Maria Ryschenkova - Biography, Personal Life, Photo, News, Actress, Films, Series, Mikhail Shklovsky 2021



Maria Ryschenkova - Russian actress, artist Troupes of the Moscow Theater Ramt. The first kinorol received even in junior class, but the fame acquired by shooting in the popular television series "Sklifosovsky".

Childhood and youth

Maria Ryschenkova was born in mid-June 1983. Her father Alexander Rychenkov served all his life at the Vakhtangov theater. In the family, in addition to Masha, the eldest daughter of Catherine was brought up. Already in childhood, Maria did not imagine life without a scene and from an early age seriously thought about admission to the theater university.

Parents often took Masha from kindergarten to the theater, that she really liked. Already in a gentle age, she met the poetry of Anna Akhmatova and Boris Pasternak, repeated the replicas of actors and their dance movements. Rychenkova received the first stage experience in the play dedicated to Edith Piaf, in which she read the translation of the song of the French singer.

When Maria was 9 years old, she was invited to shoot short film carts "Kesha and Mag", which was filmed in Belarus. The fabulous film narrated how the grandmother of the boy Keschi gradually began his young. Initially, the old woman turned into a girl, then in the junior one and then in the baby. Maria played in this picture grandma in gentle age.

In one scene, Rychenkova had to portray faint. In the plot of her heroine, she still did not understand what turned into a girl, but having seen himself in the mirror, fell without feelings. Already at that time, Maria treated the game in the cinema as a real work, so all the requirements of Sergey Bagirov's director, Masha perceived with all seriousness.

In the last grades of the secondary school, located in the heart of the capital of Russia, the daughter of Ryschenkova studied in the theater studio "On the Embankment", which was founded by the actor, director and children's teacher Fyodor Sukhov. Here the guys received knowledge of the technique of speech, scenic movement, made etudes and put the plays.

Maria Ryschenkova and Daria Claus look like

The first theatrical roles of Maria Rychenkova became the work in the classic stage (Bunin "Easy Breathing"), in modern drama (Pelevin "Chapaev and Empty"), and in the play with ancient Greek motifs ("Iphigenment in Avlida").

By the time of arrival in the theater university, Maria Ryschenkova already knew where he wanted to receive a higher education. Her choice fell at the Schukin theater School, although she passed the competition and in other profile institutions. Interestingly, her father also finished "Pike".

On the entrance exams of Maria Ryschenkova because of the excitement after the fables and prose began to read the poem, which was thinking, and the lines of Anna Akhmatova "I learned just wisely live ...". After a while of the Eye of the Entreprention, tears flowed, she could not continue reading, the Commission asked Maria to stop. The future star thought that I had failed, but, to her amazement, sincere execution made an impression on the examiners, and she passed the competition.

Masha fell on the course to Evgeny Vladimirovich Knyazev, the actor of the Wakhtangov theater, which later became the rector of the educational institution. Knyazev brought up the pleiad of young talented artists, such as Victor Dobronravov, Maria Kulikova, Vladimir Yaglych, Dmitry Ulyanov. According to Maria in an interview, from the 1st year of the students began studying, which occupied all the time. Young guys completely fallen out of communication with friends, and by the end of the training they had already dreamed quickly in a professional theater.


The creative biography of Rychenkova is mainly connected with the service in the theater. During his studies, Maria thought about the future place of work. The young actress stopped his choice on the Russian Academic Youth Theater, which was established in 1921 by Natalia Sats. Troupe Ramut is a young and energetic team. Here, the artist participated in the productions "And the dawns here are quiet", "the shore of Utopia", "how the cat walked where he will do", "invitation to execution", "Chekhov-Gala".

With an increase of 170 cm, the weight of the celebrity is 50 kg, which allowed Mary to reincarnate in the elegant heroines of the fabulous representations of the RAMT. First of all, this is a tick in the play "Dunno-traveler" and a graceful cat from the "Magic Ring".

In addition to the main employment in the youth theater, Ryschenkova participated in the performances of an independent theater project (theater "Atelier"). Maria played in 5 stages of NTP, the most notable of which "Moulin Rouge Hospital" and "Theater according to the rules and without".


In comparison with other actresses of the Russian TV series, it can be said that the filmography of her is rich. In some melodrama, it appeared only in episodes. Nevertheless, more than 20 roles have already typed in the piggy bank. The first work in the cinema after graduation was the role of Tanya in the television film "Samara-Town".

In 2007, the Romantic Sergey Picalov Sergey Pikalov's romantic comedy came out on the screens, where Rychenkova took over in the episode. The picture narrated about the Russian business woman who decided on serious changes in life.

Despite creative growth and successes in the theater, only 2 of the work of Mary - in the TV screen "Dr. Tyrsa", where she spoke as a journalist, and in the Sklifosovsky tape, where Maria Ryschenkova played the beloved Hero Vladimir Zherebtsov's beloved. In a popular medical saga, she first appeared in the 4th season as a third-party character and continued to be removed in the subsequent parts of the melodrama in the image of the gynecologist of the hospital.

Maria Ryschenkova - Biography, Personal Life, Photo, News, Actress, Films, Series, Mikhail Shklovsky 2021 18237_2

Among the works of Mary Rychenkova, there is an episodic appearance in the mystical series "Grache", where the fragile beauty reincarnated to the artist. In chief roles shone Pavel Trubiner, Svetlana Ivanova, Igor Strainites. Hero Grach - a policeman with experience. After injury and experienced coma begins to see the ghosts of people whose affairs are not disclosed.

In 2015, Maria starred in a mystical short film Anna Shapiro "Coming from Rails." Here she appeared in the form of a mysterious Mila - the beloved of the main character (Viktor Panchenko).

In the detective drama Boris Khlebnikov "Ordinary Woman" Maria Ryschenkova embodied into the familiar image of the gynecologist. According to the fans of the genre, the picture "is clearly feminist". Critics called the multi-ribbon tape "harsh" and "dirty".

Since 2018, the production of the historic series "Nyanka" was in production ("Call me by Mom"), in which Maria was shot. In 2020, the long-awaited premiere was held on the Russia-1 channel. The main heroine of the film is Tatiana (Anna Star'shenbaum), surviving the times of delegation and subsequent hunger. Maria Ryschenkova appeared on the screen as a girl Rita. The project also removes her spouse Mikhail Shklovsky.

Personal life

During his studies in the personal life of Mary, a significant event occurred - she became acquainted with the future husband Mikhail Shklovsky, the son of the famous Soviet actor Oleg Shklovsky. Maria and Mikhail learned together at one course of Knyazev. They quickly issued relations.

Happy newlyweds after graduation chose one place of work - RAMT. Almost immediately after marriage, Maria became his mother. When the spouse was pregnant, Mikhail was protected by her tenderness. Family couple raises two children - Fedor's Son and a little daughter. Baby name Young parents try not to advertise.

Maria and Mikhail are so happy and friendly that even in creative projects try to participate together. In addition to work in the theater and cinema, Mikhail Shklovsky is a member of the popular group "Carpet Quartet", which was created by the famous Russian actor Viktor Dobronravov still at the time of the student. The musical team performs works in soul styles, jazz and funk. In the group, Mikhail plays a bass guitar.

Stars with children often rest together. Whether it is riding with an ice snow-covered roller coaster in winter or bathing in the warm sea in summer, video recording and photographs exude joy and comfort at any time of the year. By the way, resting on the beach, a slim mother does not like to make candid pictures in a swimsuit.

Now in a friendly family, a golden cocker spaniel lives, who spends time with the daughter of artists with great pleasure. The photo of a happy company can easily be found in the Instagram account of the ryschenkova.

Maria Ryschenkova now

In addition to the melodrama "Zovy Mama Moma", in 2020 the premiere of another series was held with the participation of Rychenkova - it was called in the 2nd season of the thriller "Method". Mary got a secondary role to Mom's late Rodion Meglina. At the same time, the shooting of Sklifosovsky, the 8th season of which came to Russian screens in the early 2021 years.

Despite the upbringing of two children, Maria Ryschenkova leaves for a ramp. For 2021, 13 performances are planned, where the celebrity will play. Among them, the "magic ring", in which the actress still plays the cat. There are more age-related roles, such as the sorcerer of the OIE in Romeo and Juliet.


  • 2004 - SAMARA-Town
  • 2007 - "Mymra"
  • 2008 - "Two sisters"
  • 2008 - "White locomotive"
  • 2010 - "Dr. Tyrsa"
  • 2012 - "Grache"
  • 2015 - Sklifosovsky (season 4)
  • 2016 - "Sklifosovsky. Resuscitation »
  • 2017 - Sklifosovsky (Season 6)
  • 2018 - "Ordinary Woman"
  • 2019 - Sklifosovsky (Season 7)
  • 2020 - "Call me by my mother"
  • 2020 - "Method-2"
  • 2020 - Sklifosovsky (Season 8)

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