Svetlana Ustinova - biography, personal life, photo, news, actress, movies, filmography, instagram, main roles 2021



Svetlana Ustinova is a popular Russian actress, which fell into the cinema almost from the street. The world of cinema so it fascinated that she did not think of his choice in favor of acting profession. Now Svetlana knows as a consisting performer, whose account has many works in cash and copyright projects.

Childhood and youth

Actress Svetlana Ustinova was born on May 1, 1982 in the city of Severodvinsk, on the shores of the White Sea. The Ustinov family had nothing to do with the cinema or theater. From the mid-90s, Father Svetlana Vladimir was engaged in entrepreneurship, and Tatiana's mother worked all his life at the Polar Star plant.

Since childhood, light has been an active and cheerful child. After the 7th grade, parents transferred daughter from a simple school to a humanitarian gymnasium with an in-depth study of foreign languages. Here she had to spend a lot of time. In a new institution, children accepted her well, Svetlana immediately appeared friends and girlfriends. Everyone was configured to enter the prestigious universities of the country.

In addition to learning, Light participated in the competitions of local KVN teams, and also played in the performances of a youth theater circle. The girl dreamed of becoming a ballerina, but unfortunately, in Severodvinsk did not teach ballet. It was planned to get an education in the financial institution and seriously prepared for this. After graduating from the 11th grade Ustinov went to the capital for admission to the Academy of Finance.

In the first years of the student, the girl realized that the study of science was not her: the soul asked for creativity. Several years of study Svetlana dedicated to the model business. When height 170 cm, weighing 55 kg, accurate figure and long legs it easily managed. Future celebrity starred for several fashion projects, and music lovers could remember it on the clips of the music groups "Dynamite" and "Legal Business".


After the end of the Cinematography Institute in 2008, Svetlana Ustinova has repeatedly participated in theatrical productions of the Center for Dramaturgies and Directors. Bright work was the role in the play of Olga Saturistic "Conspiracy of Sensities".

The Moscow Theater CDR is famous for working only with modern drama. He brought up a whole pleiad of original directors, among which Cyril Serebrennikov, Olga Subbotina, Vladimir Ageev and Mikhail Ugarov are distinguished. The new entry in the workbook actresses appeared in 2017: the performer was invited to the Taroupe of the MHT named after Anton Chekhov. On the scene of the famous theater, she debuted in the main role in the formulation of Malwa.

2020 brought Svetlana a lot of iconic prime ministers. At theatrical stage, the actress reincarnated into the heroine Masha in the Chekhov "Seagull". The performance in the Spirit of Time put Oscaras Kurshunasas. Interestingly, the artists in the costumes when creating a visual image of heroes relied on the inner sense of the style of each actor. So, the appearance of the character of the Ustinova's director was drawn from the instagram account of the performer.


In the last courses of the financial university, Svetlana had a significant event - an acquaintance with the director Peter Buslov, who at this time just satisfied the casting of actors for the picture "Boomer. Film second. " Svetlana was a competitive selection in which artists from several countries participated: Russia, Ukraine, Poland and the Czech Republic.

A friendly atmosphere reigned on the set. Talented actors Vladimir Vdovichenkov, Andrei Merzlikin, Alexander Golubev, with whom she was lucky to work, served as an example of attitudes towards the process of filming. The girl, complete enthusiasm, was ready to be filmed by day, not feeling no cold, no heat. The role of the 17-year-old Dashka was for Svetlana, star debut, after which she finally decided to devote himself to acting. For the role of actress, it was necessary to make a long time for a long time: her heroine had a scar on her heroine.

In 2005, without finishing the Financial Institute, Light enters VGIK to Vladimir Grammatikov. In parallel with studying young actress managed to give time to shooting. The first work after admission to the Institute for Svetlana was an episodic role in the series "Mousetrap Law". And one of the memorable works of this period of the biography of Ustinova, it can be considered its role of peavlinka in the Merder's Multisuine Film.

The brilliant Duet Svetlana presented on the screen along with Anton Baturev in the series "Limit depth". In the film, artists had to be removed not only on land, but under water.

Svetlana selectively approaches to participate in projects, and in its repertoire there are roles for which we had to be undressed in front of the camera. In 2008, the artist did it twice, appearing completely naked in the short film "Well" and topless in the militant "on the edge". Every year, in his profile in "Instagram", Ustinov places beach pictures in a swimsuit, for which he received the nickname of light-mermaid from his friends.

In 2017, Ustinova first arrived at the Kinotavr as a member. The film "Blockbuster", in which the actress starred along with the close friend of Anna Chipovskaya, entered the competition program. Following the film festival, the picture was marked by a special prize of the jury with the wording "for a new level of genre cinema."

In addition, the performer participated in the artistic project of Felix Mikhailov "Lessons of Literature", where the actors of the theater and cinema read poems for the audience to classical music performed by the orchestra. Together with Ustinova, Ekaterina Spitz, Agnia Kuznetsova and Egor Koreshkov participated in the project.

Another work of the year is the Dominic drama, in which Svetlana appeared in the acting duet with Andrei Chadov. Before the premiere of the film, they visited the Studio of the Evening Urgant program.

Later on the cinema screens came out "Buy me", where Ustinova got one of the main roles. This is the story of three girlfriends who are ready for everything to become happy. Heroine Actress Galya dreams of a car, for her this inanimate subject - a symbol of her happy future. She does not invest in relation to the soul drops - in her opinion, enough her body.

The film is filled with oligarchs, "porstles", sex, love and dreams of a beautiful life. Along with Svetlana, Anna Adamovich and Julia Hlynina starred in the picture.

Soon the premiere of the series "Presumption of Nevinosta", where Ustinova got the main role. The acting in the painting is truly Star: Cyril Rubtsov, Nikita Panfilov, Alika Stakhova, Anna Bolshaya and others.

The show of the biographical series "Magomaev", in which Svetlana has the role of the face, civilian spouse artist, started a few months after the previous project. In the film Ustinova also participated in the work of the artists in the costumes. She looked out with interest the suitable dresses of the 60s, which were then used on the set.

In 2020, the premiere of the Russian horror film "Yaga. The nightmare of the Dark Forest, "in which Ustinova reincarnated in an ominous character. This is not the first project in a similar genre in the filmography of Artists: In 2016, Horror "Route built" was already released with her participation.

Personal life

Personal life actresses were ambiguous. At 27, Svetlana married the director from Ukraine Mark Gorobz. They met the joint Russian-Ukrainian filming of the film "Average base for killing." For the sake of the beloved Mark changed the place of residence and moved to Moscow.

In 2011, the Mystical series of director Gorobzaya "Closed School" came out on the CTA channel. But after a while in family life, something went wrong, and soon the spouse broke up. The surroundings of the couple says that young terribly jealous of each other and on this soil constantly scandalous. Most likely, the reason for the divorce and lies in it.

In 2013, Svetlana began to notice in secular events in the company Ilya Stewart, the film reinforceer, producer and the founder of Hype Production. Ilya younger Svetlana for 5 years. Young people did not advertise the relationship for a long time, but in 2015 the couple officially announced the engagement.

Svetlana and Ilya are passionate not only to each other, but also a common matter. According to the actress, the husband constantly inspires it on creative experiments. So, in 2015, the film "Cold Front" was created, in which Ustinova was starred in the lead role, and also made a co-author of the scenario and producer.

The wedding took place on June 24, 2017, the celebration passed in one of the Pavilions "Mosfilm", and the ceremony itself was in the style of the Hollywood film. At the festival there were significant persons of the Moscow Beaujond. From the side of the bride there were her friends - actresses of Daria Charussa and Anna Chipovskaya, and director of Hygineyishvili and Murada Ottoman from Ilya were invited from Ilya. The bride brightened in a dress with a lush skirt and a deep neckline from Maison Bohemique.

Despite the fact that the spouses are in no hurry with children, rumors have repeatedly appeared in the media that Svetlana is pregnant. Such speculation journalists built, looking at some photos of the actress in "Instagram". But while the birth of the heir in the family did not appear.

Svetlana Ustinova now

Ustinova is not afraid to leave challenges both in creativity and in real life. A significant step was to change the hairstyle. A short haircut marked a new period of professional activity of the artist: in 2021, she began working on a full meter "Weekly - Winter" as a director. The production of the film was engaged in Hype Film Film Company. This is not the first independent work of the director: Earlier, she submitted to the court of critics and viewers a short film "Marusya".

Svetlana's new image demonstrated in Cannes, where in July arrived at the next film festival. The performer reached the red carpet in the Dior dress and Decorations of Messika.

The actress expands its professional horizons, appearing in rating projects. So, Svetlana fell into the cast of the 3rd season of the series "Designs", fulfilling a self-confident journalist.

In addition, the Moscow Romance Family Saga Family Saga started, in which Ustinova performed one of the main roles. Alexey Chadov spoke her partner. The performers had a difficult task: show changes to his heroes for 30 years. It was this period that starting from the 80s, was covered in the film.

The director of the draft Olga Subbotina was noted in an interview that the group "Accident", which recorded the soundtrack for the film, passed the epochs presented in the series.


  • 2005 - "Boomer. Film second "
  • 2007 - "Smered"
  • 2008 - "I stand on the edge"
  • 2011 - "Dark Waters"
  • 2012 - "Odessa-Mom"
  • 2013 - "Scouts"
  • 2014 - "non-random meeting"
  • 2015 - "Cold Front"
  • 2016 - "Route Built"
  • 2016 - "Hardcore"
  • 2017 - "Buy me"
  • 2017 - "Myths"
  • 2017 - "Blockbuster"
  • 2018 - Dominica
  • 2018 - "Presumption of Innocence"
  • 2020 - "Magomaev"
  • 2020 - "Yaga. Nightmare Dark Forest "
  • 2021 - "Moscow Romance"
  • 2021 - "Contents-3"

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