Elton John - biography, photo, personal life, news, songs 2021



Sir Elton John - Cult British Musician, Cavalier Order of the British Empire, Knight Bachelor. His albums are sold by millions of circulation, clips are collected daily tens of thousands of views on the Internet, and the state is estimated at $ 270 million. The holder of the title of the most commercially successful singer of the 70s.

Cult singer and musician Elton John

The best-selling British pop singer, whose seven discs started from the first lines of Billboard 200. According to the musician, he started a creative career as a pianist who sings, and over time turned into a singer playing the piano.

Childhood and youth

Elton John (at birth - Reginald Kenneth Dwight) was born on March 25, 1947 in the Northern District of London - Pinner. Since childhood, Reginald began to get involved in music through creatively tuned parents - Mom Sheila played with her son on the piano, and Papa Stanley served as a military musician in the Air Force.

Elton John in childhood

In four years, the future musician could already pick the melody on piano and listened to the plates of the best musicians of the twentieth century. Stanley Dwight This was not impressed. Father did not please the enthusiasm of Reginald - he considered his music with nonsense. Even after his son became a generally accepted celebrity, Stanley did not visit his concert.

Rugnald's parents divorced when he was 13 years old. At the same time, he began to wear glasses, trying to walk on his idiot Buddy Holly. Subsequently, because of this, the boy had spoiled vision - a tangible myopia developed, and glasses from a stylish accessory turned into a mandatory need.

Young musician Elton John

At the eleven age age, Reginald won a scholarship in the Royal Academy of Music, in which six years he studied free. In there, he walked on Saturdays there, combining them with school in high school. Four years after that, his mother got married again, the chosen was the designer Fred Fairbrazer, who supported the teenager to the music.

For the first time, Reginald spoke before the public at the age of 16. Since then, he played the local club on the piano and sang every week. Mom tried not to miss any of his speeches. For one evening, a novice musician received around the pound - good money for a schoolboy. Soon he had a sufficient amount for the purchase of electric piano.

In 1960, Reginald, together with school buddies, founded the "The Corvettes" group, the first time the performed works of Jim Rivza and the Ray Charles (at that time the most popular destination in the music was just a rhythm and blues). The guys have released two unilateral plates, both of whom have not gained popularity. A year later, they changed the name on the BlueSology.


In 1964, Reginal Dwight threw a school for the sake of work in the Trade Department of the Mills Music Music Company. After a while, he also decided to leave the Gastrol Tour of the "The Blusology" group for the UK, which was engaged in accompaniment for popular teams ("The Isley Brothers", "The Bluebelles" and others).

In 1967, Reginald fell in love with Linda Woodrow and for a long time she sought her location. As a result, the couple even walked around, but after some time the girl put it before choosing: "Either I, or music." Reginald from despair was ready to go to suicide, but thought on time. At this time, he takes a pseudonym Elton John - in honor of the musicians of Elton Dina and Long John. So the creative biography of the British star pop scene began.

At the end of the sixties, Liberty Music conducted a talent contest, and Elton John decided to experience his strength. He sang a number of songs from someone else's repertoire, but the audience did not appreciate it. However, the organizer of the Rei Competition Williams presented him with a collection of poems Bernie Topin. Thus, he became the initiator of their creative union, which will last more than thirty years.

Elton John

Rey Williams introduced Elton John with Wild James, who allowed to take advantage of his recording studio "DJM Records". At one time, the hits of the legendary "Beatles" were published here. At the request of Williams Dick allowed Elton to record the first record. Here for the first time the poet Bernie Topin will meet with an uptrend rock star.

The debut plate of Elton "I'Ve Been Loving You" appeared on sale in the spring of 1968 and even received positive reviews, but did not bring money. The new head of one of the main departments "DJM Records" Steve Brown began to persuade Dick James himself once again to give young co-authors freedom in their creative self-expression, to which he agreed.

In 1970, ELTON JOHN album comes out. After some time, after that, Steve Brown dismisses, realizing that he could not cope with his position at the required level. He returned to the previous place - to the EMI advertising department on the radio, where he continued to promote the work of Elton John.

On the wave of success of British music on a novice English musician drew attention to the United States and invited Elton on trial tour. In the fall of 1970, he flew to the United States, where he was rendered a warm welcome. The main concert of the singer then passed inside the club "Troubadur". After a three-week life in America, Elton and Bernie just went to the United States a month later.

Elton John and Bernie Taups

At the beginning of the seventies Elton John with his team, which included the drummer Niphel Olson, Basist Di Murray, as well as guitarist Daiy Johnston, recorded the soundtrack for the film "Friends". This music fell in love with most American spectators. At the same time, the singer acquired a small bungalow.

Once the friend Elton Davi Johnston told about his dream to release a solo album. Having learned about this, Elton John together with the manager John Reed tried to help him, but absolutely all negotiations with the studios were vain. Then they decided to open their enterprise, the main goal of which was then to help a shared friend.

In the spring of 1973, Elton John in the company of all buddies and just acquaintances celebrated the creation of their own company for recording ("Rocket Record Company"). In the first year of its existence, the label has released the Album of Elton "Don't Shoot Me I'm Only The Piano Player", entrenched in the tops of the British charts.

The next album was another success - "Goodbye Yellow Brick Road", which contained songs of different genres. In the texts of Bernie, Topin expressed its most bold literary ambitions. World critics call this collection most important in Elton's career. At the same time, the performer turns out to be in the heart of the GLEM movement, and the personality of the singer is becoming increasingly popular.

Elton John in the Soviet Union

In 1974, Elton John released the Album "Caribou", which was able to rise first in the United States, but collected extremely negative criticism. Trying to recover a little after the defeat out of the reviews, the musician decided to recur and engage in other areas of activity. As a long-standing fan of football, he acquired the club "Watford" and became his president.

In 1974, Pete Townshend invited him to fulfill the role in the Rock Opera Ken Russell called Tommy. The director wanted to play musicians as many roles as possible. Elton gladly accepted the offer and appeared on stage in the form of a "local guy", however, the role was very small, a total of for about four minutes on the scene.

Elton John and John Lennon

At the same time, for the recording of the solo plate "Walls and Bridges" he was invited by Ex- "Bitle" John Lennon. Their joint single took the first place in the charts, and Lennon agreed to speak together with Elton on the stage, fulfilling this song, as well as some Bitles hits.

After the next tour in the US, the musician had health problems, and, according to the recommendations of the doctors, he was treated for almost four months on the island of Barbados. Upon return, he was engaged in the development of the company Rocket Record Company and a personal football club. At the end of the seventies in England, a punk revolution began, and the music of Elton John became irrelevant. He and Bernie for a while stopped cooperation.

Elton John and Elvis Presley

During these years, Elton was sitting at home almost the clock, leaving only on special cases. For example, he visited Elvis Presley's dying friend. The death of the star had a strongest impression on the musician. Since then, he began to carefully follow his health, afraid to finish the same as the famous "king."

In 1980, the musician gave a free concert in the New York Central Park before the public about 400 thousand people near John Lennon's house, which he dedicated to the performance of the "Imagine" song. Three months later, Ex- Bitle was killed near this place.

Six years later, the musician lost his voice during a tour of Australia. After the concert with the participation of the Melbourne Symphony Orchestra, he was forced to do the sore surgery. Polyps removed from Elton ligaments, and his voice has changed. 20 years later, he admitted that this problem was a consequence of frequent use of marijuana.

In 1991, Elton took the opening of the organization to collect funds to combat AIDS. The death of Freddie Mercury, Frontman of the Queen Rock Group prompted him. At the same time, George Michael and Elton released a new joint single.

Elton John and George Michael

In 1995, Elton receives the Oscar premium for the soundtrack to the animation film "King Lion". The song was called "CAN You Feel The Love Tonight" ("Ken Yu Phil Ze Like Tunait"). In the same year, the Queen of Great Britain assigned to him the title of knight-bachelor - since then he has the right to use the Sir's prefix to the name. Two years later, during the farewell ceremony with a princess Diana, the musician performed the song "Candle In The Wind", specially rewritten on the eve.

In 2002, Elton performed as the fifth participant of the Blue Group, the recovery of his hit "Sorry Sems to Be The Hardest Word." The song was leading in British charts. At the same time, a clip was released for the song "Original Sin" ("Original Sin"). He also performed together with Rapper Eminem during the Grammy Award Ceremony.

In 2015, the musician was played by the Russian Pranker, who introduced by the President of Russia, appointed him a personal meeting. Later, Vladimir Putin brought apologized for this incident. A year later, the singer visited Moscow with a concert. About Russia Elton John always responded warmly, and the audience answered him reciprocity. At the speech, the artist presented a new album "Wonderful Crazy Night" ("Wonderful Mad Night"). In the dishography of the singer, this is already 32 studio album.

In 2016, Lady Gaga and Elton John made a duet at a charitable concert in Los Angeles, and also announced the release of the collection of clothing under their own Fashion brand "Love Bravery". Revenues from the sale of things from the collection they also plan to send to charitable foundations.

Personal life

In 1976, the musician called himself bisexual in an interview with Rolling Stone. This application for orientation can be considered a compromise, because Elton did not decide to immediately reveal his homosexuality, fearing to upset or even dissipate fans.

In 1984, the artist decided to establish a personal life. Elton took place a lush wedding - he married Renate Bloel, but their marriage broke up four years later. After the divorce, the musician admitted that it actually is a homosexual. He and his partner David Fernish weailed a relationship in 2005.

Wedding Elton John and David Fernish

His husband is a filmmaker and a public figure, younger than a spouse for 15 years, however, according to numerous joint photos, it can be seen that the age for them was not a hindrance. In 2009, the married couple turned to Ukrainian officials with a request to adopt a child-orphan child suffering from HIV infection. But in Ukraine, Elton John and his husband refused to adopt in Ukraine.

Family started two children from surrogate mothers. Children adore music and often listen to the songs of Elton. The singers insult the statements about his children when they are called artificial (kids appeared with the help of Eco).

Elton John and David Fernish with children

Elton John still nourishes special weakness to points. A collection of accessories that has 4 thousand copies, he takes with him on tour every time. Together with the artist travels and a large wardrobe of concert costumes.

The growth of the artist is 172 cm, the weight is approaching the mark of 87 kg. According to the king of the pop scene, he never liked his appearance, and this attitude was not changed over the years.

Elton John now

In 2017, in addition to participating in concert activities, Sir Elton John took part in the filming of the film "Kingsman 2: Golden Ring", and also began working on music to the musical based on the famous painting "The Devil wears Prada". In the same year, the artist once again visited Russia, but now united a creative meeting with a business trip. Elton John is headed by the Foundation for the Fight of AIDS, and in Moscow, the singer met with the Minister of Health of Russia Veronika Skvortsova on the issue of mutual cooperation. A joint shot with the Russian official Elton posted in a personal "instagram".

Elton John and Veronica Skvortsova

In January 2018, Elton John told fans about what leaves the scene. The news for the fans of the musician turned out to be shocking. The artist commented on this solution to the desire to completely deepen in the process of raising children. Elton also promised to continue writing songs and produce them as it was created. The news of the artist published on his official website.

Nevertheless, the singer continued to give single concerts in the United States and the United Kingdom. In May, at the invitation of the Royal Family, Elton performed at the wedding of Prince Harry and American film actresses Megan Markle. For the sake of participation in the celebration, Elton John refused to tour in Las Vegas.

Elton John at the wedding of Prince Harry

At the end of May, the pop scene star visited Armenia, where he visited the clinic for children with disabilities as part of the Yerevan charitable program. The company British amounted to President of the Republic of Armen Sargsyan.

Now the artist is preparing for the next trips, the first of which will be a concert in Georgia. Speech will be held on the scene "Black Si Arena" in the village of Shekventili. The artist rider is quite modest, it contains points about the provision of water artist, juice, wine of certain brands and a spacious room for the collection of glasses. Together with Elton John on tour, musicians and 27 people serving personnel are traveled.


  • 1969 - Empty Sky
  • 1970 - ELTON JOHN
  • 1971 - Madman Across The Water
  • 1974 - CARIBOU.
  • 1975 - Rock of the Westies
  • 1976 - Blue Moves
  • 1978 - A Single Man
  • 1979 - Victim of Love
  • 1985 - ICE ON FIRE
  • 1986 - Leather Jackets
  • 1988 - Reg Strikes Back
  • 1995 - Made in England
  • 2013 - The Diving Board
  • 2016 - Wonderful Crazy Night

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