov moved to the group to Stanislav Zhuku. Catherine's sports biography has been replenished with a pair of successful speeches. Young people took the 2nd place at the USSR Championship, received a silver medal at the European Championships and became winners at the World Championship in Geneva.

The 15-year-old Katya turned out to be the most young world champion, and their pair had an unprecedented number of fans. Photos with their image were concerned about the covers of all the printed editions of the Union.

Just at that time, the scandal was broken with a complaint against the beetle. The figure skater Anna Kondrashov accused the famous coach in "immoral behavior", harassment in his address and in the address of Helenezovaya trained with him. Her indictment in the Central Committee of the CPSU was signed by choreographer Marina Zueva and several wards Stanislav Alekseevich, among whom Sergei and Catherine were.

It is said that a pair was put pressure on the part of the authorities, nevertheless "the case was done." And figure skaters again had to change the leader. This time Stanislav Leonovich became it.

Season 1987 athletes had to miss: Katya fell on three meters from a height, sharpening his head about the ice. Doctors diagnosed a serious concussion and banned sports at full recovery. However, this did not stop the professional growth of skaters. Already in 1988, they demonstrated the highest pilot at the Olympics in Calgary.

An ideally executed arbitrary program and a short-sided technical elemental elements became an exemplary performance of partners. Until now, these numbers are demonstrated by novice figure skaters as the highest achievements of Soviet Sports.

The next season was marked by victories at the world championships 1989 and 1990. However, programs in both cases were fulfilled with shortcomings - the advantage over the opponents turned out to be small. Catherine and Sergey decided to leave a big sport and began to participate in Tatiana Tarasova ice theater tour.

In fact, it was a forced measure. After the collapse of the Soviet Union, many skaters remained without work, therefore, without livelihood. To avoid this, the couple moved to the United States, where he began to ride in an ice show. Having told 2nd place in the professional championship in 1998, Katya finally stopped participating in competitions, but did not refuse to appear in the ice show.

In 1998-1999, Ekaterina Gordeev acted in popular projects. Its partners were Anton Siharulidze, John Zimmerman, Arthur Dmitriev. In 2000 in the Starsonice show, the figure skater went on ice with Ilya Kulik.

After sport

In 2008, Gordeyev became a participant in the project "Ice Age - 2", which was broadcast on the first channel. He performed with Egor Beroev, together with whom the cherished 1st place won. And after this, the athlete went on the cities of Russia and the countries of near abroad with the tour, organized by Ilya Averbukh.

Living abroad, Katya did not give up the pleasure to appear in foreign programs dedicated to figure skating. So, in 2010 she starred in the Canadian transmission of Battle of the Blades dedicated to the sport. In addition to the pride, the main characters of the project were also professional NHL players. Ekaterina represented his rooms with Valery Bure, the younger brother Pavel Bure, Soviet, Russian and American hockey player, right attackers. Athletes managed to conquer the 1st place.

Later in America, Gordeyev and Kulik opened their own school of figure skating. In 2016, they began work on the creation of the Ice Show "Romeo and Juliet", and in 2017 it was presented to the public.

Dasha's older daughter, figure skating abandoned - chose to study. In June 2018, a photo appeared in the "Instagram", in the signature to which she congratulates her daughter with the end of the Design and Merchandising Institute (Fashion InstituteOf Design & Merchandising, FIDM). But the youngest Lisa is working hard. At one time she rode in Moscow at Inna Goncharenko, today her father Ilya Kulik trains her.

In April 2018, Catherine took part in the Glacial Project. Children, "where she was invited as a judge.

Ekaterina Gordeva now

Ekaterina Gordeyev is still very good and elegant and few people admits into his private life, although it is an active user of "Instagram". It is known that she lives with his family in America, occasionally visits to Russia. In June 2020, in the social network, she congratulated the younger daughter Elizaven with the 18th anniversary, reinforcing the touching post with her workout and photographs from different periods of life.

Now Career Celebrity fully passed into the coaching. But it does not prevent her from watching other important events in the world of sports. So, Catherine shared his opinion on the transition of the bronze prizence of the European Championship Alexandra Podovoya from Etray Tutberidze to Eugene Plushenko. According to Gordeeva, with time, Eteri has become difficult to keep their pupils at the same high level, and Plushenko, according to her conviction, a very good coach. It is he who can do for career Alexandra a lot.


  • 1986 - Gold Medal at the World Championships in Geneva
  • 1987 - Gold Medal at the World Championships in Cincinnati
  • 1988 - Gold Medal at the European Championships in Prague
  • 1988 - Gold Medal at the Olympic Games in Calgary
  • 1989 - Gold Medal at the World Championships in Paris
  • 1990 - Gold Medal at the World Championships in Halifax
  • 1990 - Gold Medal at the European Championships in Leningrad
  • 1994 - Gold Medal at the European Championships in Copenhagen
  • 1994 - Gold Medal at the Russian Championship
  • 1994 - Gold Medal at the Olympic Games in Lillehammer

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